Hogwarts Asylum

24. This kid is really smart

When O'Loughlin read the original novel for the first time in his previous life, he actually hated the character of Draco. Every time he thought of what he had done or said, he wanted to rush into the book and hang him up and whip him.

But that's actually because O'Loughlin assumes the perspective of the protagonist.

After completing his studies in psychology, O'Loughlin revisited the original work and had another feeling.

Just like what O'Loughlin said in a paper he published, personality development depends more on the influence of the environment, so when O'Loughlin saw Draco who was born in darkness, he just felt pathetic.

This child is not born vicious, he is more caused by the words and deeds of his parents.

After all, Draco in the original book is just an ordinary person. At least Olorin dare not say that if he grew up in the same environment as Draco, he would definitely be a good person.

Based on Olorin's understanding of himself, if there was no invisible eye watching him all the time, even if his childhood was quite happy, and even if he didn't encounter too many blows during his growth, he would most likely do something to help Voldemort and trigger a war. Destroy the world instead of sitting in the Hogwarts hospital office making tea leisurely like now.

Looking at Draco in front of us, he is just a glass-hearted kid who longs for recognition from others. It is completely understandable why he turned bad in the original work.

After he was rejected by Harry Potter, his glass heart was shattered. Although it was a bit hypocritical, it was a fact. It can be seen from the fact that Draco never took the initiative to find anyone to be friends with.

So in the original book, the people Draco longs for recognition are either the descendants of Death Eaters or Death Eaters.Given the environment he grew up in, if Draco could become a good person, then Orolin would dare to call him a saint.


In the consulting room, Draco frowned and was very confused. What he originally planned to blurt out was his father's evaluation of Gryffindor - a group of reckless roughnecks with no self-awareness, but when he thought about it, he was now Gryffindor. , he didn’t speak.

Of course O'Loughlin could know what Draco was thinking, so he began to guide him in the direction he wanted Draco to think: "Here's a little tip for you:

First, I know all the portraits in the castle and I don't mind destroying them.

Second, to them, my words are tarnishing the glory in their hearts. "

"Destroy? Defile the glory?" Draco muttered to himself.

After the keywords were given, Oluolin was not in a hurry. While paying attention to Draco, who was even more entangled, he leisurely replaced the tasteless roses with small daisies. Alas, as you get older, you still have to maintain your health. Olorin threw a few more wolfberries into the teapot.

After Eurolin drank half a pot of wolfberry and daisy tea, Draco was ready to express what he had been thinking for a while.

"Oh...Mr. O'Loughlin, do you want to tell me that Slytherins are actually a group of cowards who are afraid of death and don't even dare to protect the glory in their hearts?"

Orolin looked at Draco in surprise. This child was really like a Gryffindor. How long had he been assigned to Gryffindor? He had acquired the Gryffindor mindset so quickly. Children were really like eels.

"I didn't tell you this, Draco, you came up with it yourself, didn't you?"

Looking at Draco's hesitant expression, Orolin smiled, "I know what you are thinking. Do you want to ask, as a person who graduated from Slytherin, why do I agree with your conclusion?" ?”

Draco nodded obediently, because the Slytherin wizards in his impression were all people like his father who were proud of the house they graduated from.

"Of course it's because I'm different from the people you know." Orolin directly answered the question in Draco's mind. "It's stupid to regard other people's achievements as your own glory. Only what you can achieve is your own." It’s honor, so I can make others proud of me.”

Draco felt as if something was coming out of his heart, but he was also a little confused.

"Lucius has repeatedly emphasized nobility, greatness, and glory to you, and linked these to Slytherin. He told you that these things can only be obtained in Slytherin, which makes you yearn for Slytherin very much.

But look, you have now discovered that those portraits who were also born in Slytherin and whose thoughts and behaviors are no different from those in life, do they have any glory to speak of?Do they look great?Are they noble? "

Draco shook his head.

"So, Draco, what you pursue is actually nobility, greatness and glory itself, not Slytherin."

Draco suddenly looked like a little girl who was about to see a goldfish, and nodded desperately, that's right, that's it.

"So, let me ask you now, did being in Gryffindor influence you to pursue these things? Did anyone stop you?"


"Beautiful, Draco, you understand completely now, so next we should talk about what makes people noble, great and glorious, what do you think?"

Although Draco has begun to consciously put aside what he heard from his parents and learn to think for himself, he is still a child after all, and his limited knowledge makes it difficult for him to jump out of the stereotypes in his memory, so the first thing he thinks of is still What his parents told him was that pure blood made Malfoy noble, great and glorious.

But after just thinking about it, Draco didn't really want to tell the answer. He felt that there must be another, better answer.

Oralin didn't prepare a reminder this time. After all, talking too much would affect Draco's enthusiasm. Moreover, telling him voluntarily would have different effects than asking him voluntarily, so Oralin had been waiting for Draco. Ask questions.

After thinking hard for a long time, Draco still couldn't find the answer, so he could only ask for help: "I don't understand, Mr. O'Loughlin.

I wanted to say at first that it was family, pure blood, that made me noble, great and glorious.

But you have also said before that it is foolish to regard other people's achievements as your own glory.

In the same way, if I feel that I am noble, great and glorious because of my family and bloodline, then I am also stupid. "

"Of course you are not stupid, Draco. You are the most thoughtful little wizard I have ever seen. If you were stupid, then there would be no smart people in Hogwarts."

Eurolin's words were very helpful to Draco. Of course, everyone likes to be praised, especially after giving an opinion and being recognized and encouraged by others, this opinion will have a great impact. Probability follows a person throughout his life.

This was Orolin's weapon to eliminate pure-blood ideas after abolishing Draco's illusions about Slytherin.

Of course, Draco couldn't change his mind all of a sudden. After all, he had been passively accepting the baptism of pure-blood thoughts for at least four or five years. Now, at most, it only allowed him to think outside the box and observe other thoughts.

Anyone who is educated can understand that teaching a man to fish is worse than teaching him to fish, so what Orolin wants to teach Draco is just to learn to think independently.

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