Hogwarts: Era of Darkness

Chapter 41 – Summer Break (1)

Arriving back home, I did it alone. Quincy would only come and visit in July, but then she would remain with us until the start of the next term. I expected Father to question me at once, but nothing like that happened. He acted as if I came home from a completely normal year of school, ignoring the fact of what had occurred at the end of it. We talked about how my studies went, which teacher I liked the most, how exciting the castle could be... but nothing about the death of Umbridge.

"Father…" I approached him a few days later when he was heading into his study.

"Everything is under control, son." He said with a wave of his hand. "I will deal with anything that crops up, don't worry."


"I am too close to the fire." He replied to my unasked questions with a warm smile, patting me on the shoulder. "I don't need to know everything, especially because I trust you. Don't worry about my side; I can handle it… just grow strong. That is all!"

"I'll be more careful next time," I answered, not really knowing what to say.

"Even better." He chuckled and then entered his study, closing the door behind him.

"Too close to the fire…" I whispered, leaving and heading out into the back garden to enjoy the warm night and the stars above us. "Maybe he is afraid of someone reading his mind?" I asked myself, thinking I would also not want to know about certain things if that was a possibility. It is the best way to protect information… to protect… me.

"Is something the matter, Master?" Squeaky appeared, bringing a pot and cup to pour cold, iced tea for me when I stopped and sat down on a bench.

"No, nothing." I took a sip, rubbing her head, "Thanks, this tastes nice!"

"Squeaky is happy to serve, Master. When will young Mistress come?"

"A little later! But then she will stay for the rest of the summer! Did something happen while I was away?"

"Nothing important, Master. The old Mistress did complain a lot until old Master let her go on a vacation to… I think Mallorca it was, Master."

"I see! That is why the house is so peaceful and silent!" I laughed, making Squeaky smile a little, trying to hide it without much success.

I closed my eyes, leaning back and enjoying the taste, which was then mixed with a plethora of new aromas. Taking a deep breath, my mind quickly managed to separate them into different types. There was the tea, the grass, four different flowers, the wooden tray she was holding, the smell of manure from far away, and finally, Squeaky's natural scent. Even more, by licking my lips, I did not even need to breathe, and I managed to taste all of them, quickly recognizing which smell came from where. It was a weird feeling but something that came to me naturally by now.

"How weird…" I heard Squeaky mumble.

"Hm? What is?" I opened my eyes and saw her point toward the ground.

In the silver moonlight, I saw a few tiny spiders scramble away, climbing through the grass, heading towards the walkway filled with chipped rocks, and doing anything in their power to get as far away from me as possible. Yeah… that was… interesting. Was it the basilisk's blood? Most likely, I had no other ideas come to my mind. Now I was a bit afraid… what if my eyes also changed? Then how will I look into Quincy's eyes? I don't want that kind of power!

"Master… Is everything really okay? You look worried!"

"I am worried a little, but not because of a problem!" I sighed, drinking the rest of my tea, "It is nothing but a bit of nervousness about what happened at school!"

"Squeaky heard about it from old Master… it must have been hard for Master to go through all of it! But at least the evil woman is gone!"

“Yes Squeaky… she is gone…” I murmured, flashing a small smile, feeling proud of the achievement, especially now that we clearly got away with it. My next thought was… who would replace her? Who is going to be our next teacher? My guess would be someone from HIS circle. "I am overthinking things!" I said, mostly to myself, "Let's go back; I think I will go to sleep before my brain overheats!

"The bath is already ready, Master. I will make the bed then!"

"Thank you, Squeaky!" I gave the cup back to her, and she disappeared with a snap of a finger while I walked back to our mansion.


A few days later, on a hot, sunny day, I was facing Neville on an empty field, my wand pointed straight at him.

"You are fast!" I said, feeling my heart beating fast, slowly lowering my hand, hiding its tremble.

"Not as fast as you!" He answered, holding his wrist and rubbing it with a wry smile before collecting his wand. "The advantages of formal training and magical education, eh?" He asked with a sad, somewhat disappointed voice.

"Y-yes…" I nodded, replaying the previous duel we just had in my mind.

We came out to practice spells, and as Neville was also a wizard now, it was a good idea. At least, that is what I thought. Both of us started learning magic this year, him being taught by others, wizards hiding in my father's care. I wanted to teach him some spells too, and share things I learned… but he was no joke and already knew almost as much as I did! He even had a fast draw and could fire the same spell as me only difference was that I had my wand in my sleeve… if not, I would have lost our duel.

