Hogwarts Emerald

Chapter 51: Battle in the Forbidden Forest

Many Thanks to Liaira for becoming a new Patron!♥♥


In the Forbidden Forest, Fawley, the tree destroyer, cast another Killing Curse, taking down yet another tree.

He answered, "You already know why I came back, don't you? You've been running around the castle, trying to find something on me, haven't you?"

"And then, to tattle to Dumbledore," Fawley continued, his voice full of disdain as he moved closer to Eda. "You think you can earn his pity, make your miserable life just a little better."

Eda leaned against the tree, gripping her wand tightly. She could hear Fawley's footsteps clearly, and she was calculating the distance between them.

All those months of practice weren't for nothing.

Even though Eda wasn't a match for Fawley, she wasn't going to be taken down by a single spell. She could hold her own for a few rounds.

"You were searching for something, but you didn't find it." Fawley's footsteps grew closer, and Eda turned slightly, firing a Stupefy spell at him.

The spell was well-aimed, and Fawley had to stop and deflect it with his wand.

Eda continued, "Last October, you and Snape were talking in the corridor, and I happened to pass by."

Fawley thought for a moment, recalling the event and Snape's strange behavior at the time.

"That ungrateful Snape! He noticed you and protected you, that lapdog of Dumbledore!" Fawley snarled, enraged. "He betrayed his master. I generously gave him a chance to atone, and he betrayed his master again! That coward!"

"Professor, it seems you don't quite understand," Eda replied. "Being able to go with the flow is also a valuable skill. But I still don't understand what it is that's driven you to this level of madness."

"How could someone as shallow as you understand the greatness of my master! It's an item crafted by his very hands, capable of bringing him back! When he returns, he'll lead us in changing this flawed world, purging those unworthy of magic, and making the wizarding world pure once again."

"But you accomplished nothing. You were forced to slink away with your tail between your legs in the face of the curse's power. Do you think your master will forgive your cowardice?" Eda taunted him.

After destroying several trees near Eda with his spells, Fawley replied, "Staying in that position, constantly exposed to the curse, was pointless. Of course, my master will forgive my shortcomings. On the contrary, he will reward his most loyal servant with the honor he dreams of. It's what his most faithful followers deserve."

"I doubt Voldemort is as merciful as you claim," Eda said, eyeing the increasingly sparse cover provided by the damaged trees.

"How dare you utter my master's name with your filthy mouth, you disgusting Mudblood!" Fawley shouted, his tone bordering on madness. He waved his wand furiously, sending branches and stones from the ground flying toward Eda's hiding place.

Eda, in turn, waved her wand, deflecting the incoming objects. The branches and stones hit the shield of her Protego spell with dull thuds.

Though she knew she couldn't defeat Fawley, Eda's temper wasn't one to back down easily. She had always been good at taunting others, and now she used that skill to strike back.

"What's so sacred about Voldemort's name? He's just an Emo Lord who got beaten by a baby."

"Shut up! Shut up! My master will be great again; he'll remove all obstacles!" Fawley roared, attacking Eda even more aggressively. His vicious spells bypassed the trees, lashing out at Eda like a whip.

Eda had to repeatedly cast the Protego and Shield Charms, as the whip-like curses from Fawley left slash marks around her as if she were being attacked by an axe or sword.

"Greatness? Yeah, sure! I still think Dumbledore is greater than Voldemort. At least he wasn't defeated by a baby," Eda retorted, sidestepping from behind the tree to launch a counterattack. She first sent a barrage of small stones flying towards Fawley, followed by three Stupefy spells.

As the battle continued, Eda's combat experience grew rapidly. Her ability to attack, defend, and adapt in the heat of battle improved with each passing moment.

"You will pay for every word you've spoken, just as you will pay for your curiosity!" Fawley shouted, waving his wand to fend off Eda's attacks. This time, her offensive had begun to pose a real threat.

Isn't there any justice left in this world? Can't even brag a little without consequences? Eda thought sarcastically.

