Hogwarts’ Beast Tamer

Chapter 85. Christmas Party

Before I realized it, winter break had already begun, forcing me home this year to visit my parents. I packed up all my things, and went to my spot on the train with Pansy and Draco, my new robes resting inside my case, slightly wriggling with minute signs of intelligence. Most of my free time had been learning the nerve growing spell, and altering it into something new. 'Once I can utilize blood runes, than perhaps I'll have have an almost intelligent enchanted item.' I thought, looking out the window. “Are your parents taking you to the Christmas event this year?” Draco asked, both Pansy and I looking at him in confusion. Draco sighed at the both of us. “Do either of you pay attention to social events?” He then immediately placed his hand up, already knowing the answer before continuing to explain.


“There’s a big event coming soon, and the Ministry likes to have a private event beforehand to stretch their legs a bit.” He explained, while I rolled my eyes at this farce. “I surely hope that my parents leave me out of it. ‘Making connections’ is not something I enjoy doing.” I snarkily muttered, seeing through the real meaning behind this event. Pansy chuckled at me before looking back at Draco. “Are you going, Draco?” He nodded with a small smile. “Indeed. Unlike you both introverts, I enjoy social gatherings.” “I only like the food, there’s nothing else to enjoy.” I groaned, hating the judgmental stares, and forceful masks everyone including myself would be wearing.


“What exactly is this event?” Pansy asked, her interests peaked. “Don’t know exactly, I heard that the event planners like to have ‘new’ and ‘exciting’ ways for people to get to know one another. Focusing beyond normal dancing and dinner, and instead centering the party around a theme. Last one my father went to was Sky themed, with broomstick races, aethonan riding, baby dragon petting zoo, and the entire event was held above the clouds.” I suddenly had my interest peaked by those magical beast portions, Draco smirking at my change of demeanor. “Who knows? Perhaps there will be something you might actually enjoy.”


The rest of the ride was spent with casual conversation as well as small bits of studying theories for my new enchantments and spells. Soon enough, the train stopped, leaving us at the station for our awaiting families. My mother immediately latched on to me, touching my body for any signs of damage as she continued to drown me in questions over the Dementors and Buckbeak. “I’m fine mother, I’m truly fine. I sent letters, did I not?” I groaned, pushing her away from me while Nalby took my trunk.


“We’re going with the Malfoys to explain to the ministry that a simpleton oaf like that groundskeeper cannot be teaching classes such as that.” She reassured me, and I hid my unease as my father rested his hand on her shoulder. “Indeed, but more importantly, we need to retailer your suit.” My mother gasped in excitement. “Of course! How could I forget? There’s a large event coming soon that you’ll be the star of! Your father and I have spoken at length in wonder of what friends you’ll make in other schools that will also be attending.” 


And with that, I knew my fate was sealed. I smiled at both my parents, my mask already in full effect. “I heard a bit of it from Draco on the way here. Are you both talking about the upcoming Christmas event?” My father just nodded in silence before leading the way through the crowd. My mother took my arm and had me escort her while she explained more of the purpose of the event. “There will be other magical school’s students attending from France and Russia. You will have to prove that you are the best among them while also leading them into your fold. Just like what you did in Slytherin, Mr. Future Prefect~” My mom chuckled, playfully squeezing my cheeks while I chuckled at her joke, silently knowing that she was hoping that I would become one.


On the day of the event, we used the Floo network to travel to some Russian city I would never be able to pronounce myself. We walked for a few moments through the snow ridden streets, all of us placing our handkerchiefs over our mouths to breath the 'muggle' air until entering inside a muggle repelling charm near the docks. Once inside, we could see at the large building near the docks, a single well dressed man standing outside a small door. After my father revealed his invitation to the staff we were given entrance to a large building. Inside, I was astonished to see that the building was a sort of shipping port, where boats would head inside to receive or deliver cargo, however instead of a boat floating on the water, a tunnel had been made in the water, leading further out to sea. “Just follow.” The attendant said, pointing at the presenting pathway to us, trying to speak English, but still having a slight accent.


We did just that, and as we walked through the tunnel of air under the sea, we were given light from tiny red and green bioluminescent creatures. Swimming in large schools of thousands near the edges of the bubble of air, granting both light, as well as warning to anyone thinking about getting too close to the edge. After a little while of walking on the hardened  and dried sea bed, bright lights made way to showcase a massive underwater party. A large tile floor that echoed in the footsteps of those walking by, plentiful amounts of people all standing around in groups talking with one another in magnanimous clothes. I was immediately proven to be right that these events were held by the most rich and powerful wizards, for others of their kind. No half-blood, blood traitor, or muggle born would be found here.


Everyone was dressed extravagantly, people my age, the few older students that had nothing planned beforehand, as well as the adults. I noticed that the adults were discussing to themselves, while the students were off on their own in another section. “Go on, join the other boys and girls, the events will start shortly.” My mother pushed me away, a gentle smile silently telling me to make connections. I let out a small sigh, before heading over to the refreshments table for more my age. Grabbing a goblet of hot cocoa, I glanced around to take in more of the sights of this party.


It was all Christmas themed, most everything being red, green, or white. They had jellyfish gently float above and all around the bubble, glowing in white light like it was snowing under the water. There was instrumental music in the adult section, with harmonious singing of a lulling choir emitting from what seemed like the bubble walls themselves. The tables on the outer edge of the party, giving way for the guests to dance or sit by the wayside at their leisure, gently rocked back and forth accompanied by the waves overhead, their backrests looked to be made out of seaweed.


