Hogwarts’ Beast Tamer

Chapter 133. Two New Schools

“Dear Students of Hogwarts!” The entire Great Hall shivered under Dumbledore’s empowered voice, including my startled body. With a jump, I snapped my head to Pansy’s teasing expression, noticing my jerk from being attached to me by the arm. “Did you forget today is the day the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang schools are joining us?” I paused to re-think her words, replaying them again and again for anything that sounded familiar. However, nothing came to mind.


“Wait. Who’s showing up?” I whispered to Draco, sitting at the other side of the table while Dumbledore continued to announce to the entire school. “The other two major magic schools that are participating in the Triwizard tournament.” He explained, before frowning at me. “It’s all everyone’s been talking about for the last week, how has that gone over your head?” I weakly chuckled before taking a drink of pumpkin juice. 


The last month had been a blur, what with drinking my sleeping medicine after every time I studied with Pansy. It was only a few hours since this morning where Chiara and I almost kissed; my mind was too preoccupied to remember anything else other than my own problems. “I guess I didn’t really listen to recent events…” I admitted, much to Pansy’s grin, hugging my arm tighter with a giggle. Draco comically groaned at us, before listening back into Dumbledore’s speech.


I looked down at Pansy while she looked up at me, her playful smile giving me a sense of joy. I subtly licked my lips, wanting to give her a kiss on at least her cheek or forehead as some way to show my affection while unable to move my arm. “-And with that, I’d like to introduce… our friends from the north… The Durmstrang academy, and their Headmaster, Igor Karkaroff!” Dumbledore’s loud voice, mixed with the sound of the massive doors opening forced my attention behind myself.


I looked back to see a man dressed in high end tailored clothes, covered loosely by a large fur coat that also screamed his wealth. His brisk walk reminded me of my father, his sharp gaze not bothering to peer at any distraction while he led the way for his students with the utmost poise. Behind him trailed at most, twelve male and female students, all dressed just as decadently. Their serious gazes wandered around to silently judge their competition. 


One particular face stood out, his closeness with the headmaster, proving himself to be the favorite, most likely from his Quidditch skills. “That’s Viktor Krum… Could hardly recognize him without a twenty point deficit.” Draco muttered with a smirk, forcing a chuckle out of both Pansy and I; all of us selectively forgetting the abrupt end to the match. Headmaster Karkaroff walked to the front, and greeted Dumbledore with a respectful handshake and silently waved his few students to take a stand in front of the teacher’s table. They all faced us, silently standing at attention while Dumbledore began to speak again.


“And now… please join me in welcoming… The Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, and their Headmistress… Olympe Maxime!” The large Great doors opened once again, and many students, including myself, gasped at the sight. “She’s enormous…” “She’s taller than Hagrid…” “Wow…” Whispers of astonishment spread like waves through the Great Hall as the headmistress elegantly waltzed inside. “Did an Engorgio spell backfire?” Draco muttered, gawking with shock at the giantess, and I was inclined to agree, seeing a wizard or witch taller than I was when transformed, was something I had never expected. 


However, about half the eyes in the hall were instead transfixed behind the large lady, as the students from the French academy waltzed in behind her. The same number of students as Durmstrang brought about twelve male and female, but all eyes were laid on one girl in particular. One that I instantly recognized, forcing my face to cramp with a frown. “Perfect…” I muttered sarcastically, the sight of her silver hair hidden under her blue fedora was almost a mirror image of the last time I had witnessed it before.


This time her dress was the same shade of blue as her hat was, but the same dissatisfied gaze that moved across each table remained just as aggravating as it was since I had last seen her. “Is that…?” Pansy asked with a slight scowl, and I nodded in agreement. “That’s her.” I muttered, watching her take a stand, closest beside her Headmistress. Her gaze continued to drift until her eyes were almost atop me. I quickly darted my head away, and began lightly drinking from my goblet as a ploy to seem as if I never saw her. 


“Perhaps if we just ignore her, she’ll do the same. This isn’t her territory after all.” I whispered to Pansy and Draco, both understanding that if we were to kick up a fuss, a social war would ensue between her and us. One that she would no doubt refuse to accept laying down. Not wanting to take time out of my day to annoy and irritate her, even if she perhaps deserved it, I silently urged both Pansy and Draco to leave her alone. “I’d say, ‘Goodluck with that’.” Draco spoke pessimistically, shaking his head while only using his eyes to point. “Because she’s already glaring at us.”


Fleur Delacour’s eyes leered dangerously towards the end of the Slytherin table, to the boy that didn’t even so much as look at her. All the rest of the boys from all grades looked on at her with some level of attraction, even the blonde haired friend of his. However, just that one, the one who had gone past shaming her, but had delved into the dark arts to do so. “Keep your eyes straight.” Headmistress Maxime silently ordered, forcing Fleur to quickly bottle her anger, and instead look at the distant door to the Great Hall.


Fleur hadn’t told the Headmistress of her deductions, pointing fingers of one of the big three curses without solid proof would have been political suicide. The announcements of the Tri-Wizard tournament bellowed throughout the giant dingy hall by Hogwarts’ Headmaster, all the young witches and wizards thought on about fun adventures of glory and triumph; Fleur included. However, her thoughts of triumph were far from the tournament. Fleur knew she would win the tournament, just as sure she would be selected. All that mattered was ruining Lucas Peterson.


‘Wait… He won’t be part of the tournament; he’s barely too young.’ She quickly did the mental math in her head, clenching her teeth under her calm smile at the plan of placing Lucas in last, forcing him to take drastic and obvious measures she could exploit, coming apart. Fleur needed new ways of ruining Peterson, and instantly her mind turned to the black haired girl she met that night hand in hand with Peterson.


In the corner of her eye, Fleur could make out the same hair beside Peterson yet again. Fleur smirked, glancing at each boy beneath her she could almost hear their thoughts of servitude towards her. ‘He may be playing hard to get, especially with his girlfriend by his side. However, if he thinks himself to be alone with me, no man can resist my charms.’ 


His previous actions suddenly came to mind. He avoided her as much as he could, forcefully distancing himself from her to avoid being trapped by her looks like all the rest. Lucas Peterson may have more willpower than other men, but he could still be brought to kneel before her. ‘I just need the right timing…’ Fleur quickly began scoping out the boys that were practically drooling from just the sight of her, remembering each of their faces for later. ‘However, that one stands out.’


Dumbledore finished his announcements for the Triwizard Tournament, and with celebration, dinner was served for all. Hermione could see all the boys from all tables eagerly make space in hopes the silver haired girl would take a spot next to them. She rolled her eyes at Ron doing the same with a stupid grin. However, to everyone’s shock at Hogwarts, the silver haired beauty took the spot beside him, tucking her hair behind her ear with a smile. “Zank you. I am Fleur Delacour.” She calmly greeted Ron’s agape mouth, frozen in place until Harry smacked him. “Right!” Ron yelled, his mind so full it had nothing to say.

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