Hogwarts’ Beast Tamer

Chapter 38. End Of Year One

The next day, I heard rumors of what happened last night. “Professor Quirrell was what!?” Draco yelled in shock at our lunch table, Crabbe hunched over with a grin of gossip whispered once again. “Harry Potter killed Professor Quirrell while he was possessed by you know who. That’s what I heard.” I noticed that Professor Quirrell was absent today, and I felt my stomach drop as I froze. I glanced at Pansy, already staring at me. She was the only one who knew of my personal teachings with Quirrell, and we both stared at each other while everything fell into place.


I had taken private lessons with the darkest of dark wizards, gotten close to such a monster, a monster who killed the most majestic creature I had ever seen in my life. I felt sick, the realization that I began enjoying the company of a wolf in sheep’s clothing terrified me. I gulped in disgust, trying to keep my lunch down.


I managed to keep myself together through lunch, although no longer eating another bite, and luckily enough there were no more tests, leaving us to pack our things before the big feast at dinner for the end of the year. I was mostly packed, so instead I went to the lake again to say goodbye to Abarrane. After the long process of finally saying goodbye to her for the summer, made more difficult by how she used her suckers to try and get me to stay with more hugs. I finally made my way back into my room for the last few things to pack.


After I was done, I talked with Pansy and Draco, trying to take my mind off of the fact that I became close to the most evil wizard in history. It helped, but certain topics just reminded me of the horrific truth of my tutor.


We all eventually got ready for the celebration dinner, and took our usual seats. We all quieted down as Dumbledore stood up from his throne at the head of the teachers table, most notably missing Professor Quirrell. “Another year is gone! And as I understand it, a House Cup needs awarding!” Dumbledore chuckled a bit along with some of the students.


“The points stand thus…” Dumbledore continued after everyone quieted back down. “In 4th place… Gryffindor, with 332 points!” He announced, plenty of students at our table smirking and snickering at their last place denomination. Clapping sarcastically along with the rest of the school that clapped over obligation. “In 3rd place… Hufflepuff, with 364 points!” Everyone clapped again for their accomplishment, the strange girl I had gotten to know a bit of, seemed genuinely happy despite the low placement.


“In 2nd place… Ravenclaw, with 437 points!” Dumbledore announced next, everyone at our table clapping louder and with more glee, knowing who won just by process of elimination. Draco, hardly containing his excitement. “And in 1st place… With 497 points… Slytherin!” Everyone at our table erupted into cheers, most of the first years, congratulating Draco, Pansy and I for getting as many points as we did to help win. I nodded silently with a smile, not really caring for the cup, especially with everything that happened in the last couple of days… 


As everyone cheered and clapped, Dumbledore spoke over it all, getting everyone to quiet down as he announced. “Yes… Well done Slytherin, well done Slytherin, However!” He held up his finger to quiet the last few people down, in order to explain. “Recent events, must be taken into account… And I have a few last minute points to award!” 


His eyes then turned to the Gryffindor table with a warm smile. “To Miss. Hermione Granger! For the cool use of intellect, while others were in grave peril! 50 points!” Everyone at the Gryffindor table clapped happily congratulating her. She smiled at her friends, moving onto Chiara, and eventually glancing at me as I clapped obligatorily for her. “Next! To Mr. Ronald Weasley! For the best game of wizard’s chess, that this school has seen in these many years! 50 Points!”


Everyone at the Gryffindor table cheered and clapped while those closest to him patted his back. “And Third! To Mr. Harry Potter! For pure nerve, and outstanding courage! I award Gryffindor House… 60 Points!” Everyone cheered at their table, while Draco encapsulated everyone else’s dread at the Slytherin table. We were only in first by five points now. I already knew that the rumors were true of Harry Potter, Hermione, and Ron Weasley keeping something safe from Voldemort’s clutches, so receiving the house cup for it seemed obvious.


I didn’t bother listening as Dumbledore handed Gryffindor more points, so they would win, the cheering of their victory only became buzzing in my ears. “However!” Dumbledore continued, stunning me after I already heard of Longbottom’s 10 points, wondering what more he would have them receive before they would be crowned. “There is one last awarding that I must give!” He announced, his gaze moving from the Gryffindor’s table over to ours. “For his readiness to teach his fellow students, and for the highest scores on the first year exams… I award Lucas Peterson… 5 Points!”

Everyone at the Slytherin table cheered, Draco casually hitting my shoulder in celebration of my last few points. Pansy however, wasn't so convinced. “If my math serves me correct, it appears we have a tie!” Dumbledore announced, alternating all of the banners that hung overhead between Slytherin and Gryffindor. While everyone between Gryffindor's and Slytherins cheered, and Dumbledore allowing for the feast to begin, Pansy and I looked at each other. Both of us knew that I mostly only taught others in our house, not nearly as much as any of the Ravenclaw student’s might.


While the feast began, I looked over at Dumbledore, raising his chalice somewhere, before doing the same over to me. His knowing smile, showcasing that this wasn’t for my studying, or my good grades. It was for my caring for the nameless unicorn in her last moments. An event that could never be uttered to the public, yet awarded me points all the same. ‘He had it planned from the start…’ I thought with a slight defeated smile, nodding at him in thanks for keeping my secret.


Pansy learned after seeing Lucas smile up at the headmaster, grasping at his chest for the unicorn blood, a habit he was quickly beginning to form whenever thinking of that night. She smiled, seeing Lucas get more of the credit he deserved, helping win the cup with his love of magical creatures, even with that being a secret known only to her, but a sudden sinking feeling entered her chest. She snapped her head around to the Gryffindor table, her eyes darting towards the mudblood girl, Hermione.


Pansy watched as Hermione sometimes glanced at Lucas’ table while she smiled and laughed with her friends. Pansy realized that Hermione had figured it out too, the knot in her stomach tightened. Pansy didn’t like Hermione knowing more of Lucas, more for her to try and attach herself to. She frowned at Hermione’s smile, before finally looking back to her own plate at her table. Anxiety still in the back of her mind.


I ate my fill of food, enjoying the feast before my eyes. Silently celebrating that I had made it a year through school here. I had fun this year, with some good memories, and meeting new and amazing creatures first hand. However, I was very anxious over how my next year may come to be, or perhaps if Voldemort might try and find me again… I felt a shiver run through my spine, sipping more of my drink, trying to calm my nerves. ‘Just 6 more years, and I can disappear…’ 


End of Year 1

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