Hogwarts: more magic than magic

Chapter 19 'The Divisor'

Chapter 19 'The Divisor'

It has been snowing outside, and the snow on the road has not been cleared because of the Christmas holiday.

Keiz ran very fast, but due to his short stature, he still couldn't catch up with Judith who went out about half an hour before him.

"Damn it, damn it!" Qiz's face was grim at this time, he was running hard on the knee-high snow, and the few passers-by on the street were attracted by this little man running wildly in the snow.

He regretted it now, why did he save so many energy points in the first place, just to change something!If he did a few more simulations at ordinary times, such a thing would not happen.

"Tom, did you see Judith?" Keiz rushed to the Leaky Cauldron as fast as he could, pushed away a group of drunks who came out to have fun, and asked the bar owner who was wiping the glasses.

Then quickly added, "It's the adopted daughter of Lucia Ewing and Blanca Stam. She wears a reddish-brown coat. She should have just passed here."

He was panting and talking so fast and so fast that Tom didn't understand him at all.He had no choice but to catch his breath first, and then repeated it again.

"You mean Judith, she greeted me just now, as if she said she was going to Diagon Alley to buy some pet food or something."

"How long has she been gone?"

"Soon, I will be ahead of you for a while."

"Tom, do me a favor..."

After confessing to Tom, he ignored Tom's dissuasion, and immediately rushed across the counter and ran into Diagon Alley.

He went to the rat food store first, and he guessed that Judith was going to help him buy rat food.

As a result, nothing was found in the rat food store. The owner of the store said that he hadn't opened it this morning, let alone saw any little girls wandering around.

He asked several other pet shops, and they all said that he hadn't seen the little girl.

Qiz couldn't help it at all, but his heart became more and more anxious, and he began to ask passers-by one by one.

The light snow that had been fluttering did not know when it stopped, and there were not many pedestrians on the street in Diagon Alley. Everyone noticed the strange kid running around on the side of the road, anxiously looking for something, and asking everyone he saw.

After running all over Diagon Alley, Keiz still found nothing. Suddenly, he remembered the Christmas gift that Lucia gave him last night, half a bottle of Felix Elixir.

Lucia said that it was made by herself before she was admitted to Auror, and it was one of her graduation works. She used part of it in a mission, but she almost lost her job due to the blind arrogance caused by the side effects, so she never dared to use it again.Gave it to Chiz yesterday as a Christmas present.

"It really came in handy." Chiz took out the exquisite crystal bottle in his coat pocket, uncorked the bottle and took a sip, which could last for more than an hour.

The entrance was a bit like very thick mint water, he only felt a cool liquid flowing straight down his throat, and then a burst of warmth erupted from the spine, and soon spread all over the limbs and bones.

The restless heart quickly calmed down, and his mind became clearer than before, especially his talent (intuition) and (lion heart) have been greatly strengthened. Although it is impossible to verify whether it is an illusion, his intuition tells himself that as long as he follows his intuition, he can do everything he wants to do now, and no matter what obstacles he encounters, he can use his courage to break through.

He felt that he was now extremely strong and fearless.

Looking at the first result given by the simulator this time, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he suddenly thought of something.

"Knockturn Alley, the three-way zone, that's right there."

He hurriedly stopped a passerby. "Excuse me, hello, could you tell me how to get to Knockturn Alley?"

"That's not the place for a little wizard, you..."

"I know, but I have a reason to go. It's going to be too late. Please tell me!" Keiz interrupted him hastily.

Looking at his determined eyes, the man couldn't say no to it, so he raised his hand and pointed, "If you insist, go straight along this road, turn left at the end, there is a sealed iron gate, knock on the left three times. Be careful, there are dark wizards inside, they eat people without spit out bones."

"Thank you!" After finishing speaking, he ran towards the direction of the man's finger without looking back.

After the iron door opened automatically, what appeared in front of him was a completely different world from the one behind the door.Although the streets here are still cold, there is no snow at all, and there are many more pedestrians than outside, but most of them wear cloaks to cover their faces.

He followed his intuition, and soon he saw an old woman sitting on a big chair smoking a pipe not far from the entrance, so he went to ask her.

"Did you see a little girl in a red-brown coat go in? She's probably half a head taller than me."

The old woman's eyes flickered, but she was still smoking and ignored him completely.

Keiz keenly observed the flicker in her eyes, and told him intuitively that she must know something, so he took out a Jinlong from his jacket pocket and put it on the armrest of the chair, "Tell me, where is she?"

The old woman glanced at Jin Long on the armrest of the chair, and said teasingly: "Little devil, there are some things that are beyond your control. You must know that this is Knockturn Alley, and there are many people who want money or life."

Keeze's wand had begun to slip from the mechanism in his arm. "I repeat, tell me where is she?"

"The current young wizards really don't listen to the old man's advice. Since you want to listen..." the old woman took a sip of the cigarette pouch in her hand, and then said, "You have to know that there are countless strange legends in every place, but for Knockturn Alley, the strange things that have been widely circulated in the recent period are especially concentrated in the underground world." She pointed to the sewer manhole cover not far away with the cigarette pouch in her hand.

