Help?! My Harem is Trying to Kill Me!

The Law of Equivalent Exchange


“Shit!” My hand slipped and I almost dropped the bandages. 

I’m currently in the janitor's bathroom wrapping Saya’s wrist, and doing a terrible job at it apparently. Obviously our nurse would have been much better suited for this. But, Saya is starchily against going to the nurse about her self-inflicted injuries. Apparently, if the nurse finds out she’s hurting herself she could get admitted to a mental hospital..again.

I tried asking her why that was such a bad thing, but she refused to tell me. So here I am. 

Saya was smiling from ear to ear, giddy like a little girl. “You’re cute.” 

I stopped what I was doing. “This isn’t funny.” 

I have to set boundaries with Saya now. If I don’t she’ll only get worse, if that’s even possible. 

“Saya. You’re not allowed to hurt yourself anymore.” 

“Okay Jeff.” Saya replied with a scoff. 

I stared Saya directly in the eyes. “I’m serious.” 

There was a long awkward stretch of silence, before I got an answer. 

“Okay.. I’ll try.” Saya’s face twitched, and I could see that she was biting down on her teeth. 

“Not try. You’ll do it.” Saya slowly nodded her head to my words. 

Fuck!!! I’m so nervous!!! 

I can do this! I can do this! “And you’re going to quit smoking starting today.”  

Saya's eyes shot open, her face undergoing various changes. 

 “You said you’d quit for me, right?” This might be kind of scummy. But, maybe this is what it takes. “You love me, right?” 

Saya’s body shook, and her eyes watered. “…I do. I really do.”  

I took a deep breath before staring deeply into Saya’s fragile eyes. “And you have to stop being so jealous.” 

It was like another person took over Saya’s body. Her helpless expression turned cold and hereyes steeled. “If I don’t protect what’s mine, it’ll get stolen away from me.” 

The alarm sounded inside of my head, and I grabbed Saya by her wrist before she could cause any damage. She winced in pain, but didn’t fight me. If anything she looked caught off guard. 

Don’t shake! Don’t shake! 

I stayed unmoving in front of the ‘Yandere Saya’.  

“You said you love me, you said that I’m yours. Well this is what it’s going to take to keep me.” 

Saya tilted her head to the side with a creepy smile. “Hmm.. You wanna know what I think?”

I can’t let her win! I have to be a man! 

My heart was pounding and every bone in my body trembled. “Saya, I need you to trust me.” 

Saya stared at me for what seemed like an eternity before she spoke. “Prove it.” 

“…How?” Fuck! This isn’t the route I wanted to go! 

“Let me carve my name into your skin.“ Saya said innocently with a big smile on her face.

My mouth hung open, but nothing came out. 

Saya’s eyes shot open. “Don’t worry! I’ll let you do it to me too!” 

The original strategy I reserved for Saya doesn’t work in this world. What do I do now? “Where?” 

Saya looked down at my crotch, her burning gaze making me feel uncomfortable on levels that I never knew existed. “Don’t you think it'd be fun? You can put your mark down there once too.” 

“You’re insane.” I responded without thinking. 

“Insane?” Saya started laughing hysterically, and her eyes turned feral. But, suddenly it all stopped and she went back to a blank expression with a creepy smile. “I’m not crazy.. I’m in love with a big pussy. I’ll do it on your thigh instead.” Saya leaned in to me and whispered in my ear. “But.. you can mark me anywhere.”  

The chills all over my body told me to do otherwise, but as usual, I ignored my internal instincts. “Deal.” 

“Really?!” Saya pulled back with a deranged smile on her face. “You can’t back out.” 

“You can’t either.” I responded, goosebumps popping up all over my skin. 

Saya’s eyes melted and her cheeks filled with blood. “I..really like that… I can’t wait.”   

I thought about going behind Saya’s back and ‘cheating’ on her. I even thought about trying to get rid of her as soon as possible, just giving her the bare bone amount of attention to keep her interested. I’m honestly disgusted with myself for some of the thoughts I had. It’s not right to Saya, and it’s not sustainable. Once she finds out, her reaction would only be worse. 

I took a long deep breath, before donning a smile. “So am I.” 

Either this is going to work, or it’s all going to hell.

I finished bandaging up Saya’ wrist and we said our goodbyes after she forced me to make out with her until the bell rang. 

By the time I was finished with that, it was already lunch time. 

I’m really looking forward to seeing a certain someone. 

Despite what I said, I looked around the entire cafeteria but couldn’t find her. 

