Hogwarts: Dyroth Grindelwald Rise From Nurmengard

Hogwarts Kitchen


In the kitchen, several busy house-elves hurriedly approached the three of them, but none seemed alarmed. This was a familiar routine for Dyroth.

"Dear wizard, what would you like to eat?" one of the elves asked politely.

"We'll have two servings of pumpkin juice, baked potatoes, and steak," the Weasley twins chimed in unison.

"I'll have a glass of lemon juice, some fried sausages, and a bacon omelette, thank you," Dyroth replied, earning him an excited response from one of the house-elves.

"Thank you? Sophie, did you hear that? The respected little wizard actually said thank you to Leah!" Leah, the elf who took Dyroth's order, burst with excitement, grabbing a nearby elf to share her joy.

Sophie, the other elf, looked on with uncontrollable envy.

"Okay, Leah, don't keep our guests waiting!" Sophie urged gently.

Leah gasped. "You're right! Leah kept the distinguished guest waiting! Leah is a bad elf, a very bad elf!" she cried, then dramatically hit her head against the wall.

Dyroth was startled, unsure how to react, but before he could stop her, Leah had already returned with their meals.

The Weasley twins' plates were simple, their food placed casually as requested. However, Dyroth's order was presented with exceptional care. Thick sauce covered the bacon, and a delicate white flower adorned his lemonade.

"Dear guest, Leah prepared this special sauce just for you!" Leah said eagerly, her eyes wide with anticipation.

Dyroth, touched by her effort, smiled and patted her head reassuringly. He cut a piece of bacon, dipped it in the sauce, and took a bite.

"This is delicious! Thanks, Leah!" he said, praising her work.

"The distinguished guest praised Leah!" she cried out in joy, running around to show off to the other house-elves.

Soon, the kitchen became a scene of competition, as the other elves began presenting more delicious food to Dyroth, hoping to earn his praise. Dishes piled up on the table, and for the first time, Dyroth found himself overwhelmed by too much food.

By the end of the meal, Dyroth was thoroughly stuffed. The Weasley twins, who also shared in his royal treatment, couldn't help but feel smug at their lucky break, enjoying delicacies they had never tasted before.

As the three of them prepared to leave, George sighed, "It seems the next time we sneak into the kitchen, we'll have to bring Dyroth along."

Fred nodded in agreement. "Yeah, after this meal, I'm afraid nothing else will taste as good."

"Don't worry, there'll be plenty of opportunities in the future," Dyroth replied with a knowing smile.

He had plans—exploring the restricted section of the library and investigating Hogwarts' many secrets, including the legendary founders' chambers. And, of course, he had his sights set on the Marauder's Map in the twins' possession.

After their supper, they parted ways, as Gryffindor and Slytherin dormitories were on different paths. The Weasley twins offered to accompany him, but Dyroth politely declined.

He retraced his steps through the quiet corridors, confident he could find his way back.

Suddenly, a cat's sharp meow echoed through the passage, followed by Filch's gruff voice.

"Mrs. Norris, did someone sneak out again? Smell carefully!"

Dyroth cursed his luck. Of all times!

I really need to learn the Disillusionment Charm, he thought, quickly scanning for a place to hide. He jumped onto the stairs that move like escalator and ducked into a nearby classroom.

The room was pitch dark, and Filch's footsteps drew closer. Dyroth didn't dare cast a light spell, fearful of revealing his presence. He hugged the wall, creeping forward in the dark, his heart racing.

He wasn't particularly concerned about losing house points; that was just a childish game. What worried him was Dumbledore becoming suspicious of him.

Since their last conversation in the headmaster's office, Dyroth knew he had already caught Dumbledore's attention. It would be unwise to raise more suspicion, especially with Voldemort's return still a long way off.

As he groped along the walls, Dyroth felt a growing sense of dread. The surroundings seemed eerily familiar.

This can't be...

A realization hit him like a brick.

"I've ended up in the room with Fluffy!" he muttered to himself, recognizing the faint snores of the three-headed dog from behind the door.

He had stumbled into the chamber where the Philosopher's Stone was hidden, the one Dumbledore had assigned to Harry to protect. There was no way the area wasn't enchanted to alert the headmaster immediately if anyone entered.

Great... Just my luck.

Deciding it was too risky to open the door, Dyroth cast a quick spell on himself. "Scourgify!"

The dust and scent clinging to his clothes vanished just as Filch and Mrs. Norris arrived outside the classroom.

"Did someone come in here, sweetie?" Filch muttered, lifting Mrs. Norris with one hand and holding his oil lamp with the other. He scanned the room suspiciously but, finding nothing, eventually turned around and left.

Dyroth exhaled in relief. "That was too close."

He waited for a while to make sure Filch was gone, then slipped out of the room. But as he walked through the corridors, another problem arose.

He was lost.

Hogwarts' staircases were notoriously confusing, and after jumping up from the stairs and turning several corners, Dyroth had completely lost his bearings.

"If I had known this would happen, I would've let the twins walk me back," he grumbled. Now he regretted his earlier insistence on walking alone.

Just as he was considering how much longer this detour would last, a strong smell of garlic filled the air.

Immediately afterward, he heard a familiar, stuttering voice.

"S-Slytherin's new student? W-What are you doing here?"



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