Hogwarts: more magic than magic

Chapter 25 Sealing the Remnant Soul

Chapter 25 Sealing the Remnant Soul
Peter Pettigrew, played by Keez, took out a transparent box, which contained a butterfly that could trace the special smell left on Professor Quirrell last time, which was catalyzed by Keiz with specially cultivated chrysalis before departure.

Its lifespan was not long, and it was still winter, so it was even more difficult for the butterfly to survive for a long time. Before the butterfly was frozen to death, he had to find traces of Voldemort.

Following the guidance of the Seeker Butterfly, Qiz stumbled and walked in the snow-covered woodland, rolling on the ground from time to time, tearing his old clothes to make himself look even worse.

Still a little worried, he took out his wand and touched it on his right arm.

In the dark forest, on a rugged and snow-covered path, an obscene middle-aged man with a drooping arm and a tattered body was walking forward with difficulty, calling for something in a low voice.

"Master! Master!... My great master, where are you?"

"See what your faithful servant Peter Pettigrew has brought you?"

"I will give you my all, my master!"

"Where are you? My master! Come and meet your poor servant!"


He seemed to be wandering around in the woods anxiously and aimlessly, but he was still gradually approaching in one direction - the butterfly in the transparent box kept hitting in that direction.

Suddenly, he stopped abruptly, his eyes widened, as if he saw something incredible.

A tall unicorn was bitten by the neck by a man in a black cloak and pinned to the ground. The unicorn kicked its hooves vigorously and flapped its wings.But it was of no avail, it weakened visibly with the naked eye, struggled weaker and weaker, until it lost all vitality.

"Who?" The man in the cloak turned around suddenly when he heard the movement behind him, the silver blood in his mouth was thrown out, and a silver blood line was drawn in the air.

"Master! It's me! Master!" That Peter ran towards Voldemort quickly, because he ran too fast and tripped, he didn't get up, and crawled on the ground, crawling towards Voldemort with hands and feet, "It's your most loyal servant, Peter Pettigrew brought you a baby!"

"Yes! It's you! Are you Peter Pettigrew? I remember you!" Voldemort recognized Peter, "Yes, yes, a good boy!"

"Where have you been all these years? My servant." Then he lifted the hood of his cloak, revealing Quirrell's face below.

"You are not the master! Who are you? Where is my master?" Peter, who was about to climb to Voldemort's feet, stopped suddenly and yelled at Quirrell.

"Don't panic! My loyal servant!" A hoarse voice came from the back of Quirrell's head, and Quirrell turned around, revealing the old, distorted, and mutilated face, "I just encountered some problems, this is my new servant."

"Sorry! My master! I'm late, your useless servant is late!" Seeing this scene, Peter rushed up, hugged Rocky's thigh and wailed, "We have been waiting for your return. Since you disappeared, we have been hiding separately. I turned into a mouse and have been hiding in the Weasleys' house."

"How did you find me?" Voldemort was a little wary.

"I heard Harry Potter's plot, and they guessed that you want to get the Philosopher's Stone."

"Really?" Voldemort obviously didn't believe it.But what happened next made him temporarily put aside all his thoughts.

"I'm really useless. If it was earlier, if it was earlier, you wouldn't have to suffer such pain." He said, looking up at the unicorn's corpse, "Although drinking the unicorn's blood will replenish your strength, it will also bring you endless curses. Useless Peter wishes he could bear this pain for you."

"But all these pains will be over, and you will be able to get a new body soon!" Peter cried frantically, and slowly raised the thing in his hand with his intact left hand, and lifted it to Voldemort's chest, "Look what I brought you?"

Voldemort snatched the irregular gem that glowed slightly red in the night, "This is the thing, this is the thing..."

He raised the Philosopher's Stone to his eyes, looked at it carefully, and felt the power of the Philosopher's Stone.

He seemed to have forgotten to ask Peter how he got this thing, and his mind was completely attracted by the Philosopher's Stone.

