Heleion Archives

Highest Bid IV.

“Need anything?” Herdis asked her fellow Vordriar, Nitocdrim a sol elf with tanned deep golden complexion. Her ashen black hair was fashioned in a jaw length choppy bob style with the edges curving upwards slightly and a fringe swept over half her right golden eye.

“Nothing special comes to mind. Maybe a cup of coffee in case I fall asleep.” She said while stretching her arms high up, her blouse’s sleeve pulled down almost completely without a single crease.

“Okie dokies.” Herdis answered in a childish tone that seemed misplaced on her mature looking face blessed with a pristine fair tone.

“And now I’m here alone. Well technically your body is here.” Nitocdrim murmured as she spanned in her chair around. Her gaze focused on the Uisgion (merfolk) Veitariir laying on a metallic bed with glowing stripes going up from the floor. Her eyes under her azure blue lids move constantly as her mind jumps from one Golem Eye to another.

Nitocdrim’s attention is completely drawn onto the merfolk girl. While she saw quite a few merfolk during her service in the Colonial Wars a hundred years ago or so, this kind was still new to her. While most merfolk appear, for a lack of kinder word, monstrous the Sister of hers appeared more as a blue skinned kin of hers with gills on her small nose and neck hidden between her blouse’s high folded collars.

In recent years the magicraft Mirage Mirror had been upgraded. Or to be honest replaced with the Aether Bed, a magicraft invention utilizing astral magic to share vision to a dreamer. It is a tad bit dangerous, if the user is not disconnected the correct way, the way back to their body is severed permanently.

But on the other hand, alerting guards and patrols are much, much easier as the user is not just connected to the chair, but everyone in its expanded vicinity. In this case, the whole Blundaeorn Tower can be alerted, even guests if there are terrorists infiltrating. And unlike with the Mirage Mirror’s, there is only need for one.

“Told you not to watch me like that Nit.” The soft voice of her Sister resounded within her mind, scaring her for a hot minute.

“Sorry, sorry!” Her disembodied answer came through quite awkward as she subconsciously coughed before opening her book up. It was an old romance book set in Franchoin, telling the age old tale of two lovers forced to meet without the knowledge of their warring families. Nitocdrim was a lover of such tragic stories, often imagining herself in the role of the maiden. She herself came from a southern noble family, that forced her to marry out of love. Just like the protagonists of such novels, she refused and escaped to the north four hundred years ago where she served as a mercenary before she was recruited by the Black Rose Order.

“Where is she?” After reaching almost to the end of the book, Nitocdrim tilted her head up while the book went back to its place on the table. She grabbed her issued jacket and walked out to the seemingly empty corridor. Unease settled within her as she reached for her wand pistol while slowly walked towards the right.

When she noticed the light coming from the cafeteria paired with the voices of Herdis and Tuni, their old friend they served together during the Great War. A seossurian, specifically a Child of the Spring. Her complexion matches Herdis’s except it had a bit of a pinkish undertone that matched with her long, side parted hair with the warm color of Sakura trees with the root being pure white. Said hair cascaded down on the right in gentle waves as she turned around and greeted Nitocdrim with a warm smile.

“Next time, please send a telepathic message.” Nit knocked on the top of her brunette friends’ head, who in response let out a cute ouch sound. Herdis preferred to keep her hair tightly knotted in the back in a long, singular ponytail that kept its distance from her uniform’s back.

“Sorry, but it seemed like everyone got on break just as I arrived.” She said while scratching where Nit’s fist impacted her head.

“So what it’s like on the top?” Then she turned to Tuni who seemed to be relaxed after seeing the two again.

“It would be much better with someone else than the Amirah if I’m being honest.” Tuni said while a cup of steaming coffee levitated towards her soft hands.

“How bad is she?” Herdis asked a bit enthusiastically. She grew up in a poorer neighborhood of the capital, so when she first laid her eyes on them and their shiny, gaudy attires, she decided to follow this career path. And this obsession towards the shiny things remained within her, always asking her Sisters about their assignments involving members of the upper echelon.

