Hogwarts: more magic than magic

Chapter 7 The Magical World Began to Go Wrong

Chapter 7 The Magical World Began to Go Wrong
【Cut sky simulator at your service】

【Simulation starts】

[Day 0, due to the blessing of talent (magic affinity), your magic power recovery speed is accelerated. 】

[On the first day, you followed Blanca to the Green Forest, the Poison Horned Beast rioted, and you saw the power of the Great Knight. 】

[On the second day, you asked Branca about the great knight's information, and learned the knight's training method from Blanca. She was very perfunctory and told you to learn magic. 】

[On the third day, you persuaded Blanca and promised Blanca that you would only exercise in your spare time, so that you could learn the knight's exercise method. 】

[In the first week, you quickly memorized the steps and key points of knight training taught by Branca with your photographic memory. Branca was very happy because she thought you were a genius. 】

[In the second week, it’s okay for you to be unable to enter knight practice, Branca encourages you, it’s a normal phenomenon. 】

[In the third week, you can’t get started in knight training, it’s okay if Branca encourages you, you need to persevere. 】

[In the first month, you can’t get started in knight practice, Branca tells you to learn to give up, and tells you to take time to practice and not delay your studies.Take the train to school.Enter the lion house.Taking magic class, because of the affinity of magic power, you are a magic genius, and you can learn all magic, but you seem to feel different from when you practice at home. 】

[In the second month, I couldn't get started in knight practice, so I took time to practice and got some insights.He took magic class and was unanimously praised by the teachers. 】

[In the third month, I couldn't get started in knight practice, so I took time to practice and got some insights.He took magic class and was unanimously praised by the teachers. 】

[In the fourth month, a week-long winter vacation, back to the foster family.Knight practice can't get started, and I have some insights.Blanca tells you it's okay, you just lack the talent. 】

[Fifth month, school starts, knight practice can't get started, take time to practice, and have some insights.Help Harry Potter defeat Voldemort in front of the Erised sunglasses. You are the first to come to Harry after he fainted. Out of curiosity, you took out the Philosopher's Stone hidden in his pocket, looked at it and put it back.Learn magic and get the love of teachers. 】

[In the sixth month, I couldn't get started in knight practice, so I took time to practice and got some insights.Learn magic and get the love of teachers. 】

[The first year, the end of the first school year, you can't get started with knight practice, and you gave up the knight path under Blanca's suggestion.Learn magic and get the love of teachers. 】

[In the second year, you were framed by someone who was jealous of you, and you got Tom Riddle's diary. Under Tom's bewitching, you fell into madness, and used the basilisk to kill several little wizards and teachers.After being stopped by Harry and Dumbledore who came, you just got fired since you were also a victim.They also broke your wand. 】

[In the third year, with the encouragement of your family, you found yourself and started knight training again. 】

[In the fourth year, the introduction of knight practice, but the progress is slow. 】

[In the fifth year, Lucia died at the hands of Death Eaters. You were filled with grief and indignation, hated yourself for being incompetent, and practiced harder, and your progress as a knight accelerated. 】

[In the sixth year, the progress of knight practice was slow, and he hid everywhere with Judith under the leadership of Branca. 】

[In the seventh year, you, Blanca and Judith got separated in hiding, and finally found their bodies in a ruin.You become an apprentice knight in great sorrow and anger, and the knight's training is slow. 】

[In the eighth year, Harry Potter died in the final battle, Voldemort returned to his peak, and began to quickly occupy the entire wizarding world, wantonly eliminating dissidents.You escape from the magic world in black horror.The progress of knight training is slow. 】

[In the tenth year, you finally became an apprentice knight and became a famous magician in the Muggle world.Voldemort finished integrating the wizarding world, brazenly tore up the God's Contract hidden in the Department of Mysteries, once again formed an alliance with the goblins, rekindled the flames of war that had been extinguished for thousands of years after signing the God's Contract, and declared war on the Muggle world. 】

[No.15, most of the wizarding secret realms were destroyed by divine punishment. As a knight, you joined the Crusade Knights organized by the church to hunt down wandering wizards and find the missing Voldemort. 】

[No. In 20 years, Voldemort made a comeback again with the help of Slytherin and Protestantism, using the three "powers" of the "Grim Reaper", the resurrection stone, the invisibility cloak, and the elder wand became false gods.After convening the old ministries, you brazenly launched an attack on the Orthodox Church. You were seriously injured in this attack. 】

【No. In 30 years, Voldemort restrained most of the attention of the 'All-Seeing Sun', and the 'Holy Son of True Seeing' shot to defeat the 'All-Seeing Sun'.In the same year, the gods rained down and occupied the land to enslave mankind. 】

【Year, dungeon mining. 】

[No. 60 years, dungeon mining. 】

[No. 70 years, dungeon mining.Died at the hands of the Balrog. 】

[This simulation is over and the settlement is in progress. . . 】


Seeing the increasingly outrageous simulation results, Qiz's eyes widened and he was speechless, "This is not the magic world I'm familiar with!"

