Help?! My Harem is Trying to Kill Me!

A Hard Dose of Reality


“Saya!” I screamed, as I flung the door open. “I-“ 

I freezed dead in my tracks, my eyes widening and my mouth nearly falling to the floor. 

I was welcomed to the sight of Saya in her birthday suit. She was rummaging through her dresser without a care in the world. 


Saya’s jet black hair was slick with water and clung to her face erotically. Her eyes had a deep misty look to them. Her pink lips looked even more sensual than usual. Her breasts weren't very big, but they were extremely perky. Her light brown nipples and areola were completely exposed. Her waist was small and her legs were slender. She pulled out a pair of blue and white striped panties. Thus, exposing her round and perky butt. 

Out of the corner of Saya’s eyes she met mine. My heart skipped a beat, nearly stopping completely. But, Saya went back to what she was about to do. But, she quickly did a double take as she turned to face me. Exposing her black peach fuzz slit. 

Saya blinked a few times as if she couldn’t believe what she was seeing. 

Say something! Say something! Say something! Say something!

No matter how much I screamed at myself in my head, nothing changed. I remained still like a statue. 

Saya closed her eyes, inhaling a deep breath before exhaling. She suddenly opened her eyes before flashing me a wonderful smile. 

“Huh?” There was an awkward moment of silence where Saya and I just stared at each other. 

Suddenly, Saya dropped down to her messy floor and scrambled to reach for something underneath her dresser. 

My instincts kicked in and I rushed her. I wrapped my arms around Saya and scooped her off of the floor. 

“GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME!!!” Saya screamed at the top of her lungs as she flailed around and kicked me. 

“Fine!” I shouted as I threw Saya onto her messy bed. 

Her body bounced on the mattress, scattering clothes everywhere. Her eyes were filled with burning hatred. She tried to sit up, but I jumped on top of her. Pinning her to the mattress. 

“You motherfucker!” Saya flailed around, trying to bite, scratch and punch me. I pinned Saya’s arms above her head. 


I covered Saya’s mouth to stop her from screaming. “Shut up!” 

“Hey!” I instantly froze after hearing Morgan’s angry voice. 

My heart was beating so loud that it drowned out all the other sounds around me. I was sweating bullets, and shaking uncontrollably.

I.. I really fucked up. How could I even explain this??? 

I slowly turned my head to see Morgan standing in Saya’s doorway. Her brows were furrowed, and her eyes were filled with malice. 

Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! 

My future flashed before my eyes. The police sirens, me in handcuffs, my cellmate named Big Bubba, me being the one pinned down, the sexoffender registry, the homelessness. 

Please, God don’t let that be me?! 

I opened my mouth in an attempt to salvage the situation, but it was unnecessary.

“Close the damn door!” Morgan shouted as she slammed the door shut. 

“Eh?” The sound left my mouth unconsciously. 

It was like a bucket of ice cold water had been poured on my head. My heart slowed down, and I stopped sweating. 

She didn’t.. Do anything??? She just left her?? I- “Owwww!” 

I looked down to see Saya biting my palm. I jerked my hand away from her mouth in response. Blood sprayed from my palm stating Saya and the clothes on her bed. 

Tears welled up in my eyes, and I attempted to shake off the pain. 

Saya's eyes lit up in mockery as she smirked at me.

I pulled my hand back to slap her, but I found myself unable to follow through with it. 

“Ha.” Saya laughed. 

Without warning, Saya spit in my face. “Pussy.” 

To say that I was caught off guard would be an understatement. “You… bitch.” I slowly wiped the spit off of my face. 

I opened and closed my eyes, trying to calm myself down.  

I stared at my bloodied palm, a small piece of flesh was missing and what was left there was a bite mark. 

“So what now?” Saya asked mockingly, her eyes vacant. 

“What?” I asked, still processing what had just happened. 

