Hogwarts’ Beast Tamer

Chapter 111. Beginning Arguments

I squinted in confusion at Hermione’s strange and sudden question, but after seeing her serious gaze I was left shaking my head. “No, she was just… Worried over my health… Couldn’t sleep.” I explained, with a sigh, knowing I let just about everyone down in my acting after such an incident. Hermione was silent, slowly judging me while leering at my arm draped over Pansy. “Does she even know-” “No!” I quickly cut off Hermione, not even allowing her to utter the word in Pansy’s presence. I glanced down at Pansy, sighing with relief at her sleeping expression, unblemished with my outburst.


I shook my head while looking back up at Hermione, petting her hair gently to keep it out of her face. “Chiara was lucky to have you as a close friend… Someone who was never tainted by the common sense of the wizarding world.” I avoided Hermione’s scowling gaze, already knowing what her displeasure was with my words. “Of course you and I are friends as well. Begrudgingly so. However…” I squinted my eyes, studying Pansy’s innocent expression, terrified seeing it morph into horror at me.


Hermione’s sudden question left her feeling conflicted. Once she entered inside Lucas’ carriage, she almost completely forgot about him abandoning Chiara and her  at the hospital, and was left only wondering how close Pansy was to Lucas. On one hand he denied being an item, on the other, it was clear that the guilt he felt at keeping it from her was eating him alive, and treating her extra gently for it. “I can’t risk it…” He muttered with a deep frown, however, Hermione noticed something much different in Pansy’s expression.


Pansy’s lip trembled upward, unable to contain her glee in his words. Hermione squinted in disbelief, an inclination of doubt sprung in her mind. Doubt of Pansy’s unconscious state. ‘Is she…-’ “Hermione?” Lucas called out her name, derailing her train of thought as she met his gaze. “Something wrong?” He asked with a raised brow. Hermione gulped, trying to keep her feelings in check, however she knew she wouldn’t be able to hold off for long. “Yea… I mean no! Apology accepted.” She mumbled half heartedly as she hurriedly left the cabin, more pressing matters in her mind to tend to.


Avoiding Draco’s arms with a few extra sweets bought for Lucas and Pansy, Hermione darted back into her original compartment. Everyone hushed themselves as they all stared at Hermione, wondering how she was feeling now. If Hermione was being honest, she wasn’t terribly upset about Lucas leaving Chiara and her at the hospital. They got help immediately from the staff waiting at the floo network, and Chiara wasn’t in serious condition thanks to Lucas’ help already. She wasn’t happy with him by all means, it was complicated. Much like how she always felt about him.


She silently took a seat where Ginny last sat, tapping her finger against her crossed arms in thought. “I hate Lucas so much…” She muttered, seeing that he was too stupid to see Pansy’s guilt-tripping. “Did you run into Lucas during the attack? Did he do something to either of you?” Ron asked, his gaze serious, willing to get up and storm towards the Slytherin cabins right now if he was part of what hurt Chiara.


Hermione stuttered in shock, only now realizing that she uttered those words aloud. “No, Ron. He helped us get out!” Chiara quickly defended him, everyone’s (bar Luna) eyes widened in shock at Chiara’s loud and expressive words. Only to have their gazes turn her right back into her shy self. She squirmed under everyone’s gazes, staring down at her shoes as she muttered. “But he didn’t want to be seen doing it… He has a reputation to uphold…” 


“What a right prick…” Ron mumbled, before giving a look of condolence to Hermione and Chiara. “Let’s not go too far Ron, he did choose to help Chiara and Hermione during the attack instead of just running.” Harry rebutted, trying to ease the tension, before glancing at Chiara for any sort of input. She nodded meekly, unsure how to continue, until Ron let out a sigh. “I guess… Better than Malfoy I suppose…” “Not much of a bar set there.” Hermione shot back, her poisoned tongue working through her muddled mind, still making quips at Malfoy’s expense, getting a rise from most of the compartment.