Where the fuck is Hannah? 

I’ve been curious about Hannah ever since what happened while Saya and I were on a date. 

I felt a chill run up my spine just from remembering the look Hannah gave us. 

What was that? 

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Nah.. there’s no way... It can’t be.. 

I found an empty table all the way in the back of the cafeteria in the corner to sit down and eat. “Damn, this is lonely…”

Hannah was good company.. 

I took a few bites of my chicken and opened my carton of milk and started drinking, when someone I REALLY didn’t want to see showed up.

“Can I sit right here?” Jason appeared out of nowhere. He was dressed in a black hoodie covering his head. He sat down before I could even give him a response. “Hey, I just wanted to say sorry for earlier. I-“ 

I am not in the mood. “What’s your problem?” 

Jason looked confused, as if what I said was the most indecipherable thing ever. “What do you mean?” 

You picked the wrong day, Jason. “You’re aware that I hate you, right?” 

“What?!” Jason shouted, but quickly quieted his vice while looking around. “No Why would you hate me? You don’t even know me.”

“I..” That's actually a good point. “Whatever.” 

“No.” Jason brow furrowed and his eyes started watering. “Why do you hate me? I’ve been nothing but nice to you.” 

“Yeah I noticed that too…” He’s been unnaturally nice to me. 

“So why?” Jason asked, his voice cracking. 

“What’s your end goal?” I responded with a question of my own.

“What?” Jason asked, looking exasperated. 

“What do you want? Do you want to make all of the girls hate me so that you can take them all for yourself?” This is all a ploy! It has to be! Why would an Alpha want to talk to me?! 

Jason's mouth flapped open like a broken lid and he didn't say a thing. 

“So that’s what it is. You beautiful bastard. You think you’re better than me? I-“

“No.” Jason interjected. “I’m not better than you. And I don’t want any of them. You can have them.” 

“Errr… what?” Did I hear him correctly? 

“I don’t want them.” Jason answered, as if a weight had just been lifted off of his chest.

“B..I..don’t…understand????” What the fuck??? Is he answering this way because he’s an Alpha? Maybe he has so many girls chasing him that he can afford to give some away? Lien a pity thing? 

“You think it’s a great thing when so many girls want you, but it’s a nightmare!” Jason started trembling and pulling his hair so hard that I was genuinely shocked that it wasn’t coming out. 

“This sounds kind of-“ 

“GAY? No it’s not.” Jason interjected, his eyes red and crazed. “No one understands.. no one ever understands.” 

“But, why???” That's all I could say. It’s like my brain short circuited. 

“Why???” Jason asked, as if he couldn’t believe I was asking him this question. “Here!” 

Jason pulled out his phone and unlocked it before handing it to me. 

I looked down at Jason’s phone and it was on the message screen. I scrolled through his messages and it was filled with different girls' names. Most of the messages were unread and many of them were still coming in. The contents of the messages consisted of the most innocent things to the most unsavory things. Such as… 

I love you! You’re so handsome! Take me on a date?! Let’s hang out! WYD?! Answer me! Don’t ignore me! You don’t even care about me! Who are you with?! I’ll beat her ass! You’re a dog! You’re an asshole! I hate you! I’m sorry! Please forgive me?! I won’t do it again! 

As I scrolled down it only got worse. Girls having entire conversations with themselves. And I also noticed that some of the girls sent him pictures as well, but Jason didn’t open them. Only God knows what was in there.

I.. actually feel bad for him???

Though I thought that… a small part of me felt another way… 

That was supposed to be me! I’m the hentai protagonist! This lucky bastard! 

I sighed aloud, pushing my conflicting emotions aside. “I’m sorry..” 

I placed Jason’s phone on the table. 

Jason's face twitched and he turned to stare at me, his eyes shining brightly and filled with wonder. “Really?” 

Not gonna lie… that made my heart skip a beat. 

I coughed to clear my throat. “Yeah.. I misjudged you. I thought you were an asshole, and a spoiled pretty boy. I didn’t know you were going through so much.” 

Tears flooded Jason’s eyes as he began to cry. “Thank you!!” 

Tears and mucus stained Jason’s face as he sobbed softly. Doing his best to constrain himself. 

“What the fuck?! Are you crying?!” I’m really not used to guys crying in front of me. 

“I’m just so happy.. someone finally believed me!” Jason buried his head in my chest, sobbing like a baby. 

