Hogwarts’ Beast Tamer

Chapter 44. Rumors

After Quidditch practice, occasional helping Pansy with studies, and letting her pet Val from my sleeve, it was time for Transfiguration. In class, both Pansy and I attempted for most of the class to change our bird’s into chalices. Draco and I had moderate success, however Pansy accomplished it on her first attempt. “Oh, indeed a perfect spell. 5 Points to Slytherin.” Professor McGonagall announced, focusing more on the spell, rather than giving points to another house she clearly didn’t like very much.


“How did you do that so easily?” Draco asked, his owl either not changing at all, or slightly morphing before turning back to normal. Pansy smirked with a shrug. “I just had a feeling for it. Combined with Lucas’ helpful comments, this is almost too easy.” She giggled while using the counter spell to change her avian back. I wasn’t doing much better than Draco though, apparently my thoughts helped Pansy, but helping myself was too difficult. I sighed as class continued, only succeeding once for this task along with Draco.


However class was soon stopped when Hermione asked a question far off topic. “I’d like to hear about the Chamber of Secrets.” The entire class paused, and glanced over at the Professor, wanting to hear more of what might be happening inside the castle. I wondered as well, even while a Slytherin, I didn’t know much regarding this Chamber, my parents mostly cared for studying potions and manners.


Much of it regarded history I already knew, however I began focusing when she discussed Salazar Slytherin. “Now according to Legend, Slytherin had built a hidden chamber in this castle, known as the Chamber of Secrets, and shortly before departing, he sealed it. Until that time when his own true heir might return to the school. The Heir alone would be able to open the Chamber…” 


With Professor McGonagall discussing the story, I covered my mouth, trying to stop myself from puking. I knew I was a technical Heir to Slytherin, being a Parselmouth proved it. Being one was also extremely rare, even among Slytherin students. ‘It couldn’t have been me… It…’ I clutched at my chest, my heart racing, trying to avoid that fact. Sometimes, I would sleep walk during the nights I was releasing my pent of energy. Not every night, in fact I only remembered one or two times that I woke up in a different room, or even outside. I gulped, part of me wondering if I was perhaps the reason why Filch’s cat was petrified.

“Professor, what exactly does Legend tell us what lies in the Chamber?” Hermione asked, my attention focusing back up to the Professor to hear more. “The Chamber is said to be home to something that only the Heir of Slytherin could control… It is said to be home to a monster…” McGonagall answered, her voice shaking a bit from fear. Much matching my own. I always had more of an affinity for beasts than normal. ‘No, why now? Why wouldn’t I have done this last year, it couldn’t be me… It couldn’t be me…’ I repeated my mantra, unknowing of Harry, Ron, and Hermione’s Gazes all befalling onto me.


After class was out, Harry, Ron, and Hermione all walked together, talking in hushed tones to avoid being overheard. “If there really is a Chamber, then we already know who’s the one behind this.” Ron announced, his gaze shifting ahead to where the brown haired Slytherin made his way together with his two friends. “It would either have to be Draco or Lucas.” Harry concurred with a frown. “But I think Draco is more capable of this.” 


“Draco I understand, but you saw Lucas with that Unicorn, I really don’t think he would petrify Filch’s cat for a message.” Hermione joined along, her own hope that Lucas wasn’t responsible was dwindling. “You saw his eyes in class yesterday, he obviously snapped. He may have been better before, but something strange is happening this year.” Ron answered back. “Even if it is either of them, how would we prove it? It’s not as if they would confess themselves.” Harry sighed, scratching his head.


“Or perhaps we can…” Hermione muttered, both Harry and Ron staring, wondering what her mind was, easily concocting a plan for a potion she had read about in passing. 


In my room, I was brewing more Vitamix, my mind wandering as I continued to wait for the next step. ‘If It wasn’t me, then who? I don’t know of anyone else that is a Parselmouth… I would assume that the school is watching me very tightly too.’ I recalled how McGonagall's gaze always rested on me during the class I just had with her. She was obviously suspecting me, as she also knew of my affinity for beasts. It was then that I heard a knock at the door, already guessing who it was I just opened it with magic.


Pansy entered, and closed the door behind her. Still holding a few books that she would use to study along with me in private. “Hang on, I’ll be done in a few minutes.” I said, adding in the last ingredient to the mixture. Pansy silently sat on my bed, and opened up her book behind me. “What do you think about the Chamber of Secrets?” She finally asked.

I bit my lip, unsure of what was happening this year. It was still the first week. “Perhaps it exists, but I wonder how long it might take for parents to remove their kids from school here.” “Purebloods should be safe, so we’ll have nothing to worry about.” She answered back while I took out vials to store more Vitamix. I sighed, wondering if I would even want to be in a school that scared away everyone except Slytherins. 


After I was done, I looked back to see Pansy studying, looking at the Summoning Charm. I studied a bit of it, before wanting to try it out myself. “Accio, Vitamix.” I said, waving my wand, and just like that, the particular vial I was looking at was sent over to my hand at lightning speed. “Why are you brewing that again? Doesn’t it give you side-effects?” Pansy asked, seeing me place a vial in my robe.


I shrugged at her while moving my cauldron and ingredients from my desk so we could study easier. “Perhaps I might look strange while under its effects, but you never know when it might come in handy.” I said, thinking of a few other, like-minded potions I could try brewing at another time. “Anyway, from what I can tell, the Summoning Charm…” I then went on to study together with Pansy on some other spells outside of class, under the watchful gaze of Abarrane from my window.

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