Hero System! Transported to Another World

Chapter 59: Secret

Shin, felt a bit confused but she nodded her head, She had trust in Sir Fire. She looked at Buster and said, "What about the parasite? Won't it harm or weaken me if it's in my body too long? That's how parasites work don't they?" Shin felt a bit scared when she thought of a parasite living inside of her body. She looked at Sir Fire and Buster hopefully.

But to her fear, Buster couldn't say anything, He looked at Sir Fire and said, "We'll have to find a cure for the parasite soon. But it might be more difficult than dealing with an actual parasite, this one seems to be made in a lab. So it's cure will take a longer time to find. But it doesn't need to worry about you. You'll be safe as long as you cooperate with us." 

Shin looked scared when she heard Buster but she nodded. She had to keep hope that they would find a cure for her. Sir Fire looked at the doctor and said, "Put her in a highly secure room and when every doing any form of checks on her, always bring a few guards with you. For now, she seems to be in control of herself self but we never know. I pray that it won't happen but if it does, the guards need to retain her for good." 

Sir FIre then looked towards Shin and softly said, "Be strong, For the key to saving thousands of awakened lies on you. It's a big job so you need to be strong. And, always inform the doctor if your mind starts to get muddled or you can't think straight. They'll try to help you." 

Shin nodded and smiled at Sir Fire. Buster looked at Sir Fire and said, "We'll need to go to the research station then, The faster we are, the better. But it might take time now that we had another huge even happen today." Buster then looked towards Alex and then said, "We need to give a brief to the awakened headquarters on everything, how about we send Alex and Midnight. The two will do that job while we focus on the research to find the cure for the parasite." 

Sir Fire nodded and looked towards Alex and Midnight, "You two will probably get bored if you just stuck here and watched we fiddle around with tools and samples. Going to the headquarters to brief on everything that has happened so far would be a better job, sounds good?" 

Alex looked at Midnight, who seemed to be happy with the idea. She said, "I'm more than happy with that, I think Alex also agrees, right?" Alex looked at Midnight and answered, "I also agree, We would have done nothing even if we were here so it's better this way. At least I can be of some use." 

Sir Fire smiled when he heard Alex and Midnight, "You two go to the reception of the facility, I'll get a car ready to take you two to the headquarters. We'll be going now, be safe." Buster smiled at Midnight and Alex, "See you two soon." 

Alex and Midnight said their goodbyes and went to the reception. Midnight looked at Alex and said, "You must be super unlucky, you know?" Alex looked confused and replied, "Unlucky? How so?" 

Midnight laughed when she heard Alex's reply and continued, "Well, You came to this world yesterday, had to deal with nearly dying once, and then having to battle your first few reapers. Then today, you had to go through what looked like a normal looking C rank gate, only for it to evolve twice… Hell, you even made people dislike you from the start just because of how close you were with Hana, even though you've only been here for a day. I can't say if you're lucky or just unlucky but I do commend you for hanging on for so long. Now, you'll have some time to relax, at least until we brief them about the series of unfortunate events that we've gone through today." 

Alex laughed when he heard Midnight's words, He looked outside of the reception to see a car waiting for them, "The car's here, let's go." The two entered the car and set off to the Awakened Headquarters. Alex looked out of the car and said, "I'm curious, it was your first time in the facility as well, right?" Midnight nodded when she heard Alex, "It was my first time, But I did hear a lot about it from Buster." 

Alex continued, "Is the facility's location a secret that only a few know? It seems like the facility had everything that one could need, food, I think I saw a few bedding inside a few rooms and a few open grounds to play sports on… And" 

Midnight looked at Alex and smiled, "pretty observant, Indeed the facility's location is a secret to the public, Only the top dogs know of its location. The workers live in the facility itself so that they don't have to come back and forward, possibly giving away its location. The road from the city to the facility is known only by a few. That's the reason we're being driven from here to the city. I've heard that the road is filled with special equipment that is used to confuse people and deter them from driving on this road. It's been pretty secure till now so the fact that they sent mind controlled people here to extract information from here means that the person behind them has political powers as well or is backed by them. Which Means that once this news gets out, things will get ugly on the political side as well. But that's for the politicians to decide, we awakened stay away from politics." 

Alex nodded as he listened to Midnight, he thought, 'Just like Hana and Ryan said, they must be backed by some upper power… Most likely a politician. It makes even more sense now that they attacked a building that's location is not out to the public."

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