Hogwarts: more magic than magic

Chapter 33 Chapter 2 Animagus Form

Chapter 33 The Second Animagus Form

A flash of thunder suddenly flashed in Qizi's mind, "Since the Yirong Animagus can transform a person into another person, and the animal Animagus can transform a person into an animal. Humans are animals, and the Obscure transformed from a human is of course also an animal! My body has been transformed into an Obscure. Since I can't transform into a magical animal, can I transform into an Obscure? Or simulate in this direction in the simulation?"

"Simulator! Follow my idea just now! Start the simulation!"

【Cut sky simulator at your service】

【Simulation starts】

[On day 0, after you obtained the animal Animagus in the form of a lion, you had a whim and wanted to transform into an Animagus in the form of the Obscure.

You begin to refine magic in the direction of Transfiguration. 】

[On the first day, you showed Professor McGonagall your talent in Transfiguration and asked her about Animagus.

Although she opposes your contact with the Animagus now, it does not prevent you from researching this aspect of knowledge.

At the same time, you start to search for all useful information and prepare related magic materials. 】

[On the second day, ignore all external things, isolate all influences, and start to concentrate on research. 】

[On the third day, isolate all external influences and concentrate on research. 】

[In the first week, isolate all external influences and concentrate on research. 】

[In the first month, isolate all external influences, concentrate on research, and have a preliminary research direction. 】

【Second month,.】

[In the sixth year, you refuse to pay attention to all external events, even the resurrection of Voldemort.

After unremitting efforts, you finally found a method that is barely feasible.

At this time, Hogwarts has been controlled by Umbridge, and you are expelled from Hogwarts for violating school rules.

After you have collected the required materials, start configuring the newly designed potion after your research.

The potion is successfully configured, you sneak into Hogwarts to avoid the cleanup of the Death Eaters, and wait for the last ritual.

In a secret room of the school, at the moment when lightning split the sky, you took a purple-black potion that had never appeared before in the crystal vial.At the same time, activate the memory ball that stores the darkest memory of 'Little Chizz', and open the talent (madness).

In the cramped chamber you point the tip of your wand to the heart and say the spell "Amador, Animo, Animador, Animagus".So far so good, you've been feeling intense pain and all sorts of repressed negativity from 'Little Chez'.

You are still you, but it seems that you have changed back to your 11-year-old state.

You can feel the immense power of the growing magic in your body, as well as the terrible destructive power of this power.The light in your eyes has been replaced by a brand new sense. You can perceive everything in this world more clearly than you can see with your eyes.

Through this new sense, you discovered the Ravenclaw treasure hidden near this chamber.Just about to go to check, at this moment, something happened to your body, and the powerful magic power began to consume your physical strength rapidly.

After 3 minutes, you are physically exhausted, you lose all consciousness, and your body completely turns into a black wind.

At this time, an uncontrollable, violent mind is generated in your body, and under the addition of (madness), he begins to destroy everything around him crazily.

Neither the students, the professor, nor the rushing Dumbledore could stop the black wind.

Harry Potter appears on the death list.

His strength was still increasing rapidly, until after destroying most of Hogwarts, he was exiled by Dumbledore who did everything he could.

You wake up in a strange place, and from the people around you, you know that this is the Muggle world. 】

[In the seventh year, since you were exiled from destroying Hogwarts, you have been hiding in the Muggle world.

Animagus who dare not change into the form of the Obscure. 】

[In the eighth year, bad news came. A monster sealed in the underground of Hogwarts broke through the seal, and most of the wizarding secret realm where Hogwarts was located was destroyed and exposed to the world.

The Holy See brazenly launched a war against the wizarding world on the grounds that the wizards did not abide by the contract.

You quietly returned to the wizarding world, trying to take Judith and the others away, but instead you were somehow involved in one of the wars.Although you are considered powerful, you escaped from the wizarding world after being seriously injured in the face of the siege of dozens of paladins.

Fearing the power of the church, you have been anonymous since then, and you dare not even use magic again. 】

"Is there still something hidden in the underground of Hogwarts? No wonder Voldemort wants to seize control of Hogwarts. It's getting more and more interesting!" Qiz has become numb to these dangerous things that pop up in the simulation from time to time.

