Hogwarts’ Beast Tamer

Chapter 21. Horoscopes

Hermione paused while thinking of the right way to ask about what this Hufflepuff knew. She glanced at the girl nervously checking behind Hermione to see if Peterson was coming, and decided to start non-threateningly. “I was in the library, and you looked pretty shaken up. Did he do something wrong to you?” The girl bit her lip and looked down to avoid eye contact. She shook her head in silence.


Hermione didn’t fully believe her, considering how she was acting, but decided to not press the matter directly. “Regardless, you look shaken. Do you want some company? My name is Hermione.” The girl looked at Hermione, still a little nervous she nodded slowly. “Well… I heard you’re smart, and I need to double check my work.” Hermione smiled and nodded, always wanting to learn more about the wizarding world, with the added benefit of perhaps finding dirt on Peterson. “Of course, what are you working on?”


The girl showcased her book on Astronomy. “I need to see if… I was right in my prediction.” That immediately made Hermione falter, she never believed much in Divination. Spending who knows how long on a subject she was never good at, didn’t sound appealing to her. ‘However, she clearly knew something about Peterson…’ That little push was what it took to get Hermione to accompany this girl. “I don’t know much of this subject, but I’ll do my best to help- I’m sorry I never got your name.”


The girl looked surprised, as if she forgot to even give her name in the first place. “Right. My name is Chiara.” With that, Hermione walked to the great hall to work with Chiara’s Astronomy. Heading inside, they took seats on the Hufflepuff table, garnering looks of all varieties. It was annoying to Hermione, but she focused on learning. There was always a chance this Divination technique would prove to be accurate. She had read that Centaurs used Astronomy to predict large events, so perhaps something was to this. Although she still remained skeptical.


The girl brought out a large parchment with symbols, and coordinates labeled all over. “What's that?” Hermione asked in astonishment. The girl glanced at Hermione, before pointing at a coordinate. “These are where the planets were located at the date of my birth. Instead of using the more vague predictions of birth signs, and vague locations of the planets during that time. It’s best to make a personal chart to make better and more detailed predictions. Only for yourself though.” The nervous girl, once talking about something she had a passion for, quickly changed from quiet to talkative.

Hermione nodded in understanding, urging Chiara to go on. She could actually understand where some of the ideas of this divination came from. Rather than just reading something as random as cards. This was closer to Numerology, this was predictable from the way the planets moved. “What was wrong about your last prediction?” She asked, wondering where this girl could have gone wrong. Glancing at the myriad of charts and dates, she had to have spent days if not weeks on this.


The girl gulped and shook her head. “I’m not sure it was… I- I think I know who it was talking about, but…” Hermione raised an eyebrow, a clue was evident right before her. “I- I just need to recheck if I listed the planets in the right places.” Hermione nodded, and scoured the charts and books Chiara brought with her. She got lost in the amount of work this required, and even started to enjoy figuring out answers from the stars.


“I can’t see anything labeled wrong.” She let out a contented sigh once she was done. Hermione didn’t know how to ‘read’ horoscopes, but she could at least make sure that the locations of the planets were where Chiara had listed. By this time Hermione couldn’t take the mystery anymore, and decided to just ask. “What does your horoscope say?” Chiara bit her lip in angst, she glanced at Hermione. She finally decided to answer while avoiding her gaze. “I had to double check with the books, because I didn’t believe it.” 


Chiara nervously tapped her fingers on the page of an Astronomy book she checked out, and read her horoscope from the collection of her star signs. “You will be reunited with a kindred spirit today. A fated partner that will have their life entwined with your own.” After she was done, she glanced at Hermione. Hermione was doubtful, and full of skepticism. “Reunited? Kindred spirit? How at all does that define Peterson?”


Chiara stuttered, and then looked at Hermione with wide eyes, realizing something. “Do you know that Slytherin?” Hermione froze, not exactly knowing how to answer that. “Well, I don’t know him… Gryffindor's and Slytherins were placed in classes together this week.” Chiara frowned in thought, tracing her fingers over the constellations on the parchment. She paused over the Virgo star sign, the one that was Peterson’s. “18th…” She mumbled before an idea came to her. “Can you help me with making a personal chart for someone with September 18th as their birthday?"

Hearing that date sparked something in Hermione. It was only one day from her own birthday. Her interest in her own horoscope rose at the idea. Even if she felt it was untrue, part of her wanted to hear of her own predictions through the stars. ‘Perhaps Chiara was mistaken about a kindred spirit with Peterson. This is quite enjoyable.’ With that thought a piece of Chiara’s prediction came true in Hermione’s eyes, ironically because of her believing it to be about something else.


Hermione, by this time, had already gotten used to searching the charts of stars and planets, so this was done in less time than before with both of them working together at faster speed. A first year Hufflepuff and Gryffindor, getting along and perhaps becoming friends in less than a month of coming to school. An odd sight to see for the older years that mostly kept to their own dorms, and even more odd to those who knew of Chiara’s shyness. It was a sight that gave way to more cross house friendships.


When they were done, it was almost mid day, but they hardly noticed from getting lost in their own work. Chiara then began to sort through the meanings of the planets, and her expression changed to fear again. “What does it say?” Hermione asked, wanting to have some more insight over Peterson’s strangeness. Chiara gulped and read slowly what she found. “Forces are gathering. Your name shall be on their tongues. You must decide for who you shall put your trust in...”


By the time Chiara was done, she barely spoke in a whisper, in fear of what she was reading. Confusing Hermione about what was so terrifying about this prediction. It was most likely rubbish anyway, taken with a grain of salt. “Does Peterson talk about, um… human rights?” Chiara asked while looking at Hermione with a gaze that was desperate for answers. Hermione frowned and shook her head. “You’re reading too much into this.”


Chiara froze for a bit, before slowly nodding. “Y-Your right… It’s probably nothing.” She let out a small chuckle, seemingly to make herself feel more at ease. However her thoughts were screaming in alarm. Everything the horoscope said made sense in her mind. Everything lined up with what she was imagining, except for one small portion of her horoscope’s advice. ‘Fated person, Reunited … A Slytherin?’ She let out a sigh, while packing her things up. “Thank you. For the help.” Hermione nodded with a small smile. Despite the girl’s strangeness, and devout belief in Divination, she seemed like a nice person. Just shy. 


“Of course. Feel free to talk to me anytime.” With that, they both went their separate ways.

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