Help, I Turned Into a Hot Demon Girl Overnight

Chapter 1

As I woke up that morning, I could tell something was different. My whole body felt strange. Not necessarily in a bad way, but it was in a way I was entirely unfamiliar with. I sat up in bed, groaning softly, stretching my hands over my head and cracking my knuckles.

I froze.

That groan didn’t sound like my voice.

“What-” I slapped my hands over my mouth and squeaked.

What was up with my voice?

It sounded pretty.

It was entirely unlike what I was used to. In fact, my voice hadn’t sounded like that for a few years, not since before puberty.

My body felt off in a bunch of different ways too. Had I gotten younger?

I shifted so I was sitting on the edge of my bed, and as I moved, I felt something on my chest move in a way nothing there had before. I looked down, and my brain grinded to a halt.


I lifted my hands up to touch the mounds of flesh I had suddenly found attached to my chest. These definitely hadn’t been here last night. I cupped one of them. It was soft and warm. I found myself smiling. Why was I smiling?

I stood up, swaying unsteadily. My centre of balance felt off, and I had to adjust my stance a bit. I took a step towards the bathroom, then stopped.

That felt uncomfortable.

I took another step, this time adjusting it a bit. It felt less uncomfortable, but still not exactly right. I started walking around, adjusting my steps until I no longer felt any discomfort. I noticed now that the way I walk had a slight sway to my hips - which made sense since they had gotten bigger.

My body was very different, actually, on examining it. I had breasts (that is what they’re called, after all), my hips (and butt) were a bit bigger, my coarse body hair had disappeared, I could see long blonde hair in my peripheral vision, and I no longer had a penis.

I wasn’t as freaked out about not having that anymore as I would have expected. It made sense, I’d never really liked having one, just accepted it is a fact of my existence.

I normally slept nude, so the new configuration of my body was readily apparent to me.

I really liked it.

I tried to think back to the night before. I must have run into some magic that did this to me, but I couldn’t exactly remember what had happened. I figured maybe I had gotten drunk and asked some wizard to do this to me. It made sense; I had, in the back of my mind, always wanted to be a girl.

Did that make me trans?

No, I was a boy. I mean, I wanted to be a girl, and now I am a girl, but I was a boy. Trans girls were always girls.

Moving on from my flawless logic, I set my mind towards getting dressed. Only one problem: I definitely needed a bra for these boobs. On account of my prior status as a boy, I did not own any bras.

Except, as it turned out, I did. My wardrobe, previously filled with the tried and true dark hoodie and jeans combos, was now filled with all sorts of exciting looking clothing options: skirts, dresses, blouses, all in many flavours and colours. And there were, of course, a few bras. I guess I had also asked for a spell to change my clothes too.

I quickly put on some of my new clothes - a plain black bra and panties, a pair of denim cutoffs and a t-shirt that hung off one shoulder.

I kept struggling with the shirt, though. It was like it kept getting caught on the top of my head, or at least it felt like that, which made no sense.

After putting on the shirt, I made my way into my bathroom to look in the mirror. I was eagerly anticipating seeing how cute I would look, and couldn’t keep the goofy grin off my face. I turned to look at the mirror.

My jaw dropped.

What the hell?

I touched one of them just to be sure, but no, they were definitely there. I had horns. Two long, black horns sticking up out of the top of my skull, my hair parting either side of their base.

How on Earth am I supposed to hide these?

Am I dreaming?

I pinched myself, but no, I didn’t wake up in bed, back in my old body. Which would have sucked, I definitely liked being a girl more.

I went about the rest of my morning ritual as normal, brushing my teeth then grabbing a quick breakfast - toast and cereal. It was Sunday, so I didn’t have to go anywhere. I sat down with my laptop, browser open to Google.

What would I search? “Help, I turned into a hot girl and grew horns overnight?” I’d just get more webnovels, the type that I had obsessively read for years by this point.

I searched it anyway. Cue the webnovels. And also a quora result where someone asked ‘does weed make girls horny?’ How is that even close to relevant? Hell, it doesn’t, actually. I’m a girl now, and weed’s never made me horny!

