Hogwarts: Era of Darkness

Chapter 44 – Charms Class

The first day came quickly, and our first lesson was Charms with Professor Lockhart. He looked just as jovial as ever when we bumped into him at breakfast. He was unbothered by the fact he was replaced entirely by Lucius Malfoy, and he was no longer involved in any way with teaching Dark Arts. Not that it mattered because he couldn't teach us anything in the first place. I thought, maybe charms will be different… at least he wouldn't curse us, blow up our chairs, or- ah, who am I kidding? Of course, he would!

"Nervous?" Quincy chuckled, sitting down beside me after finding our way to the back rows. 

"So-so." I shrugged, "At least it isn't transfiguration, and I don't need to worry about being turned into a bat. Or a half-monkey. Or worse."

"I can't argue with that!" She grinned, leaning in, "Wanna make a bet?" 

"About what?"

"How long will it be before something goes wrong? I say… 15 minutes!"


"Ooooh, you are brave!" She raised an eyebrow, leaning back, "You are on! If I win, you are going to carry my stuff around; these bags got really heavy!"

"Sure, and if I win, you are going to accompany me when going out for a ride on my broom!"


"Why are you so against it? It's fun to fly around, and it wouldn't be a race! It clears your head to soar through the sky, and we were finally allowed to bring our brooms!"

"I'm not that fond of flying, okay?" She shrugged, "I feel… unstable up there, like a stronger wind, and whoosh, I am falling to my death!"

"Nonsense! Plus, I would catch you! Come on, if I win, you are coming with me, at least once! I will show you it can be enjoyable!"

"Okay, okay… but win the bet first!"

"It's Professor Lockhart… 5 minutes, maybe even too long!" I rolled my eyes but didn't expect it to be so true.

When he strolled into the classroom, greeting us back to school, he acted like we missed each other so much, we went to sleep, crying about it… about him. Was it only me, or did he become much more insufferable now that Umbridge was gone?

"Let's dive into it, little champions! Ahaha~! It is no use waiting for nothing! Conrad, my boy, please, come up!" 

"What?" I asked by reflex, surprised, almost falling out of my chair.

"You will be my helper in today's class! Be a good lad, and come out already!" 

"Shit…" I whispered, watching Quincy, who bit her lips, trying not to laugh, avoiding my gaze.

"Class! Today, we are going to learn the 'Dancing Feet Spell,' which originates from Italy! And no, it is not for making you a proper dancer! Well… you could become a tap dancer if that is what you are looking for!" He joked with that stupid grin permanently stuck to his face, "This spell can work on both living and inanimate objects! It is a handy spell in duels, mind you! Confuse your enemies! Jinx their bodies! Make their legs unable to stay still! The creative mind can turn the simplest spells into its greatest weapons!"

“Well… that is true…” I thought to myself, watching him where this would go, checking my watch. 3 minutes. I can still win the bet… wait, wouldn't that mean…? But it was already too late as I looked up at Lockhart.

"Remember the hand movement, boys and girls! The incantation is Tarantallegra!” He explained, but after moving his hand and speaking it out loudly, the spell fired from the tip of his wand, hitting me square in the chest.

The feeling was horrible… not because it hurt but because I lost all feelings in my leg, and they no longer obeyed my thoughts. Instead, they started dancing, carrying me left and right, giving a tap dance performance without my consent.

"Ah…" Lockhart looked at me, then acted as if this was what he wanted to do from the start, "As you can see, our young friend here completely lost the ability to control his movements!"

"Even under a spell, he can't really dance; it is more like a fish flopping on the ground, trying to breathe!" Draco laughed loudly, making some of his new cronies join in at once. It reminded me of seals being trained to clap and make some unearthly noise with their mouths. They are a bunch of bootlickers.

"Say the one who looks like a fish." I retorted without thinking, but before it could get out of control, my legs betrayed me, kicking over some furniture before jumping up and down on them like a Russian dancer and making me fall over the mess.

I would have been annoyed by the loud laughter if not for the fact that, lying on my back, staring at the ceiling, I was watching my feet flailing around without stopping for a second. Damn, it… this is the first day! I would have been fine with carrying Quincy's bag! I don't need this to start a new year with!

"See? The legs are still moving without stopping! Usually, it only lasts briefly, but it depends on the mage and his or her proficiency! Professionals, like yours truly, could make it so that their enemies remain dancing forever!"

