Hogwarts: more magic than magic

Chapter 42 Conflict

Chapter 42 Conflict
After removing the two unstable factors of Quirrell and Kuhn one after another, the entire Hogwarts became quiet.

During this period of time, Keiz had nothing to do, and he sorted out Ravenclaw's manuscripts when he was not in class.He has sorted out a small part of the manuscript, but there is still a long way to go before it is fully restored, and he is already thinking about when to ask Hermione to help him.

A few days ago, he had saved enough energy points and took out the Sorcerer's Stone from the storage space of the simulator. He embedded this thing in a red locket with the Ravenclaw logo printed on it, and usually carried it on his chest and put it in his clothes.

This thing can indeed speed up the speed at which the simulator absorbs energy, and now he can get a little energy in two days.

Chez recently even discovered that the pendant box made of the Sorcerer's Stone can also increase the spells he releases to a certain extent, but it is not particularly obvious.If you have a chance in the future, learn alchemy to see if it is possible to amplify this increase.

After the last class of the day.

"Hi! Keez! Come this way! This way!" Hermione waved to him probingly, signaling him to go to an empty corner in the corridor.

"Hello! Hermione! What's the matter?" Keiz guessed that Hagrid's dragon eggs were about to hatch, and they came to watch with him.

"What's wrong?" But he still walked over with a puzzled face.

"Didn't Harry and Ron tell you when they were in the infirmary?"

"What?" Keiz answered knowingly, "They didn't tell me!"

"After you were called to the principal's office by Professor McGonagall that day, we went to Hagrid's hut, and there we found that he had a dragon egg!" Hermione said in a fast and urgent manner while deliberately lowering her voice, making her little nose shrug, which was extremely cute.

"You mean dragon eggs? Fire dragon eggs? Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure! And he has been trying to hatch for the past two days, and it seems that the thing will hatch tonight. Hagrid wants to invite us to go and see it together. Are you going?"

"Hermione, don't you remember? It's said in the book that this thing is a forbidden creature! If you are found to be raising it privately, you will be sent to jail!" Chiz asked pretending to be worried.

"Of course I know! But those two idiots asked me to invite you to take a look together. I argued with Ron for a long time, and I don't think it's a good idea. But I can't talk them down! So are you going? If you're afraid of trouble."

She was interrupted by Keez before she finished speaking, "Of course if it's a fire dragon! I'll have to check it out, but will Hagrid agree? Hmm?"

Hermione, who was worried about Chizz's attitude a second ago, immediately became happy, "We have already asked him! You can go together, but you have to promise that you will never reveal any information, otherwise, they will really take Hagrid away as a criminal!"

"I know, taming fire dragons without permission is against the law! I really don't know where they made a mistake, they would be interested in such a dangerous thing!" Hermione complained, while showing a look of eagerness to try.

"That's a fire dragon!" Qiz also showed a yearning expression, "You know, fire dragons are creatures in myths and stories in the Muggle world! They are powerful, elegant, wealth-oriented, and cruel."

"Have you heard their legends before?"

"Of course, I remember that when I was very young, my mother would tell me the story of the prince slaying the dragon and saving the princess every night before going to bed!" Hermione said solemnly, "But I just don't like to listen to it that much. Compared with the knowledge in the book, the old-fashioned routine stories are so boring."

Keiz could feel her insincerity, "Really? Then have you heard the story of two snakes who can turn into beautiful women and a doctor?"

"what is that?"

Hermione was immediately attracted by Keez's unrecognizable story, and they walked and chatted, and soon came to the hall.

Harry and Ron were already there waiting for them.

"Hi, Keez!"

"Hello! Harry, Ron!"

After saying hello.

"Did Hermione tell you?" Ron, who had fully recovered from his injuries, was only recently released by Madam Pomfrey and asked Chizz excitedly, "That thing?"

"While having breakfast today, Hedwig brought Harry a note from Hagrid. Hagrid only wrote four words on it: 'It's about to hatch'." Ron continued in a low voice, "You know, I was so excited at the time! At that time, I didn't want to go to herbal medicine class, and wanted to go straight to Hagrid's hut. But Hermione firmly disagreed."

