Hogwarts: Era of Darkness

Chapter 54 – Dueling Tournament (3)

I noticed that something has changed in the next week's atmosphere. Or at least… inside our classroom. People looked at me differently, which was not surprising as I severely burnt one of our peers. As I heard, he is still in the hospital wing and waiting for some ointment to be ready and applied to regrow his skin. What I got from catching a conversation with others is that he will have to have a full skin replacement. It's not the best way to spend the upcoming winter vacation, but that is no longer my problem. My, or more precisely, our main problem was… me.

"Nothing…" Quincy moaned, collapsing beside me in the common room, close to midnight. Our desk was littered with books, all from the library, describing possessions and similar incidents.

"I told you anything like that would not be in books!"

What we managed to gather and read was about the different magical beings. About vampires, their blood-magic methods of bounding a ghost to a body. Magic of some dark species that supposedly bound dead souls into living beings, giving them nightmares and driving them insane… or books about the Inferi. Some even theorized that if an Inferi is let to roam the earth for a long time and consume magical flesh, meaning eating wizards and witches, it can gain intelligence. As to whether it becomes a new being or regains old memories… that was up for debate as it was nothing but a theory. We didn't find anything about people coming back from the dead.

"It was worthy of a try…" She mumbled, sulking that we didn't come across anything. Last year, our sessions in the library always produced results.

"We know too little about souls!"

"What about the ghosts?" She looked at me while lying her head on the table, blowing her away from her face.

"We can ask them, but… I don't really know what to expect. They were people who were too afraid to go. Their thing is probably entirely different from someone who is deliberately attempting to remain amongst the living! Or planning a future chance to return to life!"

"We can ask them all, going around, interviewing them all in the winter break. We will be stuck here anyway!"

"I'm in! There are no reasons not to do so! For now… let's rest! The week is still long, and on the weekends, I am going to have to burn another poor man!"

“Heh… bully…”


Well, look at that… Come Saturday, I had to face a handful of people. Why? The reason given was that my previous performance disrupted the natural schedule. No matter! Bring it on! If Herpo says I need an outlet, then I will use this competition as one!

My first opponent was someone from the fifth year, taking me more seriously than the previous one. Once again, I disarmed him faster than he managed to finish his spell, making sure that it was by only a hair. I don't want to look TOO good. This time, now that the competitors had fewer numbers, it went much faster, and soon it was my turn. Again.

When my turn came, it was a sixth-year student, and to show I was still only a second-year student, I started with a shield charm and went on the offense from there, defeating him in a bit longer bout than before. Heh… I was unsurprised when I didn't have a chance to sit down as my next match was called with my name right after. I knew that it was Lucius's doing, trying to exhaust me.

I was watching Draco's duels when I had time to rest. They should have hired better actors, or when bribing the enemy, they should have instructed them better! It wasn't only me but many others who noticed that something was off. They were losing too obviously, and he barely spent any energy in the process. It didn't take one to be a genius to realize why... I would face him soon enough.

After six duels, it was finally time. Or Lucius thought it was time if you ask me. I was 'ready' to face his son. Was this because of me burning that Griffyndor student? The show of my magical power? Bending the rules this much is good enough to ensure Draco's win? Lucius, do you really think that? Heh… good! Let's do it! What remains for me is to win the final the following week against someone who got there with their own skills because Draco won't get past me!

Walking up to the stage, I was closely observing Draco's countenance. He was part anxious, part serious, and part confused. I think he suddenly realized I wasn't as weak as he may have thought. The delusion given to him by his tattoo was wearing off. By now, nobody thought I was only a second-year student. I heard my Father's name being thrown out increasingly as someone known to be one of the best duelists in the Ministry.

"..." I said nothing, simply flashing a small smile, bowing towards Draco, preparing to duel. Let me see what the youngest Death Eater in history can do!

Cheating. That's what. He started casting his spell way before the countdown of his father finished. No matter, my reflexes were faster. I quickly voiced the incantation, throwing up a shield, blocking his flame spell, and letting the orange fire redirect to the sides. Instead of counter-attacking, I gave Draco time to cast a different spell, which I hit with my own copy. Then we threw another one at each other… and the next… and the next… Come on, Draco. Fight.

