Hogwarts: more magic than magic

Chapter 12 Coincidence? × Fate? ⊙ arrange! √

Chapter 12 Coincidence? × Fate? ⊙ arrange! √
Lately, Chez has been obsessed with learning, and learning about these interesting and fascinating magical knowledge makes him feel very satisfied.

He uses all the time as much as possible to try to gain as much knowledge as possible before the next simulation.

Through these days of hard work, he successfully raised his (knowledge of magic) to Lv1 level.Successfully saved one energy point, plus one energy point collected automatically in the past two days, rounded up to approximately equal to earning two energy points.

Recently, he doesn't want to waste precious energy on simulations. After all, he already knows the direction of the plot, and he still needs to accumulate a lot of energy to exchange for the knowledge and power gained in the simulator.

He took a look at the (Magic Knowledge Lv5) that appeared in the last simulation. It would take 339 energy points to redeem all of them. In other words, without other energy sources, it would take about three years for the simulator to absorb it independently.

Three years is a good deal in exchange for the knowledge accumulated in a wizard's life, but now he can't afford to wait.

Speaking of it, he already regretted it a little. Why did he choose the pseudo-magic stone instead of knowledge directly? Although the simulator warned that it was dangerous, it was knowledge that could only be exchanged for three years of energy.It may be possible to swipe that reward again, but the simulator has a certain randomness, and it may not be able to swipe it next time.

Not to mention, I still need to exchange the power gained from knight training in the simulation.

. . . . . .

In the past two days, he usually invited Hermione to the library to read books when he was resting at night. They got along well, and sometimes Ron and Harry would also come, but not many times.

In the cafeteria this morning, Harry and Malfoy got into an argument over Neville's Remembrall.

In the evening, word had spread throughout the school that Harry Potter had become Hogwarts' youngest Seeker in many years.In the dormitory, in the hallway, in the classroom. . .Almost everyone is talking about it.

Seeing these people talking about Quidditch and Harry Potter, he didn't envy him at all, only ghosts would play that dangerous game, remembering his first flying lesson, although he was the first to wake up the broomstick, but the broomstick flew up like a golden cudgel, and almost knocked him to the ground - if he hadn't been in good shape.But because of his great physique, he grabbed the flying broom, like a monkey playing with a stick, and made a fool of himself in front of everyone.

. . .

In the hallway near the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom at night.

"Run!" Harry yelled, and the three of them plus Neville ran desperately down the corridor.Harry ran ahead, not knowing where they were or where they were going.

Chiz, who was hiding in the dark, heard them from afar.

"We got rid of him, I think," Harry gasped.He leaned against the cold wall, wiping the sweat from his brow.Neville was bent over, gasping for breath, unable to even speak.

"I - told - you," Hermione gasped, clutching at the seam of her breast, "I - told - you."

"We've got to get back to Gryffindor Tower," said Ron, "the sooner the better."

"Malfoy lied to you," Hermione said to Harry. "You see? He wasn't going to meet you there at all—Filch knew someone was going to the trophy room, and Malfoy must have tipped him off."

Harry thought Hermione might be right, but he didn't want to tell her that.

"Let's go."

"Come with me, I know a shortcut back." Keiz startled them by stepping out from a side corner.

"Why are you here?" Everyone was shocked.

"Just now some classmates were talking about the duel between Malfoy and you. I overheard it. I was worried about you, so I came out to have a look. I really met you."

"Come with me, I know a shortcut."

"How do you know the way to the Gryffindor common room?" Hermione asked.

"Remember? It's all in your head." Qiz pointed to his head.He literally memorized all the paths Hogwarts was open to students.He also planned the closest and safest passage for them to go back to the dormitory, the purpose is not to let them see what is behind that door.

Keeze wanted to see Dumbledore's reaction again.

As a result, they had just arrived at a staircase, and after walking about ten steps up the stairs, the staircase started to move by itself, so they had to hold on to the handrail of the staircase. After a while, the staircase finally stopped, but the path that Keiz had planned had disappeared, and they came to an unfamiliar corridor.

"What's next for Keez?" Hermione asked.

Just when he was about to answer, something flashed in front of their eyes.

It's Peeves!He burst out of a classroom in front of him. .When he saw them, he squealed with delight.

"Shut up, Peeves - please - you're going to get us fired." Ron panicked.

Peeves giggled.

"You nasty first-year kid, wandering around in the middle of the night. Tsk, tsk, tsk, naughty, naughty, you will be arrested."

"No, as long as you don't betray us, Peeves, please."

"Filch should be told, yes," Peeves said solemnly, but his eyes had a mischievous gleam. "It's for your own good, you know?"

Looking at the flustered few people, Chiz is also full of helplessness, is he really going to do this?Is there no way to interrupt Dumbledore's arrangement by intervening by myself?
"Students don't sleep!" Just as he was thinking, Peeves roared, "Students don't sleep, they are wandering in the corridor at night!"

Keiz didn't care about the road, and made one last attempt, pulling Harry and starting to run around, pulling him in the opposite direction from where Harry was going.

Then they fled all the way to the end of the corridor, where there was a locked door.

"Dumbledore, this is boring!" Chiz thought helplessly in his heart, "The design is too coincidental. Are you 008? Dumbledore, you crappy screenwriter."

"It's over!" Here Ron began to whimper.He pushed the door desperately. "We're doomed! We're dying!"

