Heleion Archives

The Less You Know

24th of April, 81st of the Neo-Dawn Era. Winding Roads, North-East of Ang-Saellirith.

            “Just when I thought I get an easy assignment, they make me go through this gods’ forsaken road.” Yulinitra cursed behind the wheel of the issued Black Rose All-Terrain Vehicle as she took one sharp turn after the other.  True to its name, The Winding Roads are a long set of folk-made path carved out on the large hillside surrounding the north-east beyond the capital’s wall a few hundred kilometers away. Some say that the hill itself was once an enormous earth elemental that wandered the far north in the past, and for some forgotten reason stopped and laid to a final rest here.

The roads themselves go like a slithering serpent, turn after turn that if someone doesn’t watch out for, can easily find themselves at the bottom of the valley running in the center. While during the day it is somewhat easier to traverse, Yulinitra didn’t had the luxury of sun light guiding her as it already set two hours ago when she and her fellow companion, a quite attractive elvish prisoner of the Black Rose set out from Ang-Sellirith.

Yulinitra herself was a dracorith of dark elven kin, her complexion mesmerizing bluish like the sky during the hours of dusk, her lips possessed seductive shapes and graceful curves. Eyes that seemingly belonged to a predator with golden pearls for pupils with the typical draconic features of her kin. Her burgundy red scales glinted on her cheeks as the moon light shined on them through the windows and trees, matching in color with her long hair. They extended down towards her chest, swirling on both sacks.

Said lush red hair possessed a thick, blunt fringe that hid her forehead and arched, thin brows while her long, sharp ears run through them. At the back she braided it into a long tail that rested on her jacket’s multi-layered shoulder and neck, running under the high folded collar that she currently zipped up.

“PHhnnmnn'ph mmm phmnmm nnmmn?” Brittya tried to complain through the spherical gag wedged between her rich pink lips. Her dissatisfied with her driving way words came out quite unintelligible that made the dracorith drengriar quite more frustrated.

“Yeah, I’m thinking the same. But I doubt there is anything here where we could rest for the night.” Yuli said while slowing down, her eyes swiftly searched for any road, be it folk made or nature carved out. Then after several minutes and passing trees later they fell upon a large gap between trees with the light of the vehicle.

She slowly turned the wheel while slowing down when she noticed the bumps in the road carefully veiled by the leaves. “Sorry.” She said in her low soft voice as the bound captive beside her hit the top of her head into the ceiling after going through one.

“Really? Or are you just playing dead?” She asked when in the edge of her vision she noticed Brittya unmoving, leaned toward the window with her head slumped onto her shoulder. She was still wearing her civilian attire, a biker jacket made of leather as its creasing black surface reflected the light of the moon and stars, a white collared shirt buttoned up with a black neck tie loosely tied around. A tight mini skirt and high leather combat boots a bit similar to what Yuli and her Sisters wore.

While she wasn’t sure still if she was just pretending or not, thanks to the soft satin cloth tied around her eyes, she decided to just leave her as is for the time being. She can’t really escape as she was bound with enchanted rope tightly, that sapped both her stamina and mana at the same time.  For now Yuli’s priority was to find a place where they could rest till the dawn.

“That looks creepy. But I guess that will have to do for tonight.” Her chest puffed out slightly as a deep sigh escaped her glistening dark lips while she stared at the three story house in a quite the questionable state. She straightened her uniform after closing the door to the driver’s side, then zipped down her jacket’s collar. As it came down, the two sides parted from each other creating a space for the vibrant, deep crimson red blouse’ collars reaching just as high towards her chin surrounded by snow silvery walls of the same kind.

The corset vest which she preferred to keep in a sleeveless state remained zipped open under her jacket. It’s high collar loosely supported the blouse’s, obscured under the large, sharp folds. Meanwhile the new shoulder straps on the blouse with three draconic fangs were pushed down by jacket’s scaled and the corset vest’s smooth shoulder part.

“Now, what do we need.” Yuli murmured as she opened up the back compartment’s door and hunched inside. The first thing she grabbed was her Carsten Type-IV Rapid Mana-Gun still inside its case. It was a newly updated model that discarded the wooden frame for a full-metal look. The gun’s handle at the back extended diagonally downwards while the front had a large disc part that contained the mana crystals embedded inside, filled with inscriptions that helped the user in shaping the spell bullets. On the top there was a place where one could mount a scope, but Yulinitra felt confident enough to not use one.

She quickly attached the belt to it and dropped the magicraft weapon over her shoulder. She took some sheets to lay out as a beds for the two of them, put them inside her pocket void. Other than those, she also grabbed a few package of instant soups. Their packages were enchanted so all she had to do was pour a bit of her mana into it, and it heat itself up to a point where she had to just open it, then consume.

“Now, time to wake up the little princess.” She murmured after fixing her beret that slid down a bit. The leaves crunched under the weight of her faux leather boots as she approached the passenger seat’s side.

“Not bad, but next time try using the knee instead of your foot.”  As the door opened, a pair of foot met her gaze belonging to Brittya who patiently waited for the right moment, and fumbled when it mattered.  Yulinitra complimented her strike while swiftly moving out of its way, while also grabbing it in the same motion.