【Settlement completed, please choose one of the following two rewards】

[1. Philosopher's Stone (pseudo): One of the "rights" exclusive to 'Death', a poor imitation of the Resurrection Stone and an imitation of the Philosopher's Stone.You could also call him the Philosopher's Stone.It has all the powers of the Philosopher's Stone, but it can't last as long as the Philosopher's Stone. You can only use it to make three elixirs (each can extend life by 20 years, be careful! Everything has a price!) or transform three kilograms of gold.

2. A worn-out broomstick: Well, [-]% new. 】

[Additional reward: (lion heart): A brave knight has a heart like a lion.After obtaining it, your courage will be enhanced, your physique will be enhanced, and when you practice chivalry, your efficiency will be 1.5 times that of the original.Congratulations!You are a born knight! 】

"Choose 1." With a thought, a blood-red gem with a strange shape came to Qiz.

It was cold in the hands, and a little heavy. Looking at this strange gem, I fell into deep thought, why is it like this?

It completely deviated from Qiz's imagination, and what kind of messy gods came out later?

The amount of information given in this simulation is quite large, and he also needs to sort it out.

Comparing the results given by the previous simulation, Keiz guessed that the transformation started in the second grade. In this simulation, he was possessed by Voldemort's ghost because of being plotted by the villain and was expelled.

So, "Simulator, look back at what happened the next year?"

[In the second year, a sneaky figure stuffed Tom Riddle's diary into your bookcase, and then you gradually fell into madness under Tom's bewitching, and he gradually penetrated into your consciousness, obtained all your memories, and learned about the development of the incident.

Tom Riddle was shocked, he used a special method to pass the information out before being destroyed,
However, under his influence, you used the basilisk to kill several young wizards and teachers, and then you were stopped by Harry and Dumbledore who rushed over. Since you were also a victim, you were just expelled.They also broke your wand. 】

It turns out that the problem lies here. Voldemort avoided most of the traps set by Dumbledore because of the memory of Keez, and finally killed Potter, which triggered the demise of the magical world and indirectly caused human beings to be enslaved by the descending gods.

"What's going on? Does the mechanical heart not work at all?" Chiz was puzzled, as if the talent hadn't taken effect.

But he changed his mind, "Once the mechanical heart is activated, I will be like a robot, so if it is not a special need, I will not use this talent. And I should have been recruited unconsciously, no matter what, I still have to be careful in the future."

After calming down a bit, Qizi realized that his thumb was hurting a little. Looking down, it turned out that because of the anxiety just now, he unconsciously rubbed the pseudo magic stone in his hand, and his thumb was cut by the sharp edges.

Seeing Yin Hong's blood flowing along the edge of the pseudo-magic stone, with a thought, the pseudo-magic stone was immediately taken back to the simulator for storage.

Keiz decided that he had to re-plan his life in the future.

"By the way, didn't you say that you can exchange energy for the strength you gained in the simulation?" Qiz was curious about the exchange method, "Can it be exchanged if it doesn't appear in the reward?"

[(Knight Lv3): Formal knight, the stage where knight practice really begins.Gain all the powers of a formal knight when selected.Exchange required energy.It can be exchanged separately. Lv1 needs 1 energy, Lv2 needs 4 energy, and Lv3 needs 16 energy. 】

"Excuse me!" Keiz has no energy at all now.

Qiz made a rough calculation, "Good guy, if I want to exchange the power of the great knight, wouldn't I have to save it for half a year?"

. . . . . .

Early the next morning,
Keiz, who had been tossing and turning in bed all night without falling asleep, got up early.

Chez, with two big dark circles under his eyes, went to the Green Forest with Blanca amid Judith's ridicule.

Then Chiz saw what happened in the simulation. The hill-like poison horned rhinoceros rushed towards the tourists like crazy. Although a group of wizards quickly waved their wands and cast magic one after another, it was like scratching an itch for the poison horn beasts with extremely high magic resistance.

Then it was punched to the ground by Blanca, who rushed over at a faster speed. Blanca picked up one of the front legs of the Poison Horned Beast, threw it into the iron cage with an over-the-shoulder throw. . .

"Awesome, I have to learn." Chiz, who had been hiding in the distance for a long time, was really stunned.

 Suddenly I remembered that the original intention of adding the emulator was cool. Why is this emulator useful for writing for a long time?have to change.

(End of this chapter)

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