His Beautiful Addiction

Chapter 456  I love you, Ari

Chapter 456  I love you, Ari

Ari tried to lock the door, but Xavier held it firmer so she could barely move it. After much trial, and to no avail, she finally gave up and came out of the house.

''I'm late for work. I don't have the time to talk. '' Ari said;

''You are excused for today. I'll call the office. '' Xavier replied.

''No, I don't want you interfering in my matters, neither do I want some unfounded rumors going around in the company. '' Ari replied, a stern look on her face. It was obvious she didn't even want to hear him talk.

Xavier breathed out; ''I'll make it discreet, no one will know of it. Please, just give me ten minutes of your time, that's all. ''

Ari contemplated for a moment and then decided to hear him out. He had stood in front of her door for God knows how long, and she had blocked him for no reason, so letting him talk was the least she could do. After all, he did not hurt her, she was the one who caught feelings.

She had decided anyway, nothing he would say would make a difference.

''Ten minutes, and that's it, nothing more,'' she said and walked down the stairs, Xavier following. Ari stopped in front of her car and crossed her arms;

''I'm all ears. ''

Xavier stared at her for a moment before he spoke in a very calm tone;

''Why did you block me from reaching you? What did I do wrong?''

Ari shrugged. ''It is my phone. I can block whosoever I want to. I did not stop you from blocking me back, did I?''

Xavier arched his brows; ''Really? Is that how you treat your friends?''

''We are not friends. '' she replied, cutting him off; ''we are worlds apart. I met you by chance, and I had let myself live in a fantasy world and wishful thinking, but now I'm awake, and back to reality and I think you should too. We are nothing alike, and I do not see any reason why we should keep hanging around each other.''

''So why did you have sex with me if this means nothing to you?'' her words hurt, and Xavier knew she was saying them to hurt him, deliberately.

''We've had sex before. It's not like it was the first time. And why are we even having this conversation? You sleep with girls and want no attachments with them. Why is this any different? It's just sex, or do you want me to ask for money?''

Xavier was quiet. He did not know what else to say. How would he explain himself to someone who had already judged him before he even opened his mouth? His head fell, and he sighed;

''I know this means nothing to you, but I wanted to let you know I felt something for you I haven't felt for anyone before. I think about you, every day, all day. It makes me crazy. If I did not see you in a day, I wouldn't be okay. And that was when I realized I was in love with you. I love you, Ari. I'm not saying this for you to believe me, I'm just letting it out because...

He paused, as though the words were hard for him to say; ''...because I won't be disturbing you anymore. ''

Ari couldn't hear anything else he said as her mind was stuck on the words, 'I love you', she couldn't believe her ears, as she stared unblinkingly at Xavier.

''Thank you for being a friend. I'll call the office, you can take the day off. Goodbye. ''

Xavier said, and without waiting for her reply, he turned and left.

Ari stood there frozen for minutes. Her heartbeat against her chest as his words rang in her ear over and over.

He just told her loved her.

She loved him too, and she wanted to run to him and hug him and tell him how much these past days had been hell for her, but she couldn't.

She couldn't trust him, she didn't trust that he was saying the truth, and if she let her walls down, it was over.

Ari still went to work, even when Xavier told her she had the day off. She needed something to distract her, if she stayed home, her head would explode with thoughts. At work, she slaved away, even doing other's functions just to distract herself.

She stayed in the office till it was a few minutes past ten before she went home.

At home, she called Lu.

''He said what?'' Lu's eyes widened. She couldn't believe what Ari had just told her.

''Yeah, he said he loves me, and Lu, his eyes looked sincere, and I want to believe him Lu. I really do.''

Ari explained, tears falling from her eyes. She was frustrated, tired and hungry!

''Me too. It seems he really likes you. I mean, you guys have slept together again, so there's nothing else making him come back to you if he isn't interested in you. ''

''Yeah, but what if he gets bored of me? What if he stops liking me and I still like him? You know he can end it at any time but I can't. What do I do?'' Ari cried;

''This is crazy!'' Lu exclaimed. She did not even know what to tell Ari.

''You know what? Come over to my place. Let me take care of you. Look at those eyes. Have you even had a good sleep since this week? And you look like you have lost some weight too!''

''It's fine, I'm fine. I just need to sleep and I'll be okay.'' Ari said, but Lu was not having it.

''Don't worry, I'm coming over now. Just stay where you are. ''

Before Ari could refuse, she had ended the call and in about thirty minutes; the doorbell rang.

Ari opened the door and Lu walked inside;

''Jeez! Seriously Ari, have you eaten since this week? '' Lu exclaimed when she saw her friend.

''At this rate, you should just date him, because you're already the mess you have been avoiding.''


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