Hogwarts’ Beast Tamer

Chapter 135. Chosen Champions

After an unsurprisingly expensive tea date with Pansy, we both left the shop. Feeling my much smaller wallet, I could only forgo my annoyance at the price for seeing Pansy so happy. “I really liked that raspberry truffle, I’m sorry I ate them all before you had a chance.” She sheepishly apologized. I scoffed at the mere memory of her eating through the delights, still trying to keep her manners while ever quickening her pace of chewing. “We both didn’t think of sharing deserts until we watched others doing it. We can still try that next time, if you’d like?”


“Yes, but you already let me have some of yours this time.” She groaned, upset over the feeling of taking advantage of the deserts. My smile cramped from being too big for too long, but my own happiness of our perfect date couldn’t be ignored. ‘Not even any bouts of… things distracting me. This is how it should be.’ A small splinter in my mind flashed my own acknowledgement of my swayed heart, one that I just as quickly removed.


“The Triwizard ceremony is happening tonight. Do you want to watch it?” Pansy asked, changing the topic of conversation. I hummed in thought, honestly not wanting to go, but acknowledging that the social event would require me to be there if a Slytherin was chosen as Hogwarts’ champion. ‘If I wasn’t there to congratulate them, that would negatively affect my family name.’ Relinquishing the idea of escaping the event that would no-doubtibly have Fleur Delacour there as well, I simply nodded. “I suppose so, but let’s leave before Delacour chains us to another conversation.” Pansy agreed with a chuckle, and we both made our way back to school in wait for the ceremony.


“Don’t try it.” Draco hissed at me, pausing my apology to him before I could get a word in edgewise. I took my seat and pushed over a slice of chocolate cake as a token instead. “I’m sorry for leaving you with the bag Draco. That was the most expensive one they had.” As Pansy took her seat beside me, Draco eyed the small box before him, glancing inside. “It’s a start I suppose…” He grumpilly muttered while taking a bite, a twinge of delight on his face before mustering it back down for his anger.


“Do you know how much effort I needed to be nice for that- harlott?” He sputtered trying to keep his words clean. At the same time, the ceremony was beginning and the overwhelming sound of applause hid some of Draco’s anger. “Sitting there while those ‘doxies’ continued to buzz around me; ‘doxies’ that she happily encouraged too! I wished I had Doxycide.” He continued despite the announcements of the Tri-wizard cup, none of us caring much unless it was a Slytherin chosen.


“Needless to say, I’m the most hated Slytherin in the rest of school.” He shrugged, Pansy and I both glancing at the other tables to see many of the boys angrily glaring at us. “How’d she-?” I was about to ask but was cut off just as Viktor Krum was selected as the first champion by the goblet of fire. All of the Durmstrum academy students screamed with excitement while everyone else applauded politely. “Well I guess that makes sense if he’s a decent quidditch seeker. Anyway, how’d she do that?” Draco shook his head, still chewing his most recent piece. “I may or may not have spoken out my opinions of those she endorsed…” 


Both Pansy and I sighed as the cheering died down. “Draco… Why…? That's what she was hoping for.” I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose. “Because you left me! You both know I can’t stop myself from speaking how I see things, especially when it comes to all those-” Draco was cut off from the sudden and more loud announcement of the next champion’s name being called. “Fleur Delacour!” Part of me was glad he was cut-off before possibly finishing his words, but as half the population of Hogwarts screamed in excitement, almost in the attempt of being the most notable to her, I wished it was someone else.


“Figures…” I muttered, Draco nodding along with me. “It’s obvious that she was going to be picked.” Pansy agreed, all of us silently guessing why she was chosen, but unable to prove our suspicions. “Ah- Wave, wave.” Pansy quickly ordered, both Draco and I noticing that Fleur had waved at us in the back with a massive smile. We all waved, giving fake smiles to her while speaking silently. “Even though we’re supposed to talk with her after the ceremony I still say we leave immediately, and come up with an excuse later.” I whispered through grit teeth, seeing the envoy of angry glares all directed at us.


“I concur.” Draco immediately dove to the idea, sending a small glare to Pansy. “And I’m leaving you behind if necessary.” While Fleur sat down in the front of the Great Hall beside Viktor Krum, and the score of applause lowered once again; Pansy flashed a dark smile to Draco, as if daring him to do so. Wanting to stop this needless argument, I tapped the table for their attention before pointing at the last slip of half burnt parchment billowing towards Dumbledore’s outstretched hands. 


“The Hogwarts’ Champion…” A small pause built tension in the room, hushed whispers were quickly abolished at the growing anticipation. “Cedric Diggory!” The table of Hufflepuffs burst out into praise as a fairly tall student took a stand with enthusiasm. Almost all students patted him on the back as he made his way to the front, all while Draco, Pansy and I glanced at one another.


Draco motioned with his head towards the door and I was inclined to agree. “Excellent. We now have our three Champions!” Dumbledore’s voice reverberated through the Great Hall, hiding the noise of our get away before Fleur could drag us into her grasp again. Dumbledore’s voice fell on deaf ears to us, none of this event mattering for almost any Slytherin at this point. ‘I suppose this makes it simpler. If a Slytherin was picked it would be a scramble to attain connections with them amongst the rest trying the same.’ I knew my parents would expect that of me, as would all parents of the rest of the house.


With a small sigh of relief at the door, we almost made our way out before a flash of light caught everyone’s attention. Dumbledore’s announcement speech paused mid sentence, all the students muttered and whispered with confusion. All three of us turned around, and to our shock the Goblet of Fire was blazing yet again. “I thought they had all three…” Draco whispered in confusion, Pansy and I nodding along. “They did…” I muttered, glancing at the all three seats already occupied.


The roaring red flames seared a vibrant blue, before blasting another small bit of parchment high into the air. The Great Hall was in dead silence as Dumbledore carefully walked closer to the descending paper, gingerly capturing it between his fingers to not further damage the scorched edges. He mumbled a name under his breath, one that only those in the nearest tables to him turned to see namesake. “Harry Potter…” He spoke louder, forgetting to use his amplification magic in his surprise.


Everyone in the Great Hall wordlessly gazed towards the Gryffindor table. Harry Potter, looking at those closest to him with what looked to be more surprise and shock than anyone else. “Harry Potter!” Dumbledore yelled louder, Hermione finally forcing Potter to take to his feet. He stumbled past his baffled housemates while those in other houses murmured in disgust. “He cheated…” “He’s not even hiding it…” “I can’t believe this…” 


Potter slowly came before Dumbledore, who offered the piece of paper to him. Potter took the page, slowly shaking his head. “Champions! To the back!” Dumbledore ordered, taking Potter by the shoulder. The others were also directed behind Dumbledore by their respective faculty, leaving only the odd ones out to control the sparking uproar of complaints. As voices began to grow louder with different levels of confusion, disbelief, jealousy, and dismay, one voice spoke loudly with purpose. 


“Silence!” It was professor Snape, instantly quieting the room. “This, is a matter of the schools… And I have no doubt, that you will be satisfied with whatever that decision, may be…” All those that wanted a redraw with their own names now eligible instantly shrunk in their seats, and the room once again was left in an uneasy state of vexation. “Let’s get out of here.” I muttered, continuing to open the door for Draco and Pansy. While they walked past me, I made a quick glance at the empty seat where Luna usually sat. Unease at my needed apology to her grew with each passing delay. “This is going to be a long year…”

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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