He then looked down.

[In the ninth year, most of the wizarding secret realms were destroyed, and you concealed your name to avoid being hunted down. 】

[In the tenth year, you concealed your name to avoid being hunted down. 】

【No. For 20 years, you concealed your name to avoid being hunted down. 】

[No. For 30 years, you concealed your name to avoid being hunted down.

A serious accidental injury made you have to use the magic power that has not been used for a long time again.

By monitoring the fluctuation of magic power, the Holy Court found you, and dozens of paladins and three bishops surrounded you. As a last resort, you turned into the silent Animagus again, opened (Mad Demon) and frantically killed all life around you, and fainted on the spot.

When you woke up again, there was a weird old man in front of you. He looked at you curiously at first, and then his eyes were full of disdain.

Just as you were about to say something, he raised his hand, and your body quickly turned into fly ash and disappeared into the wind.

"It's ridiculous for a lucky hapless guy to ruin my hard-earned opportunity!", are the last words you'll hear.

"??? Is it Slytherin? This way of appearing is very scary!" Chiz felt that the simulator's description of him was getting more and more terrifying. "Did you just raise your hand?"

[This simulation is over and the settlement is in progress. . . 】

【Settlement completed, please choose one of the following two rewards】

[1. Your ashes that were raised by Slytherin: It is very commemorative, after all, this is the ashes made by an out-of-limit mage himself.

2. Broken Broken Sword: A Paladin's Broken Sword, the only thing you have on hand before you die, remember!It was interrupted by you yourself. 】

[Additional Reward: (Animagus--The Obscure Form): As you can see, the final result of your life's research!Be careful when using it, that child hates this world too much, (madness) can draw him out of your body, and even arouse his anger.He is not really alive, so he hates all living things. 】

"Successful!" Qiz looked at what happened after he transformed into the Obscure in the simulation, and was a little worried, "It's just that the Animagus of the Obscure doesn't seem to be safe!"

"But from the introduction, as long as you don't open (Crazy Demon) when using it, it shouldn't be a big problem, it can be used!" After glancing at the introduction again, Chiz comforted himself, "It can also be used to kill the enemy together in times of crisis."

"The old silver coin, Slytherin, came out last, and I don't know if I can handle him in that state?" Qiz felt that the church's discovery of his traces must have something to do with him, otherwise it would be impossible for him to show up when he was at his weakest.

"Choose 2! My own ashes are too unlucky." Although I don't know what a paladin is, but being able to round up myself with the bishop should be extremely powerful, and the weapons they use should be the best.

While accepting the knowledge instilled by the simulator about the Animagus who transformed into silence, a great sword with only half of it left appeared in front of Qizi.

Keiz ignored the sword, but focused on the (Animagus--the Obscure form) he had just acquired!
He felt it silently, and he couldn't feel another heartbeat in his body like the Animagus who obtained the lion form, and there was no abnormality in his body.

He took a deep breath and began to cast a spell, transforming into the form of the silent one.

There is no obvious change in the body, but a little thinner.

If someone stood in front of him at this time, they would find that the colored pupils in his eyes gradually disappeared, replaced by pure white pupils.

Keiz only felt that his eyes suddenly lost his sight, but he could see again soon!
But it's not vision!It is stronger than vision. Standing in the center of the hall, he can see everything in the hall without turning around. Although there is no color, it is clearer than what the eyes can see. Even the trace of the magic spell running on the outer wall of the Room of Requirement can be seen clearly.

Some are similar to a three-dimensional sense, there is no perspective, there is no blind spot, and even perspective within a certain distance can be achieved.

Before he could experience this god-like sense in detail, a feeling of extreme depression, sadness, and pain came to his heart, and he felt that he really seemed to have become the 'Kiz' who ended his life painfully in the circus.

Along with these sensations, something appeared under Keez's skin, it moved under the skin, and a terrible, inhuman growl came from his mouth, and a barely visible gust of windlike matter gushed from his open mouth.