He became more and more excited, and his voice became louder.

"Hermione didn't agree with us to go see it at first, how many times can we see Charmander come out of its shell in a lifetime?"

"We have to go to class, otherwise we will get into trouble; if someone finds out what Hagrid is doing, he will be more unlucky than us--" Hermione was unhappy when he heard his words, and leaned into Ron's ear angrily to refute.

"Stop talking." Harry whispered warningly and pointed to the side, where Malfoy was just a few steps away from them, stopping to listen to them.

The two of them quickly stopped talking and pretended nothing happened.

Seeing that they stopped talking, Malfoy left with his head down.

Keeze followed them as they hurried across the unsprouted fields, toward the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

Hagrid came out of the cabin to meet them.

His full beard couldn't block the red light on his face, so you can imagine how excited he was.

"Come out soon." He let them into the cabin.

The egg lay on the table, larger than any egg Chez had ever seen, maybe even two or three times the size of an ostrich egg.There are special patterns all over it, and with the shaking of the eggshell, it will emit bursts of rainbow light.

There was already a long crack in the top, almost running through the entire oval egg.Something was moving inside, making a very playful clicking sound.

They all moved their chairs closer to the table and watched closely, holding their breath.

Keiz noticed that the cross-section of the eggshell at the opening of the crack was shiny, like some kind of metal, and it was very thick, more than an inch.

Suddenly, with a harsh scratching sound, the egg cracked.

The little Charmander opened the top half of the eggshell, sat inside the egg and wobbled on the table.

It wasn't really pretty; Harry thought it looked like a crumpled black umbrella.Its spiny wings are very large compared to its thin black body.It also has a long, large nose with white nostrils, horned bumps on its head, and orange-red eyes that bulge outward.

It had a good appetite, and chewed the eggshell as soon as it came out of the shell. The dragon teeth rubbed against the eggshell and made the sound of metal clashing.

Soon the eggshells under him were eaten by him, it sneezed, a few sparks spewed out of its nose, and its size instantly increased.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" murmured Hagrid.He stretched out a hand and touched Charmander's head.The little charmander bit his finger, revealing its pointed long teeth.

"My God, look, it knows its mother!" Hagrid said, picking up the half eggshell that was lifted by it and bringing it to its mouth.

It quickly ate up the remaining half of the eggshell, and its size grew again at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Hagrid," said Hermione worriedly, "how fast does the Norwegian Ridgeback grow?"

Hagrid was about to answer when he suddenly turned pale - he jumped up and ran to the window.

"what happened?"

"Someone was peeping through the curtains just now—a boy—running to school."

Harry sprinted to the door and looked out.

Qiz also took a look in the past, it was the iconic white hair.

Malfoy saw Charmander.

All three of them panicked and didn't know what to do.

Hagrid immediately became indifferent, "See as soon as you see it! He can't do anything, as long as he won't hurt the newborn baby dragon."

He also invited them to sit down and eat the rock cakes he prepared, "Don't worry, come and eat something! Sit down and look at this amazing little guy! Look how beautiful she is!"

"But can you really not worry?" Keiz had a bad feeling.

After a while, Malfoy went back and forth, bringing with him several students with Slytherin marks on them, including several familiar figures of Keez.

Soon, they came to the door of Hagrid's hut. After discovering their arrival, Hagrid went out and stopped them at the door. "Hey! Stop it! Little wizards of Slytherin! You are not welcome here!"

There was a stalemate between him and the Slytherin group, and Keeze hid behind Hagrid and didn't show up for a while.

"Hey, I've seen it all, that monster you raised! Hagrid, don't try to keep it, you know, they will definitely throw you into Azkaban!" Malfoy wrinkled his nose, raised his head and pointed his nostrils at Hagrid.

He pointed to the senior student next to him, "Did you see that? This is Sevy Travers. Someone in his family works in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement of the Ministry of Magic. As long as he sends a letter, the Ministry of Magic can send someone to investigate this matter immediately! You can't keep it!"

