Heleion Archives

Trade Secrets

17th of October, 44th of the Neo-Dawn Era. Nokkurin, Capital of the Skalafell Region, Naireanth.

            Teriesa slowly walked through the calm streets of Nokkurin, with the almost empty streets illuminated by the warm, inviting lights emanating from homes and small businesses. She was heading towards a particular establishment, finally done with her week's work. Like any other day since the war ended, life had been relatively calm for her as a member of the Black Rose stationed in their mother nation. As a Vordriar, one of the more common ranks, her duties mostly involved guarding and occasional police work.

Throughout the week, she had helped calm down drunken individuals and diffused trivial disputes between intoxicated dwarves and elves. She even encountered a Dragonkin, a race closely related to her own Dracorith heritage. As a Dracorith, an elf with dragon blood running through her veins, her fair and perfectly smooth skin occasionally exhibited patches of randomly grown onyx scales. Under her cuffed sleeves, these scales shimmered in the shadows, while her claws remained long, sharp, and strong enough to cut through most metals.

Feeling a sense of excitement, it had been two weeks since her last outing with her Sisters for a night of drinking. Thanks to her black draconic heritage, she could consume nine bottles of mead in a single hour and still maintain a mild level of intoxication. As she caught sight of the pub named Fafnirith, she paused and inspected her appearance in the window, which reflected her graceful and alluring figure.

She still wore the issued Vordriar Type-IV Vigrieth military jacket, its raven-black surface smooth and pristine like the surface of a clean lake, not a single crease appearing as she leaned somewhat close to the window. The collar stood tall and sharp, framing the deep blue-hued collars of her aetherna satin blouse, spreading with stiffness in the generous space. The collar stood tall and sharp, framing the deep blue hued collars of her aetherna satin blouse spreading with a stiffness in the generous space, with a bold, angular silhouette slimly framed in snow silver Adramantyrium. Unzipped, the blouse collars bathed in the soft, snow-silvery glow of the inner satin walls, filtering the light coming through the window.

Her platinum white angular bob hairstyle with a side-swept fringe gleamed in the combined light of the establishment and the moon, framing her gorgeous face with elven, high cheekbones covered in shimmering onyx scales. Her wide, slanted elven eyes had intense silver draconic irises, surrounded by a lake of alabaster. Her naturally voluminous lips possessed a soft, pillowy appearance with a soft peachy hue that complemented her soft, perfectly smooth elven skin.

"Better this way," she said, straightening her dragonid faux leather jacket, the stripes stirring on top of the cascading gentle waves that formed the layers on her shoulders.

"Finally, took you long enough!" Turid, a naurdian Sister of hers, yelled when she spotted Teriesa approaching in the streets. Turid put out her previously lodged cigarette between her delicate, slightly curved lips, which had a slightly reddish-pink hue. Her vibrant, fiery red tail, resembling the gleam of a copper penny, cascaded down onto her corset vest-covered shoulders, running under the long folds of her blouse's collar, casting shadows onto it. The two embraced as if they had just returned from the battlefield, their cheeks brushing against each other's in a mocking but still common practice of northern greetings between friends.

 “The others are here already?” Teriesa asked as they slowly walked inside, and Turid quickly confirmed before they entered. The interior bathed them in a homely warmth. The walls were covered in photographs, each depicting something different. One captured a group of Nairenthian Drengriars standing over the corpse of a wild dragon, while another showcased a beautiful landscape filled with lakes from the central eastern regions, and so on.

“Did you got stopped by Thordis?” Dyrizurn, the dark elven secretary of their garrison, asked after taking a sip from her luminous drink. Her gracefully curving lips engulfed the blue straw, matching her soft dark elven skin tone. Her intense mauve eyes remained fixated on Teriesa, who had already wrapped her clawed, scale-covered hand around her keg, ordered by the others.

“No. Not this time thankfully. Just ran into Annelfa and they invited me for a quick drink.” Teriesa answered, her serpentine tongue rotating around her voluminous lips, wiping off the foam of the honey beer. "Well, I guess you'll need that to catch up to us." Dyrizurn chuckled, parting the wall of her dusk blue hair beyond her long and sharp right ear.

“So how was your week?” Teriesa then turned to face her twin snaelv elven Sisters, who held the same rank. Their snow-white pristine skin glinted softly under the warm glow of the stones. The only way to tell them apart, besides their differently pitched voices, was the color of their shoulder-length bob-style hair, with soft waves framing their perfectly adorned elven faces. Svealno, on the right, was blessed with a bluish hue capturing the essence of frost-covered lakes in the north, while Heddine's hair was pure white, resembling the snow that blanketed the country for most of the year. Their eyes were large and almond-shaped, with perfectly aligned contours, while their slim brows melded into their skin.

“For the most part it was okayish. Mostly just some guard duty at the crime scene of the bank in the merchant district.” Svealno answered in her deep, mellowing voice. "Oh, I'm feeling a bit envious. I mostly had to diffuse a brawl, while the rest was just boring patrolling in the slums." Teriesa added after gulping down the keg of honey beer in one go, a cute burp escaping her, aimed under the tall table.