Draco covered a sneeze, trying to remain as quiet as he could to not wake Pansy. “Are you allergic to flower petal bertie botts?” I joked watching him almost sneeze again, but hold himself back. He frowned at me, before throwing one at me, hitting my chest dead center. “You try one, see if it’s so easy.” My smirk faltered as I stared at the white Bertie bott. I placed it in my mouth, and swirled it around, hoping to distinguish any flavor before biting into it.


Unfortunately, there was nothing, and I was forced to bite down on the soft shell. The bitter taste immediately made me recoil in disgust, as I forcefully swallowed the confection to remove the flavor from my tongue. “I got soap…” I muttered, holding back shivers from the repulsive flavor. Both Draco and I joked about the new year while the train continued on towards school, both eagerly avoiding speaking about the horrific attack only a week prior. 


After an hour, the train slowly came screeching to a halt. I looked down at Pansy and gently shook her awake. She groaned while burying her face in my shoulder, making me chuckle from the ticklish action. “We’re here.” She hummed in response with a nod, before slowly moving off of me, stretching out her arms and legs to remove her last vestiges of sleep.


We got off the train, and headed towards the carriages. The gray clouds sprinkled rain on us, threatening to do worse if we stayed much longer as darker clouds slowly hovered closer towards us. With rushed footsteps we hurried to the first empty carriage we could find. Draco and Pansy quickly went inside, leaving me to greet the wonderful creature helping us on our way. As the weather was worsening, I declined riding on her back, and instead just gave her some treats I had been saving for the ever growing Val. ‘I can’t wait to see how big he got.’ I thought with a grin of a proud parent while entering inside the carriage.


At the castle grounds, we all hurried inside the Great Hall, the weather turning for the worse. “Ventus…” I muttered while drying off myself and Pansy with hot air. After Pansy shook off her hair, she noticed my staring outdoors, and followed my gaze. The rain started to come down even worse as more students flooded inside the entranceway.


“Are you worried about Val?” Pansy asked, making sure to see Lucas’ reaction. He winced with a hidden embarrassed grin, letting Pansy know she was overthinking. “Was it that obvious?” He asked while stowing his wand away and turning back to find Draco, already in the Great Hall. Pansy chuckled, watching Lucas walk off, the crowd of students making way for him. His mask he wore at school demanded respect, causing slight unease to students in other houses. She liked watching him command a room, yet still had so much humility for her to see.


“-What was Malfoy talking about?” A sudden voice entered her ears, and Pansy turned around. Her mood instantly soured at the voice, seeing it to be Hermione, right alongside her friends, but she was focused on only two Hermione was conversing with. She watched as Hermione spoke with Chiara and Luna. Pansy frowned with dislike, she wasn’t the only one Lucas showed humility to. All three of those girls had grown closer to him, Hermione and Chiara both of which were helped by Lucas during the attack if her assumptions were correct. As well as the less likely Luna Lovegood, who shared much of Lucas' interests and who she had seen Luna speak with Lucas from time to time. Luna and Chiara were manageable, however Hermione seemed the most threatening to Pansy's relationship with Lucas. ‘No girl would ask a boy if he had a girlfriend without having thoughts of taking him for herself…’ Pansy thought, her gaze darkened to a heated glare.


Hermione glanced over, somehow noticing Pansy’s animosity. Hermione’s thoughts rewound to the train once again. Pansy’s half smirk at Lucas’ dismay sickened Hermione. ‘She is aware of Lucas’ guilt, but doesn’t speak with him about it, instead letting it fester so she gets treated more gently…’ Hermione slowly grew a distrusting scowl in retaliation. Both girls eying one another with cynicism.


Pansy watched as Hermione whispered to her friends, and began walking over alone to the distant corner of the entrance hall, many of the others heading into the Great Hall to eat. The other two eye sores stayed behind, Chiara fidgeting in unease while Luna just watched silently, hardly a change in her facial expression. Pansy’s hands clenched, ready for a verbal fight with Hermione, knowing full well that anything more than that between them would sour Lucas’ view of her. “What do you think you’re doing?” Hermione asked with disbelief, Pansy’s face scrunching with defiance. “I’d like to ask you the same question. What makes you think you can ask Lucas if we are together? Don’t think I didn’t hear that sigh of relief from his denial.”

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