Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1600 - Massacre, Ice Age

The huge mountain of despair is long and winding, covered by white clouds, and there is no end in sight. On the highest main peak, which is the place of the top of despair, Evil God used the miraculous power to build a temple of despair and slept in it.

The Temple of Despair is very big, but the air plane across the plane, even if it deviates a distance of one millimeter in the air, will be very different after landing.

The terrain of the Desperate Mountain Range is too complicated, so for safety, the airborne location was selected on the plateau under the mountain range. Although it is necessary to break through the level and hit it all the way, it is better than falling on the mountain stream and directly dying.

“Why is this position? Three hundred miles? Is this too much difference?”

Commanders of all levels gathered above Downton, and after determining their position on the map, they couldn’t help but breathe a cool air, revealing a frustrated look.

The airborne raid relied on a time difference, and the other party was too careless to hit the opponent. Now, in this situation, the enemy has responded early when it rushes over.

“Be content, better than those who die directly!”

Thysson shouted.

“Don’t complain, but act actively and strive to win.”

Downton encouraged everyone.

After counting the number, 80% was lost. To be honest, although regrettable, this is an acceptable number, because in the concept of the staff, carrying out an airborne plan that has never been executed, and reducing staff by 50%, are acceptable.

In fact, the luck of Downton is not bad. A battleship of Saint-Jutland, Brittania, and the orcs, disintegrated directly in the turbulent plane, not to mention the whole corpse. There was no chance of the last words, and he was strangled to pieces.

The Death Star is going to be a vanguard, assaulting the Temple of Despair, but it is also off track. The closest is the Silent Reaper Corps led by Taixifeng.

Without the idea of ​​saving strength in order to wait and see to gain more war power, Prince Khorasan, after assembling the regiment, immediately marched to the Palace of Despair and began to attack.

at the same time. Di Lanxue, Holy Lily, Lionheart King Richard, silver-haired Othello, Prince Washington, Silver Dragon Samurai, Elven Prince Green Arrow, these young generation leaders all completed the assembly of troops at the fastest speed, Execute orders from various departments.

According to the plan. Not all legions will attack the Temple of Despair. Although they are more powerful, they will be completely surrounded by enemies. All there are some legions that are responsible for pretending, diverting the enemy’s forces, and even sniffing the enemy’s reinforcements. Get more time.

“What should we do now?”

Thyssen asked.

In the holy wars of all dynasties, the holy coffins also broke through the defensive line of the Evil God Army. I hit the temple of despair, so there is a map reference.

Although tens of thousands of years have passed and some geographical environments have changed, on the whole, it can still be clearly discerned.

“You go to the temple, and I will destroy that legion of elements!”

By torture the soul of General Evil God. Downton learned that the purpose of establishing a military barracks here was to monitor and guard against the Legion of the King of Fire, Egalo.

After Egalo and the false patriarch reached an agreement, they began to gather soldiers in the barren highlands, preparing to go through the portal to the West Turkic mainland.

But the portal is complete. Egalo didn’t move, and this guy always shook off for various reasons.

The false patriarch understands the purpose of this guy. It just wants to stay in the army for a long time. If possible, even kill the evil **** and sit on this continent.

In the heart of the flame king, Egalo, there is no difference between Western soil and the abyss of despair, so why not attack a continent closer to his homeland?

As an elemental creature, this flame race has a magical way of survival, that is to build the altar of fire gods, communicate the power of the earth’s fire, and then build a threading nest, so that elemental elves can be born continuously, and wait for them to grow, Mature consciousness is the elemental creature of the complete body.

In this process, the enriched flame elements will continue to erode around, turning any environment into a flowing place.

At first, he was deterred by the strength of the Evil Army, and Egalo did not have the courage, but who let them lose in a row in a row? Even he had to admit that the devil’s potion was a big killer, even if it faced the undead legion from the frozen ground, it had to be big, but who knew that Downton could easily get rid of it.

When the war of the Evil Gods failed, Egalo’s ambitions swelled.

The false patriarch was fed up with this unbelieving guy, who wanted to mobilize the army and destroy it, but was stopped by the shadow of the **** of war.

Not to mention that the Evil God Army is going to destroy the 1.5 million Elemental Legion, and how much force it has to adjust. The loss caused by the counterattack of the Western-Turkish Army alone is that no one wants to bear it.

“Keep them for now, it will be useful!”

At the beginning of the period, the false patriarch did not yet know what the meaningful words of the shadow of the **** of war represent, but they will understand after seeing the surprise attack of Xitu.

“Your Majesty, are you going alone? It’s too dangerous.”

The officers disagreed.

“You can’t disperse your troops, and you can’t waste time. I will go directly and use a natural sequencer.”

