Hogwarts: Past Life Exposed, I Am The Supreme Wizard

Chapter 22: What? Can The Cloak Come Out And Hit People? !

Casillas leaned in, his expression full of disbelief.

You must know that he has been a dark mage for such a long time and has experienced countless battles.

But now he was actually suppressed by a newbie, and the newbie had only learned magic for half a year.

Anger ignited in his heart.

Casillas also put away his previous contemptuous attitude and transformed his hands into magic blades.

The body unconsciously arched towards the front, like a ferocious beast about to pounce on its prey.

The next second, Casillas flew forward, and with just one flying move, he almost hit Strange.

Strange dodged and rolled upstairs.

A pair of magic whips in his hands kept parrying Casillas' attacks.

Angry and angry, Casillas ignored magic and attacked quickly with magic blades in both hands.

The two fought and retreated, and came to a place similar to a magic weapon room.

Casillas stabbed out with both knives at the same time, and Strange grabbed a drumstick-like magic weapon and blocked it.

A clanging sound echoed in the air.

The magic weapon was unscathed.

When the two were in a stalemate, Casillas suddenly smiled.

"You don't know how to use it, do you?"

Without saying a word, Strange picked up the drumstick and shined it on Casillas' head.

Dang, there was another muffled sound.

Casillas was caught off guard.

Seeing this, everyone in the live broadcast room laughed.

[Ronald: Haha, although I didn’t see a single magic spell, the fight was quite interesting. 】

[ Harry: I feel like this direct knock on the head is much more effective than chanting 10,000 spells. 】

[Hermione: Why do these dark wizards seem so invincible? 】

[Hermione: The blow just now could obviously knock him out. 】

[ McGonagall: I guess it’s because he drew power from some dark dimension. His black eyes have traces of magic erosion. 】

[Ronald: Come on Anton, beat that dark wizard into a Muggle. 】

[Cassandra: What a pity. If I could enter the screen, I would definitely give that guy a big stick to plug his front teeth. 】

[Luna: Anton, can you come to the corridor later? I want to treat you to the herbal tea I made myself. The taste is, emm, very sweet. 】

[ Flitwick: Luna! Anton is dueling! 】

[Luna: Sorry, Professor Flitwick. 】

[Luna: Anton, remember to come. That herbal tea is really, really delicious. 】

In the middle of the screen, the two are fighting non-stop.

Strange was gradually forced to a display case.

The magic weapon in the cabinet is a scarlet cloak, which is meaningless for the battle.

At this time, Casillas had completely lost his patience, and he had abandoned the actions of a wizard.

Instead, he used Muggle fighting methods, hitting Strange with elbows and shoulders.

This Muggle fighting technique is unexpectedly effective.

Strange was forced to retreat.

He turned around and was forced to the railing together with the cabinet.

At this time, Casillas was already out of breath.

He used all his strength to push Strange towards the edge.

The railing was suddenly disconnected, and the man was pushed down with the cabinet in an instant.

At this time, everyone in the live broadcast room had their hearts hanging in the air again.

They really didn't expect it.

Anton, who had been fighting this monster just now, was unexpectedly pushed down by this monster.

This is simply off the mark!

In the chat group, all the wizards complained.

Although they believed that Anton would not die so easily, they still felt unfair for Casillas' despicable way.

[Ronald: Cheating! This dark wizard cheated! Using Muggle fighting methods, what kind of wizard is that? 】

[Flitwick: Shameless villain! If it were really a wizard duel, Anton would have already won! 】

[Flitwick: What kind of wizard is he using some Muggle tricks? 】

[Flitwick: If we all used Muggle tricks to duel, my dueling lessons would have turned into tank driving lessons long ago! 】

[Luna: Mr. Dean, don’t get excited, Anton will be fine. 】

[Luna: There are still some disturbing things spinning next to his head, which proves that his thoughts have not dissipated. 】

[Dumbledore: However, children, this lesson also teaches us to value Muggles and their things. 】

[Dumbledore: Those unknown things may contain power that we didn't expect. 】

[ Harry: But that dark wizard is really difficult, just like Peeves. 】

[Dumbledore: I believe Anton, he has his own way of dealing with such a difficult guy. 】

[Dumbledore: Think about how he dealt with that robot. 】

Just as he was talking, Casillas on the screen had already stepped to the railing.

I want to confirm the death of my opponent.

But the next second, Strange rose from the ruins wearing that scarlet cloak.

The posture is more chic than before.

It was like Casillas' vicious Muggle fighting skills just now.

It's totally like a joke.

