Heleion Archives

Highest Bid II.

A few hours, and a few floors below…

            “What a wonderful sight.” Nynaail exclaimed with her hot breath invading the surface of the mirror reflecting her lustrous look. Warm complexion with a hue of golden amber, dark hair knotted in a high, elegant bun with a collection of strand cuddling her face with a small nose and plump lips with golden lipstick enhancing their natural glint. Her slender body encased in the finest of clothes. A tight mini skirt and fishnet of fine northern silk, dyed in bluish black hue like the suit she is wearing on top made of Bjornirieth, a special elven material with both the properties of velvet and leather. Tactile quality merging with the smoothness and shine of soft leather. The lapels around her frail neck stand up proudly, reaching halfway through her perfect, triangular head while her soft deep ruby red aetherna satin blouse’s collars spread over them.

“Is it not cold that way outside for you?” Her partner, the sraudornian going by the name Tulaiha asked as she gazed upon the cleavage Nynaail had been blessed with during her maturing hundred years peeking out from the buttoned out blouse.

She herself had been blessed with an almost equal beauty, possessing warm golden eyes, a complexion as dark as the finest of coffee brewed in the south. Wavy hair elegantly knotted into a tail running down on her own suits, while her very same blouse was buttoned only down at the neck, still spreading over her suit’s collars.

“No, not really.” Nynaail answered with a smug smile as her eyes, blazing pearls fashioned after the scorching southern sun, gazed upon her partner crouching on the other side of the small limousine’s side, finishing tying up their outfit donors. A sol elf like Nynaail, but with shorter hair with a low bun and thick fringe, and a sraudornian that could almost be the sister of Tulaiha. Both naked completely, their arms bent behind their backs and enchanted rope keeping them close tight. The very same rope looped around their ankles and thighs while a piece of soft, silken cloth made sure no sound, intelligible that is, escaped their pretty mouths.

“Wanna help?” Tuhaila asked as she grabbed the one resembling her in looks somewhat. She swiftly dragged her to the storage area of the luxurious inside. Like most luxurious magicraft vehicles, the interior has been expanded further beyond its natural limit. The walls are tapered in rich red and black while the right wall has been covered in magical glass similar to the one used for mirage mirrors. The other side has the usual windows blinded on the outside, two beds hidden in the walls on the side of the back compartment.

“No it would just ruin my hair.” Nynaail said while turning back to the mirror, staring at her own reflection, searching for things to patch up before they arrive at their destination.

“I don’t think your hair matters much. In terms of the mission at least.” Tulaiha said after a sigh escaped her full and expressive lips covered in a matte mauve lipstick, hardly visible. Then she quickly hid the bound sol elf atop her partner, their lips touched softly before her head slid down onto her shoulders.

“Destination… reached!” Then a monotone voice, both feminine and masculine reverberated across the space and the limousine stopped in front of the Blundaeorn Tower.

“Let’s take a look.” Nynaail said while swiping her hand across the mirror. The reflection of the room with the two of them changed to the outside. A few, flat steps lead to the statue of a tall elven figure blessed with muscles, draped in a fine attire that was in fashion four hundred years ago, give or take a few decades. His hair, perfectly sculpted to every little detail cascaded down his shoulder, while his arms reach high towards the sky while he held a long sword with even the runes etched in its blade.

Beyond it stood proudly the Blundaeorn Tower in all its ebony glory. It would have melded into the night if not for the copious amounts of lights surrounding it, that bathed it in snow silvery glow. Large bush walls blocked the view of the river, reaching high towards the tenth level of the establishment where their target awaits them on the hundredth floor.

“Time to move out.” Tulaiha said, smothering the sigh that wanted to escape her lips once more subconsciously. Nynaail looked at her with a smile, patted her shoulders gently before the mirror reflecting the world outside went to blank. Then it slid into the limousine’s wall on the right with no sound given, and the two stepped out at the same time, with calm expressions, suitcases in hand, resolve for a mission success.


“Not bad.” Nynaail said as her eyes coldly, but with amazement, gazed upwards in the entrance hall. Her head slowly tilted downwards as she took every miniscule detail in. The dark metallic hued walls with long red ribbons draped over them, their starting point barely visible as it may reach the twentieth floor. A blooming raven black rose with a lidless eye in its center, thorned tendrils spreading to the edges, etched in the rich red surface of these ribbons softly flailing as the cold northern air entered.

“Come on, we can look at them at some other time.” Tulaiha said as they continued forward. A few meters from them at the end of the wide and long red carpet with snow silvery embroidery at the edges, two Hirdriars awaited them on the other side of a metal gate. Between the frames menacing bright red lights glowed, the two felt inscriptions flowing in them.

A small hint of doubt seeded itself within Tulaiha but, she gulped and walked straight through in a calm manner. The lights swiftly turned to green accompanied by a soft ring sound.

“Wait a second.” The dark elven hirdriar held out her hand, then a few seconds passed before the lights turned back to their previous hue. She motioned to Nynaail and the sol elf proudly walked through. Then worry showed on her face. The lights this time turned to an even darker red, while a much louder ringing filled the hall.

“Ah, excuse me.  It has only been recently installed.” But only for a millisecond, her smug composure returned. The gainechian hirdriar bowed, her hair reminiscent of the sand of her homeland shivered some particles of sand towards the floor. They quickly dissipated into nothingness as she raised back up with an awkward smile on her highly alluring face.

“Nothing happened. Are we clear? Wanted to visit the bar before meeting with our client.” Nynaail said with a warm smile that melted the hearts of not just the two hirdriars’ but even the onlookers.

“Yeah, it seems fine now.” The dark elf answered just as the lights turned to green. and the loud ringing turned to a much serener tone and volume.