“To be honest its not really the Amirah, it’s just Helenaith and her constant demands. I mean if you’d seen that place, it is already perfect as is for a representative of a satellite nation.” Tuni said with one breath, the visible veins on her temples and at her jawline glowed up for a moment before she calmed herself down.

“I get her not gonna lie. I mean this is one of the few ways we can experience the luxuries of the big ones.” Herdis added as she secretly asked their Uisgion Sister about the top suite of the Blundaeorn Tower.

“But, we should head back to your posts.” Tuni said as the now three cups filled with warm coffee hovered up the air and flew with a gentle speed towards the three.

“Are you sure? This room is better for chitchatting.” Nit asked.

“Yeah, plus leaving the Veitariir alone is irresponsible.” Tuni said while imitating one of her teachers lecturing her.

“Not like there are any infiltrators or thieves inside. She would have already seen them.” She added while they walked back to the Watcher’s Room as they were often referred to.

“Better be safe than sorry.” Herdis interjected this time trying to sound wise beyond her hundred and fifty years.

“Shit.” Then as they entered the sight of Tawheeda lifting the Uisgion veitariir over her shoulders greeted them while a small curse left her veiled lips.


Now that the storm finally died down, the wind gently breezed her exposed private area as Helenaith stood at the edge of the landing platform. A half-burnt cigarette wedged between her alabaster lips as she gazed upon the city from the top, filled with satisfaction.

Two kinds of satisfaction. One related to her status as a lowborn snaelv elf that saw the light of the world in the slums hundreds of years ago. Thanks to her natural born arcane gift, she got scouted by the Black Rose relatively fast into her life. While young children are not permitted to attend their academies, it didn’t stop them from getting her private teachers to hone her skills, so when the time came, she could serve to the best of her abilities.

And so she did when she came of the age of seventy, during her third year into the academy. Her first serious assignment that started out as a simple recovery of some magical baubles that belonged to a high noble family swiftly turned into a rescue mission. What said noble family forgot to tell is that the third son whom all believed dead at that time was tasked with accompanying the caravan transported them from the capital to the southern region.

As it turned out, the goblins took him and a few servants captive, or in their case food supplies for harsher times. While his family felt faux gratitude at the rescue of their failed heir, said son who later overcame his trauma and became the head years later, helped Helenaith rose through the ranks after her graduation.

Her other satisfaction came from a more sensible one, as her body was still experiencing the warmth of passion. The wind blowing into her lower hole tingled, increased this feeling, which is partly the reason why she prefers to stand outside half naked after coitus. Her fingers gently tap her cleanly trimmed vulva, her head jolted up, the boreal blue collars of her blouse gently caressed her jawline as the created waves brought her ever closer to a third climax.

Just as she was on the cusp of it, her attention turned towards the stairs at the sound of footsteps. “Hope we didn’t arrive at the worst time?” Zekona asked with a smug look on her face that paired well with her complexion. But to Helenaith the smug look was the natural look for any and all dark elf.

“Not really. I would even say you all arrived at the same time, well except for Tuni.” Helenaith said as her eyes searched for the fourth Volvaeth assigned on bodyguard duty. “Remind me later to subtract it from her pay.”

“Will do. But what are your orders?” Vitonia, the Tenebrian Sister of hers asked with arms crossed, supporting her breasts blessed between not too big, but not too small. Her complexion reminiscent of the dark storms raging over the oceans, fierce yet also deeply alluring to any who gaze upon her. Shoulder length hair fashioned in a bob style with a curtain fringe to let her long, sickle horns spread easily upwards above her head.

“Keep guard inside the suite. I’ll keep her company till the bidding event start at dawn.” Helenaith gave them their orders while walking through the trio. She let out a silent sigh as the homely warmness caressed her soft skin upon entering.

“Now disperse.” She said with a snap added on top as she stood in front of Amirah Nuha’s room.


“Seriously? I mean I get the whole running into more than I should, but this!” Tawheeda reaching the end of her patience almost yelled as the smoke rising from the blackened spot on the wall entered her nostrils and eyes. Tears poured out like waterfall while her nostrils experienced a pain she had never felt yet.

