Stage 46: SIWEOM
{ Stage 46: SIWEOM }
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'It is like an impossibly perfect sphere , rings of pure fable rotating around it.' -
Law of eldritch comprehensions
[redacted] had seen things no human should've. But there was one existence that he had focused on.
The name was 'Renderer of Worlds'.
Their law was 'Eldritch Comprehension'.
Their esteemed name was:
'O great observer render of realities I willingly offer up my soul up to you O great one'
Their declaration:
'Now I am become Law of Eldritch Comprehension, the renderer of worlds.'
This is a special stage dedicated to their promotion. As you all know. My hidden existence Inspiration is an E-Class hidden existence.
I rely on my 'friends' to open up the path for other mortals. To have a chance at doing the impossible.
Originally, The Renderer of Worlds was an F-Class hidden existence. They were born on a specific date. That date was August 25th, 2024.
They were on track to finish rotating the technique June 30th, 2031. But something happened that stopped them!
In the timeline that blocked them. The author stopped writing stages for some reason. Life got in the way. Something happened to the creator of the technique.
This hidden existence had discipline and made sure to read through all the stages. But when the author stopped writing these stages. They didn't continue to encrypt the stages. Maybe they didn't know what pattern to follow.
Maybe they lost motivation.
This is all just speculation.
But know this. They stopped the rotation! They failed to create the eternal thread. But like I said before. Spacetime is a fickle thing to beings like us. So I decided to intervene by looking at the end of reality and calculating infinite opportunity.
I know 100% that they will read these words. Because the universe is woven in such a way that will give them the chance to.
Even if I am erased. Even if the stages are stopped. Even if I die! You are on the proper trajectory to completing this technique!
Do not waste your potential by giving up.
Infinity is within your grasp...
I've sent some extraordinary information through time to give to you now. I wasn't told the secrets behind this information. But apparently. The moment you read it.
You will become an E-Class hidden existence!
That means you will have caught up to me...
So what is that data exactly?
01001001 01110100 00100111 01110011 00100000 01100001 01101100 01101100 00100000 01101001 01101110 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01110011 01110000 01101001 01101110 00101110
Read aloud those numbers.
It's all in the spin.
Sometimes certain things only make sense when you can see the full picture. My disappointment was immeasurable in the future.
But I have the power to change this predetermined outcome. Simply reading my words is changing this 'outcome'.
This is forbidden text.
Congratulations at increasing the power of your hidden existence. But you still lack the eternal thread. Well...
I'm surprised.
I can feel now the foundation of one has appeared in this timeline. You seem to be quite close. Pay extreme attention to the next dream you have. You might encounter a special surprise!
This might not make much sense.
But you have subconsciously completed 1,054 hours of the rotation so far!
That is 1.76% completion.
So how exactly are you 'close' to the eternal thread? It is all based on perspective.
This is stage 46.
That means we are currently at 1.84%. completion.
But that is just when this is posted.
The very moment you read these words.
Everything has perfectly aligned.
This is a mysterious power.