Ultimately, we exchanged almost a dozen spells; I only moved after him, copying and countering his moves. It was a wonderful feeling. There were spells that I didn't know before, but reading the change in the movement of his throat, recognizing the incantation, and copying his arms' actions, I easily mimicked it. I was toying with him, and I was sure the teachers also realized the fact. If from nowhere else, from the smile hanging on my face throughout the ordeal.

Did Lucius see it that way? I can't tell. But he was fuming because almost everybody from the students was surprised and looked at it as if we were fighting an intense battle, matching each other perfectly. But as with all things in life, it was time to make it end. With a flick, I countered Draco and went on the attack. He could block the first spell, but the second, my well-aimed expelliarmus flung his wand far away while I stood there with my arm stretched out, pointing my wand's tip at his sweaty face.

"You lost, Mr. Youngest Death Eater."

"I… Lost…?” He gawked, unable to believe it. I think he was so sure of his talent that he thought it was only a dream. He was a Death Eater… the youngest at that! He couldn't lose! Not like this!

"Evidently," I answered, keeping my wand aimed at him but watching Lucius for any movement. I noticed it wasn't only me but also Snape.… maybe that is why he didn't do anything to me in the end.

To my slight surprise, I walked down from the stage without obstructions and was welcomed by Quincy, who jumped on me with a hug when the day was deemed finished. From the corner of my eye, I saw Lucius leave with Draco and land a blow on the back of his head with his cane. Hah… not easy to be a Malfoy's son, eh?


"He lost?" A cold, high-pitched voice asked, standing in a luxurious, old-looking room, twirling a glass of wine in his hand, looking at the dark sky. Everything was obscured by thick clouds, ready to snow at any moment.

"Yes." Snape's voice answered, coming from the fireplace where his floating head was giving a report to the Dark Lord himself.

"The blood of his Father has been passed down, it seems. I do not mind another good warrior under me… but I do mind giving more power to a snake." He chuckled at his own little, twisted wordplay. "I can speak to them, but taking control is too troublesome when I have more important matters to deal with."

"Angus Anguine is a valuable asset."

"Yes, but he has ambition. I know he wants more power for himself, or do you want to say I am mistaken?" He looked over his shoulders, his eyes glinting with strong, crimson light.

"Of course not, My Lord. I merely suggest that a man with ambition is easier to control and point towards others."

"This is why I like you the most." Voldemort smiled, turning back to the window, "Yes, yes… he is a good sword to hold against traitors in our fold. But it can turn into a double-edged blade very easily. Why do you think I am keeping his family at a certain level of power and influence?"

"My Lord… I know you have an idea in mind."

"Oh yes, yes I do!" He laughed softly, sipping his wine, "But I know you have one too. Tell me! Let us see if we are still thinking of the same thing or not!"

"The easiest way to control Angus is through his son." Snape answered without hesitation, "He is still impressionable. Talented… and he can be controlled just as easily through the Black's daughter, Quincy."

"I'm glad that at least one of my friends can reach my level of thoughts!" Voldemort sighed with a pleased voice, "But don't rush it. Let the pot boil, and let its contents bubble and overflow! We, and I mean you, will step in only at the last moment. A life debt is the best leverage over someone. I want to see it play out until the end!"

"Yes… My Lord." Snape nodded, and his head disappeared from the fire, leaving the Dark Lord to his own thoughts.


In a different mansion belonging to the Anguine family, Conrad's Father stood before another fireplace, waiting. At 3 o'clock in the middle of the night, a green light flashed, and Snape stepped out of it, whispering in a voice that only Angus could hear.

"Are you sure about this?"

"He is talented. He will do fine… I trust him."

"It is your son, Angus…"

"Everyone makes sacrifices, and I have trust in Conrad. He will pull through it! I can't tell him everything, but he will piece it together by himself! You know how adept HE is at reading others! I think it's only you who can shut him out directly…"

"You will send your son into the wolf's den…"

"More like into the snake pit." Angus smiled, a little pain flashing in his eyes, "But he has the King of Snakes blood in him now. I think he is going to be fine… Neville is still not ready. He is growing, but he needs time. We will buy him that time."

"Kids… are not for doing our work. Bloodying their hands is…"

"I never thought I would hear this from you, Severus. I thought you told Dumbledore you would do anything to take your revenge. Even sacrificing your own life if you must! I am in the same boat as you..."

"I'll do my part." He answered, his face turning stoic. "Just make sure you do your part just as well."

"Worry not… HIS days are numbered, and I think he knows that too!"

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