Well, it never made me horny when I was a guy. Maybe…

I inhaled deep, relishing the feel of the smoke being sucked into my lungs. I exhaled. I could see myself in the reflection of the balcony doors of the apartment just across the small alley, and I looked fucking hot. Hell, even the horns added to my look.

And, yeah, I was getting horny, but I don’t think that was from the weed specifically.

After dropping the spent joint into my ashtray, I stood up and made my way back into my apartment.  I didn’t bother going to my bedroom, I just flopped down onto my couch, unbuttoned and slid my jeans off my hips, then started to explore my new body in very enjoyable ways.

Orgasms as a boy were good. Orgasms as a girl are fucking amazing. The way the sensations fill your entire body is intoxicating. After I came down from the high of my first orgasm, I gave myself a second to make sure the first one hadn’t been a fluke.

And another.

And another.

Look, I was really enjoying myself, ok?

I was coming down from my fifth… or maybe sixth orgasm, when there was a knock at the door.

“Who the fuck?” I said, scrambling to put my clothes back on.

After figuring I looked presentable enough, I opened the door to see who had knocked.

Standing in the hallway was a girl in her late teens or early twenties. She was a bit taller than me, with dirty blonde hair, hazel eyes, some freckles on her nose and cheeks. She was wearing an outfit similar to my own. Weirdest of all, she had horns too.

“Hi, I’m here looking for Melody Jones,” she said.

I blinked. That was my last name, but not the first name I last went by, although it was a really pretty name, and it was also the name I would want if I were a girl.

Actually, I am a girl now…

“That’s me,” I said. “What’s up?”

“Finally, I’ve been trying to reach you all morning. Can I come in?”

I nodded, moving to let her into my apartment. “Um, were you using my cell? I think I left it in my bedroom this morning.”

The other horned girl nodded. I noticed that she also had a long leathery black tail swishing back and forth behind her, poking out just above the waistline of her shorts. “Yeah. Busy, were you?”

I blushed. “Just a bit, yeah. Who are you?”

“My name is Kenzie. I’m a demoness, and last night, you made a deal with me for your deepest desire.”

I gulped. I hadn’t asked a wizard to turn me into a girl, I’d full on made a deal with some demoness!

“Um, in exchange for what.”

Kenzie smirked. “Friendship.”


“You get to be transformed into your ideal form, and in exchange, you become my friend. I get awfully lonely, you know. Not many other demons living out here, most prefer more urban environments. Of course, this does come with the caveat that your new body is… partially demonic. Although, last night you seemed pretty ok with that.”

That kind of rang a bell for me, some muted memory from the night before.

“So, I just need to be your friend?”

Kenzie nodded excitedly. “Yeah! We should hang out today, get to know each other. Like, what sorts of movies do you watch?”

“I, uh, like the Matrix…”

“Same. It really spoke to me, especially when I was still human.”

My mind had to repeat what she said a few times. “You were human too?”

Kenzie nodded. “Yeah, I grew up as a human boy over in Hamilton.”

“Wait, boy?”

Kenzie nodded. “Yeah, I’m trans like you.”

I frowned. “I’m not trans.”

Kenzie snorted. “You woke up this morning as a cute girl and were happy about it. That’s extremely trans.”

“Doesn’t make me trans. Trans women were always women. I was a guy before.”

Kenzie laughed. “Oh fuck, you’re dense.”


“Listen, Mel - can I call you Mel?”

I shrugged. “I don’t mind it.”

“Cool. Mel, guys, get this, do not want to be a girl. If someone who is thought to be a guy wants to be a girl, well, wouldn’t you know it, but she’s a girl, whether or not she accepts that yet.”

“I accept that. I’m a girl now.”

Kenzie groaned. “Fuck. Look, Mel, can you seriously consider this, please?”

“Uh, sure,” I said. “Hey, wanna go out for coffee?” I asked, trying to change the subject.

“Coffee, no. I’ll drink hot chocolate, though. I’ll pay.”

