Heleion Archives

Practice Makes Perfect III.

“Rgh, mm hmrn!” Szairon slowly regained consciousness, feeling as if her head was splitting open. The pain gradually subsided as her awareness returned. She then became aware of the discomfort in her neck and legs, and felt the harsh surface beneath her, layered with silk panties, garments, and a dragonid faux leather mini skirt.

“Hhnh!” She attempted to curse, but her words were muffled by a short strip of sealing tape preventing her from forming coherent words. She realized she was tightly bound and struggled to stand up. However, layers of silver sealing tape held her firmly to the back of the chair, allowing very little movement. Opening her eyes, she found herself surrounded by complete darkness, and a soft, slightly cold sensation on her skin indicated the presence of a tightly knotted black silken blindfold.

“Rnghh” As the tearing sound ceased, she jerked her head to the right upon hearing echoing footsteps. "I hope you don't mind," Rhommi said while opening a narrow window in the cellar. "It was getting hot in here." She leaned towards the bound, gagged, and blindfolded Szairon, with a roll of sealing tape flying into her hand.

“Gmh rmrm hnhch!” Szairon, catching a whiff of Rhommi's sweet, intoxicating scent, instinctively tries to lean backward, even willing to fall onto her back. However, she collides with something hard, eliciting a grunt from her. "Be careful! Your friend is sleeping," Rhommi's voice carries a mocking tone as she whispers into Szairon's ear, before pressing her cold, vibrant blue and pink lips against Szairon's neck.

Behind her, Viaraema remains tightly bound, with a distinct lip mark visible on the strip of glimmering silver sealing tape covering her mouth. Like Szairon, her arms are bound to the chairs, held tightly by layers of sealing tape. Her chest is tightly bound to the chair with heavy layers of tape, with an additional layer placed on top to hold the two Black Roses back to back. Their ankles and the area below their knees are similarly secured to the chairs with sealing tape, covering all the arcane points in their bodies.

“Because I was in a hurry, I didn’t have time to leave some parting gifts this time.” Rhommi adds while settling into Szairon's lap, her legs draped over Szairon's right arm as she embraces her. "The best I could do is this." Rhommi's breath becomes visible, forming a pink mist that seeps into Szairon's alabaster skin, instantly causing her cheeks to redden and a sense of arousal to wash over her.

"I would love to witness you squirming while bound and gagged, but it's time for me to leave. My contract requires some trinkets as soon as possible," Rhommi declares, leaving her lip mark on the sealing tape covering Szairon's mouth. She then leaps off Szairon's lap with remarkable grace, extending her arms in the air, as if expecting admiration from the two captives. However, all she receives are muffled moans from Szairon, who is already squirming in her restraints.

Wearing a smile on her stunning elven face, Rhommi dons her mask and joyfully departs, savoring the gradually intensifying muffled sounds of Szairon's moans. "Hrmrhm, crmm hrcch!" Her next destination awaits—the teleportation circle on the first floor.


The lacquered arachnid faux leather dress glistened with a liquid sheen in the moonlight, which cascaded down from the mountain peaks overlooking the mansion to the west. Zina's footsteps reverberated through the corridor, purposely drawing attention to her location as she planned her escape from her bonds.

Her dress clung to her body like a second skin, its alluring radiance accentuated by the open Academy jacket she wore. "Hmm, who could that be?" She paused, sensing the surge of arcane energy emanating from the teleportation circle on the opposite side, one level below her. "I distinctly recall telling Viaraema that no one is allowed up here," she muttered, a tinge of irritation in her voice as she strode across the marble floor.

Passing by an array of armors showcased on both sides, meticulously positioned between the windows that stretched high towards the ceiling, Zina observed the gleaming surfaces that filtered in the light. Among them were Nairenthian Drengriar armors, remnants from the Great War, and a few pieces of Eoranian native warrior armor, featuring polished helmets reminiscent of the revered lesser fey still worshipped by the tribal natives.

"Where could they be? Or perhaps it was just my imagination?" Zina pondered aloud as she entered the teleportation room, lightly scratching her head before turning to survey her surroundings. Her senses heightened, an uneasy feeling washing over her as she strained to listen, and there it was a faint but familiar sound of footsteps ascending the stairs.

"We have a thief on our hands. This night just got more interesting," she remarked, her unease now morphing into a mixture of excitement, both tinged with a touch of sexuality, as she envisioned a bound thief in a sleek catsuit, their lips sealed with tape. Shaking her head, she tapped her cheeks twice and took a deep breath. "First, we need to apprehend our little thief, assuming it is indeed a thief," she mused, imbuing her boots with silencing enchantments before retracing her steps back up the stairs.

