Hogwarts becomes host

12. Girls(?)’s night talk

Slughorn regained his composure, or at least tried to, and looked at Elaine with an appraising eye.

"How much do you know?"

"A lot, but I'm not sure, because some of the things I found don't match." Elaine frowned. "For example, Sirius Black, I have the impression that he was thrown into Azkaban without trial, but in fact he was publicly tried three times by the entire Wizengamot, and three times he confessed to betraying the Potter family."

"And Barty Crouch Jr., I thought he was prosecuted because he tortured the Longbottoms with the Lestranges and other Death Eaters, but in fact he was reported by Barty Crouch Sr. Participate in a Death Eater operation instead of being arrested on the spot."

"He was arrested on the spot. It is written that way in the trial record just to give the Crouch family some face."

"Oh, well, I can't verify the rest." Elaine pointed to the newly repaired cup and said, "I can't even use the repair spell well now. It's impossible to break the Dark Lord's magic and check what's inside. Whether there are Horcruxes or not, that’s what Dumbledore should do.”

"As for the future, well, I've never seen myself fighting against the Dark Lord, so I'm not sure if those things will happen. Anyway, I do what I have to do."

"Then what do you want me to do or say to a timid old man who doesn't dare to resist by saying this to me?" Slughorn said with a bitter smile, "I don't dare to resist, unlike Dumbledore." Lido and the members of the Order are so brave, I really can't do it."

Elaine spread her hands with a generous expression.

"You know, this information has to be told to Dumbledore so I wanted to try out what it feels like to be Legilimency."


Slughorn was stunned for a few seconds, and then he didn't know whether to laugh or cry until Elaine spoke again.

"Do you think Dumbledore will use Legilimency on you? Who do you think Dumbledore is? He has his own bottom line and will not use Legilimency on people without any reason. Or rather, he won't. Bored enough to do this to a child─"

"Isn't the information I just told not enough? What about the Dark Lord?"

"You have a very big misunderstanding about Legilimency." Slughorn explained. "Legilimency can indeed read specific memories, but it also consumes a lot of magic power. There are also countermeasures such as memory tampering and occlumency."

"No one will use Legilimency when they are not sure what the other party knows, because one person can remember too many things. Unless you tell specific clues yourself, reading memories without a specific target is like looking for a needle in a haystack. It is better to spit out The True Potion or the Cruciatus Curse would work. Most importantly, the Dark Lord will not believe that a child like you knows as much as I do."

"Dumbledore must be waiting for you to ask yourself why you need to use Legilimency. What you have done in the past few years is enough to express your position. In order to defeat the Dark Lord, you will definitely ask him for help. He is not in a hurry. Then The old man is very shrewd."

"Even if you are a born Legilimency, they can't notice it as long as you don't think about these things. There is nothing wrong with your worries. Now they may find you from me." At the end of the sentence, Slughorn showed a very serious expression. Toothache expression.

"Wouldn't it be better if you don't get found?"

"You are right." Slughorn held his head dejectedly, "When will the Dark Lord you saw be resurrected and come to me?"

"Four years later, when the Three Witches Fighting Competition ends." Elaine said cautiously. "I think it would be better to go back to Hogwarts and teach than wandering around in a Muggle house with no fixed place to live."

"Doesn't that mean I really can't join the Order of the Phoenix? I'm old, sick, and can't fight. I just want to spend the rest of my life in peace."

"Not every professor is a member of the Order of the Phoenix. Grandpa, Dumbledore is there to protect you. It's safer than wandering around. Besides, I really don't want to study Potions under Professor Snape, as it will end up killing someone."

Amused by this exaggeration, Slughorn finally showed a smile.

"Hey, Severus is an excellent potion master. Besides, he just has a bad mouth. He has always taken good care of Slytherin students─"

"If I don't go to Slytherin, I will kill Malfoy the next day and be kicked out of school." Elaine squeezed her hand, she was looking forward to enrolling, "You should think about it, this year Lily Ivan Si’s son will also attend school, and you like teaching, don’t you.”


A few days later after the conversation, old Slughorn showed no abnormality. At most, he was thinking thoughtfully after eating. Elaine was not in a hurry. She gave advice based on the junior, and whether Slughorn was willing to There was nothing she could do if she was willing to listen.