We went to a Tim Horton’s a short, five minute walk from my building. We got some looks for our horns and Kenzie’s tail, but it didn’t seem to bother her. She had all of her attention focused on me, and she loved to talk. She’d talk about most anything that popped into her head. She told me about how when she first moved to this town, the building the Timmy’s was in was instead occupied by a local-owned diner that went under in 2008.

That was an important question. How old was Kenzie? I knew she had to have still been human when the Matrix was released, since she mentioned liking it back then, so she had been a demon for over two decades, despite still looking as if she had just graduated form high school.

After Kenzie wrapped up her rant about her favourite dinosaur - Stegosaurus, by the way, I was paying attention - I asked her how old she was.

Kenzie shrugged. “Well, I was born in nineteen-eighty-one. I got my transformation just after my high school graduation, so in the summer of ‘ninety-nine. Ran into a demon during my summer job. She offered to make me like her in exchange for a decade of working for her. After I was done, I moved out here, and made it my home. So, if the math checks out… I will be forty-three in April.”

This was completely nuts. This girl had been a demon longer than I’d even been alive. I voiced that thought to her.

“Yeah, you get used to looking the same age as people who were babies when I was applying for U of T.”

“You applied to U of T?”

She nodded. “Never went, as an immortal - well, mostly immortal - demoness, I don’t exactly need a degree. I mean, I could absolutely get one if I ever felt like it, but while working for the demon who helped me, I didn’t really have the time.”

I had opted out of university as well, instead getting lucky and managing to make a living doing video editing for online creators. Thankfully, I made just enough to afford rent and groceries along with a few other important things - like weed.

I thought of another question. “Does your family know what happened to you?”

She scoffed. “Fuck no. I tried coming out to them about a month beforehand. That went so well.” She rolled her eyes. “There’s even a missing person case on me. Fuck, one of those stupid true crime YouTube channels featured me in a video. No reporting on my coming out attempt, obviously. Mom and dad would never be caught dead admitting they’d raised a tranny.”

“Oh.” I said. “Yeah, I get that. My parents were very not on board when I told them I was demi.”

“Demi?” Kenzie asked. “Never heard the term before.”

“Demisexual,” I said. “Means I only really experience sexual attraction to people I had an emotional bond with. Basically, I only fuck close friends and partners.”

“Close friends too?”

I shrugged. “Girl I went to highschool with. That was a few years ago, our friendship kind of fell off after graduation, but we were really close back then.”

Yes, I was jacking off earlier. Fuck you, us ace people have libidos too, doesn’t mean we have to wanna fuck someone else to be horny.

“I fail to see how your parents could possibly have found being demisexual something to complain about,” Kenzie said.

“Me too,” I said. “I think it’s just that it was an unfamiliar word, was some form of queer, and they just freaked out. It’s fine now, I may live in the same town as them, but I haven’t run into them since I moved out two years ago.”

We arrived at the Timmy’s, stepping inside. I ordered a donut, a wrap, and an iced coffee. Kenzie got a muffin, sandwich, and hot chocolate. She took a big sip of it, a big smile on her face.

“Fuuuuuck,” she said, really drawing out the word. “Hot chocolate is the best.”

I took a sip of my coffee. “Yeah. Especially on a cold winter day. Curling up under some blankets with a hot chocolate. All cozy and stuff.

“I’ve got a fireplace at my place,” Kenzie said. “So, like, all that, plus a fire going there. Best part is, I can just light and maintain it with magic.”

“Oh, that’s awesome!” I said. “Can you teach me some magic?”

Kenzie nodded. “Yeah. We’re friends now, right?”

I nodded. “Fuck yeah, friends!” I flashed her a peace sign.

We smiled at each other, each of us taking another sip of our drinks.

Kenzie ended up teaching me a couple simple spells before we left. The first one was a spell that summoned a small flame. Great for lighting candles or even some kindling if enough strength was pushed into it. The other was a spell that pulled an object I was focusing on towards my hand from an arbitrarily long distance away. She said that the greater the distance, the more power you needed, and that it depended more on the square of the distance… Look, as soon as she broke out the math, I kind of zoned out.

But at least I could do them. I could actually do magic! I had always been jealous of wizards and their powers, but this was loads better. They had to do all sorts of complex rituals and whatnot, but as even just a part demon, I could easily perform magic with nothing but a gesture.