"Does your master know that his loyal servant is about to kill a thirteen-year-old girl?" Eda continued to taunt him. "Oh, I forgot, he's even worse than you. He went after a one-year-old baby and got beaten by him. pfft"

What's the point of taunting if you don't go for the triple? Besides, Eda was also trying to buy time. She had deliberately left an ink spot on the note for the twins, signaling them to check the Marauder's Map for her location.

Now that Eda was in the Forbidden Forest instead of the dungeons, she was certain that if the twins saw it, they would go straight to Professor McGonagall. The ink spot was a signal between the three of them, and McGonagall was Eda's last hope.

Hold on, at least until Professor McGonagall arrives—Eda couldn't afford to lose her life here. Having been given a second chance at life, she wanted to make the most of it.

Fawley said, "Come out! The cat-and-mouse game has gone on long enough. Don't delay any further—the spiders are probably hungry by now."

The trees surrounding the two had been mostly destroyed by Fawley, leaving Eda with almost no place to hide. It was a pity Fawley wasn't working as a lumberjack with how quickly he cleared the area.

"There's no point in hiding any longer. The sooner this ends, the sooner I might even give you a quick death if I'm in a good mood," Fawley taunted, pointing his wand at a broken log on the ground. The log immediately flew into the air. "Or are you planning to be a coward like Snape?"

Under the influence of magic, the log shot towards Eda like a speeding car. She could almost see herself being thrown through the air in her mind.


Eda's Reductor Curse shattered the log, but a few small fragments continued flying toward her. Eda had to duck quickly to avoid them, and the pieces whizzed just above her head.

Had she not ducked in time, Eda might have ended up like a female version of "Nearly Headless Nick." For the first time, Eda was glad she was on the shorter side.

"Yew wood, phoenix feather core, fourteen and three-quarter inches long, worth ten Galleons—you're all I have left to rely on," Eda thought as she crouched.

"I don't know what you're talking about with this coward stuff; I'm a Gryffindor!" Eda kissed her wand, then stood up and stepped out from her hiding place. "So I'll give you what you want!"

Since hiding was no longer an option, Eda decided to face the challenge head-on. She would charge in and see what happened; if it didn't work out, she'd just have to go and meet Merlin.



Esmeralda "Eda" Twist, cast the Disarming Charm, but there was no spell clash between her and Fawley—so Hogwarts' first welding duel didn't get its grand opening.

Besides, it wouldn't have been a good idea to engage in a clash because Eda was positioned to the left, making it a disadvantageous spot.

Eda transfigured the shattered wood on the ground into a small dog, which she sent charging towards Fawley. The dog barked as it ran, seemingly trying to intimidate Fawley, or perhaps just trying to dispel its own fear.

Fawley's wand shook violently, producing a crackling sound in the air, and Eda's conjured dog was sent flying back. The sharp noise drowned out the dog's whimper as it hit the ground, reverting back into splintered wood, even more fragmented than before.

After dealing with the dog, Fawley furiously waved his wand again.

Three fiery serpents erupted from his wand tip, followed by a strong gust of wind. Both flew towards Eda, with the wind seemingly concealing something else, like the sound of steel blades scraping the ground.

"Finite Incantatem! Protego! Protego Totalum!" Eda quickly cast defensive spells on herself while dodging the fierce wind's onslaught and staying alert for any sudden attacks.

It was a bit chaotic, but Eda managed. She first dispersed the three fire serpents, then focused on weakening the relentless wind.

"Petrificus Totalus! Incarcerous!" Eda shot a spell at Fawley, aiming to disrupt him and prevent further attacks.

Suddenly, several ropes appeared in front of Fawley, writhing like living creatures, wrapping around him as if trying to strangle their prey. Fawley pulled back his wand, causing the pursuing wind to finally stop. He waved his wand several more times before the magical ropes vanished completely.

Fawley was somewhat alarmed. He could clearly sense the drastic improvement in Eda's abilities.

From the start in the castle until now, Eda had evolved from someone who only cast spells mechanically to someone who skillfully used the characteristics of spells and attack intervals to increase her chances of success.

There weren't many prodigies in the world, but Fawley just happened to be unlucky enough to encounter one who could push the boundaries as far as Eda.

"Professor, you still haven't explained why it had to be me," Eda panted, "It's your duty to answer your student's questions."


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