Help?! My Harem is Trying to Kill Me!

A Morning with Saya


My eyes fluttered as the sunlight hit my face. I groaned as I wiped the sleep away from my eyes. 

“Huh?” As I rustled in my bed, there was something heavy weighing on my chest and arms. 

I looked over to see Saya fast asleep with her head resting on my chest. 

Damnit! My arm is asleep because of you! 

Before I could say anything, I noticed that Saya was crying in her sleep. 

I wonder what she’s dreaming about? 

A sour feeling hit me in my chest, and I closed my mouth. 

I hugged Saya closer to me and rubbed her head. By the small smile appearing on her face I believe it’s helping her in some way. 

She can have this one.

After watching Saya for so long, I eventually fell back asleep. 

I was eventually woken up by a strange sensation. 

I opened my eyes to see Saya on top of me with her tongue down my throat. 

“…” My brain short circuited and I couldn’t speak. 

Saya was grinding on top of me and twirling her tongue around the inside of my mouth. She gripped my hair with all of her strength, holding me in place. 

I tapped Saya’s back repeatedly, but she didn’t let up. If anything, she amped up her aggression. 

Saya greedily swallowed my saliva and started grinding into my hips even harder, eliciting a moan from me. 

I grabbed Saya’s waist to get her off of me, but I found myself running my hands across her body. 

She’s so soft and warm…

Saya’s breasts were pressed up against my chest, and I could feel her heart racing. Her breath was hot and tickled my nose. And her tongue tastes minty and sweet. Despite how much I tried to fight it, I found myself slowly indulging myself in her. 

This is really bad…

I slowly traced Saya’s spine as she wriggled seductively on top of me. I felt her curvy figure as I made way to her hips. I slowly caressed her soft thighs as I ran my hand up and down her legs. I could feel the goosebumps on her skin as I slowly ran my hands up her legs. My hands arrived at the top of her thighs and before I knew it I firmly grabbed her ass. 

Saya moaned as her tongue wriggled in the inside of my mouth. I pulled my hand back and lightly smacked her ass, eliciting another moan from Saya. Her ass was firm, yet soft and elastic, and it bounced back nicely. I found myself enjoying the sensation way too much. 

Saya suddenly separated her lips from mine, leaving a trail of saliva connecting our lips. Her eyes were melting and her breath was hot enough to be seen. Her cheeks were flushed with blood and she burned to the touch. She slowly ran her hands up and down my chest, lifting up my shirt. Saya dipped her head down and started showering my chest and stomach with wet kisses. 

Saya stared deep into my eyes, those same deep brown eyes sucking me in. I know for a fact that what I’m seeing is pink beating hearts in her eyes.“I want you.” 

Saya took the words right out of my mouth. 

My cheeks burned, I struggled to breath, my heart raced, and my crotch was on fire and about to explode any moment.

..It’s not so bad. She wants it to. I’m not taking advantage of her. It’s not a big deal. 

“Hey!” Kenzie’s voice broke me out of my trance. That and the cold water she started spraying on us. “Stop it!” 

“Okay! Okay!” I shook my head as the water assaulted my face. 

“Horny little bastards!” Kenzie ignored my pleas and continued spraying us with water. “I gave you an inch and then you take a mile!” 

I struggled to keep the water out of my eyes as I put my arms up to shield my face. 

I looked at Saya and she was still concentrating on me. Her eyes were hungry like a predator, and the smile on her face sent a chill up my spine. She slowly sat up and mouthed the words ‘You still owe me’.

I couldn’t reply fast enough because Saya climbed off of me after that, taking the last liberty to run her ass against my dick. 

Kenzie and Saya both left my room, with Kenzie giving Saya an earful. Though, I don’t think Saya cared, she may not have even listened. 

I was left soaking wet and aone. I replayed the event that had just taken place inside of my head over and over again. 

I’m kind of irritated that Kenzie cockblocked me, but it’s a good thing that she did. Otherwise I would have… 

I smacked my face to clear my head. 

No simping! 

I sat up and noticed something horrifying. I looked inside my pants and was ashamed of myself. 

After a shameful shower alone, I got dressed for school and headed down stairs for breakfast. 

After I arrived, Saya’s eyes lit up, while Kenzie’s expression soured. Though, it wasn’t as bad as this morning. 

Where’s Miyuki?” I looked at the table and didn’t see a plate set for her.

“She… spent a night at Riri’s.” Kenzie looked like she had more to say, but decided not to. 

I have a vague idea as to what she wanted to say, but I chose not to say anything either. 

I sat down next to Saya, and she immediately wrapped her arm around mine and hugged me close. 

Kenzie looked like she wanted to say something but decided not to.

Honestly… I don’t know how to handle Saya’s affection either. 

What we had for breakfast was French toast, eggs and bacon with orange on the side. 

Saya started humming a tune as she grabbed the syrup and started drowning her food in it.

“That’s too much..” I commented from the side. 

“Nah, it tastes way better this way.” Saya replied happily, further smothering her breakfast.

I turned away from the monstrosity that Saya was creating. I started cutting up my food as I waited my turn for the syrup. That was until.. 

“Why do you two have bite marks on your necks?” Kenzie asked with her utensils hanging in the air. 

“Uhh…” I grabbed the bite on my neck, the memory still fresh in my mind. 

There was so much going on that I actually forgot about this. 

But before I could come up with an answer, Saya took it upon herself to answer Kenzie’s question. “Their love marks!” Saya replied, digging into her food right afterwards. 

Kenzie’s mouth hung open, everytime she wanted to speak she flapped her lips, but nothing came out. She was utterly speechless. She just continued throwing Saya and I strange and indecipherable looks.

I guess this works… for now. I’ll probably have to answer this later. Kenzie might not know what to say right now. I don’t know what to say either. 

Outside of the weird announcement from Saya, It was a decent breakfast. That was until Saya started crying in the middle of the meal. I had to comfort her until she finished eating and stopped crying. 

As we said our goodbyes to Kenzie, I used the opportunity to wrap her in a hug. 

“I owe you a date.” I whispered into Kenzie’s ear. 

I released Kenzie from my grasp, and was shocked by what I saw. 

Kenzie had a school girl blush and her lips were slightly parted. 

I couldn’t admire Kenzie’s appearance for much longer because Saya dragged me out of the house. 

As we started walking, I noticed Saya was unusually quiet. 

Saya was side-eyeing me, but not saying a word. 

“Everything alright?” I don’t know what it is.. But, I feel this weird vibe coming from her. 

“No.” Saya responded flatly. 

I took a second to think about what could have upset Saya, and the only thing I could think of was the incident from this morning. 

But she didn’t seem to be mad about that… 

Then my brain wandered to the next thing.… “Are you upset that I hugged my step mom?” 

I laughed it off.. Or rather I tried to until I realized Saya didn’t answer my question nor was she laughing. 

A chill ran up my spine, and a bead of sweat formed on my forehead. “Are you serious?”

Saya continued throwing dirty looks at me but responded after a few seconds. “You’re mine.” 

The memory of the first time she told me resurfaced, an uncomfortable feeling forming inside of my chest. 

I took a deep breath before wrapping my arm around Saya and hugging her. “Happy?” 

“Fuck you.” Despite what Saya said, she nestled up against me while trying to hold back a smile. 

Suddenly, a thought struck me like a bolt of lightning. 

Not only do I want a harem, I have to create one… But, with Saya being so jealous it could cause a problem. 

Then another thought struck me as well…

I can’t be all lovey dovey with Saya at school either. Not yet at least. The girls may react the same way as her. 



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