For example, while we went out to walk through a nearby park, I asked Kenzie if she wanted to smoke with me. She said yes, so I pulled out a joint and lit it with my new spell.

“You know, I’m kind of jealous. I want a tail.”

Kenzie snorted. “That’s no biggie. I can give you one right now, you were just lying on your back when I transformed you, and trust me, lying on your tail fucking hurts.” She took a hit on our joint. “It does feel really nice when a cutie touches it, though.”

“Have experience with that?” I asked.

Kenzie shrugged. “I’m no virgin. Why, you wanna see what it’s like?”

I blushed. “Uh, let me get to know you better first, then we’ll see.”

Kenzie giggled. “That’s the idea. Friends, right?”

I nodded. “Yeah. Although, it really doesn’t feel like I gave anything up in this deal.”

“I still gained something.” Kenzie handed the joint to me, and I took a hit.

“That counts, yeah?”

Kenzie nodded. “Oh yeah. If and when I make you a full demon, you’ll get what I’m saying.”

“No, I think I get it now. Being lonely sucks.”

“Really does. Fuck, it’s, like, super depressing smoking alone, ya know? Like, sure, it’s fine, but sooo much better with a friend.”

I exhaled some smoke, trying to re-inhale it through my nose. I saw a video of someone doing that trick on TikTok once, it looked cool. I failed miserably, coughing a bit. “Yeah, so much better.”

Kenzie laughed. “You’re a dork.”


“It’s a compliment.”

“Yeah, but still.” I glared at her for another second, then broke down laughing.

Kenzie laughed too. “Hey, so, like… fuck, I lost what I was gonna say.”

I snorted. “You’d think being a demon would make getting high harder.”

Kenzie shook her head. “I mean, I can, like, resist it if I try. But the fuck would I wanna do that?”

I nodded. “Exactly. Being high is great.”

We ended up grabbing lunch from a Subway not far from the Timmy’s we were at earlier. I happily munched on some chips, my mind still slightly foggy from the weed.

Kenzie let out a small moan as she bit into her sandwich. After she swallowed, she said, “fuck, I never get tired of bacon.”

“Yeah, bacon fucking rules. Want some sun chips?” I held the bag out to her.

“Thanks,” she said, grabbing some chips and shooting me a smile.

My new tail wagged happily. I’m pretty sure I was getting some stares from the table of high school boys nearby, but I was too high to give a shit.

After I finished off my sandwich, I unscrewed the cap on the bottle of Pepsi I got, taking a sip. I scrunched up my nose. “Bottled pop sucks.”

“I knoooowwww,” Kenzie said. “Like, canned? Fucking amazing, love it. From a bottle? You can fucking taste the plastic. It’s gross.”

I took another sip. “Still drinking it anyway.”

“Oh, yeah, of course, it’s pop.” She took another bite from her sandwich.

We ended up going into a nearby Dollarama after lunch. We were browsing snacks to see if we could find anything interesting.

“Ugh, they only ever have the basic bitch Harvest Snaps. Never the actually good spicy stuff,” I said.

“There’s jalapeño cheetos,” Kenzie replied.

“Yeah, those are good,” I said. “But fuck I want wasabi Harvest Snaps.”

“Oh, yeah, feel that, girl,” Kenzie said. “Hey, these are good.”

I turned to find her holding up a little bag of something. “Dried mangoes?”

“Fuck yeah,” Kenzie said. “Two bucks for one of the tastiest treats ever.”

“Dollar store dried mangoes?”

“Yeah, they’re, like, actually good. Wanna try ‘em?”

I shrugged. “Sure, why not?”

“Hell yeah!” Kenzie grabbed a second bag of the stuff. One bag for her, one for me.

“You should totally come over to my place. I’ve got some garlic bread. You ace people love that stuff, right?”

I giggled. “That’s a stereotype, but, yeah, I fucking love garlic bread.”

She led me over to a bus stop, and we waited for a bus together.

“Hey, is it alright if I send you some cash? I can just magic some up for myself whenever, so it’s nothing for me.”

“Um, what do you mean?”