"That's it, I feel it, he can indeed help me." Glancing at Peter's drooping broken arm and ragged clothes, "My loyal servant, you have done a good job. When I recover my body, you will get the reward you deserve. Now step aside! Don't let anyone disturb me."

"Yes, my master, your servant will always be by your side and look forward to your return!" Peter stood up, bowed his body and backed away slowly until he came under the nearest big tree, straightened up and became vigilant.

Here, a strange scene happened.

Voldemort begins a conversation with Quirrell.

"My loyal servant, have you seen it? Another servant of mine brought me what I need most."

"My master, I am extremely happy for your upcoming new life."

"Quirrell, when I met you, you said you would give everything for me, didn't you?"

"Yes! My respected master, I am willing to give you everything I have. In the past, now, and in the future, this will never change!"

"Ho! Ho! Ho! You don't have to wait until the future, you can give me everything now!" Voldemort said in a terrifying tone.

Before Quirrell could react, Voldemort controlled Quirrell's right hand and took out his wand, drew a few times in the air, and the fire burst out from the tip of the wand, igniting the whole wand.

As soon as he let go of his hand, the flames poured into the ground and drew a circle on the ground. The snow in the circle melted quickly, and then a green flame was ignited, gradually forming a circle composed of pentagrams and many complex patterns from the outside to the inside, extending all the way to Quirrell's feet.

"Master, this is..." Before Quirrell finished speaking, a strong flame burst out from under his feet, quickly engulfing him, "Ah!...Master, please spare me!"

In the distance, Qizi only saw a figure struggling a little in the flames before being reduced to ashes.

He shrank his neck, "It's really scary! No wonder he is called the Dark Lord, and he is so cruel to his subordinates."

Over there, the flames swallowed Quirrell and quickly disappeared, leaving only a round, half-human tall bloody ball that kept wriggling.

After waiting for a while, the meat ball tore a hole, and a skeleton broke free from it. Its lower limbs were still connected to the meat ball, and many blood-red, worm-like strips of flesh crawled out from the meat ball, climbing up the skeleton.

"This is definitely not any kind of white magic, nor is it any kind of black magic." Seeing this strange scene, Chiz's heart trembled a little, and he tried his best to search for the magic knowledge about resurrection in his mind.

"My loyal servant, don't be afraid, this is just the only way for me to return, just watch, the world will tremble for my return!" As if sensing the trembling in Qizi's heart next to him, he said.

After finishing speaking, the muscles on his body were also piled up, and the fleshy ball underneath turned into a layer of red skin, crumpled and piled together.

Then the skin melted too, turning into a pool of liquid that ran up the newborn Voldemort's feet.

After completely covering his whole body, the blood color began to fade, gradually turning into blue-gray, and then gray-white.

Voldemort is back!

"My loyal servant, you haven't come to greet your master's return!" Voldemort waved his hand in the direction where Keez was.

Keiz stood there unmoved. To be honest, he was also very flustered now. He didn't know when the effect of the pseudo-Sorcerer's Stone would end. It would be cool if he could persist until Voldemort killed him.

After all, no matter how effective the means were, he was always afraid that something might happen, so he decided to wait.

"I feel the panic in your heart!" Voldemort was a little puzzled when he saw that Peter was unmoved in his eyes. "My servant, isn't my return worthy of joy?"

"You're panicking! You're thinking wildly!" As he spoke, he began to walk towards Qiz.

After hesitating for a while, Qiz took out the remaining Felix Elixir, gritted his teeth, took a small sip, and thought to himself, "It's okay, give yourself a heavy dose after you're done, and the side effects will pass after a few days of sleep."

"What are you doing? What have you drunk?" Voldemort quickened his pace.

"No, no, you're not Peter!" Furious, Voldemort quickened his pace unconsciously, "Who are you? Who are you?"

Keiz wanted to run away, but he didn't know what kind of magic Voldemort used. His legs were so heavy that he couldn't even turn around.The mechanism on his left arm had already lowered the wand, but he couldn't even open his palm, let alone raise his arm to cast a spell.