As she considered the possible paths the thief might have taken, Zina remembered leaving the keys in her drawer in the room where her parents had kept the Arghyrian baubles they collected during the Great War. Making her way towards that room, she paused momentarily, her mauve ponytail flicking with the sudden movement. Briefly, she felt the sensation of being watched, but upon finding no traces of arcane residue in the corridor, she shrugged her shoulders and proceeded to her destination, heading to her own room.

"Gotcha," Zina murmured softly, her eyes narrowing as she noticed the door that she had closed was now slightly ajar, allowing a sliver of moonlight to filter through the gap. Cautiously, she reached out to touch the doorknob, only to let out a startled cry as a swift and powerful neck chop rendered her unconscious. "Well, I would love to indulge in some playtime, but time is of the essence," Rhommi added, her voice laced with a hint of amusement, as Zina crumpled to the floor with a soft thud.

With deft movements, Rhommi gripped Zina's ankles and, using her rear end, pushed the door open before dragging the unconscious woman into the room and closing the door behind her. The sound of tearing tape resonated through the room as Rhommi ensured that her newly acquired captive would not pose any further interference while she set about looting the bauble filled room.


“Ngh fnnnmmm” Gudlangtriel muttered as she untied the tape around her knee, the adhesive still clinging to her skin as she rose victoriously. Despite the ball gag still lodged in her mouth, her cold and joyous words were reduced to muffled sounds. "Ahh, much better," she added after severing the leather strap at the back of her head. With a quick motion, she untied her fine wine-red hair, allowing it to cascade back into its desired state.

“Time to go on a hunt.” She declared, discarding her academy jacket onto a chair, partially concealing the bindings she had left on it. She retrieved a Dampening cuff and a roll of black tape, its sleek and polished surface resembling obsidian while boasting an extraordinary glossiness, thanks to the special manufacturing processes it had undergone.

Stepping out into the crisp, refreshing air, Gudlangtriel felt the pleasant chill embrace her fair-scaled neck, which peeked out from between the edges of her loosely buttoned blouse. The fabric cascaded down onto her chest, adorned with layers of aetherna satin and dragonid faux leather.

“Huh?” Gudlangtriel gasped softly as she felt mana flowing through her arcane points, channeling into a detection spell that detected Zina's lingering presence in her room, as well as another presence that quickly vanished. "Just our luck," she muttered, envisioning a thief clad in a tight, leathery suit tightly bound in black sealing tape, positioned alongside Zina, who was similarly bound. The image excited her, imagining their sealed lips touching as they were brought closer together by Gudlangtriel's feet.

“First things first. Let’s catch our little thief. At least I hope it’s one.” She murmured with a faint smirk, her cheeks flushing. Her hands clenched on her pants as a fleeting image of herself being tied up in a similar position to Zina flashed through her mind. She adjusted the inscriptions within her body, causing them to gradually turn transparent. When she saw the blurry aura in her vision, indicating her invisibility, she added a second layer of silencing inscriptions before making her way to the main hall.

She stood in silence, sharpening her hearing to catch any faint sounds. As she heard a door creaking open to the left, she quietly moved towards the dimly lit corridor. Passing by stirring portraits of Zina's ancestors, predominantly members of the Black Rose Order, each depicted in various uniforms from different eras, Gudlangtriel paused for a moment when she noticed one portrait bearing a striking resemblance to her friend. The figure in the painting was adorned in a beautifully crafted snow silver armor, meticulously detailed. The sleekness of the armor almost stung her eyes, yet simultaneously enticed her, perfectly complementing the deeper-toned leather tunic and a slim cloak draping over the shoulders, originating from the folded-down high collar.

"No time for this. I can inquire about her later," Gudlangtriel thought to herself, dismissing the thoughts of Zina momentarily. Taking cover behind the right side of the open door, she listened attentively to the thief's whistling. Her mind raced through the spells she had learned over the past four years as a member of the Order. Recalling the perfect spell for her current situation, she prepared herself to execute it silently and effectively.

Closing in on Rhommi, who appeared oblivious to her presence, Gudlangtriel paused a few steps away, mesmerized by her captivating attire. Rhommi wore a sleek black bodysuit that seamlessly blended with the shadows, showcasing an astonishing glossiness. The suit extended into knee-high heels that accentuated her athletically slender physique. At the top, the bodysuit merged with a high collar that seamlessly transitioned into the leathery portion of the mask she wore while also circling around her head unseen from behind.

