Hero System! Transported to Another World

Chapter 82: You're Slow

Alex looked at Imani and Midnight. 'This is a pretty tight schedule and I'm sure that It'll be packed… I don't like the thought of excessive training but this is the best way that I can get stronger… I'll need to do this with all the enthusiasm that I can muster up. After I finish this, I should be at my peak… At least I should be strong enough to finish the training in the given time limit…' Alex felt motivated to train. He looked at Midnight and spoke, "What do we do today then?" He wanted to know what they would be doing for the day. 

Midnight looked at Alex and smiled, "Well, I'll need to teach you the very basics so we start with foot work. But not now. We need an open ground first." She looked at Imani who walked towards the right side wall. She pressed on a pressure plate in the wall and looked at the far back wall. 

Everyone's attention fell to where Imani was looking at. The room started to rumble a bit as the walls started to split apart. Beyond the wall was a huge open space with different markings all over it. There were many different high tech gadgets attached to a different parts of the walls. Imani looked at Alex and smiled, "This is where you will be training with Miss Midnight. The different camera like objects around the room will be recording your training as well as your battles very closely which you will have to go through with me later in the day. But that's for later when you're training with me. For now, focus on training your techniques." Imani said as she slowly walked towards the door where they entered from. 

After Imani walked out of the room, Midnight looked at Alex, "Well, you know the plan already… Shall we get started?" Midnight asked as she walked into the open room. Alex followed behind her whilst looking around the room more closely. As he did, Alex noted that there was a white line ground around the ground, forming a huge rectangle. There were more lines splitting up the rectangle and a small circle in the middle. "What are these for? These lines don't look random or for design, What purpose were they drawn?" Alex asked in a curious manner. 

Midnight looked around the room and then smiled, "These lines are made for battles. Every now and then, we'll have sparring fights between the awakeneds. Sometimes it's an international thing where other awakened from different countries come here to our country. Mostly for creating and maintaining relations but also to see for themselves how strong we are. We also do the same in different countries but that's done by someone else who you'll meet some day. But every now and then, they ask to spar with us so we create this impromptu tournament between the representative awakeneds of other countries and some of our own. It's a fun thing to watch and even participate in. I always wanted to participate in them but I'm more of a supporter. As I've said before, my physical strength can match a high level B rank awakened. But my techniques will give me the edge of being able to battle an A ranked awakened." Midnight explained as she looked around.

She then looked at Alex and sighed, "I'm an A rank awakened only because I'm able to use my vocal powers to stun or even distract enemies. If I was physically stronger and I could do a bit more with my voice, then that would already boost me to S rank… The S rank is mostly those people who have high physical powers as well as their own unique abilities… Because of that, I might have some chances of becoming an A ranked in the future but the chances look pretty low to me. But until then I won't give up."

Midnight got closer to Alex and put her hand on his shoulder, "And so shouldn't you, I know that just from what I'm seeing here You already have enough potential to be an S rank… Healing, magical weapon casting, and good physical prowess. A diamond in the dirt, all I need to do is to make you shine. And guess what Alex, We're here to make you shine." Midnight laughed as she walked away from Alex. She then looked to the ceiling, "That was pretty cheesy to say but I'm serious. We've wasted some time talking so it must have been a good break for you after battling that bot so why don't we get down to business?" She slowly turned towards Alex with a small smile. 

Alex looked at Midnight and nodded, "What do we do to start this then?" He was ready but didn't know what to be ready for. Alex looked at Midnight and waited. It was silent. After a second or two, a voice entered Alex's Mind, [Combat training mode initiated]

He looked confused by the voice, his vision turned to his UI. 'Combat training mode initiated? I've never had this prompt before… But It must be because I'll be starting training with Midnight.' Alex thought as he looked towards Midnight again. But Alex didn't notice that Midnight was already gone from in front of him. 

"You're slow." Midnight's voice came from behind Alex. He turned back to see that Midnight was standing behind him. "You need to learn not to get distracted. I noticed that before you took your dagger, you got a bit distracted… So I just wanted to see if this would be the case as well. Now, ready yourself. I'll also have to check for myself on how strong you can be in terms of close combat." Midnight slowly spoke as she walked to Alex. 

Alex nodded and equipped the dagger. Midnight looked at Alex and shook her head, "Nope, no weapons. You need to learn fist fighting before any weapons. Because if you lose that weapon in the combat, you'll be helpless."

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