Hogwarts: Era of Darkness

Chapter 35 – The Dark Forest (1)

“See? Your hair is already back!”

The happy laugh made my spine shiver, and I was questioning my sanity to come and spend the afternoon with Professor Lockhart, but I forced a smile, facing him.

“Yes, Professor, I was lucky you were there.”

“Ahaha, don’t worry about it, my young friend! Now, it is good that you are here,” he clapped as we stood in the abandoned classroom, acting as if it was perfectly normal he was stuffed away here, like some kind of nuisance. “I was tasked to go and gather some dangerous creatures from the forest, you know, for… ingredients!”

“Professor… I am only a first-year student…”

“You will be with me, so you don’t have to worry! I will protect you, of course! Aha!”

Yeah… bet. Damn it, I think this was a really, really bad idea! I should not have come at all… But I couldn’t back down now.

“And… What are we supposed to collect?” I asked with a sigh, giving up on escaping.


“No!” I turned around at once, heading towards the door. Spiders? No. No. AND NO! No chance, nope, I am going to go and kiss a basilisk first and use my tongue, too, while doing so!

“Listen!” the classroom’s door closed before me, and I turned around to see him holding his wand, and if not for the pathetic look in his eyes, I would have thought I was about to be attacked any time now. “It will be fine! You just need to follow me and learn! Easy!”

“Learn… what exactly?” I asked, placing my arms behind my back, slipping my wand into my hand, ready to act if I must.

“Dealing with dangerous beasts and capturing them, of course!” He laughed, putting on a confident, pompous look, but his eyes… were anything but brave.

“I am sorry, Professor… you see, I am a kid. We did not even learn offensive spells yet! I can’t be of any help, and I won’t lie… I am telling you this only because I trust you…” I lowered my voice, looking around, but only because I was afraid I might retch if I continued my act, “I am afraid to go into the Dark Forest!”

“I understand, my boy!” He sighed, slapping my shoulders, “But you would be coming with me! There is nothing you should be afraid of! I am Lockhart; I captured more beasts and terrorists than anybody else!”

“About that…” Yes, this was the topic change I hoped for! “I bet Professor knows some spells that are not part of the curriculum. Or not yet for me… maybe if you could… arm me, I would be much more confident in going out!”

“Well… that is perfectly normal.” He said, hesitating a little, but then again, after a brief thought, he put on his fake, all-too-friendly smile. “Tell you what! Later on, we can have some extra lessons, trying out spells, and I can teach you some neat little tricks!” He winked multiple times, and I started to feel sick… again. “Help me with this task, my young friend, and I will turn you into my protege!”

“O-okay…” I shrugged as I already realized there was no escape… if that is the case, then let this get over with!


Outside of the castle, he told me to wait, and a little later, I saw him bringing over two broomsticks which was a pleasant surprise. Especially because first-year students couldn’t have their own brooms.

“Are we going far?” I asked, taking one and mounting it immediately, rising to the air.

“It is… safer to approach from above!” He explained, following me, and soon we were off, flying leisurely. I was still fidgeting a little, getting used to the simple shooting stars that the school had. It was too slow for my taste but oh well… I missed being in the air. “Conrad!”


“Did you hear what I said?”

“Sorry, the wind made it hard to listen!” And the fact that I did not pay any attention at all.

“We are going to head deeper into the forest and scout it out from this height! It is said that some nasty spiders are living there, left behind by Rubeus Hagrid! Some kind of evil farewell gift or something!”

“Really?” That is odd. I know he is a dangerous half-giant terrorist, but… You would think the school would have cleaned up the place already. Well, at least it seems Professor Lockhart did learn some tricks, as it is safer to approach from above as spiders can’t fly.

“Yeah, but the school uses them for their venom. That is why we go there now; we need their venom first and foremost!”

“How are we supposed to do that, Professor?”

“Oh well, we will use the Frigus Ignis spell! Cold flame! Spiders hate fire, and they notice cold flames less easily!”

“Err… Professor?” I flew up next to him, twitching my mouth. I was surprised that he looked so professional right now. Was it an act? Maybe. Or he believes some of his own stories. On the other hand… It was my first time hearing about the blue fire. “I never heard about that spell.”