"WHAT?!" I whined, trying to stand back up, but I couldn't as I had no command over my kicking, trashing lower appendages. 

"Ahaha, don't worry, my friend, I am an expert when it comes to charms and dispelling them!" He aimed his wand at me and shot the counter-spell before I could say no.

My legs did stop, and I regained the feeling in them. Even managed to stand back up! But… now my hands were going wild, turning me into a damned windmill! I couldn't stop and was flailing like I was trying to swat away a swarm of bees. Oh, come on… Why me?

"Sometimes.... er... Well, this can happen!" Lockhart chuckled as if it was entirely expected. "A too-strong version of the spell, like the one I can use, has some side effects! Don't worry; it should stop in an hour or so!"

If my eyes could kill, like a basilisk, I think my stare would have finished him off right there and then. Instead, I was escorted to our next lesson, which was potions, by Quincy. She was trying not to laugh and restrain my hands that were flailing around… for everyone else's entertainment. Sometimes they started doing some weird moves, throwing out signs, and I think some of the other students took it pretty... badly. Thinking I was insulting them...

"I hope everyone starts choking very soon…" I grumbled, heading into the classroom, my hands making some elaborate moves, something that I think the muggles called 'disco fever' or something like that… I wonder if they named it after a sickness? Like mine...?

"What happened to you, Mr. Anguine?" I heard Professor Slughorn's voice, watching me trying to avoid slapping the cauldron off of our table.

"We are coming from Professor Lockhart's lesson!" Quincy expressed, wiping her eyes clean but also interrupting Draco before he could say something nasty. 

"Ah!" He nodded, understanding it at once, pointing his wand at me, and a moment later, I finally managed to reign in my hands. 

"T-thank you, Professor!" I gasped, feeling my hands ache and tremble, barely having any strength in them to grab anything.

"I can't let you flail around while I am teaching!" He chuckled, and I was sure he helped me because I was on good terms with Quincy, his favorite student in our year. "Now! We are going to see if you are still there after the summer break or did your skills regressed? I am most curious!" He walked to the blackboard, writing up multiple steps in quick succession.

  • Add [ingredient] until the potion turns red.
  • Stir until the potion turns [color].
  • Add [ingredient] until the potion turns yellow.
  • Stir until the potion turns [color].
  • Add more [ingredient] until the potion turns turquoise.
  • Heat until it turns [color].
  • Add more [ingredient] until the potion turns pink.
  • Heat until the potion turns [color].
  • Add five [ingredient].
  • Heat until the potion turns [color].
  • Add five more [ingredient].
  • Add [ingredient] until the potion turns purple.
  • Stir until it turns [color].
  • Add more [ingredient], this time until it turns orange.
  • Stir till it turns [color].
  • Add [ingredient] until it turns back to a turquoise color.
  • Add [ingredient].
  • Stir the potion again, then let it simmer for [time].

"I won't name the potion; as you can see, I left out some parts too! We all learned about it, although none of you ever had the chance to brew it... Until now! You have two hours to finish the potion; the first to do so will be rewarded by me!" He laughed, rubbing his palms together, looking at Quincy. "Oh, and of course, if you finish first," He glanced at Draco, "But the potion is not something consumable or has a different effect than the original… you still lost! Happy brewing, class!"

Looking at Quincy, I already knew the Professor was expecting her to do well… and I also agreed with him. Seeing her eyes, I knew she already recognized the recipe and the potion we would do as she stood up, going for the ingredient cabinet and getting them out one by one. Of course, everyone else was looking at her, quickly copying the things she took. Typical.

"It's-" She whispered to me like last year when getting back to her seat, but I raised my hand.

"I know," I replied, smiling, going for them as the last student, taking out the ingredients of salamander blood, flobberworm mucus, lionfish spine, and boom berry juice.

"You got smarter?" She smiled, showing a bit more cocky side of her while her eyes sparkled, watching me pick up three ingredients less than her. It made her look even more beautiful.

"Maybe… you little devil!" I winked at her as I tried not to laugh.

Quincy could be really nasty sometimes... Which made her even more charming! She knew she would be copied, so she purposefully picked more ingredients than needed. Scanning Professor Slughorn's expression, I knew that he realized it, beaming at her even more vividly. Oh well… at least I know it is the Wiggenweld potion… I should be able to make it; I remember the recipe as if I were looking at the textbook. Does it have to do something with our ritual? Do snakes have better memories? Mmm… I should look up that…

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