Hogwarts’ Beast Tamer

Chapter 52. Dueling

Lockhart then removed his cape with gusto, throwing it amongst the crowd, and pointed at Snape on the other end of the stage. “Allow me to introduce my assistant. Professor Snape!” Snape rolled his eyes before calmly walking onto his side of the stage to mirror Lockhart as Lockhart continued on with his small speech. 


Both Snape and Lockhart, raised their wands in front of their faces, gave a slight bow to greet their opponent, then whipped their wands to their sides before taking distinct steps back, making sure their feet made it to the gibbous moon image before turning around to face one another again. “1… 2… 3…” Lockhart counted down, but before he could cast a spell of his own, Snape casted faster. “Expelliarmus!”


With a quick flash of light, Lockhart was sent flying backwards, further near the end of the stage, the air knocked from his lungs as he fell on his back. “That’s Slytherin.” Draco announced, hitting my shoulder lightly in excitement while Pansy nodded with assurance. Lockhart coughed a bit, before springing back up with a big laugh. “An excellent idea to show them ‘that’ Professor Snape!” He continued to announce while relieved sighs spilled from the audience. 


I didn’t really bother to listen in by this point, two weeks worth of classes proved that the only thing I learned from Professor Lockhart, was that I had learned a lot more under Voldemort’s tutelage. It was much simpler and easier to only self-study in class with Pansy, or in this case, listen to only Snape to learn something this year. “Weasley’s wand creates devastation with even the simplest of spells… We’ll be sending Potter to the hospital wing, in a matchbox.” Draco and I both couldn’t help but snicker at his accurate diagnosis, but my mood would soon change with his next words.


“Might I perhaps choose someone from my own House? Peterson, perhaps?” I immediately felt dread as Snape turned around, pointed at me, and used his thumb to command me up onto the stage. “Lucky you! Make sure to hit him even if he’s down!” Draco whispered to me with a large grin as others made way for me to head onto the stage. 

A few whispers of good luck from the Slytherin’s around me, and I made my way to the center of the stage, staring at me with seriousness. “Your eyes are green, are you using Vitamix?” He asked, raising an eyebrow. I shook my head with a smirk, my poisoned tongue moved before I could stop it. “No, I wouldn’t need the help for a Duel this simple.” We then moved away from each other, before stopping and turning around. I held out my wand, the colors of the wood swirling about as I pointed at Potter with it.


“Now remember. Cast charms to disarm your opponent, but only to disarm!” Lockhart reminded us, and we both silently nodded, waiting for his count-down. “one… two… thr-.” Just as Lockhart uttered half of the third number, I sent out the exact same spell as Snape showed earlier. “Expelliarmus!” Potter’s wand flicked from his hand, and smacked into his face and body. He managed to haphazardly grasp it again as it bounced between his hands, before quickly pointing it back at me. “Rictusempra!” 


A white flash of light shot from his wand, and came darting at me, Quirrell’s teachings flashed in my mind. ‘“With this charm, one cannot keep it in effect for long periods of time… It becomes weak in places, it takes too much energy, and your opponent can easily wait you out. It must be like fencing.” “Fencing?” “Indeed, just a quick flick, you parry the incoming spell, and repost with your own. Parry, and Repost is the most basic, and essential part of Dueling.”’ 


With just the flick of my wrist, I created a small half bubble of energy that deflected the spell Potter sent at me, and in the same motion thrusted my wand with a spell of my own. “Flipendo!” What I had forgotten in that moment, with my magical overcharge today, was to hold back. In Potter’s shock of the tremendous spell barreling towards him, he ducked down to avoid it, which instead hit Lockhart standing behind him. He was sent flying much further back, hitting the stone wall behind him, before gravity pulled him to the ground. 


Everyone groaned in shared pain, just looking at Lockhart, bent into a heap on the cold stone floor. Everyone besides the Slytherin class, giving me silent waves and nods of approval, and Ron Weasley for some strange reason, chuckling at the sight of Lockhart. “Alright! Alright! Step back!” Snape yelled while heading over, shooing away many of the girl’s that rushed to his aid. I was only lightly biting my finger in angst of having the blame, and wondering how severe it might be depending on his injuries.


Snape sighed as he made his diagnosis. “A few broken ribs, but nothing too serious from what I can tell…” I let out a sigh of relief while Snape had Potter and Ron Weasley take him to the hospital wing together with a stretcher we had in case. “Well… Since Professor Lockhart has been… involved in a rather unfortunate accident… We shall continue on without.” He said, a tiny hint of mirth in his tone.

The club ran for a long time, much because almost every Slytherin 2nd and 1st years asked for my help in Dueling, mostly the protection charm I used earlier. Even 3rd and 4th years listened in, along with a few other Houses that wanted to hear. I didn’t bother trying to keep my teachings within ‘purebloods’ so I just spoke loudly while Snape enjoyed sitting in the corner as a silent observer rather than an instructor.


After the lessons were over, and many of the others Dueled to their heart's content, I finally could rest in my own room. I knew I would have to leave for my special room again tonight, but since I had some time to complete my homework. It was only after a few attempts and careful watch did I complete a portion of my Potion’s homework, creating a Shrinking solution. “With this, I should be able to more easily let Gaynor come and go as she pleases.” I muttered, taking as much as the cauldron held, enough for multiple vials of the stuff that could last Gaynor and I a long time.


I then began working on another potion, but soon realized that it was dinner, and I didn’t have time. I stored all of the ingredients that I had Nalby deliver from the Gallons that I gave him for shopping. ‘Turns out it wasn’t much because Nalby can just use his magic to appear where the ingredients are.’ I thought while shaking the small vial of Lethe river water in my hand.


Leaving my room with a few extra large vials, I was prepared to gain a few ingredients myself tonight. I also left Val inside of his tank after giving him some of his dinner, feeling that he didn’t have to be inside of my special room with me again, the last time was only an emergency. “There’s the one who beat the famous Lockhart in a single blow!” Draco yelled with a large smile, Pansy smirking with a chuckle at me. They both knew it was an accident, but enjoyed saying it to increase the fame of Slytherin. 


I rolled my eyes, knowing that I couldn’t stay long, and not wanting a large discussion over this topic. “Christmas holiday is right around the corner. Do either of you have plans?” I asked, Pansy scoffing at my clear attempt of changing the topic, but went along regardless. “Same as last year, I’m heading home.” Draco was next, shaking his head. “Not for me, father is still busy this year.” I nodded, having the same issue myself. “I also have to stay here. My father is also busy, and just being at home with my mother would drive me mad.” Draco and Pansy laughed while we finished our dinner.


I left early like usual, and made my way inside the Willow Tree’s crevice. Inside the hallway, I knocked on Gaynor’s door. “Gaynor, can I ask you a favor?” Inside I heard skittering approaching the door. The noise stopped, and the door handle slowly turned, a few times it snapped back to its original position, Gaynor having trouble working the knob, but on her third attempt she finally twisted it enough, and pushed the door open. I could see inside, the entire room was covered in miles of white silk, coating every surface the room had to offer. Gaynor was at the side of the door, moving her head out for me to see as a courtesy. “Favor…?”

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