“Well, magic and whatnot comes really easy to me, as a demon. Like, I could, like, multiply my bank balance by ten right this second if I really wanted, and, since I’m doing magic anyway, I can also throw in a spell to make it get overlooked.”

“Magical money laundering,” I said.

“Basically, yeah.” Kenzie giggled. “So, I could send you a couple… million…”



“And that just gets overlooked?”

Kenzie nodded and giggled. “That spell is actually really easy too.”

The bus pulled up and we both got on, taking a seat near the back.

“You’re gonna teach me, right?”

Kenzie nodded. “Of course. Actually, the spell to make people overlook things is stupid simple, I’ll teach you right now.”

She then proceeded to walk me through casting that spell on my horns and tail.

“I prefer not doing this,” she said. “I actually kind of like it when people stare at my horns and tail. I can hear their thoughts, too. It can be pretty amusing.”

“You can read minds?”

“Only humans, and only if they’re nearby. Like, I need to be able to see them.”

“So, you can’t-”

“Read your mind? Not anymore, no.”

“So you could last night?”

Kenzie nodded. “I can turn it off. I really only got your name - Melody - and that’s about it.”

I squirmed a little. “That’s… kind of personal.”

“I know that,” Kenzie said. “By the way, I don’t actually know your deadname.”

“You don’t?”

Kenzie shook her head. “I changed your id and stuff without looking.”

I sighed. “I think I prefer it that way. I wish I could forget that name too.”

“I feel that, Mel. Wish I could forget mine.”

Kenzie had a small house near the edge of town. It was surrounded by woods on all sides.

It was really cozy inside, with the front door opening almost directly into her living room, with doors leading off to other rooms that I assumed were probably a bathroom, a kitchen, and her bedroom. There was an old, worn couch facing towards a TV.

We took off our shoes, and Kenzie gave me a brief tour.

The kitchen was small as well, but it had everything important; an oven for cooking pizza, a microwave for reheating leftover pizza, a fridge for storing leftover pizza, a freezer for storing frozen pizzas yet to be cooked… You get the idea. Kenzie seemed to really like frozen pizzas. She did have other things, like KD, garlic bread, cereal, assorted fruits and veggies, and some tortillas, but there had to be a dozen frozen pizzas in her freezer.

She pulled a box of garlic bread out. “So some of this and… what else do you want?”

“I think pizza is pretty doable,” I commented.

Kenzie glanced at the boxes in her freezer. “Ah, yeah… I do have a lot of those, don’t I?”

I shrugged. “I mean, pizza is good, so it’s not weird.”

“Ok, good. You want that then?”

I thought about it for a bit. “Sure, why not?”

She smiled. “Ok, awesome. Lemme just preheat the oven. I think we can cook these together…” She examined the box of garlic bread for instructions. “Three-fifty degrees… and the pizza…” She pulled a box of frozen pizza out of the oven. “Four hundred. Hm… I guess I could cook the garlic bread at a higher temperature for a bit shorter? Maybe?”

“I mean, I’ve done that before, it tasted fine afterwards, wasn’t burnt or anything.”

Kenzie nodded and started up the oven and entered the temperature so it started pre-heating. “Alright. I’ve got Netflix, wanna watch anything?”

I snorted. “On Netflix?”

Kenzie grinned. “Yeah, you’re right. Prime has better stuff anyway. Jurassic Park. You like Jurassic Park?”

I nodded. “Who doesn’t?”

“Weirdos, that’s who.”

We laughed together, then Kenzie grabbed the remote and turned on the TV, navigating to Prime and quickly finding Jurassic Park in her favourites.

We sat next to each other on the couch with a few bags of various snackfoods - popcorn, chips, cheetos, pretzels - and started watching the movie. About ten minutes in, Kenzie popped into the kitchen to put our food in the oven. Another ten minutes after, we paused the movie to grab our suppers, then went back to continue the movie.

Kenzie spoke up at one point about something Ian Malcolm said about ‘spent too much time thinking about if they could without worrying about if they should.’ “You know, you could say that about all this AI bullshit going on recently.”

