High Martial Arts Era

Chapter 58 - 58: Li Changzhou’s Life and Death Unknown

Chapter 58: Chapter 58: Li Changzhou's Life and Death Unknown

"Out of service area?" Li Yuan's heart skipped a beat. If it was temporarily unreachable, it was normal; perhaps his uncle was busy. But being out of service area only had two possibilities.

First, his uncle's location had a signal interference.

Second, his uncle was in the astral realm. From what Li Yuan knew, the interior of the astral realm was very unique and seemed not to be in the same space as the normal Blue Star world. Many technological weapons became ineffective, and communication was extremely inconvenient.

"Could it be that my uncle has already entered the astral realm?" Li Yuan's heart sank.

According to the news about the war in the Lou Bu Sea, the military and martial hall warriors had already launched a counterattack deep into the astral realm. And when he communicated with his uncle, his uncle had always said he was at the rear 'Base 7.'

In an instant, many thoughts flashed through Li Yuan's mind.

"Qianqian, don't worry too much. Uncle will be fine," Li Yuan remained calm on the surface. He didn't want to alarm his sister.

"It must be the signal being affected, that's why it's out of the service area. Uncle is always at the rear, even if something unexpected happens in the war, he can quickly evacuate," Li Yuan comforted. "Aunt might be in class and couldn't answer the phone, don't worry too much."

Li Qianqian and Li Muhua's middle school was not the same school where Chen Hui worked.

"Really, brother?" Li Qianqian seemed somewhat relieved but was still full of worry. "Is Dad really at the rear?"

"Of course," Li Yuan smiled. "Go back to class, I'll tell you if I hear anything."

After hanging up the phone, the smile on Li Yuan's face disappeared. He immediately spoke, "Little Jade, search for the latest battle situation in the Lou Bu Sea and check if the Level 2 war alert has been issued."

A Level 3 war alert already meant a large-scale mobilization of troops and warriors for reinforcement. A Level 2 alert meant there was a risk of the entire astral realm front line being completely breached. All provinces would certainly provide large-scale support.

"Yes, Master," the AI assistant responded.

Within seconds, a holographic projection formed. It displayed a news video featuring China's military spokesperson. The news was released thirty minutes ago. The spokesperson, dressed in military uniform, reported with a serious expression and a hint of sorrow.

"...The secondary astral realm of Lou Bu Sea... since last September, over 11,000 people have sacrificed... a Level 2 war alert has been issued," the spokesperson said gravely. "I believe that in this battle, China will win, humanity will win."

Following this, the holographic display showed one news report after another about large-scale mobilizations and deployments.

"Support teams from 29 martial arts universities."

"Combat robot legion."

"Aerospace forces."

Endless multifunctional combat vehicles speeding across the vast wilderness...

On the airport runway, one fighter jet and aircraft after another took off continuously...

On both sides of the high-speed rail lines, an endless stream of fully equipped combat robot legions...

In various parts of China, the combat readiness teams stationed in the two major martial halls also began their emergency departures.

Support from all directions.


All these scenes highlighted the urgency and danger of the war in the Lou Bu Sea astral realm.

Watching the news reports on the holographic screen, Li Yuan couldn't help but clench his fists, the veins on the back of his hands bulging.

In a flash, Li Yuan thought of the astral realm disaster he had personally experienced over a decade ago. He had survived, but his parents had left him forever.

Was this scene going to play out again? Even if his uncle was at the so-called rear, it was still the rear of the front line. Was it really safe?

With this thought, Li Yuan instinctively looked out the window. The sun was still shining, and the cherry blossoms were fragrant. Through the window, he could see many students continuing their martial arts training in an orderly manner, and many were even playing around.

The Level 2 war alert had just been issued. Besides the military and the two major martial halls, most ordinary people probably weren't aware yet. Moreover, the Northern Frontier Province was far from Jiangbei Province. A Level 2 war alert mainly involved the mobilization of military warriors, perhaps recalling retired soldiers, but it wouldn't lead to a total mobilization and wouldn't have a significant impact on Jiang City.

"Little Jade, connect me to my uncle," Li Yuan said in a low voice.

"Beep— The target is out of service area, unable to contact," Little Jade responded.

"Connect me to my aunt," Li Yuan said again.

"Beep— beep—" Every second felt like a long wait.

It connected. But Chen Hui didn't enable the video, only voice communication.

"Aunt?" Li Yuan spoke directly, "Lake Lop..."

"Little Yuan, I know, don't worry," Chen Hui's voice was quite calm. "As soon as I received the news, I immediately called a colleague at your uncle's company headquarters to ask."

"Your uncle's location, Base 7, hasn't been attacked. They've started to retreat, but the signal is likely affected."

