Hogwarts: more magic than magic

Chapter 9 Train

Chapter 9 Train
Chez had a good month with this strange family. Although it is still a bit strange, he feels that he has integrated into this family.

Blanca found that Qizi became a knight apprentice on the third day after he got the "fire", and was shocked speechless. She lamented Qizi's rapid progress in knight practice. After thinking about it for a while, she regarded him as a real successor and began to teach seriously.

For the next month, Branca trained him in the strictest way, which made Chez a lot of rewards and exhausted him.Of course, I also practice some simple magic during the rest.

Time always flies by when you are busy.

In the blink of an eye, it was the last day of August. During this period of time, he didn't use the simulator, nor did he exchange for the subsequent knight level. He probably saved eight or nine points of energy, planning to use it to deal with the possible upcoming crisis.

During this period, he also designed the wand holding mechanism that he had imagined hanging on his arm. After testing, it was still very effective, at least better than looking for wands everywhere.

After completing the last round of training today, Blanca warned Chiz, "It doesn't take too much time to practice as a knight. You still need to focus on learning magic, but you can't let it go. Just take a little time to practice."

Of course, with the backing of the simulator, he usually doesn't need to practice hard, just exchange it directly.

Tonight he plans to do his last simulation before school starts.

"Simulator, set goals, stay away from Voldemort, live well, start the simulation."

【Cut sky simulator at your service】

【Simulation starts】

[Day 0, pack your things and prepare to go to Hogwarts. 】

[On the first day, (nine and three-quarters) met a strange old man on the platform and said some strange things.At your request not to go to Ravenclaw, the Sorting Hat sorted you into the House of the Eagles. 】

[On the second day, in the magic class, you are a magic genius, you can do all the magic, but you don't show it at all, and behave like an ordinary student.Knight practice. 】

[Day 3, magic class.Knight practice.Unable to hold back his curiosity, he went to the library to check for clues about the Sorcerer's Stone. 】

[In the first week, when you went to the library to check the clues about the Philosopher’s Stone, you found that the library is your treasure house, and you started to use your memory to quickly memorize magic knowledge, attend classes, exercise, and read books. 】

[Second week, attend classes, exercise, and read books. 】

[The third week, attend classes, exercise, and read books. 】

[The first month, take classes, exercise, and read books. 】

. . .

[In the fourth month, the winter vacation starts, and the knight practice enters the second stage, becoming an apprentice knight.Branca was a little surprised by your aptitude, taking classes, exercising, and reading books.The adventure followed the trio, waiting for Harry Potter to exchange the Sorcerer's Stone hidden in his pocket after defeating Voldemort and passing out.Discovered by Dumbledore, recovered and warned, and opened the talent (Mechanical Heart) in advance, Dumbledore did not get anything from your mind through Legilimency, but he was also secretly wary of you. 】

[In the sixth month, school starts, classes, exercise, and reading. 】

[In the first year, take classes, exercise, and read books. 】

[In the second year, take classes, exercise, and read books. 】

[In the third year, knight practice enters the third stage and becomes an official knight.Take classes, exercise, read books. 】

[In the fourth year, take classes, exercise, and read books.Voldemort is resurrected, but you have no intention of interfering, and start most of the time at school (mechanical heart), earning the title of 'mechanical nerd'. 】

[The fifth year, take classes, exercise, and read books. 】

[In the sixth year, she was suspended from school and went into hiding. Lucia died at the hands of Death Eaters during her mission.After killing several Death Eaters in a sneak attack, Blanca took you and Judith to escape to the Muggle world under your persuasion. 】

[In the seventh year, she took a break from school and went into hiding. After she settled you and Judith, Blanca disappeared, and her life and death are unknown.Harry Potter defeated Voldemort and became the savior again, and the wizarding world ushered in 'peace' again.You take Judith back to the wizarding world. 】

[In the tenth year, you married Judith and gave birth to a girl.Work at the Ministry of Magic.You haven't given up on looking for Branca.The knight training was interrupted because of Blanca's disappearance. Although you have reached the highest stage of formal knight training, there is no way to follow up to gather the ring of life, and the knight road is broken. 】

[No. In 20 years, you and Judith quarreled all day long, and finally divorced, and the child belonged to her.Going to work at the Ministry of Magic.Blanca was not found. 】

