Hogwarts: Past Life Exposed, I Am The Supreme Wizard

Chapter 28: Watch Out For The Dark Wizard, This Is How Time Magic Works!

The words fell.

Strange resolutely activated his magic, and his body flashed with green light.

The Eye of Agamotto opened immediately.

Endless power of time flows from the magic eye to everything around it.

In an instant, time and space flowed backwards, and the world rotated.

The water on the ground jumped up again and returned to the damaged fire hydrant.

Glass stubble was reorganized into walls and installed on street shops.

The stars in the sky dimmed again, and the temple began to glow with life again.

Everything is back to how it was before.

The dark wizard Casillas looked at everything in front of him in astonishment.

But his feet were gradually retreating, moving further away.


Gryffindor common room.

Ronald and Harry high-fived each other and hugged each other excitedly.


"Anton, the Chosen Son!"

Just when they thought everything was going to be desperate, they didn't expect Anton to have time magic!

And this time magic is the key to saving everything.

The two brothers felt as if they were watching a top-notch Quidditch final that went into overtime.

Now he is applauding excitedly.

"Anton! Anton! Anton!"

The noise made Neville get up from his sleep.

"Harry, Ronald, please keep your voice down."

Harry and Ronald lowered their voices, but looked only at the screen.

"Phew, it's better now."

"Blue Star was almost destroyed."


Inside the college, all the professors looked at each other in shock. No one thought that the time magic weapon had such terrifying power!

Flitwick lowered his head and wrote on the paper, trying to calculate the magic value of this thing.

Several other professors discussed in low voices and praised Anton's magic power.

After all, when all wizards are young, they want to create magic that can truly change the world.

But the only one who can turn back time and space with a spell is Anton.

Dumbledore sat among a group of wizards, looking at the pendant around Anton's neck.

There is no doubt that it is the power of the pendant.

The magic on the pendant was as pure as the source of magic, and even as powerful as the wand in his hand.

According to legend, it was a gift from the God of Death himself.

Only such a magical weapon can affect time and the birth and death of everything on a large scale.

Then, Dumbledore looked at Anton.

As the magic weapon is driven, the driver must be qualified to withstand the power.

Dumbledore rarely used the Elder Wand.

Not because I was worried about the wand's curse.

But he knows that there are some forces that cannot be touched lightly.

And Anton on the screen has completely controlled this power.

Got the approval of that magic weapon.

This talent is rare in the world.

Just as Dumbledore was about to say something, Flitwick suddenly raised his hand.

"Everyone, my calculation results are out."

"The power on that pendant comes entirely from the gems in it."

Dumbledore nodded.

Flitwick suddenly remembered something.

"Wait a minute, the robot that Anton dealt with at the beginning also had gems on him!"

"Would that be possible? There are actually many gems, and they all have the same power."

After Flitwick finished speaking, the wizards were completely silent.

If this is serious.

Then Anton's world is too dangerous!


[In the chat group]

[ Harry: Great Anton! We all forgot about the time magic weapon! Since Anton's time magic is so powerful, it is absolutely impossible for this dark wizard to summon monsters. 】

[Ronald: I finally feel relieved. I was scared to death just now. I really thought the devil was about to come out. 】

[Ronald: Anton is really awesome. Even if I go to the spider lair ten times, I still don’t want to see those two big eyes. 】

[Hermione: Coward. 】

[Ronald: Hey, everyone has something they're afraid of. 】

[Dumbledore: Bravery is not recklessness. Excessive use of time magic will cause immeasurable consequences. But at the moment, Anton's decision is definitely the best choice. 】

[Dumbledore: Never let that monster come. 】

[ McGonagall: The evil dark wizard can still be said to be human, but that monster, I really don’t know how to describe it. 】

[ McGonagall: By the way, there is also the overlord of the universe, what is it? If only Trelawney were here, we could still hear her prophecies. 】

[Ronald: There is no need to listen to this prophecy, Anton has already won. 】

[Snape: Wise men often worry. I hope you will know what this means one day, Mr. Weasley. 】

[Ronald: I don’t quite understand, but Anton is stable anyway, so it’s impossible for the monster to reverse time, right? 】


On the screen, Modu looked at the world in astonishment as if it were rewinding.

The word wtf was said silently in his mouth.

He has never seen anyone use the Eye of Agamotto to this level!

Not even the Ancient One Master!

If we talk about proficiency, it is only Agamotto himself who created this magical weapon.

Only then can we do it.

Beside him, Strange put away his magic and said to Mordo:

"Master Modu, now we have a second chance, come on."

Mordo nodded.

The two travel through a world that is constantly rewinding.

The rubble was filled back into the wall, and Modu conveniently stuffed a dark wizard into it.

Strange was not to be outdone. While helping the fallen grandmother, he kicked Casillas into the lake with a flying kick.

Since time and space are still flowing backward, all dark wizards must repeat their previous actions.

So they could only watch themselves being defeated by Strange.

The two have a clear division of labor.

Soon, the streets of Xiangjiang returned to their previous vitality.

Everything is clean, except for the occasional wail of a dark wizard coming from somewhere, nothing else is bad.

Time resumed its flow, and all the mages came forward to congratulate with respect.

"Master Strange! You did it, you defeated Casillas!"

"Brother Strange, you are the true Mage Supreme!"

Even the king, who had always been aloof, put his hands together and said to Strange in Longguo dialect:


"Your magic is admirable."

Modu also breathed a sigh of relief and said happily:

"Perhaps under Master Strange's leadership, our temple will return to its glory."

Just as he was talking, the sky suddenly erupted with a loud noise again.

Everyone raised their heads and looked toward the horizon.

I saw that the originally dark star curtain was torn open with a huge hole.

Countless purple things are eating away at the gap.

The smiles on the faces of the mages instantly solidified.

With a roar like a thunderbolt, the sky was torn apart.

Half of the night sky was filled with an extremely weird purple color.

The mages knew that this only meant one thing.

They are extremely afraid of the demon king Dormammu.

Break the seal and come back again.

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