Gudlangtriel halted momentarily, her gaze fixed on Rhommi as she pocketed a few baubles, primarily golden jewelry that once belonged to an Arghyrian noble family. Rhommi unzipped the collar of her bodysuit, revealing an alabaster neck that contrasted with the darkness surrounding it.

Realizing that she might not have a better opportunity, Gudlangtriel swiftly acted. She pressed her hand firmly over the mouth and nostril sections of Rhommi's mask, while her left arm wrapped tightly around Rhommi's abdomen, restricting her movements.

Rhommi silently struggled, desperately attempting to break free from Gudlangtriel's strengthened grasp, almost thwarting Gudlangtriel's plans. However, as Gudlangtriel's leather-clad hand brushed against Rhommi's cheeks, her determination grew stronger. Gudlangtriel tightened her grip while the sweet scent of the sleeping spell, emanating from her palm, wafted into Rhommi's mask. Within moments, the Godborn Thief succumbed to the spell, her body goes limp and collapsed to the ground as Gudlangtriel released her rather unceremoniously.

 “That went easier than I thought.” Gudlangtriel murmured, crouching down and turning Rhommi onto her back. She pondered her next course of action, deliberating between tying her up or checking on Zina first. Reminded of the lecture, she recalled that the spell would keep Rhommi asleep for at least two hours, though she couldn't recall the exact duration their teacher had mentioned. This time frame allowed Gudlangtriel ample opportunity to consider her options.

Turning away from Rhommi, Gudlangtriel could no longer contain her curiosity to see Zina bound and gagged. However, as she took a step forward, she stumbled unexpectedly. Rhommi had swiftly leaped onto her, wrapping her left arm around Gudlangtriels and covering her mouth with the other. Gudlangtriel struggled to break free, but her eyelids grew heavier as a gelatin-like substance adhered to her lips and cheeks. A peculiar scent invaded her nostrils, gradually lulling her into unconsciousness.

“Just once I let my guard down.” Rhommi muttered, relinquishing her hold on Gudlangtriel's arm and hand. Fortunately, her protective enchantments, intricately woven into her outfit, countered the effects of the sleeping spell. It wasn't the first time she had encountered such a situation, but she hoped it would be the last.

A mischievous chuckle escaped her lips as Rhommi rummaged through Gudlangtriel's pockets, discovering the roll of black sealing tape and the Dampening Cuffs. "Well, well, what do we have here?" she said with amusement. Discarding the cuffs hastily, she ripped open the sealing tape, a vengeful smirk hidden beneath her mask.


“MMhnph n nncm nrmnm.” Gudlangtriel gradually awakened from her enticing dream of dominating the bound Rhommi and Zina. To her surprise, she found herself in darkness, with something tightly wrapped around her head, covering her eyes and sealing her mouth. The sensation of her arms aching as they were bent behind her back became evident, the black sealing tape tightly wounded across them, securing them together. Her hands were also bound, encased in dark, gleaming mittens.

As she became more aware, she perceived a gently massaging sensation nestled between her legs, firmly secured and emitting pleasurable vibrations as she squirmed slightly. Another familiar scent filled the air, accompanied by muffled sounds she recognized as coming from Zina. Her mind quickly conjured up the image of the two of them entangled together. Seeking confirmation, she tilted her head, brushing her face against Zina's, feeling the soft skin and the cool tape wrapped snugly around her mouth.

“PHnrnnnnmm!” Zina attempted to utter Gudlangtriel's name, but the tape cruelly stifled her voice, adding an element of both frustration and arousal to their predicament. "Phnnn!" Gudlangtriel did the same, their taped lips connecting in a passionate kiss.

“Aww, how romantic.” Rhommi interjected, causing a momentary wave of embarrassment for both Zina and Gudlangtriel. "Well, I had hoped for a different outcome, but I can't complain," she said, leaning closer to the two with her mask removed, revealing her stunning elven features, including pale skin, dark eyes, and an elegant updo.

“I’d like to stay and watch, but I better finish up and leave. Enjoy my gift.” Rhommi remarked before pushing down on Gudlangtriel. The black vibrator pressed against their vulvas, its throbbing intensified and brought them to the brink of climax, particularly for Gudlangtriel, who was bound tightly in the black sealing tape that heightened her sensations. Rhommi departed while whistling, listening as the muffled moans of the two resonated throughout the entire mansion...

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