[No. 30 years, the Ministry of Magic went to work and dawdled.Slytherin's successor left in Voldemort's soul was brought into Harry Potter's body. After nearly 20 years of evolution, he gradually controlled Harry, incarnated a new generation of devil, and gradually unified the magic world. 】

[No. 40 years, the Ministry of Magic went to work and dawdled.Harry used the three "rights" of the 'Grim Reaper', the resurrection stone, the invisibility cloak, and the elder wand to become false gods. The 'all-seeing sun' sensed the appearance of the new god and took the lead in attacking Harry.The war between the wizarding world and the human world begins again. 】

[In [-], Harry was at a disadvantage in the struggle, and a large number of magical secret realms were destroyed. You fled with Judith and your daughter. 】

[No. 60, in a battle of gods initiated by Harry, the 'Holy Son of True Sight' used 'Annihilation' to penetrate the 'Omniscient Sun' together with Harry.Slytherin was reborn from the ashes and ascended to the throne.In the same year, God sent down like rain. 】

[No. 70 years, go to the abyss to hide.In the same year, you were captured by the paladins of the Church and died by waterboarding. 】

[This simulation is over and the settlement is in progress. . . 】

【Settlement completed, please choose one of the following two rewards】

[1. Philosopher's Stone (pseudo): One of the "rights" exclusive to 'Death', a poor imitation of the Resurrection Stone and an imitation of the Philosopher's Stone.You could also call him the Philosopher's Stone.It has all the powers of the Philosopher's Stone, but it can't last as long as the Philosopher's Stone. You can only use it to make three elixirs (each can extend life by 20 years, be careful! Everything has a price!) or transform three kilograms of gold.

2. (Magic Knowledge Lv5): The magical knowledge accumulated by a talented wizard throughout his life.The vast amount of magical knowledge you have acquired through (photographic memory), be careful!This knowledge is not yet entirely yours.Horrible things happen when knowledge chases you. 】

There is not much difference from the result of the last simulation, but the process is very different.

Of course, no matter what the outcome is, he will not be surprised. Even if human beings are enslaved and the world is destroyed, it will be decades later. As long as he acts carefully now, his normal life will not be affected at all.

Let’s talk about the future. Having a simulator is not necessarily worse than Harry Potter’s achievements. You can even challenge yourself and try to change the fate of this world.

After the simulation was over, Keiz didn't immediately receive the reward and analyze the simulation, but knocked on Judith's door and took a closer look at this rather big sister.

"Judith, are you there? I need you."

"What's the matter?" A lazy voice came out.

After a while, she was standing at the door of the bedroom in her thin pajamas, looking at Keiz with her head tilted.

Qiz looked at her, her skin was very white, there were some inconspicuous freckles on her face, big watery eyes, a straight nose, and delicate lips. Although they hadn't fully grown, they looked like a beauty. "It seems that I have a good vision in the future. Although this woman usually has some problems, to be honest, she is actually quite beautiful."

"What's the matter? My stupid brother. I have to catch the train tomorrow!" Judith looked at him lewdly and didn't speak. "Looking at your ugly face, I must have thought of something good. Are you coveting my mother's beauty? Or come up with other bad ideas", the first opening destroyed Qizi's reverie,

"Well, it seems that in the future, I may drive too much (mechanical heart), and I really become a machine brain. I can just find someone and start breeding offspring. No wonder I got divorced after ten years."

Keiz complained in his heart, but he still had a smile on his face. "How is it possible? My dear sister, how could I have such a bad idea? I'm just too excited. Isn't school starting tomorrow? Let me ask you what you need to pay attention to when starting school? I heard that after entering Hogwarts, you need to be separated. Is there anything you need to pay attention to?"

Judith rolled her big eyes, raised the corners of her mouth slightly, and showed a malicious smile, "Of course, of course, how could you not be sorted when you enter Hogwarts? We were miserable that year. I drew lots to fight a fire dragon, and some students were assigned to defeat a whole team of zombie soldiers. As for you! I don't know for sure, it may be stricter than ours that year." As he said, he patted the already majestic peaks and mountains, showing a look of fear expression.

"Hey, bad girl, if I hadn't known the process long ago, I'm afraid I would have been tricked by you." I complained in my heart, and at the same time put on a worried expression on my face, I turned my head and left silently.