At the same time, footsteps sounded from the other end, and Filch was following Peeves' voice to come as quickly as possible.

"Oh, come here," said Hermione roughly, looking at the distracted Keeze, the trembling Ron and Harry.She snatched Harry's wand, knocked on the lock, and whispered, "Alahoo!"

There was a click of the lock, and the door swung open—and they rushed in, shutting it hastily.

"Where are they going, Peeves?" came Filch and Peeves' voices from outside. "Come on, tell me."

"Say 'please.'"

"Don't mess with me, Peeves, tell me, where did they go?"

"I don't know anything if you don't say 'please,'" said Peeves in his annoying humming voice.

"Okay—please tell me."

"Nothing! Haha! I told you, if you don't say 'please,' I'll say 'nothing'! Haha! Hahahaha!" Filch cursed angrily as they heard Peeves fly away.

Qiz had already seen Lu Wei. The three-headed dog was sleeping soundly before they came in. It was lying there like a hill in the darkness, a circle larger than the poison horned beast that was knocked down by Blanca. It was woken up, shaking its head and about to stand up.

"Run", the voice outside the door had disappeared, and Keiz hurriedly opened the door and dragged Ron and Neville out.

Harry and Hermione were already frightened, and they were still stepping backward step by step. Seeing that the three-headed dog was about to charge up, Keiz lifted up the wooden trash can in the corridor and threw it towards it.

Amidst the loud bang, the two turned around and ran out, hastily closing the door.

Keeze found his way again and sent them back to the Gryffindor common room.

"See you later. Take a good rest and don't worry about what happened tonight. It's best for everyone to forget about it!" Keiz urged.

Then he went back to the Ravenclaw lounge.

"Little wizard, night travel is not a good habit. But as long as you answer my questions correctly, you are still a good boy, otherwise, I won't let you in." The Sphinx statue at the entrance of the Ravenclaw common room spoke.

"Quickly ask!" the upset he said impatiently.

"What is more precious than life,
more frightening than death,
The poor have it, the rich need it,
can satisfy people's desires,
The miser spends, the spendthrift saves,
And people end up in coffins? "

"No solution, that is, there is nothing." Keiz replied after thinking for a while.

"Smart little wizards should be tolerated, right? Please come in!" He said and opened the door behind him.

After a simple wash, Qiz lay on the bed and sorted out the chaotic thoughts in his mind.

First of all, Dumbledore's control over the three of them exceeded his expectations. He thought he could at least lead a few of them through the door and directly back to the dormitory.

He wanted to see if Dumbledore would lead them to see the door under Lu Wei in another way in two days. Unexpectedly, someone sent them there directly from the moving stairs.

He even guessed now that Dumbledore could see a corner of what happened in the future or had some kind of ability to guide fate to create coincidences.

After discovering this, he decided not to interfere with the trio's actions in reality, and even canceled the planned plan to keep Hermione in the lobby or take her to the library as a friend on Halloween.

To prevent Dumbledore from noticing him, maybe even he has been noticed by Dumbledore now, so try not to be arranged by him.

After getting more power in the simulation, try changing something again.

"Simulator, exchange (magic knowledge) Lv2." Originally, I wanted to take it easy, but now it seems that it is better to improve my ability as soon as possible.

[4 points of energy have been consumed, exchange for (magic knowledge) Lv2]

Accompanied by the familiar feeling of comfort, a lot of knowledge was instilled into Qiz's mind, which was probably equivalent to the level of a fifth-grade little wizard.

Carefully recollect and sort out the new wizard knowledge in my mind.

Soon he was attracted by some important knowledge. From the knowledge instilled into his mind just now, Qiz learned an important piece of news, that is, wizards do not have a strict level like knights, and wizards' magic power will only grow with age. Except for a few potions, there are no potions and practice methods that can make wizards' magic power increase rapidly.So generally speaking, the older the wizard is, the more powerful he is, such as Dumbledore.

It can also be understood that the growth of a wizard's power has little to do with the amount of magic power in the body, but with the amount of knowledge and knowledge. The more knowledge and knowledge a wizard has, the stronger he is.

What surprised him the most was that the magic power in his body was roughly equivalent to the amount of an adult wizard according to standard calculations, and it was still at the upper middle level of an adult wizard.Qizi thinks that it may be related to the former owner of this body who once incarnated as the Obscure. Although he was blown to death while incarnating as the Obscure, part of the huge magic power remained.This huge magic power cannot be brought by (Magic Power Affinity), because it existed before getting (Magic Power Affinity), and he still remembers that getting (Magic Power Affinity) only brought him a little magic power increase.

At this time, Qizi suddenly thought that the lack of levels of wizards may be due to the lack of practice methods to increase magic power, so he can create them himself!The magical power that I have quietly grown through the incarnation is an example.With the help of the simulator, there is a high probability that I will have a chance to do it myself.At that time, train yourself to be as powerful as a god like a fairy, and walk out of a way to reach the sky!Isn't it also a way to change the fate of the future?
Qiz felt very clever, and couldn't wait to start simulating according to his own ideas.

"Simulator, start the simulation, set goals, stay away from the trio, study the wizard level."

【Cut sky simulator at your service】

【Simulation starts】

. . . . . .

 The exchange method for exchanging knowledge and power from the simulator has been changed. Lv1 is a little bit, and each level is quadrupled. The one-time exchange is also the sum of the total amount.

(End of this chapter)

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