"Crack!" A soft sound echoed in the silent night sky.

"What's going on? What's going on?" Voldemort stopped, and raised his hand to caress the big gash on his face.

He yelled at Keez, "What did you do? What did you do to my body?"

The corner of his mouth cracked to the side of the ear in an instant because of the roar.

"Ah! I'm going to kill you, no matter who you are! I'm going to kill you." He roared, speeding towards Chiz.

As he ran, his body cracked more and more like porcelain.

He was getting closer and closer to Keiz, nine steps, eight steps, seven steps away. . .

Qizi could move his hand suddenly, "The energy of the pseudo-magic stone is exhausted!" he thought instantly.

There was no time to pick up the wand that fell on the ground, so he could only summon the false Elder Wand that was stored in the simulator with one chance to use it, and hurriedly waved it.

Four steps.

"Smashed to pieces!"

"That is...!"

The broken body made it too late for Voldemort to react, and was blasted into a pile of dust by the curse that responded, splashing everywhere.

Also splattered Chizz all over, turning him into a blood man completely.

There was a scream from the place where Voldemort exploded just now, "Hey!..."

I saw a white phantom with sunken eye sockets and no nose exposed under the faint light of the lantern. It shook its head in pain, roared from the soul, and was about to rush towards him with a hideous and distorted expression.

At this moment, many fake magic stone fragments that fell on the ground, mixed with Voldemort's blood and minced meat, gave off a glimmer of light, illuminating the entire open space, and saw that these fake magic stone fragments instantly turned into powder.

The remnant soul struggled, roared, and waved his hands, but none of this helped, and he was dragged more and more towards the center of the vortex.

Soon, everything calmed down, and the silence in the Black Forest returned. Except for the mess all over the floor and Qizi standing there blankly, no one knew what happened in the Forbidden Forest.

Now his hands were shaking so badly that his legs were almost unsteady, so he had to sit down slowly while supporting the big tree next to him.Although I have killed a person, but that was in (Crazy Demon), when I was half mad, it was not really him who killed the 'Divisor'.

But now, he consciously blasted a living person, although he was also a monster, into minced meat with a spell.

"My acting skills are really incredible! I even admire myself for being able to say so many disgusting compliments." He was thinking about other things, trying not to let himself recall the deep-rooted fear just now.

After calming down, Qizi came to the place where the remnant soul had just disappeared, and saw a black translucent stone left on the ground.If you observe carefully, you will find that there is a gray-white translucent soul body constantly hitting around.

This is a very ancient alchemy. Chiz found this alchemy in an ancient forbidden book. It was originally a kind of alchemy used to imprison the undead and preserve the soul.
The ghosts born after the death of the first person were considered to be unknown, unlike those who can swagger around Hogwarts now, some wizards use this method to capture them for research or collection.

But Chiz improved it a little bit, using the pseudo-magic stone as a carrier to temporarily solidify a remnant of Voldemort's soul.

Keiz put it in the non-marking stretch bag and put it away, then took out the antidote of the compound soup from the bag and drank it, his muscles squirmed, and he turned back into the little boy who was less than 1.5 meters tall.

After cleaning up the minced meat and blood on his body, he took out his clothes and changed into them.

After changing his clothes, he came to the place where the tooth was just hidden, brought it to the place where Voldemort was killed with the Levitation Charm, and put a Sleeping Curse on it.

Then a red distress signal was sent to the sky.

Then he also lay down with his teeth on his back, gritted his teeth, and gave himself a hard blow to his chest.

"Cough, cough, cough..." There was a fishy sweetness in his throat, and he spit out a mouthful of blood.

Then it seemed that it was not enough, enduring the dizziness caused by blood loss, pointed the wand at his head and cast himself another sleeping spell.

In a whirlwind, Keiz looked up to see the sky, and there seemed to be snowflakes floating around the scarlet flare.

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(End of this chapter)

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