She even let go of Eirenenin, the unconscious vordriar fell like a wet sack, her head hit the floor with a particularly loud bang followed by a muffled moan as silver sealing tape covered her lips and cheeks. The very same sealing tape wrapped around various parts of her bodies at where her arcane points flowed. Each part applied with perfect precision as Tawheeda was an avid practitioner of the arts of bondage. While killing was her most preferred method, this time they had been forbidden from killing except their target.

At this point though, she cursed that she wasn’t allowed to kill. Would have been much easier to hide four bodies instead of securing each, especially considering that she even had to take them down non-lethally. Taking down two vordriars, easy. But the addition of Tuni complicated things a bit. The whole floor almost got alerted by their small scuffle, if not for her quick reflexes the fire alert would have gone off after the first fireball. The one that consumed her makeshift mask, so she had to be twice as careful.

“So good.” Tawheeda blurted out as she finished scrubbing her eyes. “Now, let’s move you to the others.” Then she hunched practically hugged Eirenenin as she dragged her slowly towards the other three laying silently at the walls, bound and sealing tape gagged.

“Don’t want to be rude, but you girls are heavier than you look.” Her waist cracked as she straightened her posture after placing Eirenenin on the left of Tuni whose head lumped down while Eirenenin’s rested on her shoulders. Before she proceeded onto the next step, she made the same hand gesture with golden arcane energies enveloping it as she furthered their awakening.

“Let’s hope this works.” As she walked to the door and placed enchantments on it so there won’t be any surprise guards barging in, she locked her palms together in a prayer. At the bed, she funneled her mana to alter the inscriptions a little in the bed before she laid down, her eyes slowly closed shut as she muttered the same words once again before her soul got separated from her body, which felt like experiencing free fall.


“So how should we proceed this turn?” Nuha asked with a quite a seductive tone as she drawn her right hand across Helenaith’s chest. Her honey scented hot breath tingling her neck while also gently quivering her collar. A silent moan escapes her immaculate lips covered by mauve and golden lipstick as her hand reached the aetherna satin. At that moment, Helenaith imbued a minor spell activated upon touch, resulting in a feeling close enough to climaxing.

“Gods damn them.” Then as Nuha was prepared to push Helenaith onto the bed, a muffled sound broke the moment. A sound awfully close to being a thud often heard when someone or something falls to the ground.

“Are you sure? I think those three can handle be it anything.” Nuha said as she sat on the edge of the bed, her hand locked onto Helenaith’s arm.

“No, it’s better if I go check it. Even in the worst case I get back in a few minutes.” Helenaith said while gazing into her eyes.

“Just when I’m so close to reaching it.” She said to herself in a low tone. As soon as she stepped out from the large bedroom, into the even large living room with a kitchen in the center, the eerie silence hit her.

Within seconds she realized something’s not right. Serving with the other four for the past forty years helped her recognize the situation. That and the lights being down was another give away.

In one hand a ball of white light appeared parting the soft shadows while fiery glowing runes appeared on the other. She slowly walked to the kitchen counter while focusing on the surroundings beyond the boundary of light. After checking the kitchen she continued on to the left side slowly heading to the right, the side which the entrance to the landing pad was. And where the office was located.

Knowing that most who would rent this place out were either government officials or merchants of the highest caliber, these enormous suites came with offices. Another thud sound reached her ear as she was debating whether to go out or not.

Her index and middle finger on the right locked together and she waved it around in a circle with a line going straight down as an ethereal white light illuminated it. The door too got enveloped by the same light as it creaked open slowly before she walked inside. A third thud sound reverberated as she made her first steps. Now she knew they came from the gaudy, imposing cabinet in the left corner.

“Thought so.” Opening it, she was greeted by Vitonia laying inside unconsciously hitting the door with her knees. Her legs that were folded up were bound with silver sealing tape somewhat contrasting the raven black pants and boots as they looped around her ankles and thighs. Her arms bent behind, sealing tape and mana ties keeping them tightly restrained while the tape around her torso pushed her arms even more to her sides. A long strip of tape applied to her lips and cheeks, the former bulged out quite attractively.

“Now wher…guh!” As she started pondering where the other two were, a feeling of soft, airy ball hitting onto her back made her stumble. Soon as it happened, a dizziness spread, made her eyes heavy as pure adramantyrium plates. Then the fourth thud came as she hit the floor while Zekona stood over her with a wicked smug and a roll of silver sealing tape.