Downton explained that more than one million troops could kill a number of holy Aoxuns using human tactics. If left unattended, those elemental creatures would definitely use the help of annihilating the enemy as they attacked the Western Desolate Alliance while attacking the Temple of Despair .

“Maybe they will just sit back and watch the profits?”

Thyssen speculated.

“I can’t pin my success on this extremely small probability, and if the Elemental Legion suddenly shoots when we fight with the Evil Army, it will cause great uncertainty.”

Downton can be sure that Egalo decided not to let one side die easily, but let the two sides continuously consume power and let him sit and collect profits.

“Additionally, this time difference is enough for Egalo to make various arrangements. After learning that the elite legion is here, do you say it will attack the Western Continent?”

Downton’s rhetorical question silenced everyone. This must be the inevitable answer. Even the invasion of hundreds of thousands of legions would cause huge losses.

“So I want to kill them completely before they react.”

Downton stood up, no matter how large the range of the natural sequencer’s attack was, it would be impossible to sweep millions of legions, but when the enemies came together, it was different.

“His Majesty……”

Everyone in Thyssen was persuaded, and at the same time he felt emotionally, even in the enemy’s lineup, the master was still calm and wise and could not be added. Compared with him, everyone was really much worse.

“Take action!”

Downton urged.

The abyss of despair is contaminated by the power of evil spirits, the soil is dark black, the sky is hazy all year round, there are thunder flashes, but after the construction of the altar of fire **** is completed, the flame element erodes all around and becomes the kind of earth-like sewing zone, dry, turtle Cracked, thick sulfur smell in the air and even flowing.

Not even a guide, looking at the northwest sky was dyed orange red, Downton knew where the destination was.

Using the stealth effect of the Lonely Mountain Lord of the Rings, Downton rode a firebird and quickly patrolled the barren highlands to find the best attack position.

An hour later, Downton landed on a slope, summoning the cheap **** and the twin angels.

“You are responsible for guarding!”

After talking, Downton took out the natural sequencer snatched from the demon princess Adjani and injected soul power into resonance.

From the learned Homer’s mouth, Downton already knows how to use the Ice Age. The only difficulty may be that the user is not strong enough, and will be eroded by the natural sequencer, draining the magic energy in the body like a vortex.

The temperature began to decrease. As the Ice Age was activated, it began to vibrate like a heart, and the force of the cold frost radiated to the surroundings.

The water vapor in the air condenses and freezes into white frost flowers. Afterwards, the ice layer is formed in the click and click sound, like a grassland, and it starts to spread in the direction of the Legion of Elements.

“It’s so cold!”

As the first element, Firebird repelled the power of frost, flew to high altitude to escape, and Twin Angels and Cheap Gods could not stay here.

Downton’s body was covered with frost flowers, and then quickly turned into an ice sculpture, and then, like the endless spring water, the force of frost spewed out.

The cold wave formed, and the temperature in the barren highlands was declining rapidly.

“what happened?”

The high-level elements are very sensitive to the temperature. They rushed out of the nest one by one, looking out to the southeast. “Is it a ban curse attack?”

“Elemental fluctuations are not like, but rather natural changes in temperature.”

The magician who specializes in magic shakes his head, this is the secret of the natural sequencer, and any of its attacks are based on nature.

“Then this change is too dramatic, is it possible that the Evil God Army could not sit still and finally shot?”

The high-level elements discussed, and soon someone took the initiative to lead the team to investigate, and the rest was to strengthen the defense of the camp.

It has been an hour since the first wave of men and women went out, but there was no feedback. The high-level elements had to send scouts again, and at the same time let people notify the King of Fire.

“Why is there ice? Have I reached the legendary frost land?”

The second batch of scouts were all birds of water, flying very fast, the deeper they felt, the more cold they felt, as if the soul would be frozen.

“Can’t go any further, my flames are going out.”

The scouts were crushed miserably.

“Then also need to figure out what happened?”

The captain scolded.

Soon, a huge blizzard struck, and the scout team flew in, and the visibility of the vision immediately decreased.

“No~www.mtlnovel.com~ is about to be withdrawn, otherwise I will freeze to death.”

“Wait, what would it be?”

“Is it our scout?”

The scouts lowered their height, and then they saw that the companions they had originally sent were all turned into ice sculptures, solidified on the ground one by one, and their faces were full of life-thrilling expressions.

“Retreat, go back and report.”

Seeing this scene, the captain did not dare to go deeper. They flew upwards in an attempt to leave the blizzard, but no matter how struggling, they never reached the end.

Click! Click!

The tide is increasing, and with a clear wave, these flaming birds are directly frozen, falling one by one from the sky, and shattered.

Dozens of huge cold waves finally formed, like a tsunami, rushing to the Legion of Elements! (To be continued.)

ps:    third more!

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