After returning to the room, Keiz chose the pseudo-Sorcerer's Stone again.

Judging from the description later, the second reward is a bit ominous, and now that he is about to enter Hogwarts, he can check and collect magic knowledge by himself.

And the Sorcerer's Stone was destroyed by Dumbledore after Harry Potter defeated Voldemort's remnant soul. Whether it was really destroyed or hidden, Keiz didn't know.

But the chance for him to come into contact with the Sorcerer's Stone is only a period of time since the beginning of the Quidditch game, so he needs to get more wool.

Chez always felt that this thing might be of great use in the future.

Looking at the two identical stones in his hand, Keiz began to sort out the information obtained from this simulation.

First of all, Slytherin is a deeper boss than Voldemort.The god believed by the Orthodox Church, the 'all-seeing sun', seems to block the gods outside and protect human beings. . .

. . . . . .

The next morning, Keez woke up at five in the morning.He was a little excited and couldn't fall asleep anymore. He opened his eyes and thought about what was in the simulator yesterday.

He got up from the bed and put on the wizard robe. This was the first time Chiz wore it, and it fit well. The magic robe has a certain adjustment ability and can automatically adjust according to the little wizard's body. Now it is just right for Chiz who has become stronger.

Keiz and Judith, led by their families, came to the station.

He carried a hamster cage with a look of disgust, which was a gift from Lucia for the beginning of school.

When packing yesterday, Lucia suddenly discovered that he didn't have a pet. "How can a wizard not have a magic pet?" Under her strong request and suggestion, Chez had no choice but to choose a hamster that was the smallest and would least affect him as his magic pet.

He decided to call it Gray Mouse, although the little furry creature didn't really like the name.

"There you go, boys. Platform 9 - Platform 10. The (nine and three-quarters) platform is between these two platforms. Get your bags and tickets and get ready to board."

"The gods will come to the world again, @#%¥#%¥", his attention was attracted by the actions and words of an old man begging in tatters under the platform in the distance, "The world will be punished eventually,! ##¥#¥%¥." A sentence that he could understand was mixed with some completely incomprehensible ravings. This was the strange old man who appeared in the simulation.

"What are you looking at? We should go, it's just a crazy Muggle." Judith came over and urged him.

He then withdrew his attention and began to look around here.

On one platform there was a large wooden signboard with the number 9 cut out, on the other platform there was a large wooden signboard with the number 10, and there was nothing in between.

It may be that they came earlier and did not see Harry and the others.

Judith pushed her luggage, walked briskly towards the partition wall, and suddenly disappeared by the wall.

"Don't worry, look there, where Judith walked in," Lucia said, patting him on the shoulder. "You just keep going straight towards the partition wall between platforms 9 and 10. Don't stop, don't be afraid, just go straight in, it's important. If you're nervous, you run."

"Okay," Keiz nodded indifferently.He began to accelerate towards the partition wall, and closed his eyes subconsciously when he was close to the wall.

But nothing happened... He kept running... He opened his eyes.

A crimson steam locomotive was parked beside a platform packed with passengers.A sign on the train read: Hogwarts Express, eleven o'clock.Looking back, Harry saw that what had been a partition wall was now a wrought-iron archway with the words: (Nine and three-quarters) Platform.

Qizi, who has some mechanical design skills, can tell at a glance that this steam locomotive has the most advanced locomotive style.It should be the latest model produced by the outside world recently, but it is unexpectedly used in the magic world.

They came earlier, and there was no one on the platform yet.Lucia still had to go to work, so she had already left.

There were only a few students in the first few carriages. Some of them leaned out of the window to talk to their families, and some chased and fought.

Judith led Keez to the back cars. "It's quieter here, no idiots will disturb you."

With great strength, Keiz moved the luggage of the two into the box.

Then Judith started bragging to Keez about her feat of beating fire dragons in sorting.

Keiz's mouth twitched, and he responded helplessly.

After an unknown period of time, he fell asleep out of boredom.

Sure enough, the position Judith chose was very quiet, and there were no toads, no idiots who came to provoke trouble.Only in a daze, Kiz heard Judith open the door to buy some snacks.

When he woke up again, he had already arrived at Hogwarts.

 I'm sorry that something went wrong when I posted it last night, it has been re-edited.

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(End of this chapter)

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