"They will wander in the sewer pipes in the dead of night, waiting to devour the flesh and soul of the living."

"They have already killed quite a few people, little wizard, are you afraid? Go back quickly! Be careful of those ghosts who will make you cramp..."

Keiz already understood that his target was underground, and he couldn't be wrong.

"Thank you!" He walked towards the unremarkable manhole cover.

"Flip in the air!" Keiz waved his wand towards the wellhead, and the manhole cover made of cast iron flew into the air. Qizi jumped into the dark well.

"Hey!" The old woman, who was watching quietly while smoking a pipe, laughed dryly, "She's kind, but unfortunately she won't live long." Jin Long on the armrest was nowhere to be found.

Compared with the illusory ghosts, Judith's safety is the most important thing in Chiz's eyes. What's more, the simulation results and intuition told him that the so-called ghosts are just the means used by the 'divider' to deceive people, so he jumped into the sewer pipe without hesitation.

"Fluorescence flickering!" Faint fluorescence emanated from the tip of the stick, illuminating the underground space.

The sewer here is not wide, only a little taller than Chiz's height, more than one meter wide.

Enduring the indescribable stench, Chiz began to run wildly in it!

Rotten, stenchy, the air was filled with the smell of rotten eggs, and Qiz could clearly feel the cold sewage flowing down his calves, and sometimes he would step on some soft and greasy things, which stuck his feet like mud, and bumped into some unknown hard objects from time to time.

It leads in all directions, and Qiz has just walked for a short distance when there are at least three forks.

"Damn it, in such a huge magical world, I can't find a decent tracking magic." Chiz followed his intuition and frantically searched the memories in his mind. Except for a few tracking spells and potions that needed to be cast in advance, he couldn't find a tracking magic that could help him solve the problem at hand.

Fortunately, after much effort, he found a slightly useful spell.

"Hurry up and reveal yourself!" While walking, he waved this magic to the surroundings, and finally, at a corner, he found a hidden mark left on the wall.

He was like a lost traveler who found his way, and happily accelerated along the markings.

Fearing that the light would disturb the black hand hiding in the dark ahead of time, he turned off the fluorescent flashes.Holding the wall with one hand, continue walking in the direction indicated by the marker.

As he went deeper, a shimmer gradually began to appear on the wall, a rare glowing moss.

These luminescent mosses grow regularly on the top of the pipe, and the denser they go, it looks like it was artificially planted.

He's in the right place.

"Silent and silent!" "Fallen without a trace!" "Armor protection!". . .Casting several spells on himself in a row, which probably consumed less than half of the magic power, Qiz walked forward more boldly.

Passing through a damaged gate, he came to a relatively open space filled with all kinds of bottles and jars and all kinds of messy things. Keiz even saw a werewolf corpse on the dissecting table.

Still shaking. "No!" Keiz quickly dodged to the side, and a dark green magic flew past his ear.

"Look! Look! A lamb that came to the door automatically, I can even smell the fragrance from his flesh and blood," a strange man whose face seemed to be corroded by sulfuric acid appeared from the invisible state, constantly shaking his collapsed nose, "Where are you? My cute little baby! Don't hide, you can't escape!"

"Today is really lucky! I just caught a fat lamb, and before I had time to enjoy it, another lamb that smelled even more delicious came to my door. Come out, little lamb, the thief's induction spell has found you, and you can't escape."

Hearing the strange man's words, Qiz breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he was still alive.

"Bones to pieces!" Seeing the opportunity, Keiz jumped up from under the dissecting table, and cast him a bone-crushing curse.

The weird man just raised his wand slightly, and the spell was disintegrated halfway through the flight, and he didn't say any spells.

"Is it silent casting?" Qiz, who rolled to the side immediately after casting the spell, was taken aback. Would it be so perverted that a random black wizard would cast spells silently?

The only thing to be thankful for is that the dark environment around him has brought benefits to him, making the illusion spell on him blend with the surroundings, making it even more invisible.

The strange man walked around in this space, looking around. "It's really an interesting lamb. It has a little thorn, and it can also spell illusion. But, ha! If this lamb is offered to my lord, my lord will definitely like it very much, and I will definitely get more rewards."

"Ha! Haha! I've changed my mind, I want to dedicate you to my lord." The weirdo began to laugh hysterically, "Yes, yes, yes, my lord! You will like it! You will like it!"

Keez was starting to feel bad.

Sure enough, the weirdo laughed and quickly waved his wand around.

"Oops!" The moment the wand was pointed at Qiz, the disillusionment spell on him was broken.He hurriedly waved his wand, "Disarm you!", but it had no effect.

"I found you, little lamb! You are very naughty! The one I caught just now is very good!" The weirdo shook his hand, but it was Kizz who threw the wand out. "Listen! She's sleeping soundly now! I'll keep that one for myself. As for you..."

Qiz's heart was clenched again, and he was about to draw out his dagger and charge forward when a mass of green light hit his forehead heavily, and there was a whirl of heaven and earth accompanied by a roar in his ears, and he lost consciousness.

 I am not familiar with magic fighting, sorry.Ask for votes!
(End of this chapter)

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