Seeing that Anton was fine, bursts of cheers erupted in the live broadcast room.

Casillas on the screen had a stern expression.

"Are you invincible?"

Strange didn't answer and stretched his hands.

The energy whip appeared in his hand again.

He leaned forward and hit Casillas with a heavy punch.

With just one punch, a scarlet mark appeared on Casillas's cheek.

Obviously, Strange's fists are not light.

He turned around to fight back, and his hands turned into magic blades again, trying to penetrate his chest.

But just as he stretched out his hand, it was instantly blocked by Strange's cloak.

Casillas looked stunned, as if his cloak was venting his anger for Strange, the two collars turned into two fists.

He fired his bow left and right at the dark wizard's face.

Snap, snap, snap.

He suddenly slapped him in the face forty times.

This time, everyone in the live broadcast room was completely entertained.

[Ronald: What a handsome cloak! I want one too! 】

[ Harry: So handsome! I also want a magical dress. 】

[ McGonagall: Cloak hits people, oh my God! These Eastern wizards have really unique taste in magic. 】

[ McGonagall: Very bold, but I like it. 】

[ Albus: It’s interesting, isn’t it? Minerva, I'd love to have one of these. 】

[Albus: I'm afraid I'll have to use the branches of the Whomping Willow. 】

[Grindelwald: I have studied a lot of interesting magic in Nurmengard. If you want it, I can help you invent it. 】

[Voldemort: That dark wizard is such an idiot, wasting the power of immortality and such a good talent. 】

[Voldemort: If I had such power! If only I had such power! 】

[Newt: Well, Mr. You-Know-Who, I advise you to breathe more fresh air and dream less. 】

within the screen.

A series of slaps made Casillas' scalp numb and his whole body dizzy.

The free fighting skills that I thought I had just now were completely defeated by the cloak.

This time, he was no match for Strange in magic, and even a cape in combat skills.

It just made him angry to death.

If it weren't for his master Dormammu, it would still take time to come.

He even wanted to quickly transport dark energy and tear apart all space.

At this time, Strange became more and more courageous as he fought.

The cloak parries the Dark Wizard's fists, the magic blocks the Dark Wizard's spells.

Under this close cooperation.

Casillas was almost beaten to death by this spell, and was defeated step by step.

At this time, the offensive and defensive dynamics of the two completely changed.

He turned into Strange and chased the dark wizard.

While thrashing, Strange grabbed a pair of armor by the wall.

Throw it towards Casillas.

Casillas thought it was a trick and swayed to avoid it.

But he didn't expect to be hit directly by the armor.

The heavy armor weighed him down.

He just wanted to chant a spell aloud.

Draw strength from the darkness and move this thing out of the way.

Strange's spell came faster than him.

With a snap of his fingers, the armor immediately came to life.

Click, click, click, even the mouth has been sealed.

Calisias was tied up tightly.

This time, the wizards in the live broadcast room could no longer sit still.

They all took out their wands from their pockets and cheered for Anton.

Casillas, who was trapped, did not panic. He spit out the seal on his mouth.

Start to seduce Strange.

"Strange, your magic is very strong."


Strange ignored it and looked around for the magic weapon.

"You should know that death is our greatest enemy."

"We wizards possess countless magics and powers, but we just don't know what to do."

"We are no match for time."

"Do you think that's fair?"

"As long as we are thrown into the dark dimension, we can live forever. There is no time there, and everyone you love is immortal."


Casillas was a little anxious.

"As long as you plunge into the dark dimension and into the arms of our Lord, your power will be ten thousand times greater than it is now!"

Seeing this dark wizard, on the verge of death, trying to seduce others.

Everyone in the live broadcast room was excited again.

[Dumbledore: Only a fool will believe in immortal life, but a wise man will make the best use of life. 】

[Ronald: The poet Beedle's fairy tale book said that immortality will be punished, and this child knows it. 】

[ Harry: But it would be nice if I could meet those relatives I have never seen before. 】

[ McGonagall: Don't ask the Dark Arts for help, Harry, they'll just covet everything you have. 】

[ Voldemort: Damn, this makes me so excited, but I don’t have this idiot’s owl address. 】

[Grindelwald: Hahahaha, I knew it would be like this. 】

[ Snape: Alas, the temptation of eternal life is indeed great. 】

On the screen, Strange paused.

Asked rhetorically:

"What about all the people you killed?"

"Will they also be immortal?"

When these words came out, everyone in the live broadcast room gave a thumbs up.

[Dumbledore: I like this answer very much! 】

Casillas was asked this question.

Complete silence.

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