August 31st soon arrived. Elaine and Hermione both stopped practicing magic at night, packed their luggage and went to bed early. Just as Elaine was about to go off the air and say good night to the audience, the door rang. .

When she opened the door, she saw Hermione standing at the door in her pajamas, holding a pillow.

Elaine blinked and closed the door.

"Wait, wait, why did you close the door?"

"Didn't you go to the wrong room?"

"Why are you in the wrong room? I can't sleep. Isn't that what is shown on TV? Friends sleep together at night and talk about girls' secrets under the quilt. So, that's it."

How to look at Hermione walking into the room automatically and climbing into bed. Elaine swore on all the gold in Gringotts that there was absolutely no instigation or invitation. This was Miss Granger herself.

Of course, no water lover believes it.

The beast actually abducted a lolita to sleep in the same bed. Where is your conscience?

My Hermione, my Hermione, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my.

No need to defend, just execute him, drag the anchor out and chop him up

As if I would really do something to Hermione, Elaine murmured in her heart, climbed into bed and lay down together with Miss Granger, covered herself with the quilt, and then──

Then of course it’s just chatting, otherwise what else can you do?

Hermione looked very excited, talking about Hogwarts.

"Which house do you think we will be sorted into? Although Professor McGonagall has always said that I will go to Ravenclaw, it sounds like Gryffindor is the best. Dumbledore, Mr. Lupin and Professor McGonagall They are all Gryffindors. Although Grandpa Slughorn is a Slytherin, Slytherin requires blood, and I can’t seem to get in."

"It would be nice if we could be sorted into the same college. I don't know if the school's courses will be difficult. I had a hard time memorizing all the textbooks. Although Mr. Lupin and Grandpa Slughorn both said that our exercises The progress has exceeded what the school has to offer in two months, but it may not be enough, alas.”

"I'm worried that I won't be able to keep up with the courses. I heard that there are less than ten Muggle-born wizards enrolled this time, and most of the others are pure-blood and mixed-blood wizards. If I fall behind, I'll feel sorry for Mr. Lupin and Slughorn. Did you prepare for Grandpa Eun? Oh, this is really bad."

"What magic will we learn? I especially want to practice transfiguration. This morning I finally succeeded in turning a match into a needle. Although I failed again in my subsequent attempts, Mr. Lupin was surprised. He said that at my level, through Professor McGonagall I had no problem with my first class and can still earn college points. Do you think it’s possible?”

"Guess how they were sorted? I think there must be some tests, but Mr. Lupin and Grandpa Slughorn refused to say, but there must be some way to test our qualities, courage and courage, Knowledge and intelligence, loyalty and hard work, God, I won’t be sorted into Hufflepuff.”

"I really wish I had more time to practice. Now my petrification spell and armor spell still don't work. What if we are asked to do some special tasks when we are branched out? You said you have to take a train for more than seven hours tomorrow. Then Can we practice magic on the train? But without Mr. Lupin’s guidance, I’m afraid it won’t be efficient.”

"What kind of classmates will we meet? They always say that pure-blood wizards look down on Muggles, but you and Grandpa Slughorn are pure-bloods, and we get along well, right? We met on the day we went to Diagon Alley. Daphne is also a pureblood, right? She is also very friendly, although her mother said that Mrs. Greengrass has a bad attitude. Are other purebloods like her?"

"I heard that there is a flying class at Hogwarts. We haven't practiced this at all. What if we don't perform well? Mr. Lupin said that the flying class is flying on a broomstick. How do we control the direction and speed? If we can It would be nice to get a broomstick and practice, but there seems to be no suitable venue. Flying in the yard and being seen by neighbors will violate the confidentiality law."

"Which course is your favorite? I guess it would be Charms. Using magic is really fun. It would also be great if Transfiguration wasn't that difficult, but it's too difficult. Even the most basic match turned into a needle. I have been practicing for a whole day, and I heard that Professor McGonagall will also give a more difficult Animagus, which can transform from a human into a cat. I don’t know if I can do it. Of course, it will take a lot of time."

"Elaine, you didn't say anything, you couldn't have fallen asleep."

"No, I'm listening."

This is different from the chat I know

It seems like nothing will happen tonight. Go to sleep.

You can turn off the anchor. I wish you and Hermione a wonderful night σ`σ

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