“Good evening. Hope the Wandering One blessed your journey!” A large Dragonkin possessing majestic silver scales welcomed the two, his deep voice serene and filled with kindness as he bowed behind the counter.

“May I?” Then he held out his large clawed hand and the two with smiles give him their Identification Crystals. At insertion into the oval contraptions, their appearances were projected in luminous hues. Numbers and letters surrounded them, and the dragonkin nodded while typing.

“Your rooms are prepared. But if you would prefer to have drink before claiming it, please visit our cafeteria that is open at all hours of the day. May you have wonderful stay at our establishment.” With those kind words, he levitated the crystals back to the two who swiftly put them away into their waist pockets.

“What a kind fellow.” Nynaail said as she pushed the buttons to the elevator.

“Well, that is his job.” Tulaiha said with a bit of doubt in her words.

“Not sure. I mean I met rude ones in the south.” Nynaail said as the door slid open.

“Guess the pay is good here than if they behave that is.” Tulaiha added while she pressed the button for the 65th floor.

“Now, to business. Do you think she will fare well?” Tulaiha asked worry now visible in her eyes.

“I mean, that was why she was chosen. Or are you afraid of her alleged curse?” Nynaail asked with a smug smile.

“I hope you’re correct.” Tulaiha said while lumping onto the mirror with a sigh. Not knowing that how right she was about the curse.


Anina let out a sigh while her shoulders slumped down in the chair while her steaming hot coffee emitted steam. Her long, high tail braided minimally ran down behind the back, almost touched the floor as she lifted the mug to her wide, supple lips glinting in a rouge hue perfectly fitting her fair complexion. Her blue eyes wandered outside the boundaries of the window, enjoying the sight of pulses appearing on the ward surrounding the Blundaeorn Tower.

“How I not envy her.” A sigh escaped her once again as she muttered. She felt relief knowing that on this night she was not on duty outside. While she enjoys storms usually, she prefers to watch them from the inside, with a hot beverage usually, like this. And a book to read, which loss she felt at that moment.

“Sorry to bother you, but have you seen Edith and Therestril?” An Arach Folk fellow vordriar broke her serene moment enjoying a good cup of coffee while watching the storm raging outside.

“No, last time they were standing guard at the elevators. But I guess they probably changed to patrol the north eastern section.” Anina said while she took a peek at her watch under her cuffed sleeves.

“I looked there, but no sign of them. Could you take a look while I search this side?” The arach folk asked while bowing deeply.

“Sure.” Anine stood up slowly, her parted fringe swung softly, both dyed in jet black contrasting her silvery long hair. The comforting sound of her uniform stretching whispered in the room as she straightened her uniform, for a moment she thought to button up her blouse’s folded collars but thought why and then left them open, revealing her soft, smooth neck.

She walked through calmly and quickly to the north eastern side, with her first destination being Kateriia’s post. Her thought being that maybe that’s where the two of them went as the trio are well-known good friends who attended the academy in the capital a century ago.

“Now this feels suspicious.” She murmured to herself as she arrived to the empty balcony. Not a soul within the boundary of the fenced rail, or even on the landing platform. Her silvery blue eyes lit up in an arcane light, inspecting everywhere, but coming up with nothing. Her right hand already on her wand pistol as she walked around, with now enhanced hearing and smelling, but there was still nothing.

A conclusion formed within her mind. Or at least two but still went with the less grim one. That was if there is an intruder, there may had hidden Kateriia inside while erasing any presence they may have left behind. Which was partially true. She quickly headed back inside, walking past slightly away from the hidden, still unconscious and bound Kateriia.

Upon entering she started to hear a faint, muffled sound coming from her right. With quick and not too silent steps she rushed with her wand pistol in hand toward a gloomy red door. With each step, the sound or more precisely sounds became even clearer. Muffled grunts and cries for help.

“Found you.” She said out loud with a victorious tone as she opened the door with wand pistol aimed at the two Sister of hers.

“Hmmp!” “Nnnnn!” But instead of seeing the flabbergasted intruder, she was greeted by Edith and Therestril at the far end of the room, laying on the ground. Both Sisters of hers laid back to back, kept tightly together with silver sealing tape that glinted upon their raven black uniform. Their legs spread out to the front, bound at the ankles and thighs for each while their arms were bent behind their backs, stacked on top of each other, the very same sealing tape kept them firmly together.

Edith herself was a stygian of humankind, with skin as red as the south eoranian peppers contrasting her blouse’s collars almost perfectly, two small but thick horns with brimstone texture. Her hair mauve and slightly curly, tied in a simple high ponytail. Her lips supple and rich in the same red hue, sealed beneath the silver tape wrapped around her mouth, that oddly went well with her looks.

“Hmhnnn phhm nnnr!” Therestril on the other hand was a high elf from Grauburg, with exceedingly long dark hair common to the them. Her fringe swept completely to the right, covering her intense silver eyes, dyed in burgundy. Her wide, supple elven lips, for her too hidden beneath the layers of silver sealing tape that serve as her gag. Her single eye’s focus shifting from Anina to the right constantly.

“Shit. Give me a second.” Anina said as she quickly rushed to help the two set free after looking around in the small dark room. Her mistake was to not look behind the door in her haste, missing Tawheeda hiding in the shadows, sulking at her own curse.

The dark room lit up in a soft golden hue as her mana became visible, shaped into a sphere. It flew straight towards Anina’s back, knocking her to the ground as a grunt escaped her mouth and fell in front of the two unconscious.

“I’m divinely fucked by the way.” Tawheeda said to the two bound vordriars as she crouched down to Anina.

“Now, sorry if I’m rough, just in a hurry.” Then after searching through Anina’s pockets, she said while ripping wide open the roll of sealing tape….

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