Chapter 153: A Powerful Group of Individuals

Zero enters Hela's room in Kamar Taj and the first thing he sees was the wound on her shoulder. The wound had a dark red shade to it and he could see it being surrounded by a dark-green-like glow. Ethan had fought Erik in training a few times in the past, and this was the first time he saw Erik being able to inflict such a wound on Hela. Even in Erik's panther mode, Ethan had never seen him capable of causing such a wound that Hela's decent healing factor found it hard to overcome.

"How are you feeling?", Ethan asked Hela.

"Like I want to stab somebody with my sword", Hela replied while conjuring a necro-sword in her hand.

It is true that the seal in Hel is currently weakening and subsequently making her stronger but she still wasn't as strong as her canon counterpart. Based on Ethan's analysis, to fully achieve that level of power 2 things must occur. The first one being her full release from the seal in Hel, and the next is her stepping foot on Asgard. Once those two things are met, Hela would be near impossible to kill. Any attacks thrown at her would become powerless and pointless. Even in the Ragnarok movie, when Thor had used the Allfather's legendary weapon, Gungnir, Hela's wound instantly healed.

But that doesn't mean the current Hela is weak. On the contrary, Hela is extremely powerful. If Thor and she fought right now, Hela would no doubt win. Even though Erik may be faster than her, Hela had thousands of years of experience under her belt, add that to the fact that her powers are increasing by the day, Ethan believed that Hela would have overcome such a disadvantage.

"Easy there, Hela. No need to point your sword at me", Ethan said to calm her down. "Tell me what happened when you return from your trip".

Hela looks at Ethan for a brief moment and she calms herself down. The necro-sword in her hand began to disappear and she said, "The moment I returned to the Lighthouse, I felt an odd power in the area. I went towards where the energy was originating from and I saw George fighting an enraged Erik. I immediately went in the middle of them and I saw that Erik wasn't acting like himself. He had a yellow-like glow in his eyes and his body was surrounded by a sort of dark energy. I have been through many battles and I immediately realize that Erik was being controlled. His movements were slow, sluggish compared to his regular fighting speed. I believe he was still fighting whatever was controlling him back then. But the longer the fight continued the more his speed increase, and the more powerful he became. Even with my healing factor, I found it hard to push out the dark energy coming from his attacks...In fact, if it wasn't for Ward arriving on time, then I would have been defeated by that energy", Hela said with anger in her voice.

"I see...Have you felt that energy before in the past?", Ethan replied.

Hela calmed herself down and replied, "Whatever that energy was, I'm sure that it couldn't originate from someone alive. It has to originate from somewhere".

Ethan narrowed his eyes and he thought of the only possible way Zhang Wei could have made himself powerful, that would be doing Dormammu's ritual written in the Book of Cagliostro. But he was still unsure if Zhang Wei performed it in the first place. The Book of Cagliostro had no written records of spells that can enable the user to control someone completely. This was something Ethan was still thinking about. Is Zhang Wei extremely talented that he had made a spell that completely allows him to control someone's body and remove their free will? Or did Zhang Wei just happen to find a book of spells more ancient than the Book of Cagliostro?

He had both found the two scenarios, highly unlikely.

"You need me to heal your shoulder?", Ethan asked.

"Hmmm, no. I can do it by myself. It won't be long now before my body fully removes this foreign energy", Hela answered.

"I see", Ethan replied. He then turned around to exit the room but before he left he asked Hela one more question, "How was your trip to Norway?".

"Annoying", Hela replied.

Ethan just gave a weak smile and stated, "Take some rest and maybe you can take part in the fight".

"Oh, don't worry about me. I intend to repay the favor", Hela replied.

Ethan then closed the door to Hela's room and went towards Kaecilius who was looking at the training of the few disciples that the order has remaining. Just like what Ethan had predicted, after the slaughter that Zhang Wei committed when he went rogue, a number of disciples left the order and decided that being a Master of the Mystic Arts weren't for them.

While it could be stated that the Masters suffered a huge decrease in their numbers, those that remained became even more motivated to train harder than ever. After they learned the real scoop of the responsibility of being a Master of the Mystics Arts, there was a fire that burned in each of them that caused them to quickly become stronger and up their training regiment.

"Well, at least those that remained are more likely to become powerful sorcerers in the future", Ethan stated to Kaecilius.

"Only time will truly know if the is true", Kaecilius replied. He looks at Ethan and asks, "When will you leave?".

"Soon, I have personally contacted Bucky to have him assemble the Avengers. I will also bring Ava back to help in this endeavor. Zhang Wei is more powerful than we thought. I reckon he had not used his full power when he escaped here"

"Where do you think he is now?", Kaecilious asked.

After Hela and the 3 summoning creatures were brought to Kamar Taj, Kaecilious was said to become even angrier at his former protege. Until now he still blames himself for the things that he had caused.

"Him stealing the 3 artifacts from me actually gave us a good lead in where he's headed. The 3 monoliths combine allows the user to open a portal to the fear dimension itself. But the said ritual could only be applicable inside the Temple of the Forgotten. It is after all where the artifact came from", Ethan replied.


"You know I thought we were a team. But!, what's this I hear about you two-timing us with another group, huh!", Tony jokes as he looks at Romanoff.

"Don't worry Tony, you guys are still special in my heart", Romanoff replied with a smile on her face.

After assembling the team in the Bus, the Avengers were fill in about what happened by Ward and what their goal was. But since it has been a while since the team got together, Tony wanted to throw some jokes at his teammates. After the fall of Hydra in the Triskelion, both Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff had been absent from Stark Tower.

"Where is this Zhang Wei then?", Thor asked Ward.

"We are still waiting for Zero to give us the coordinates b---",

Ward's reply was then stopped when Zero teleported inside the Bus and with him were Hela, a masked Ava, and Kaecilius. The moment they arrived the room was filled with heavy tension. Thor held his hammer tightly in his hand as he looks at the masked Zero. The god of thunder still remembers what happened in New York, while Hela just had a cold look on her face as she gazes at her younger brother for the first time ever.

The Bus became filled with so many people that everyone found it hard to move around. Zero looks at everyone in the room and he took out a hologram device from his pockets and he showed them the location of where they were headed, "With the three monoliths in his hands, Zhang Wei would most likely be in Yucatan Mexico to perform the ritual to connect the mortal plane to the fear dimension".

"But what if the portal is already opened?", Banner asked.

Kaecilius was the one who responded and said, "The Masters of the Mystics had been protecting the planet longer than any of you. The very first Sorcerer Supreme had erected a powerful barrier in the entire planet and we still have not had any reports of the barriers detecting any dimensional portals opening. So, it's safe to say that we can still stop Zhang Wei before he performs the ritual".

"Every well, let us go then", Tony added.

"I'll have a team ready in Mexico just in case", Agent Hill stated.

It didn't take long before Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff, Bucky Barnes, Bruce Banner, Clint Barton, Ward, masked Ava, Kaecilious, Hela, and Zero to teleport to Mexico.

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