Everything in front of his body was almost shattered.The moment this thing appeared, Qiz knew that this thing was his silence!

Keiz hurriedly stabilized his mood, trying to control Momoran, but Momoran was completely out of control.

Once he concentrated on trying to drive it, his emotions inevitably slipped in an unstable direction, and then he began to run away silently, and didn't stop until Qizi stabilized his emotions again.

After trying a few times, Keez determined that he couldn't really control it, and instead destroyed almost everything in the hall.

During the break, Qizi suddenly had an idea, "If you have feelings, you can't control them, so what if you don't have feelings?"

After opening (mechanical heart) and setting goals, his emotions and thoughts were quickly suppressed, and he became a tireless machine that would only act according to the set program.

Keiz, who was standing in the center of the hall again, raised his hand stiffly, and saw that the gas-like, wind-like Momoran moved with his arm, and with a flick of his finger, he pointed at the half-human target that had just survived, and Momoran followed his movements and hit the dummy, smashing it to pieces.

Keiz raised his hands and stood still, maintaining his original posture. After silently smashing the dummy, he also floated in place, but the air around it was still twisting continuously, revealing its shape slightly.

In this way, there was a stalemate for 5 minutes, and when the time set for (Mechanical Heart) was up, Qizi put down his sore arm. While he was moving, Moran also ran violently, blowing up a big hole in the ground, and the entire hall was covered with dust from the blast.

Keiz, who was so frightened and disheveled, hastily exited the Animagus form.

After he returned to his normal state, the continuously distorted air also became smaller at a speed visible to the naked eye, until it disappeared completely.

"Cough, cough, cough." After using a cleansing spell to sweep away the dust around him, Qiz breathed a sigh of relief, rubbed his sore arm, and thought excitedly, "Haha, hey! There is another way to save your life, as expected of me! I can do it all!"

Looking at the messy hall, Qiz waved the wand in his hand and issued a series of restoration spells. Everything was being restored one by one. After a while, Qiz, who restored a small part of things, was already tired like a dog.

He slapped his head, "Why bother? Next time you come in, just ask for another room?"

Immediately gave up the repair, found a cushion to lie down and rest.

After a while, he suddenly remembered that he still seemed to have something to do.

"By the way, that broken sword!"

Keez found it in a pile of debris and dust.

The silent attack did not cause any damage to the broken sword, and Qiz thought it might be the reason why it didn't open (madness).But he didn't dare to try it in the school, if he lost control and really released the things under the school, it would be troublesome.

He stretched out his hand to clenched the hilt of the sword, it was cold and very heavy.The sword was broken at the waist, just like the simulator described, only half of it.

But the half of the sword body connected to the hilt has already reached Qiz's chest. He speculates that the complete sword body must be at least two meters long.It's hard to imagine how tall and strong the man who swings him must be.

This broken sword can be used as a normal weapon for him.He found a humanoid target that had just been repaired, and swung a sword relying on the strong physique and strength of an official knight.

I saw the humanoid targets being split obliquely from the shoulders. You must know that these targets are made of thick iron sheets wrapped with hard wood, and it is difficult to cause complete damage to them even with the blasting spell.

He stepped forward to check and found that the incision was very smooth, with very few burrs.

Sure enough, this is a very good weapon. If it is not broken, it must be of high value in the Muggle world.It's just that it doesn't see the light, and it's okay to use in the wizarding world, but if you go to the Muggle world, if you take it out and say it's not allowed, you have to be hunted down by the Holy See to death.

He could finally sleep well today, and he left the 'House of Requirement' contentedly. Although it felt like he had stayed in it for a long time, it was actually just time for bed.

He cast a disillusionment spell on himself, and swaggered back to the dormitory.

Chez recorded the new information found in this simulation before going to bed. He has been in this habit for a long time. He has memorized all the information that appears in the simulation almost every time, and made corresponding preparations.

I also wrote 'Ravenclaw's Treasure' on the paper to remind myself to go and see where this stuff is hidden when I have time.

 Tickets! Give me tickets!

  This shielding is very interesting, where is Dong XZ, it is shielded by XZ, I changed it to Dongzang
(End of this chapter)

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