“Have you heard, there are talks about the Coven appearing near small towns, kidnapping folks for rituals?” Heddine interjected. "Really?" Turid asked in a soft whisper. "Yeah, a group of Varangireth, including some of ours, raided quite a big hideout of theirs. It was in some kind of ancient dark elven ruin reaching down into the Below World." Heddine continued, and the others, except Dyrizurn, leaned closer. Dyrizurn was already aware, thanks to Thordis' rant a few days ago about not calling them when the ruins were in the vicinity.

“Can’t imagine what they have witnessed there.” Teriesa added as she recalled the tales told during her academy years about the Coven. They were known to use Abyssal creatures to torture their victims before sacrificing them to their demonic patrons for power. "Well, you have to have a will of steel as a Varangireth." Svealno added.

“Or to deal with cult freaks like them quite often.” Dyrizurn chimed in, recalling her days of combat service and raiding such places not long after their attack on the main academy in the northern range of the Arkadien Mountains. "Is it truly that horrific, Dy?" Turid asked, her eyes gleaming with morbid curiosity.

“Well, the worst I have seen were the captured candidates, their disemboweled corpses hanging upside down while the putrid smell lingered in the air.” She added with a shiver, as the image of the poor girl who was nabbed before she could even enter the academy haunted her vision.

"It is a minor thing, but thanks to those freaks, the cartels are now better at hiding their more morbid parts of their businesses." She added, recalling how the Coven started the practice of dissolving the remains of their victims, in their case mostly those they impersonated.

 "Oh yeah, I heard that." Teriesa chimed in, shivering at the thought. "But it's time to move on from this morbid topic." Turid suggested, as she was quite creeped out by even the thought of slimes and oozes. The rest of their time together was spent talking about much less provocative topics...


“So, what is this?” Teriesa pointed at the small pristine glass filled with a jet black liquid inside with a mauve red hue.

“Unikhuom.” Dyrizurn named the eerie liquid with a wicked smile on her face, her shimmering dusk hair still parted over her right ear while the other side gracefully flowed down towards the counter. Only the two of them remained sitting at the counter after Dy asked Teriesa to stay, as she was the closest to sober, besides herself. And there was another reason too.

“So, who do we waiting for?” Teriesa asked while making a sour face after gulping down the unikhuom in one swift go.

“A business partner of ours. We’ll test a few things out that may help develop, certain things within our jurisdiction so to speak.” Dyrizurn added, her mauve eyes scouring the surroundings, gleaming with a healthy dose of paranoia. "Testing... ugh, I may not be the one you want for that." Teriesa added, lifting her right arm covered only by her blouse's sleeves, which glimmered ethereally under the light.

“Trust me. You are the best for this. Oh, here she is!” Dyrizurn exclaimed, turning sideways to face Teriesa, then noticing the sol elven woman with skin glowing with the warmth of the setting sun, kissed by the gentle embrace of copper. Her bright red hair was parted to the back, covering her nape, hidden under her white shirt buttoned up with a neck tie around it, tucked into her gray vest with a long leathery trench coat with similar angular lapels to Dy's suit jacket.

A tight mini skirt looped around her calves and thighs, ending just above her knees, with a rose-patterned garment tightening to her skin. "Teri, this is Antiia, a representative of a friend of our Order." The two shook hands firmly, their hands caressing each other as they retracted slowly.

"The pleasure is mine." Antiia said, her fiery golden eyes lustrously gleaming as she inspected every inch of Teriesa.

Teriesa murmured back the same, as she was enamored by the looks of the sol elf. "Let's talk somewhere private. Dhulmak, the usual room, please!" Dy yelled to the dwarven owner behind the counter, who threw the keys at them.

Fafnirith, besides offering the best drinks in the city, also housed private rooms for drunken lovers on its second and third floors, each soundproofed, making it an alternative option for business talks, as Dyrizurn preferred to refer to these meetings.

The trio headed up after ordering a bottle of the finest wine, making their way straight to the second floor where their room awaited them at the second right turn. Dyrizurn led the two inside, and Teriesa's eyes gleamed with wonder as she noticed the cushioned, padded walls, sensing mana flowing through them, an inscriptions of silence, the highest grade one could afford. The furniture was made of full draconic leather, possessing a surface similar to theirs but with a much more gracious sheen and a clean surface that reflected the surroundings like a mirror of sorts.

Teriesa let out a moan of delight as she took a seat in one of the sofas close to the windows, which were built with a special glass that allowed one to see through from the inside, but not from the other side. The footrest was covered in the same high-end draconic leather, as black as her scales.

"Hey, don't fall asleep yet!" Dy called out to her as she noticed Teriesa slumping down, her scaled cheeks softly touching her blouse's open collars.

“Sorry. So, what is this business of yours Antiia?” Teriesa jolted back up, slapping her cheeks as she felt a bit drowsy. The sol elf's marigold lips curved into a smug smile as she conjured a bag and started unpacking its contents.