“What now?” Saya asked again, almost laughing. “Are you going to hit me or..” A weird smile formed on Saya's face as she started laughing. “Do you want to fuck me? Or maybe both?!” 

“What? No.. I-I-” 

Saya’s eyes turned deranged and she started laughing menacingly. “If you’re going to hurt me, just hurry up and get it over with!” 

“No…I-I don’t-” I let go of Saya's arms, revealing cuts, scars and bruises. “Oh my god…” 

A deep frown formed on Saya’s face, before she flashed me a smile. “Changed your mind?!” 

Saya reached underneath me, and grabbed my crotch. 

“What the fuck are you doing?!” I yelped as I jumped off of her. 

Saya laughed maniacally as she sat up, showing off her body without a care in the world. “What happened?! You don’t like ‘em!” 

Saya started waving her arms around, laughing like a maniac. 

I no longer saw the black haired beauty that captivated me. But, the girl with dark rings around her eyes. The girl with small gray hairs scattered throughout her hair. The girl with unhealthy pale skin, with scars, cuts, bruises, and malnourished. I finally saw.. Saya.

“I-I’m sorry!” I yelled as I fell off of her bed. 

My vision started getting blurry, my ears started ringing, and my stomach twisted into a knot. 

“Pfft! Ahahahaha! Are you crying?! Ahahaha!” Saya started laughing so hard that it was deafening. 

“Shut the fuck up!” Morgan’s voice reached my ears. 

“I’m sorry!” I screamed. 

Saya started laughing even harder, as if I wasn’t even in the room with her. 

My heart wouldn’t calm down, and I couldn’t get my breathing under control. I could hardly see and I had an unbearable headache. 

I turned around and flung the door open. “I-I-I-I’m so sorry!” 

I ran out of Saya’s room, moving through the trash and clutter as fast as I could. 

“I need air! I need air! I need air! I need air!” I fell down, getting dirt and other things on myself. I quickly stood back up, fumbling everywhere but resuming my sprint. 

“Hey! You owe me some more mo-“ 

“Fuck off me!” I knocked Morgan out of the way. Rushing right past her and knocking over everything that got in my path.

I jumped out of Saya’s house and fell on the ground. I quickly recovered and ran to Riri’s car before I yanked her door open and jumped in. 

“You’re bleeding!” Mizuki screamed at the top of her lungs. 

I looked down at my arms and it looked like I scraped my arms, but hadn’t noticed.

“What the fuck?!” Riri screamed as soon as she noticed my condition. “You’re not sitting in my car like this! Fuck is wrong with you?!“ 

My chest felt tight, and hurt like hell. 

“Helloooo!!!” Riri leaned in to scream at me. 

“Drive!!” I slammed my fist on the dashboard, over and over again. “Drive! Drive! Drive!”

“Okay!” Riri quickly switched her gears and pulled off.  

The world was slowly growing darker, and started twisting and morphing in strange ways. My head felt fuzzy and I was feeling disoriented. 


Mizuki’s small hand touched my shoulder and I snatched it away. “Don’t touch me!” 

My stomach felt like it was burning, and felt so tight that I clutched because of how bad it hurt. My throat burned from the acid traveling up my throat. Even though I tried to hold my vomit back, it gushed out of my mouth like a geyser without any resistance. Staining my clothes and covering Riri’s dashboard. 

I could hear Riri and Mizuki screaming at the top of their lungs, but I couldn’t understand what they were saying.  The only tuning that I knew is they were staring at me.

The sound of my heart beat filled my ears. My body wouldn’t stop shaking no matter how hard I tried not to. Every breath that I took drained me, it felt like I was sucking air through a straw. My eyes burned, and tears wouldn’t stop coming out of my eyes. The world was blurry and twisting in weird ways. I was experiencing random spells of darkness, and it took everything that I had to keep my eyes open.

“I can’t breathe! I can’t breathe! I can’t breathe! I can’t breathe...I can’t brea…I can’t br.. I can’t…” 


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