“I’m back… I guess your little venture to the bar wasn’t in vain.” Tulaiha almost let out a surprised gasp at Nynaail fully dressed in the Volvaeth uniform dancing, or more like spinning quite not so gracefully, in front of the window. Another laid on the bed, hard to recognize as the inner snow-silvery satin walls were exposed, almost blinded her as she took a closer look. On the right of it were the dragonid leather pants and aetherna satin boreal blue blouse neatly folded, that made her once again realize the trickster nature of Nynaail.

“And their former owners?” Tulaiha asked while swiftly freeing herself from the suit.

“Resting in the bathroom.” Nynaail said with her infamous smug while straightening the uniform that already accommodated to her slender body.

“Resting?” Tulaiha asked with quite the innocent look.

“Yeah, actually I was only down there for an hour at best. That’s where I ran into them, or they run into me to be honest. We talked a bit, shared a few drinks, brought one of them under my charm and well the rest is history. But don’t worry they won’t wake up till early noon probably.” Nynaail recounted how she acquire the uniforms and their owners whom Tulaiha checked out in the bathroom.

There she was greeted by the sight of the Zekona and Amalywin resting peacefully in the right corner back to back. Silver sealing tape pressing their sizeable breasts in an unhealthy manner, resulting in soft, cute moans muffled by a wrap gag. Their eyes blindfolded with sheets borrowed from one of the cabinets in the room. Their legs spread out forth with sealing tape looping around widely on their thighs, ankles and knees for extra measures. Because of their back to back position and the added tape binding their torsos hid their arms bent and stacked while also restrained.

“I guess you didn’t spare the tape for these two huh.” Tulaiha said as she finished inspecting as she had partners who used the least amount of rope or sealing tape in the past, leading to guards freeing themselves after a bit of struggle that chained into being discovered earlier than planned.

 “Yep, as volvaeths, they were quite the fighters in the bed.” Nynaail answered as she sat down in one of the sofas. A cigarette wedged between her lips as her eyes closed while reliving those moments.

“Did you learn anything by the way?” Then she opened them and asked Tulaiha who scouted the event going on the seventy-ninth floor.

“Nothing much. Well other then what we suspected. The Bid is with Nuha on the top floor. Guarded by Volvaeths, but that’s one less thing to worry about. Or two technically. But where they auction it will only happen at the dawn so we have a few hours before that happens.” Tulaiha said as she continued on undressing in the bathroom. The stolen uniform’s floated in one by one as she reached down to her undergarments.

“Then we just wait till Tawheeda succeeds.” Nynaail said as she puffed out a cloud of smoke that quickly turned into two elves nakedly dancing before evaporating in the soft darkness of the room.

“And let’s hope her curse won’t fuck this up.” Tulaiha added as she buttoned the blouse up…


“That was a close one.” Tulaiha said no longer appearing like Amalywin as she stood at the door while she watched Nynaail secure that half naked Helenaith.

“Yeah, I got lost in the feeling of following after the prey.” She turned back for a moment after she severed the strip from the roll with her sharpened teeth, that made her look a bit demonic for a moment. Then she carefully smoothened the sealing tape to the rest binding Helenaith’s torso, keeping her bound arms tight.

“Just hurry up before Nuha notices and brings the whole place upon us.” Tulaiha adds while her feet started tapping as she got nervous at the end.

“Won’t have to worry about that.” Then she let out a soft, high pitched noise similar to a certain bird native to the north. Then she immediately calmed down as she recognized Tawheeda’s disembodied voice speaking directly into her and Nynaail’s mind.

“I guess things went not so smoothly if you just report now.” Tulaiha said while leaning on to the wall while Nynaail finished by wrapping the tape around Helenaith’s mouth four times.

“You could say that. There was a bit more guards and a volvaeth in the room than we expected.” At that the two confirmed that the last Volvaeth reported missing by them was actually taken down by their partner. Nynaail also realized that the curse is probably not just a vicious rumor about Tawheeda as she chuckled a bit.

