Hogwarts’ Beast Tamer

Chapter 2. A Pet.

I stared at Ollivander’s gaping expression. “This is a horned serpent horn…?” I then slowly placed it back down on the counter, doing my best to not damage it in any way. “They went extinct! Why do you have one!?” I was getting upset at how an amazing and beautiful creature went extinct due to over-hunting for things just like this. Ollivander held his hands up in surrender while glancing around the shop, and then I noticed too that certain objects were shaking, most likely because of me. My family’s lineage was powerful, but our emotions could fluctuate that power unsafely.


I took a breath to calm myself, and waited for Ollivander to explain. “I gained this a very long time ago from a friend of mine. I never bought it, nor supported hunting creatures to extinction.” I sighed and nodded at this old man. “I apologize for my outburst.” Ollivander chuckled and shook his head. “Think nothing of it. I am pleased to be making such a wand with a good purpose.” Ollivander then moved the other objects aside, only leaving what I felt a connection to, left.


“Now… Let’s see.” And with that he got to work on creating a wand or me. I watched with curiosity of his process, but hardly understood anything of what he was doing. The enchantments on everything, and the particular instruments used to carve the wood. It all was a sight to behold, but also one that I would never understand. Ollivander continued on his merry way making my wand. He hummed while measuring the amounts of things, the weight of them, and even flicked the wand a few times after he was mostly done.


After he was finally done, he looked tired, but fulfilled. He chuckled weakly while he presented me with my wand. After all of this time, and anticipation, after watching all the painstaking work into making it, I gulped from slight fear. I could feel the power emanating from it, and almost in a trance I grabbed onto the wand. I felt a rush of power course through me, and through the wand. I gave it a closer inspection, and ran my fingers down the multi-colored wood.


It was a mix of dark brown, light brown, and complete white all swirling together. I stared at it, while the colors almost seemed to be moving in response to each other. I was broken out of my thoughts from Ollivander’s cheering. “Well done! This is one of my greatest works!” After he let that out, he lowered his tone with a more serious expression that almost worried me from how different it was for how long I knew him.

“This is a first, in all my years… I’m very curious to see how things will change in the coming years… I expect great things ahead of you…” He then changed back to his more bubbly nature as he directed me out of the shop. I was on the street before I knew it, and took one last glance at the wand, knowing what was inside. I knew not to inform others of what was inside immediately, Ollivander saw the look in my eyes, and the message was clear. ‘This must be hidden.’ I thought in silence while I kept eying my new partner. I knew that the Horned Serpent was extinct, and that any parts would be highly valued, even ready to be stolen. I wasn’t gonna let that happen.


I nodded and placed my wand away while lugging the rest of my items towards the pet shop. Many hours had passed, and I could see the sun lowering itself, informing me to hurry back home soon. ‘Good thing there only remains one last item… Too bad I won't have much time to enjoy it.’ I sighed inwardly while I quickened my pace. I finally made my way inside, and was treated to all the amazing and wonderful creatures the store had to offer.


I ran around checking every single magical creature with awe and interest. This was my true passion. I first discovered magical creatures from the ones that I first found in my father’s suitcase used for light. A Glowbug. It gave off a bright light that amazed me back when I was younger, and a desire of knowledge for creatures was alighted inside me. I would run around our estate in search of creatures, or study up on them when I was inside. ‘Until my parents found out…’ I reminisced but ended on a sour note.


However, speaking of notes, I heard a constant ringing sound coming from around me. I looked around in confusion, until I figured out my wand was producing it. I looked at the store owner, but she seemed busy with another customer, both seemingly unaware of the constant noise my wand was emitting. I grabbed hold of my wand to see what the problem might be, but froze when I heard an almost chirping noise on the other end of the store. I could somehow hear it clearly among all the other creatures barking, hissing, or cawing.


I followed where my wand wanted to take me, and wandered through the shop, until I found the other source of ringing and chirping. I looked down, at the ground floor, underneath a table that held the more sought after pets, such as owls, cats and the like. I then saw a foot long black snake slither around his cage, chirping and ringing along with my wand. It was dark, but I could see a small glint of deep vibrant blue that almost seemed to pierce through my soul. I was amazed by him, and gave a greeting while placing my hand near the glass. “Hey buddy…” I whispered in a gentle tone that rarely came out.


The snake then spoke with a high pitched, almost childish tone of voice. “Can I have water? I’m thirsty!” I stumbled back onto the ground, almost bumping into the other cages on the floor. I slowly processed what was happening, and took some deep breaths to calm myself down. ‘Did he talk? Did I just hear him talk!?’ I gulped with anticipation, ready to test whether we could understand each other. “Did you say you wanted water?” I asked slowly to help converse easier.


The black snake inside quickly slithered about inside his cage excitedly while he answered. “Yea!! Can you help me?” I slowly began to chuckle in excitement and wonder at what I had inadvertently discovered. My entire being was screaming at me to take him as my pet, ready to understand more about strange and wonderful magical creatures. “Excuse me!” I called out to the store clerk who was now free. I waved her over, and she abided silently, until she reached me. “Can I help you?” She asked a bit perturbed that I beckoned her over instead of coming to her.


I didn’t care as much as this amazing snake she had. “I want this snake.” I said with no room for argument. I had to have him if he would allow me. She looked down below the counter and checked a small book she took out of her robes. She skimmed through the pages, and eventually nodded. “Common black snake, anything else you may need to take care of it? We have-” She quickly went into her saleswoman mode, trying to get me to buy every bell and whistle that would only matter for once on a blue moon. I glanced over at the snake eyeing me as well.


“I need a cage like the one he is in, a fang cleaner, and some food for him if you have it.” I cut her off her sales pitch, and clicked her tongue from not being able to get a kid to buy stuff he didn’t need. I grabbed his cage, and followed the woman back to the counter. She grabbed a fang cleaner, as well as some food for the snake to eat. They were a type of pellet that was made to have all the nutrients a snake would need, but I would soon make my own when I had the chance. ‘Creatures like good food. The better it is, the more they will like me.’ That was the thought process I had when I researched some cooking books we had in the library.


“Can I please have some water… I’m dying…” I heard him call out, and I jumped from fear. I hadn’t paid for him yet, so she might try to keep him for herself because he could talk. My fears were unfounded however, the woman finished up her total and gave me the bill. I quickly paid, and left the store before she might change her mind. Not then knowing of the different language we were speaking. 

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