"I think you'd better hand over that damn thing, or Azkaban will be your final destination!" The man followed Malfoy's words.

Keiz recognizes him as one of the three pure-blood families who clashed with him before Christmas.

During this period of time, Keiz has also investigated the background and detailed information of these three families in detail. They are members of the Travers family, Rolle family, and Foley family.

how to say!All three of these families strongly supported Voldemort during the First Wizarding War, and even now each of these families has one or even several Death Eaters imprisoned in Azkaban.

Keiz didn't know why they supported two forces at the same time, perhaps a temporary alliance of interests.But who the hell are they rooting for?If something is not pleasing to the eye, just teach them a lesson.

So, he immediately stood up from behind the tall Hagrid, "What do you guys want to do? Slander a school staff member?"

The man that Malfoy pulled out just now heard Chiz's voice, turned his head and saw it was Chiz, his face turned pale, and he immediately took a step back.

Then, an expression of embarrassment turned into anger immediately appeared on his face, and he shouted loudly: "You damn mud."

Before the forbidden word was fully uttered, Qiz pointed at it with his magic wand,

"Lock the tongue and seal the throat!"

Give him a shutting spell, and press back the word he was about to say.

"You'll be punished for talking nonsense!" Qiz sneered and looked at him mockingly.

Several other people wanted to take out their wands, but Keiz quickly waved the wands in their hands, and all their wands came out immediately.

"How dare you?" Malfoy looked horrified and went to pick up the wand that had fallen not far away.

Keeze cast a holding spell on him and held him there in an odd, all-fours position.

Ron and Harry immediately laughed.

And Hermione wanted to stop him with a worried face, "Kiz, don't do this! You will be expelled from school!"

Keiz said indifferently, "They dare not say it, after all, they are the ones who will be ashamed if they tell it! A group of senior students can't beat a first-year student. Snape won't have good fruit for them when he finds out!"

Hermione still had something to say, and Keeze didn't give her a chance.

I saw Keiz cast a blasting spell on a waist-thick tree next to Hagrid's hut, and the tree shattered and exploded with sawdust, and then broke in response.

"Get out of here!" Qiz threatened loudly, "Be careful that I do this to you!"

The six or seven people were frightened and quickly picked up the wands on the ground, and ran away without looking back.

The man whose tongue was sealed by Keiz backed away in fright, tripped over Malfoy who was lying on the ground, and rolled twice on the ground.

Keeze waved his wand at his mouth, breaking the spell he had just cast, and he cried out, "Ah!"

His body was covered with withered grass and fallen leaves, and he ran away without looking back.

As for Malfoy, Keez went over, kicked his high-up ass, and lifted the Holding Charm, too.

At the moment when the spell was undone, Malfoy did somersaults to the front before stopping. He was crying and ran away screaming.

Harry looked at Keiz excitedly, "Oh my God, Keiz! When did you become so powerful?"

Ron looked at him adoringly, "I've wanted to do this a long time ago, if it weren't for some problems with my wand! I also want to kick that cheap-mouthed Malfoy in the ass!"

Hermione still looked worried, "Kiz! Anyway, you hit them, and if they go to complain, you will be very passive!"

"It's okay, Hermione!" Chiz said calmly, "As I said just now, it's unlikely that they will publicize such a shameful thing. They should make some small moves in the future, but I'm not worried. Just call back when it comes!"

"Thank you! Chez!" Hagrid, who was a little dazed, also realized, "But you really shouldn't do this, even if they don't trouble you at school, their family won't let it go, you know, you know"

"It's okay, Hagrid! Let's go back and see that little guy before he burns down your house!" Keeze interrupted Hagrid, and changed the topic back to the newly born Charmander.

Hagrid immediately remembered that his sweetheart was still alone in the cabin, and immediately ran back to the cabin with distress.

Several people also followed Hagrid back to the cabin.

But this happened just now, and the few people were not very interested. After giving Hagrid a few words, Hermione took the lead and returned to the school.

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(End of this chapter)

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