I turned to look at her. “You know, I already had a high opinion of you, but it just rose a bit hearing that.”

Kenzie laughed. “Yeah. Fuck, wish I was strong enough to teleport far enough so I could just light the servers on fire.”

“How far could you teleport?”

“I could teleport to Toronto right now, and that’s after spending a lot of energy transforming you last night. I didn’t go all the way, so I’ve got some left over. Normally I’d be able to get to Windsor.”

“So, like, how demonic am I?” I asked.

“About halfway,” Kenzie replied. “I could make you full demon tonight if you wanted.”

I sighed. “I’m leaning towards yes. Are there any big downsides?”

Kenzie shook her head. “Not really? I mean, other than some misunderstandings from mortals, no. You do need to eat a lot, though. Magic takes so much energy, it’s not even funny. On the other hand, you can look however you want, you’re almost indestructible, you can’t get sick, you can use magic super easily. There are a lot of upsides.”

“Really? No big downsides?”

Kenzie shook her head. “You do have a higher tolerance to most substances, but you can lower that if you want, so it’s whatever.”

“That’s weird. I wonder why that is.”

“I ain’t questioning it,” Kenzie said. “I just enjoy getting stoned.”

“Fair enough!” I said. “But yeah, I’ll think about it and let you know after the movie.”

We focused back onto the movie, but it wasn’t long before we found another thing to talk about.

“Dude, the deaths in this movie are so brutal!” I said.

Kenzie snorted. “Tell me about it. Honestly, dude deserved it, nothing but dollar signs in his eyes.”

I rolled my eyes. “Look, on the one hand, Dinosaurs are fucking awesome. On the other hand, Dinosaurs are fucking terrifying and absolutely would eat people if brought back to life.”

“Oh yeah, absolutely,” Kenzie said. “I mean, some of them probably wouldn’t be a big deal to bring back. Also, we do have birds still.”

“Birds are cool, yeah.”

“You know, it’s kinda wild that he survived that.”

“I mean, I’m glad he did. I can’t really handle kids dying,” I replied.

“Oh, same. Or dogs. Or cats. Or any cute animals, really. I’m a big softie like that.”

“Oh, fuck, yeah. Keanu Reeves is cool and all, but I could never watch John Wick.”

“Oh, that’s because…”

“The dog dies.”

“Fuck. Yeah, not down to watch that.”

“I mean, as far as I know, the entire rest of the movie is him slaughtering the people responsible.”

“The appropriate response to someone killing your dog.”

“‘It’s a Unix system,’” Kenzie imitated Lex. “That line is always funny to me, I don’t know why.”

“I mean, the way it’s delivered is a bit goofy.”

“Just a bit.”

“You know, it’s nice seeing a really nerdy character being a girl, ya know?”

“Oh, for sure.” Kenzie stood up. “Hey, you want any pop? I’ve got some Pepsis.”



“Then fuck yes.”

We’d just finished the movie, and the credits were rolling as Kenzie turned to me.

“The soundtrack of this movie is so good,” I said.

“John Williams never fails.”

“No, he does not.”



“You wanna be a full demon?”

I paused for a second, then nodded. “Yeah, I think I do. There’s no real downside, right? So like, why not?”

Kenzie smiled. “Yay!”

I giggled. “You’re a dork.”

Kenzie got a proud look on her face. “Thank you very much for the compliment.”

I rolled my eyes. “You’re also a total goofball.”

“Why yes, I am.”


“So, tomorrow morning, you will wake up as an immortal demoness.”

“That’s it?”

“It’s easier to do while you sleep.”

“Oh, gotcha.”

Kenzie stood up to take our plates into the kitchen. After she came back, she asked if I wanted to head home yet or stay for a while.

“I’ll stay a bit longer. I’m enjoying spending time with you.”

“Awesome,” Kenzie said. “Wanna go smoke in my backyard?”

“Oh. Fuck. Yes.”

We both stood up. Kenzie turned towards me.

“Hey, uh… Can I hug you?”

I didn’t hesitate. I wrapped my arms around my new demon friend, pulling her into a tight hug.

Thanks for reading! Be sure to check out my Patreon, where this was originally posted.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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