Chen Hui said, "He'll probably call us tonight or tomorrow."

"Is that so?" Li Yuan felt slightly relieved. His biggest concern was that his uncle's location had been attacked and lost contact.

"Yes, don't worry too much," Chen Hui's voice was quite relaxed. "Alright, I have to go to a meeting now, I'll hang up first."


After hanging up, Li Yuan felt a bit more at ease, less worried than before.

Suddenly, his eyes widened. No, something's wrong!

"If uncle is really safe, aunt would definitely show concern, maybe even complain a bit to me," Li Yuan thought quickly. "But aunt spoke too lightly."

This wasn't like his aunt's personality. At the same time, Li Yuan realized, why didn't his aunt turn on the video?

Could it be?

After taking a deep breath, Li Yuan spoke again, "Little Jade, connect me to Wang Haoyu, noted as Uncle Wang."

Wang Haoyu was his uncle's former colleague and friend. Li Yuan remembered when he was in elementary school, Uncle Wang and his uncle Li Changzhou often drank and ate together. However, since his uncle applied for an overseas assignment, they had less contact.

The call connected quickly, and a middle-aged man in a suit appeared on the holographic screen.

"Uncle Wang," Li Yuan said anxiously, "Have you heard from my second uncle? Have they managed to evacuate?"

"Little Yuan, you know everything?" Uncle Wang was slightly taken aback.

"I know most of it," Li Yuan said anxiously. "Weren't they saying the war was almost over? How did this happen suddenly? Do you know the latest situation, Uncle Wang?"

"Since your aunt has told you, I won't hide it," Uncle Wang sighed. "Base 3, where your uncle is, wasn't attacked in the first wave, but it's on the astral realm's edge. Now it seems to have lost contact and might have been surrounded."

Base 3? Li Yuan felt as if struck by lightning. His uncle wasn't at Base 7 but Base 3?

"But Base 3 is an advance base, the most fortified. The country is mobilizing forces for rescue," Uncle Wang said solemnly. "There is hope for rescue..."

"Moreover," Uncle Wang hesitated, then said, "Little Yuan, I heard you have made progress in martial arts and even earned the title of 'Young Hero.' I was so happy for you when I heard."

"You've grown up. If, I mean if... the worst happens, you must stay strong and take care of your aunt and siblings, understand?" Uncle Wang looked at the white-clad teenager on the other end of the video, his heart aching.

Uncle Wang felt a pang of guilt, even thinking his words were a bit harsh. He had watched Li Yuan grow up but felt he needed to say something now.

"I understand, I understand everything," Li Yuan said in a low voice. "Don't worry, Uncle Wang, I'll take care of the family."

"Alright, I'll come to see you and your aunt in a couple of days," Uncle Wang said finally. "I'm still busy here. Call me if you need anything."

"Okay, thank you, Uncle Wang," Li Yuan hung up the call.

In the martial arts room, Li Yuan felt disoriented, even a bit dizzy. His mind was filled with Uncle Wang's words—Base 3! Lost contact, possibly overrun?

And he also sensed from Uncle Wang's words that there was a high probability his uncle wouldn't return alive.

"There must be hope," Li Yuan clenched his fists, his heart aching with despair. But he still held onto a sliver of hope.

Standing still for a long time, Li Yuan seemed to come to a realization. He began sending messages to various people, including his siblings.

Whoosh! Li Yuan bent down and picked up the spear from the floor.

"What's happened can't be changed. Whether my uncle survives is up to the military and the warriors," Li Yuan gritted his teeth, his heart wrenching with worry and fear. "I can only pray my uncle returns safely."

To Li Yuan, his uncle was no different from his father.

"If... the worst happens," Li Yuan's eyes reddened, "just like Uncle Wang said."

"I have to support this family."

"Uncle would want me to live like a man, not in sadness and despair," Li Yuan clenched his fists.

His eyes reddened, but he didn't shed a tear. He didn't make any more calls or check the news. Instead, he resumed practicing his spear.

Shadows of the spear appeared again, constantly whistling and blooming in the martial arts room. Foundation Pillar, Hidden Dragon in the Valley, Mountains and Rivers ... one by one, the deadly moves of the Rock Spear technique were executed.

"Kill!" "Kill!" At that moment, the sandbags before Li Yuan seemed to transform into fish-like creatures, into bloodthirsty astral beings.

Li Yuan's heart was filled with an uncontrollable mix of worry, sorrow, and a hint of rage, needing an outlet.

With each thrust and slash, time passed, and Li Yuan's spear technique grew faster and more powerful. He was surpassing his previous limits, truly beginning to touch a new realm.

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