Hogwarts: From Silent to Dark Lord

Chapter 027

As soon as Toby and Jamie entered the Ollivander Wand Shop, Mr. Ollivander stood behind the counter to greet them.

“Good afternoon, Mr. Ollivander, we meet again.”

Toby responded with a smile.

“Oh, it turned out to be Mr. Regpo, the wand you bought earlier was elderberry and nightshade tail feathers, fifteen inches, a powerful wand, if I’m not mistaken.”

Ollivander blinked and said softly.

“Of course, your memory has always been very good, although I bought my wand from you two days ago.”

Toby smiled.

“But, Mr. Ollivander, it’s only been a few days, how did Diagon Alley become like this?”

“Oh! It’s all to blame on the evil dark wizard a few days ago, he set a fierce fire in Diagon Alley, almost destroying Diagon Alley. ”

“Fortunately, Dumbledore and the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic extinguished the fire, or my wand shop would have burned down, knowing that my shop has thousands of wands.”

Ollivander looked palpitating.

“That’s really lucky, we’ve seen a lot of shops burned down along the way, but fortunately your wand shop is fine, otherwise we wouldn’t have had a place to buy wands.”

Toby blinked and smiled.

“You’re right, Mr. Rigpo! Thanks to the ancestors of the Ollivander family, the location of the store was chosen here. ”

Ollivander nodded approvingly, if his wand shop was a little closer to Gringotts, it would be ruined.

“So, Mr. Ollivander, this is my best friend Jamie Cambir Ball, who is also a young wizard who is entering Hogwarts this year and would like to buy you a wand.”

“After all, your wand here is the best, isn’t it??

Toby smiled and slapped a slap on the horse’s butt.

Sure enough, Ollivander was very happy, and he liked to hear wizards say that his wand was the best.

“So, Mr. Ball, come forward, I need to measure your physical data, by the way, which arm do you use to make the wand?”

Ollivander said, pulling out a long tape measure with silver scales from his pocket.

“I’m used to using my right hand.”

Jamie replied.

“Okay, okay.”

Ollivander said as he turned around and began to move between the shelves, moving the long boxes one by one.

“Every Ollivander wand has a super magical substance, and that’s what it is, Mr. Ball.”

“Most of the nerves we use are unicorn hair, phoenix tail feathers, and fire dragon heart nerves.”

“Every Ollivander wand is unique because no two unicorns, fire dragons or phoenixes are exactly the same.”

“Of course, if you use a wand that should belong to another wizard, it will definitely not have such a good effect.”

Ollivander put a dozen long boxes on the counter.

“Mr. Ollivander, every wizard who comes to your shop to buy wands, you say that to them!”


Toby said.

“Oh yes, this is the business language of our Ollivander family, probably since the time of my great-great-great-grandfather.”

Ollivander was not angry and explained calmly.

Next, Jamie began to test wands one by one, but he was in the same situation as Toby, after all, they were the same person, tried many roots, and still did not find the right one.

“Oh! Another picky guest, but don’t worry, Ollivander Wand Shop will always have the wand you need. ”

Ollivander tossed aside those tried wands and turned to the back of the shelf, as if rummaging through something.

It took about five minutes or so for Ollivander to walk out with a dusty box.

“Oh, in fact, this wand was not made by me, it was made by my father when he was alive, the material of this wand is very special, it is made of snake wood, plus the nerves of the dragon, the toughness is good, and the power of casting magic is also very strong.”

Ollivander opened the dusty box with a wand inside.

“Snakewood? As far as I know, there is no such wood in Eagle Country. ”

Jamie was a little curious.

“Yes, snake wood is a very precious wood, the snake wood of the Eagle Country is almost extinct, this snake wood was obtained by my father in the depths of the Albanian forest when he traveled the world.”

“Come on, try it, Mr. Bauer.”

Ollivander pushed the box forward.

Jamie stretched out his right hand and held the snakewood wand, and for a moment he felt that this wand was perfect for him, and there was an indescribable feeling.

“Fluorescent flashing!”

Jamie pronounced a spell, the lighting spell, the most basic one, a spell that a young wizard could master in his first grade.

After Jamie cast the lighting spell, the tip of the snakewood wand in his hand bloomed with a shining light.

This light is extremely dazzling, making people unable to open their eyes, illuminating the originally dim shop very brightly, and any darkness seems to disappear in front of this light.

“Very nice wand, very suitable for me, Mr. Ollivander, I want this wand.”

Jamie said with satisfaction.

“Your lighting spell is very good, Mr. Ball, it seems that this snakewood wand is indeed suitable for you, but considering its preciousness, it is a little more expensive in terms of price.”

Ollivander smiled.

“So, what exactly is the price, it won’t be too expensive, right?”

Jamie raised an eyebrow and asked.

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