“Thanks for that Taw.” Nynaail thanked her, just to make her feel better a bit as she picked up on her tired voice.

“You’re welcome. Now as I see it, Nuha is still in the bed, her patience slowly, but surely running out. But she is still unaware of the situation she is in.” Then she explained to the two what she saw through the invisible mirage eyes hovering in all rooms watching tirelessly.

“Then let’s not make her wait any longer.” Nynaail said as she lifted the bound Helenaith up and pulled her on the restrained Vitonia before closing the doors on them.

“Well, well well. If it isn’t some old familiar faces.” Nuha said as the two appeared out of thin air, silenced wand pistols aimed at her already.

“Shut it Nuha, and put these on.” Tulaiha said with an authoritative tone as she dropped a pair of Dampening Cuffs on the bed. While she hesitated a bit, Nuha complied and cuffed her wrists behind her back thinking they’re maybe here just for the papers. Quite naively.

“They are in the safe, under the floor at the eastern side.” She calmly revealed its location and Nynaail left the room to retrieve them.

“Now I think we’re done here. So if you just leave, this whole thing may be chalked up to some thieves getting away.” Nuha said while slowly crawling down from the bed. With slow steps and a firm attitude, she approached Tulaiha who even stumbled back a bit before she calmed herself.

“So what choice will you…mnhm mmhnph phhm fnch.” Just as she reached the end of her sentence, Tulaiha conjured a golden roll of sealing tape she brought only for Nuha. She ripped a short strip off and quickly sealed her lips with it turning her sentence into a jumbled, muffled mess of somewhat arousing sounds.

“So much better. I always wanted to do this to you, you know that. Just wish the context would be different.” She said while grabbing Nuha’s arm and pulled her along out of the room.

“Was wondering how long would it took for you to do that.” Nynaail said as she retrieved the papers, The Gilded Mandate of the Sun, a literal piece of divine paper granted to the now nonexistent Shailonian Royal Family. Written by the Chief God of all the southern folks, Markatauon, God of the Eternal Sun. For the past few decades it had been believed that it was lost during the Harrowing that claimed last Sultan whose name had been forsaken for his cowardice. But in truth it has been retrieved by Nuha after the former Arghyrian capital was cleansed of the undeath and kept it with her so that she could use it to become the new ruler of the south. But her ambitions never came to fruit as the wars between the multiple factions followed, each vying to gain the south as they no longer needed the approval of Gods for that. Heathens she thought, but the Gilded Mandate never recognized her as the next heir, as she intended to rule it herself forever. So now she resorted to sell it to the highest bid, hoping to gain the south in a not so divine way.

“This way!” Tulaiha nudged Nuha along after they put the Gilded Mandate away in their shared pocket void. With each step up the stairs, a dreading feeling settled within Nuha, knowing full well now that her choice to sell it will lead to her doom.

“Mnn hnnmm hnmmnng mm hmrm mmnmm hrnng phhm mmhnmm pmncm nn mnn?” She tried to plead to them in the wrong way possible one could come up with when facing the barrel of wand pistol aimed at their head.

“I mean we know that. If I deduced it correctly.” Nynaail said while she smiled directly into her face while lifting her head up by her chin. Their lips almost touched for a moment. “But I think we’ll have enough time before you reach the ground.”

At that Tawheeda got her signal and returned to her body while sending a last telepathic message to them, to order a sweet fruit flavored non-alcoholic drink for her.

“PHn phhm grnnnn?” Fear frozen on her face at the words reaching her ears.

“Yep. But look at it this way. Maybe the Gods will save you. If not, pray so that the kindest God bids for your soul.” Then as she finished her sentence, Nynaail pushed Nuha over the edge. Her muffled scream gradually dampened the further she got closer to the ground. Each floor passed rapidly, the enchanted walls made sure that only a select few may have seen her pass by. But only if they could see in the thick darkness that surrounded the top floors where the city’s lights never reach up.

“Well as much as I’m interested if we can actually hear her splat, better leave.” Nynaail said as Tulaiha walked besides her. The two leaped over, but at the 95th floor they burst into swirling shadows that danced away in the darkness towards the north eastern district, while Tawheeda followed after them not long after, and five more guards later….

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