Hogwarts: Dyroth Grindelwald Rise From Nurmengard

First Class

(I will start releasing advanced chapters of this novel on Patreon ,so I can pay my bills. there is 10 chapters for now but will become 30 advanced chapter by the end of this month.)

(Check my other fanfiction of Reverend Insanity {my work, not translation}, and if you didn't read RI then go read it, RI is one of the highest creation in the novels world.)



"Hey, senior, why aren't you talking?" 
"Don't you like to talk?" 

Hermione pretended to be very confused. 

From the moment Dyroth walked in, people had been making clever guesses. Their analysis concluded that it would be an achievement if Dyroth could reach third year! Fourth year? Don't even think about it!

This made Hermione, a big fan of Dyroth, extremely dissatisfied! But now, Dyroth had given them all a slap in the face with his actions! Their earlier confidence had now turned into disappointment.

Cho Chang, sitting next to her, covered her mouth and snickered. Not far away, at the Gryffindor table, the Weasley twins—who had also been caught off guard—looked equally stunned.

"This bet... who wins?" Harry scratched his head and looked at the twins. Both of their mouths were hanging open.

They had thought Dyroth was strong, but they hadn't expected him to be 'this' strong! A first-year had outclassed all the fifth-year students who were about to take their O.W.L.s. Is this even humanly possible?

Ron saw an opportunity and snatched his pet rat back. 

At the professors' table, Professor Flitwick was practically dancing in excitement. 

"Genius! I can't believe a first-year could reach this level! I'm looking forward to seeing his performance in Charms class!" 

"I just hope this boy's Transfiguration skills are as impressive as his magical talent." 

"Don't worry, Minerva," Professor Flitwick said, trying to smooth out the wrinkles in his clothes caused by his excitement. "Even though I haven't had much contact with him, I can tell he's a very sharp child." 

"A child like this will recognize the importance of Transfiguration immediately!"

"I hope so," Professor McGonagall said with mixed feelings. As a teacher, a talented student was as exciting to her as a great Quidditch match. She looked forward to seeing Dyroth's abilities, but she also worried that his talent was limited to Charms, and that he knew nothing about Transfiguration.

Expectations and concerns battled in Professor McGonagall's mind, and she kept glancing at Dyroth from behind.


At the Slytherin table: 

"Alright, everyone, listen up," Dyroth said, standing up. "After this, some of the seniors and I will help the first-years find their classrooms, so they don't lose points for getting lost." 

"I hope you can all make some time for this." 

"Alright, prefect!" 

"Let's get ready. If you haven't brought your textbooks, go grab them from the dormitory. We'll head to the first classroom in ten minutes." 

Dyroth waved his hand, signaling everyone to get ready. By the time he led the Slytherins to the Transfiguration classroom, many of the Gryffindors were already seated. A group of them were laughing and chatting, oblivious to the tabby cat sitting on the podium.

"Draco, Goyle, Crabbe and I will go sit at the back and take a nap," Draco yawned as he spoke to Dyroth. Many Slytherin first-years were just like him, having stayed up chatting in the dormitory the previous night.

Just as Draco finished speaking, Dyroth noticed the cat on the podium glaring at them. That's when Dyroth remembered: this tabby cat was Professor McGonagall's Animagus form!

Old cat lady! 

Suppressing any other distracting thoughts, Dyroth walked to the podium and saluted the cat. Then, he led Draco to sit in the first row.

Draco, puzzled, asked, "Dyroth, that cat..."

"That's Professor McGonagall," Dyroth whispered, "There are currently only seven registered Animagi in the British Ministry of Magic, and Professor McGonagall is one of them. Look at the markings around her eyes—don't they look like her glasses?"

"It really is her!" Draco's legs went weak at the realization. He had been about to pet the cat! If Dyroth hadn't been blocking him, he might have done it. Thank goodness he didn't! Who knows how many points McGonagall would've deducted from Slytherin.



At that moment, a red-haired head poked in through the door. After scanning the room, Ron let out a sigh of relief and walked in, panting. 

"Oh, thank Merlin, we made it!" 

"If Professor McGonagall had seen us, her face would've been terrifying!" 

Ron and Harry found seats, still catching their breath, when the tabby cat on the podium suddenly leaped into the air and transformed into Professor McGonagall, standing there in her dark green robes with a serious expression. 

"That transformation was amazing!" Ron's eyes almost popped out of his head as he stepped back in awe. 

"Thank you for the compliment, Mr. Weasley," Professor McGonagall said coldly.

"Perhaps I should turn you and Mr. Potter into pocket watches. That way, at least one of you might learn to keep time."

"We got lost!" Harry protested.

"Then maybe I should turn you into a map?" McGonagall replied dryly. "Now, find your seats, unless you need help with that as well." 

Before Ron and Harry could sit down, McGonagall added, "Mr. Weasley, Mr. Potter, I'm afraid I must deduct five points from each of you for being late. I hope that helps you remember to be punctual next time." 

"And Mr. Grindelwald!" 

When she mentioned Dyroth, McGonagall's tone softened noticeably. 

"You were the first and only first-year student to recognize me in Animagus form. It's clear that you've studied Transfiguration in depth and observe things closely." 

"Thank you, Professor McGonagall," Dyroth responded with a smile. 

"Five points to Slytherin for your sharp observation," McGonagall nodded approvingly as she walked to the podium. 

"Transfiguration is the most complex and dangerous magic you will learn at Hogwarts," McGonagall began her lecture. "If anyone causes trouble in my class, I will ask them to leave and never return. You have been warned." 

"Now, take out your wands and textbooks, and I'll show you what true Transfiguration looks like." 

With a wave of her wand, McGonagall transformed the podium into a pig, causing the class to gasp in awe. 

But Dyroth's thoughts were elsewhere. As he looked at the small, white pig in front of him, he couldn't help but fall into deep thought...




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