As I admired the beauty of this party, feeling as if just watching it from afar was enough to enjoy myself, I was rudely interrupted by someone clearing their throat extra loudly. I glanced to see an older girl with long flowing shimmering silver hair that reminded me of Chiara, looking down at me expectantly. Her glittering red dress helped express more of her already tantalizing beauty. Thin straps showcased her blemish less shoulders, only obscured by her almost glowing silver hair, curled to perfection. “A glass?” She asked, her deep blue eyes matching the ocean surrounding us. She looked objectively enchanting, and I felt a strange sense of confliction well in the back of my mind.


Glancing behind her I could see other boys glancing at her with dumb smiles on their faces, each mumbling with each other while continuing to gawk at her, unable to remove their gaze from her tantalizing attire for even a second. I checked behind me to see I was standing in front of the glasses of hot cocoa, but not so much that she couldn’t just reach around me for herself. ‘Some good looking pompous girl. Great…’


I frowned at the glasses I was standing in front of, rolled my eyes and took a step to the side for better ease of access. “Apologies.” I muttered without any feeling, twirling the candy cane in my drink before taking another sip. “Excuse me?” She asked, and I looked back at her agape expression of disbelief. I glanced back at the table, seeing myself far out of her way, and then looked back at her with equal disbelief. “What?” I asked, this girl starting to wear my patience already.


Her calming blue fedora that helped accentuate the thin threads of silver spooled hair underneath, angling it down slightly over her left eye to help give her the subtle feeling of mystery, sat in direct contrast with her face beginning to redden in anger. “You’re supposed to offer me a glass.” She explained to me like I was some fool that had no business even talking to her if she wasn’t ordering me around. ‘I really need to keep a friendly demeanor, but this girl…’ I held back my desire to throw one at her, and instead just silently took one, glanced at her rolling eyes, and drank it while placing my empty chalice on a pacing waiter’s tray.


“Thank you.” I muttered to the waiter, before leaving the drinks alone, and focusing on the multitude of seafood nearby. There was stuffed shrimp, crab puffs, bass, along with plentiful amounts of other fish, some magical, some not. “Who do you think you are?” The same girl asked from behind me, instantly ruining my mood. Something about her just rubbed me the wrong way, perhaps the fact that she didn’t give me any respect upon first meeting me was a large reason. Whatever it was, I didn't want to be close with her. “Someone leaving this conversation.” I answered back, leaving to a distant table.


Taking a seat, I quietly began to test out some of the shrimp I had on my plate. “Can I eat some now?” Val hissed, sticking his head just outside my vest. I scoffed while giving him a piece of shrimp. He chirped at the taste while I stared outside at the magnificent sight, the sea lit up by flying snow (Really jellyfish). “Lucas!” I then heard a welcoming voice of one of my closest friends. I smiled as I kicked the chair opposite of me further from the table, granting her a seat. “Pansy- Wow… You look… Good.” Was all I could say as I turned to look at her. She wore a green seafoam dress, her hair tight with a similar color hairband showcasing her ears with jade accents.


Pansy smiled with a tiny curtsy, a few other boys from the French or Russian schools glancing at her with interest. She then sat down across from me, the candle inside the seashell at the center of the table lit up, creating a strange sense of ambiance. Pansy glanced down at me, before breaking out into repressed laughter. “What?” I asked, only to have her silently point at my chest. I glanced down to see a black tail slowly curling around one of my shrimp before taking it under my vest.


I let out a small chuckle myself as we conversed about these events. “Are you enjoying things here?” Pansy nodded at my question immediately, looking around the enchanting sight with wonder. “Just for seeing all of this if nothing else.” She answered, making me smile, knowing exactly what she meant. As long as I avoided the thoughts of the boys drooling over her. “You know you’re supposed to be conversing with wizards and witches from other schools right?” Draco asked, suddenly appearing while taking a seat of his own beside me.


I sighed, distraught with that reminder. “I know what I’m supposed to do. Just having trouble on that execution.” Pansy giggled while Draco rolled his eyes. “That is the reason why the competitions will soon be held.” I shrugged, not too interested in such matters, but knowing I had to do them for the sake of my parents. “Any clue what those might be?” Pansy asked, slightly interested in what amazing plans they had in store for us. “No idea, it’s always a secret, not even the parents know.”


Soon enough, the music paused, and we all looked towards a dapper dressed older gentleman standing on the stage. In fact, he was the conductor for the music, all he did was just turn around after pausing his symphony. “Ladies and gentlemen.” He announced, his voice calm yet stern, demanding attention. “Welcome to this year’s Christmas Party. For some of you this may be your second or third to be attending, but for those of you who don’t know me, you may just call me The Conductor.” 


He gave his bow, and after looking back up, his intent gaze moved over to our section. “I see we have plenty of talented young wizards and witches this year. Tonight I hope to grant you a stage in which you may all have a chance to shine.” The audience clapped, and followed his pointing hand with our gaze. There, near the edge of the bubble, I could see plentiful amounts of horses, with their bottom halves that of a fish. ‘Hippocampuses?’ I thought with confusion, a type of sea horse that while not rare, weren’t quite easy to find either.

“So will every young child please head to our advisers for the bubble-head charm so we can begin.”

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