“You did not?” He chuckled, “Don’t worry, boy, I’ll teach you!” He stopped in mid-air, making me follow suit and float before him. “It is a straightforward spell! The incantation is frigus ignis!”

As he was speaking, repeating it to me, making the hand movements, I noticed his wand starting to flicker. I had only a moment to grab onto my broom and swirl out of the way before the blue flames blasting forth from the tip of his wand washed the skies, leaving the end of my broom smoking.

“Fu-!” I swallowed, not wanting to scream curses at him, but I could feel my heart beating in my throat. He almost killed me! If not for my reflexes, I would be toast! Was… was he trying to kill me? Is he an… assassin? A genius killer? But… seeing the sudden panic in his eyes, I was no longer sure about it.

“Sorry, my little friend, I always forgot how strong I am, ahaha! But there is no better teacher than live experience!”

“Bet…” I cleared my throat, rising back up, gulping back all the wild thoughts I wanted to throw at him.

“Try it!” He nodded at me, and I drew my wand with some hesitation.

Watching his hand move, I’ve got the idea, but he was, in retrospect, uncontrolled. He just flushed out a ton of magic power in a giant cone, and that was it. That was not my style… the incantation couldn’t be the problem, so it came down to the hand movement. His was too flashy, too… pompous. I had to do it more swiftly, fluently, and with much more control.

“Frigus Ignis!” I shouted, and with the movement of my arm, a blue ball of flame flew out from the tip of my wand, flying far and exploding like a firework.

“Not bad, not bad! It lacks power like mine, but for a first try from a kid, you have talent, my little friend! See? My eyes are sharp; I told you we are going to get along just fine! I have a lot to teach you, just keep them secret from the others! Everyone wants a private lesson with me, and I can’t help it! Time is finite, even for me!” He giggled like some of my classmates when an older boy walked past us… and it was just as annoying.

“I will practice, Professor,” I answered, trying to look humble, “Say, Professor Lockhart… you ought to know a lot of spells, don’t you? With all of your exploits published yearly… It must be exhausting to do that in the summer while school is off!”

“Err, yes, yes, but I am a professional! I can manage!” He nodded as we continued our trip.

“I don’t want to be rude here, Professor, but can you tell me what spell you are best at?”

“The young mind is so ever curious! Well, I excel at many spells; no wonder I was selected to initiate the first-year students here! You see, I am known for my varied and extensive knowledge of curses and counter-curses! I am the perfect choice to give you a lot of the experience you will need from your second year and onward!”

“Y-yes… yes, but…” I tried to urge him a little because if I needed to listen to more of his boastings, I think I would set his broom on fire and leave him be.

“Even then!” He continued without flinching, “My specialty lies in charms!”

“I see…” Yeah, sure.

“If I may brag a little,” He shook his body with a satisfied grin, “I am best when it comes to Memory Charms!”

“...” Now I was truly listening. After what I overheard, I did not doubt his words. For the first time, I did believe him entirely.

“You know, it is not a hard charm… but it is perilous!”

“How so, Professor?”

“Modifying someone’s memories is very dangerous, Young Conrad! The slightest mistake or loss of concentration can lead to dangerous consequences! It can not just damage the mind, but it could easily lead to irreversible, fatal mistakes!”

“It does sound… risky.”

“It is, but it is a must-have! Especially when you pursue terrorists where there are a lot of muggles! They love hiding amongst them, like rats!”

He explained, and I was starting to learn to discern from his voice when he was lying and when he was telling the truth. Every time he spoke about his feats, his tone became more flamboyant, flowery, as if telling a tale to a kid at a bedside. When he was telling me the truth, like when mentioning the memory charms… his tone was more natural, void of unnecessary flare. He was speaking from the heart and not from his mind.

“Then, Professor, you must be exceptional at it, yes?”


“Could you… teach me how it is done?”

“Oh well,” he laughed, “I think you are still too young for that kind of spell, my friend!”

“I know, but-”

“Oh, we are here!” He interrupted me as we came to a halt above the thick and vast Dark Forest. “They saw them here last time; let’s fly slightly lower and search for clues!”

“Yes…” I followed suit, but my mind was already racing. I wanted that spell… I just had to get closer to the Professor before he taught me. Although… somewhere in the back of my head, I was now wary of Lockhart. Being caught off guard by a memory charm would be just as dangerous as being targeted by the imperious curse…

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