Hogwarts’ Beast Tamer

Chapter 28. Christmas Already

Hermione, after looking through the library hundreds of times together with Ron and Harry, looking for anything on Nicolas Flamel after Hagrid accidently mentioned it to them about the forbidden floor. However now it was almost Christmas, and it was time for Hermione to leave to see her family. After talking to Harry and Ron in the Great Hall, she noticed Chiara eating alone. Ever since Hermione met Chiara, she quickly learned how shy and introverted she was. 


That didn’t mean that she was a bad person, she was there when Hermione was crying about not having friends. Proving that Chiara did consider Hermione a friend. Because of that, Hermione had gotten much more close with Chiara. She smiled while taking the seat beside her, the tables almost empty from everyone packing for their Christmas holiday. “Hi.” Chiara lifted her gaze, and lit up seeing who it was. “Hi. It’s good to see you.”


“Are you finished packing for your holiday?” Hermione asked, moving the hair from her eyes to see. Chiara nodded silently, letting Hermione continue. “Do you want to ride the train together? Turns out Ron is staying here for holiday.” Chiara smiled and nodded happily. “Yes… I’d like that.” Just as Hermione was about to say something else, she noticed Chiara’s gaze wander behind her.


Hermione turned around to see the trio of Slytherin, heading to their houses table with large trunks in hand. Lucas, Pansy, and Draco all conversed with each other, but they were too far for Hermione to hear. Hermione frowned looking at them all, each was horrid in their own way. Draco happily taunted and bullied anybody he deemed lower class, mudbloods were the most prominent to his whims. His already good talent with magic, being used to abuse others that weren’t so lucky. Like Neville.


Pansy had created a business selling bottles of cure boils to only Slytherins, letting all of them become better looking than any of the other girls in first year, still having trouble with the potion. She wasn’t one to go out of her way to bully others like Draco, but she judged others, openly stating ‘facts’ that purebloods were better, and deserved her product.


Last was Lucas. He was the strangest of the bunch. Hermione still remembered vividly his strange hissing when they first met, and his ‘episode’ during flight lessons, and potions class. Aside from that, he wasn’t like the other two speaking about his beliefs of pureblood supremacy. He preferred to let his actions show, and let others do the talking for him. That’s what Hermione hated most about him. She refused to say thanks for him helping her and Chiara from that troll in the bathroom, because she didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of being placed on a pedestal again.


Before Hermione knew it, she was glaring at the group, and shook her head to wave her thoughts away. She looked back at Chiara to focus back on happy thoughts. “Anyway, the train is boarding soon.” Hermione said, glancing at Chiara’s luggage, hinting that she wanted to go. Chiara jumped from having her thoughts stuttered, and quickly got her things together while standing from her seat. “I’m ready.” Hermione smiled while leading the way. “Then let’s go.”


Heading inside the train together with Draco and Pansy, we found an empty car close to the back of the train. Trying to stay away from the loud engine in the front. “What are your holiday traditions?” Pansy asked the both of us, the train starting to move while Draco answered first. “My family always has a huge feast, and I always get two amazing gifts! My father always has good taste in gift giving.” I noticed his face turning a bit red while his gaze turned towards the window when the topic of his other gift came into conversation. Most likely the same embarrassing problem as my own. Moms.


“I have a very similar experience. Plentiful amounts of food, and a gift or two of great price.” I said with a shrug, seeing that we all had similar livelihoods. Pansy nodded with a chuckle. “I’m the same. I was wondering if others did more.” Draco laughed. “What more could I ask for? Lazing about without studies for a week is a gift in and of itself.” Pansy and I snickered in agreement as the train continued to our destination.


After the train ride, we all exited with our luggage to our parents. Draco’s appeared first, his mother smothering him in a hug while she tearfully exclaimed how much she missed him. “My baby Draco! How was school? I missed you so much!” “Mom!” He yelled, his face completely red while Pansy and I hid our snickers and chuckles.


“Lucas!” However, that was short lived when I heard my own mother calling me. Before I could turn around, I was picked up in her loving arms, squeezing the life from me. “Look at you! Did you make friends at school?” I finally pushed her away enough to breathe again, there I noticed my father frowning at Pansy and Draco in thought. “Malfoy… Good connections…” He mumbled under his breath before looking down at me with a nod. “Well done. I expected nothing less.” I nodded back as Nalby took my suitcase. “It is my honor to take my master’s case.” I smiled at him, ignoring my slight guilt at his life’s joy.


“Peterson. It seems that my boy Draco here has learned a lot from your son.” A man said with a smirk, his long blonde hair flowed down past his shoulders. The tapping of his cane on the platform was distinct amongst all the rest of the footsteps and talking surrounding us. “I hope that our boys remain lifelong friends in the future.” Mr. Malfoy said with a charming smile. Removing the dragon leather glove on his right hand, and holding his hand out for a shake. My father obliged, removing his glove from his own hand, and shaking Mr. Malfoy’s hand as he spoke. “It would be both mine and my son’s pleasure.”


Pansy’s parents were the last to arrive. Coming from a further part of the platform, looking for her. “Oh! There you are!” Her mother yelled with a smile. The mother had dark brown hair that was meticulously taken care of. Every strand of hair put precisely in its place as all of them cascaded down her back. Her deep blue dress was made with the same care. Her father had short black hair, and a snazzy suit. He walked with purpose much like my own father, but his smile revealed that he wasn’t as distant as my own.


Pansy hugged her mother and father before introducing them to Draco and I. It turned out that they had met the Malfoys before, but never my family. “Oh the Petersons! It’s good to finally put a face to that name! You never came to any of the Ministries’ events for our departments to meet.” The father said, shaking my own father’s hand. “I didn’t even know you both had a son! It’s good to meet a friend of my daughter!” The mother happily spoke while shaking my hand. I smiled politely while exchanging pleasantries, needing to make good impressions on the parents. “It’s good to meet both of you as well. Pansy has been a great help in my student life. In fact we both helped to create a business in school. Well, mostly she took off with it.” I finished with a small laugh.


Both parents glanced over to Pansy, and watched her smile while taking out a large sack of Gallons. She explained while everyone, including my own parents looked on with surprise. “Well, after Lucas helped me in creating our first Cure Boils potion, I began selling our excess to other Slytherin first years.” “Wow…” Pansy’s mother exclaimed before looking back at me and my parents. “That’s quite the boy you have there! I can see why you wanted to keep him all to yourselves!” She laughed while my own mother joined her.


While all our parents were conversing with each other, I let out a hidden sigh. My mother had taught me that in Pureblood society, there are hidden meanings that I must know of. Unspoken rules, and undertones. Like right now. All of them were carefully poking and prodding their own children's friends to see if they were going to be good for them and their family in the future. Mother had told me to make good friends, but what she really meant was, to make good connections for my future and our family’s future.


Luckily I was able to pass with flying colors.

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