Tears and mucus stained my shirt as I started to deeply regret ever speaking to Jason. I tried to peel Jason off of me, but he refused to let go so I gave up and let him finish crying. 

“Thanks..” Jason wiped his nose with my last napkin. 

I actually needed that one. 

I wiped my hands on my pants. “So why is every girl obsessed with you?” 

“That’s the thing. It’s not every girl. There’s just a lot of them, and I don’t know why. I’m just a normal guy. It’s just always been this way.” Jason replied with a hoarse voice.

Normal? Well that’s an Alpha for you, I guess.

“Well have you tried being mean to them or something?” That’s what most girls do to me, and it works most times. 

“I can’t.” Jason quickly responded. “I've tried, but I just can't do it. And since I can’t be mean to them, I ignore them. But that just makes them fall for me even harder.”

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Those words kept repeating in my head like a bad mantra. 

“They should like a guy like you.” Jason’s voice broke me back to reality. 

“Ha… why?” I almost burst out laughing, but I caught myself fortunately. 

“You’re cool.” Jason responded, his voice filling with vigor. “Despite how much the girls hate you, you don’t care what they think about you!” 

I actually care very much. I just try not to think about it… 

“And you still talk to them. Well try to. But, even when they ignore you, you just try again.” Jason explained what I really didn’t want to hear. “That’s incredible. That takes bravery.” 

Is this guy delusional??? 

“That’s so different from how I am. For the most part, I just nod my head and listen to what they say.” Jason's face fell and he looked downcast. “I’m too cowardly to hold a real conversation with them.” 

I really misjudged Jason. He’s.. not that great. He’s pretty normal outside of his looks. Is this all that makes an Alpha?

“I wish I could be more like you.” Jason muttered under his breath, but I heard him clearly. 

“Trust me.. you don’t.” My life has been pretty fucked up as of late. 

“Why not?” Jason asked, as if he was surprised that I responded that way. 

“Well, for one. I’m ugly. That-“ 

“Don’t say that about yourself.” Jason quickly cut me off. “You’re really cute.” 

Jason’s eyes shot open and he tried to correct himself. “I..that’s not…” 

I honestly don’t want to open up that can of worms. I’ll just change the topic. “Why did you even decide to come to this school? There’s all chicks here?” 

“I didn’t.” Jason damn near shouted, but still kept his voice low. “My mom made me. She wanted me to get used to being around girls, but I can’t do it.” 

What the fuck am I hearing? What type of life has he lived until now? 

“You have to help me???” Jason’s voice cracked, and he looked exhausted.

“Me?? How?” I think he needs a therapist. 

“You want a bunch of girls, right?” Jason asked, his eyes unfocused. “You talk to Hannah, Ms.Mahoney, Riri, I even saw you talking to Saya?! You’re much more suited for this!” 

“How do you know all of this?” He might have seen me with all the other girls besides Saya. I was extra careful to make sure no one knew I was hanging out with her. 

Jason averted his eyes and he started stuttering. “I’ll help you.” 


“I can help with your wardrobe. And your fitness. Even your hygiene. I’m really knowledgeable about that stuff.” Jason started babbling non stop about all of my flaws. 

“…am I really that bad?” I interjected, my feelings unable to take any more.!

“You’re awesome. You just need some improvement.” Jason responded carefully, his voice sounding worried beyond belief. 

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If this is really the case.. “…Let’s do it.” I replied. 

“Really?” Jason went wide eyed and his lips trembled. “You mean it?” 

Jason grabbed my hands, and tears started filling his eyes again. 

Please, let me be right for once?

I shook my hands free of Jason’s. “Yeah. You’ll help me get better, and I’ll help keep the girls off of you.” 

“Thank you.” Jason tried to hug me again and I stiff armed him. 

“No more crying. No more hugging.” I replied as Jason stopped trying to hug me. 

Jason slunk in his seat, deflated and defeated. “Okay…” 

Why is this guy so weird? What do girls see in him? Is it solely about his looks? Or is it some type of strange passive ability? 

Jason’s eyes brightened up again. “I’m just so happy. I finally made a guy friend. My first guy friend. And it’s you. This is the happiest day of my life.” Jason started crying again, and was shaking profusely. “We can do manly things together. Like going to the gym together. Or shopping. Or go to a sauna.”

Thus the deal was made with Jason. I was going to leave from a… pseudo Alpha? In exchange, I’ll do my best to steal his women. 

Despite how beneficial I made this arrangement seem, I had a lingering thought in the back of my head. 

I might have gotten involved with another troublesome person… 

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