First, a long coil of red rope, soft and slim in texture and mass. Then, a small reddish sphere with a polished texture like a magical marble orb, yet when her fingers pressed it, it dented in like a rubber ball. Two long leather straps were connected to it through metallic rings. Next, a long, straightened scarf possessing a clean, glass like surface while also possessing the soft texture of silk. And finally, a wide roll of sealing tape with a transparent, almost fluid-like surface that reminded Teriesa of frosted windows.

“Shall we start?” Dyrizurn asked with a smug look on her now-sobered face as the two looked at Teriesa walking to the table with eyes of wonder, her skin between the scales reddening as she noticed their gazes.


“So how does it feel?” Antiia asked as she stood over Teriesa, sitting in the sofa.

“Nnph hnn.” Teriesa attempted to respond, but her words come out as an unintelligible sound through the transparent sealing tape covering her cheeks and lips. The edges of the tape folded at her jawline. Her arms, layered in her full uniforms’ sleeves, bent behind her back, with the red enchanted rope tightly looped, knotted around her elbow, wrist, and in between the two

Another coil of rope wounded across her abdomen, positioned above her athletic, somewhat flat elven breasts. Her jacket zipped open, with the layer hiding the zipper usually, flipped out. The rope tightly presses against the dragonid faux leather, and thanks to its special properties, no creases form in its raven-black lustrous surface.

A few more coils of rope used to bound her thighs and ankles, which are clad in her issued dragonid faux leather pants with snow silver stripes running up the sides. Her knee-high combat boots tighten around the pants. Lastly, the bluish black scarf is tightly knotted around her eyes, completely blocking her sight.

“And for you?” Antiia then asked Dy as she walked in her lacquered high heels, creating clanking and stretching sounds, an arousing music to their ears, with each step, sophisticated sheens moving across its liquid smooth surface. Her previous attire discarded, she was dressed in a lacquered leather dress with zipped up high collars pressing tenderly onto her frail elven neck.

“Nmfnnnphmmm fmmm n phphrnng phmnphnphnnn.” Dyrizurn added with the spherical gag already fastened around her mouth, preventing the forming of comprehensible words.

“Delightful.” Antiia exclaimed as her hands caress the sides of Dyrizurn under the fully buttoned out snow silvery blouse of hers. Her hands stretched above her head, connected to the beam running across above them.

“Now for our private business.” A smug curved onto her marigold lips as she zipped down her dress, revealing a dark panty shaped piece fastened around her private area. A long, stable phallus grew out slowly, possessing a clean, shimmering fluid leathery surface.

“Almost forgot.” Then she gently fastened on a black, slim collar around both their necks.

“Hope you will like it as much as I did during my first testing.” She whispered into her ears, a soft cute whimper being her answer as Dyrizurn’s bluish cheeks redden.

“Nh phhnph nph phrnmm phhm hmphph” A muffled yell follows as Antiia inserts the at least two meter long phallus into Dyrizurn’s vulva. Antiia bites onto her lips, holding her breath to regulate the same sensations forming a storm within her.

Her body is assaulted by extreme, arousing waves of warmness, small intervals created by the back and forth movement. Her one remaining enchanted piece of clothing doing its best to keep her body somewhat cool against the heatwaves forming sweet elven sweat forming, but ultimately fail.

“Nh mmph, phhnph nph phhm phpnph” Another softer muffled shriek follows as Antiaa’s marigold lips zero in on her small elven breast’s right nipple, that are now even more delicate as the red ropes enchantment take full effect on her upper body, pouring their inscriptions into her wrist’s arcane points from where they flow down to the ones found below.

“N cnn'ph nnmmnrm” The two let out long, soft moans at the same time as they reach their climax in tandem.

Hot cum flows into Dyrizurn’s vagina through the phallus that is slowly pulled out, its long end completely covered in the white mucus. Their breaths slow down followed by the slimy sound as their joint cum drips down the floor, Antiia licking off the sweet dark elven sweat flowing on Dy’s neck.

“So how was it?” She asked while releasing the sphere gag, letting it fall dawn onto her neck line like some fine jewelry.

“It was wonderful. But can we get these too?” She tries to point at the black leather collar circling around her neck.

 “Certainly, but some modifications will have to be made so it may take some time.” Antiia nodded as Dy jumped off the bed, still catching her breath.

“And did you enjoy it too?” Antiia asked as she turned at the still bound Teriesa.

“Hmm mmph” Teriesa attempted to reply, her lips pressed against the wide sealing tape gag, resulting in muffled sounds. Her face was completely flushed, and her body was in a state of turmoil, as the enchantments on her ropes activated, keeping her in a heightened state of arousal, on the brink of climax, requiring external stimulation to reach release.

“Can I try that?” Dy asked, feeling rejuvenated and sitting up on the edge of the bed. As their fluids disappeared into an empty space, Dy and Antiia exchanged a knowing glance.

"Sure, I could use a drink anyway." Antiia responded, undressing from her slim dress and handing the attachable phallus to the smirking dark elf.

“MMhnph nph nph?” Teriesa innocently attempted to ask, her breathing growing heavier.

"Oh, don't worry. It’s gonna be divine." Dy replied ominously, freeing Teriesa's legs from their bindings and removing her pants and combat boots. Though outwardly calm, Dy wrestled with her inner impatience, eagerly anticipating what was to come.

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