“Gn phn phhm nhmphph mnn hnphch!" Then with another kick, Yuni fell to the ground with a bleeding nose with snow silvery blood contrasting her soft dark skin. With the little stamina she had left, Brittya rushed into the building while Yulinitra swiped her healing nose into her jacket’s sleeve. The soft feeling of the dragonid leather felt good prompting her to let out a soft sigh while she got up.

“No soup for you tonight I guess.” She said coldly with slight anger in her eyes making her look like a haunting beauty in the filtered moon light entering through the leaves.

“You know if you show yourself, I may spare your life.” She yelled inside as soon as she stepped inside. Only an eerie silence was the answer to her statement. Before she continued on, she held out one of her hands with the palm up. A sphere of almost blinding light appeared in it and hovered above her shoulder. Then with the smile of a predator, continued on towards the decrepit stairs right in front of her.

Slow squeaks and creaks signaled her way upwards, her draconic golden eyes glinted in the white light that parted the hard shadows. At each turn her head turned slightly, the gun’s barrel followed it slowly. For a moment she closed her eyes and took a deep breath as her senses heightened. Her usual tactic was to smell out her enemy. Especially in this case as she recalled the nice perfume she smelled when she and her Sisters loaded Brittya into the vehicle.

The scent of sweet northern pink orange entered her small nostrils coming from the eastern side. Like a dog following a trail she did too, with a smile slowly curving onto her lips. “Hah!” She yelled victoriously as she kicked open the decrepit door that blew to smithereens at the force of her kick. A dumbfounded look followed onto her complexion as she was greeted by an old chair with Brittya’s leather jacket and the spherical gag bitten in two.

“What the…” She gazed upon that sight with wonder and bewilderment, the door behind her slowly creaked open. Brittya with part of a table walked up behind her.

“Sweet dreams… bitch!” With a graceful swing, she knocked Yulinitra out who turned around too late. The decaying table, or what remained of that exploded on impact, tainting the gleaming raven black uniform with dust while Yulinitra rolled twice in the air before she landed not so gracefully onto her back.

Brittya swiftly crouched down and patted her hands across her body. She first took the wand pistol and her pouch from the belt, then she zipped down the issued jacket, from which she took the key-crystal to the vehicle. Then she rolled the groaning, unconscious Yulinitra onto her face and stacked her arms onto her uniformed back.

From the pouch she retrieved the roll of silver sealing tape and quickly ripped it open. Its tearing sound filled the whole building, awakening the bats that took up residence decades ago. Brittya quickly applied the open end to the cuffed sleeve end and wrapped it tightly across and between before tearing it off from the roll with her teeth.

“What a fine as we have here.” Her hands pushed into Yulinitra’s ass as she stood up and walked slightly out of the room. Then once more the tearing of the tape filled the old building, as she started wrapping the sealing tape around Yuli’s ankles then thighs as she learnt from her military days. After six or seven loops, she severed it from the roll and smoothened the open end to the rest binding her thighs.

She walked back into the room, rolled Yuli once more onto her back before her hands sneaked under her armpits. Then she dragged the unconscious drengriar inside a bit before she slumped down onto the dusty floor. In her lap, Yulinitra rested peacefully, mumbling things like be gentle in her dreams.

Once more the tearing of sealing tape reverberated within the building as she bound Yulinitra’s elbow’s together as an extra measure. Then she moved onto her torso, widely covering it with the gleaming light silver tape. After severing it at her waistline, she tapped the sealing tape, flattening it to the rest.

“What in the rhmhh?” At the end she woke up and Brittya reflexively covered her mouth with her right hand.

“Now tell me, who is your boss? Answer honestly and I won’t break your neck.” Brittya asked while she pulled the bound Yulinitra up into the chair after sweeping the remains of her gag off to the floor.

“N hrhm nr crrm.” She answered in a heartbeat while her lips and cheeks were still covered by her captor’s hand.

“Sorry. Say it once more.” Brittya said a bit flustered while walking in front of her.

“I have no clue. I was just hired to transport you to the southern provinces.” Yulinitra stated without hesitation while Brittya ripped the sealing tape open and wrapped her thighs to the seating. Then she grabbed the remains of the rope and looped it around her torso, knotting it at the back to tie Yuli to the chair firmly.

“Are you sure? I can blow your head open if you lie?” She stated as menacingly as she could.

“Yes. I learnt quite early in my career better to not ask the intent of the higher ups. Just carry orders out, and earn a fat payment to blow on courtesans and alcohol.” Yulinitra said in a manner that didn’t fit her figure.

“I see thanks. Now don’t move your head.” Brittya said as she tore a long strip off the roll with her teeth.

“Wait that mmnnph' hm nmcmphphnrm.” Yulinitra tried to say it wasn’t necessary to gag her, but her pleas got cut short as Brittya swiftly sealed her lips and cheeks.

“Probably. But it’s just old habits. I’m sure the others will find you in a few days if they don’t hear back from you.” Brittya said with a mischievous smile. Then she gave her captive a kiss on her taped lips before she walked out from the room, listening to the angry moans that made her feel nostalgic.

“I’ll guess I head south.” After she stopped in front of the vehicle, she pondered for a while. Then she exclaimed after she arrived to this conclusion while stepping inside the driver’s side. With curiosity in her heart, she headed to the southern provinces while Yulinitra struggled for another hour in her bindings before she passed out, bound and sealing tape gagged…

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