"You are exceptionally good!" I walked over, patting him on the shoulders, "Damn, you almost got me!"

"Nah… I was not even close! But thanks! It was my first time trying out my spells against somebody!" He smiled, holding his wand, fondling it gently. "When I got mine, I couldn't believe it! It was not long after Christmas!"

"That means you only had a few months to train…" I whispered, even more amazed. What the hell was going on? Neville sounds like a genius! I think I would only have the upper hand over him if I used wordless casting! Something I wanted to avoid, as the least people knew about it, the better.

"How was school?" He asked again, missing my murmurs, asking me interestedly.

"Fine, I guess. Not the worst, but we had a horrible Professor. Luckily, she is no longer with us."

"Ah, the Umbridge story?" He asked, looking around, "I heard people whisper about it! And about a guy named Draco! They say he is the youngest Death Eater ever! Maybe he will even be taught by… you know, HIM!"

"Maybe…" I replied, thinking, hoping it would not come to that. I was sure HE would see through my memory charm. I just hoped he would see it beneath him to personally interrogate a child or start teaching someone while he leads the Wizarding World. "I will see it when next year starts. If he attends at all!"

"Come on…" Neville whispered, "Tell me the full story; you were there!"

"Well, I don't know the details!" I chuckled, nodding towards a nearby tree to go and sit down below its shade, "I can only tell you some of my guesses and what I saw while in school!"

I was mainly honest with him when retelling my experience at Hogwarts, leaving out the things that were only for Quincy and me to know about. When I finished, I saw him fall into deep thoughts, smacking his lips multiple times.

"I don't know Conrad… I disagree with what Draco did. I get it that woman was evil, but… Killing her? That is a bit too much!"

"Is it?" I asked, not offended by his words. I disagreed, of course, but… I admired the fact he said it. "I think she deserved it. It was coming for her. She was using the Cruciatus curse on us as punishment! I myself experienced it!"

"That is… bad, yes, but… killing is not the solution!" He answered, keeping his answer the same. I could see he had his own ideals in his mind and eyes, and he was steadfast in adhering to them. That… even if I disagreed, was something I could respect.

"When would it have been okay? In your opinion." I asked, curious, watching his eyes while waiting for his answer.

"When someone killed someone you care about. Yes… then I can understand it." He replied after a minute of silence, and his voice was clear and firm. I knew that he came to that conclusion right there and then, reinforcing it for himself by saying it out loudly.

"That, I agree with!" I clapped his shoulder, squeezing it, "Only, I think it is best if those people are gone early! Before they have a chance killing someone you care about!"

"You can't make the decision about who would do something like that, Conrad! You can't judge people like that! What if you are wrong? That thinking will lead into a dark place!"

"Maybe." I shrugged, hearing the concern in his voice, and I appreciated it. We were friends, even if we did not spend all that much time together, especially since school started. But I knew a friend when I met one. "I appreciate your feelings, Neville! Maybe if I slip, you can help me back up?" I joked, but he took it seriously.

"Sure! Plus, I trust Quincy will do so, too, no? You two will be married after all!"

"The whole world knows that, huh?" I grinned.

"You are not protesting~ So… I know it was arranged but… you two are really on the same wavelength! I saw it in the winter!"

"Weeeeell…" I pursed my lips, feeling a bit shy for some reason, "Yeah… I think I really like her!"

"Good! My Uncles and Aunts always say love is a strong weapon against the darkness! They always say I am here because of it!"

"Aren't we all?" I laughed, but then I stopped, twisting my lips, "Well… I am apparently not, as I am 100% sure my dad does not love my mom. And vice versa…"

"Ugh…" Neville jerked in place, not knowing what to say. "S-sorry…?"

"Nah, no matter! What do you say to bringing out a spare broom and having a race? Around the village?" I asked, standing up and patting my bottom.

"So you can beat me again? Both of us know you are a better rider!"

"Hey, you almost beat me in our duel! Who says you won't beat me in a race?" I grinned.

What I did not expect… was that he genuinely did. Sitting in my bathtub back home, I was looking at the ceiling, watching the last rays of the setting sun shine through the small window on my left. Neville did beat me in our race… not by much… but he did! And he was learning magic for only half a year? Bullshit! Something was going on with him, or he was a special kind of wizard… or both.

"Haaah… no matter!" I laughed to myself, "Having a strong ally is something that can only be an advantage and not a hindrance!"

And we are starting Volume 2 with their second year! Thank you for reading!

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