Hogwarts: Past Life Exposed, I Am The Supreme Wizard

Chapter 47: Thousands Of Clones! Let The Wizarding World See The True Forbidden Curse!

By the time the black hole reached Strange, it had expanded to the size of an asteroid.

A large area of ​​land was compressed and swallowed up by the black hole, creating a deep and long trajectory.

It was as if scars were scratched on the entire surface of the deserted star.

Facing such a powerful and terrifying force, Strange remained calm.

The hands didn't even carve a curse seal, just blew lightly.

With one breath, the black hole as huge as a planet turned into thousands of paper butterflies and flew out towards Thanos.

This attack, which could swallow the planet, was easily resolved by Strange's spell.

It made Thanos feel numb all over.

There is no room for slacking off in this battle.

But before he could organize an offensive, Strange's spells came like a storm.

In an instant, Dan Kong's magic was activated.

Countless arms stretched out from behind Strange.

Thanos, who has seen a lot of things in the world, did not expect the current situation at all.

He was stunned for a moment.

And this was a daze, tens of thousands of Strange mages appeared in front of him.

Each one wears a cloak, and each one has powerful powers.

This makes Thanos unable to see it at all, and he doesn't even know which one is Strange's body.

For a moment, he was extremely surprised.

In the chat group, the wizards were increasingly surprised.

I thought that Strange's ability to turn a black hole into a paper plate was the limit of his magic.

Unexpectedly, he even transformed into thousands of clones.

No wizard can successfully cast this spell, it is completely Anton’s spell!

Regarding this top magic, the wizards' desire to discuss was suddenly aroused.

[Ronald: So many clones! Anton is simply amazing! Professor McGonagall, can this effect be achieved by using duplicate copies? 】

[ McGonagall: Ronald, did you not pay attention to the spell class carefully? You cannot copy intelligent life in pairs. 】

[Ronald: That means that this spell was created by Anton himself, and I have not seen the ancient mage use it. 】

[ Harry: That seems to be the case. I have never seen any wizards use this kind of cloning technique. 】

[Ronald: Cool! This spell is so convenient. I want to conjure up a few more of myself to teach for me. 】

[Snape: Naive, Weasley, the wisdom required to create such a spell is more than you need to pass the exam. 】

[ Snape: And to create such a flawless illusion, the spell talent required is completely top genius level. 】

[ Snape: Even ordinary geniuses cannot achieve this level. 】

[Flitwick: I agree with Professor Snape's understanding this time. 】

[Flitwick: Moreover, I have a slightly different idea. The spell Anton cast was not at all to confuse his opponent. 】

[ Flitwick: But for his next spell. 】957


[Newt: Professor Flitwick, are you saying that Anton’s clones may not have the ability to cast magic? 】

[Flitwick: My guess is this. 】

[Newt: This is so crazy! This idea is so crazy!]

[Newt: If this is the case, if everyone casts a curse, the wizard who uses this spell will be invincible. 】

Having said this, the wizards couldn't wait to look at the screen, looking forward to Anton's thousands of dharma bodies.

Even if these Dharma Bodies are just illusions made to confuse Thanos, they still need to have a powerful Dharma Five.

On the screen, Strange used thousands of clones to completely block Thanos' sky.

For this completely confusing spell, Thanos immediately thought of escaping.

The space stone flashes blue light, but Strange is obviously faster than Thanos.

The gesture was completed, and tens of thousands of clones threw out energy whips at the same time.

Thanos' whole body was tied up tightly.

This is no better than the five people grappling just now.

Strange's energy whip is like a chain protruding from hell, carrying endless magical energy.

The restrained Thanos was completely unable to move.

Unable to even speak, Strange pulled the energy whip in his hand.

Want to take off Thanos' gloves by force,

But Thanos tried hard to gather his arms, snapped his fingers hard, and activated the Power Stone again.

The energy released by snapping his fingers shot through the air.

Countless clones in the sky were all shattered.

At this time, Thanos has fully understood the horror of Strange's magic power.

He understands that if he doesn't give one hundred percent of his strength.

Then this wizard may really be able to cut off his dream.

Thinking of this, Thanos clenched his fists.

The power and the real space gem were activated at the same time, and the continent under Strange's feet began to shift.

Thanos stretched out his giant hand and grabbed Strange.

"The spell is good, Ichi.

"But you didn't use your strongest weapon."

Thanos stopped talking nonsense and grabbed the Eye of Agamotto on Strange's chest.

The magic weapon containing the time gem was caught in his hand.

Thanos suddenly felt relieved.

But soon, he felt something was wrong.

He looked carefully and saw that there was no soul gem in the magic weapon at all!

He was fooled!

The furious Thanos roared.

The next second, Stark, who was observing the situation, flew out from behind.

Countless missiles were launched towards him.

Thanos didn't even think about it and allowed the high-explosive missile to explode on his body.

The energy from the explosion was a complete scratch for him.

But Stark was not discouraged and flew forward.

Start a close combat with Thanos.

But he was punched away by Thanos.

Seeing this disparity in strength, the wizards in the live broadcast room had their hearts in their throats.

Anton said before that the victory in this battle is one in 60 million.

The wizards still didn't think so.

But seeing Thanos wearing the Infinity Gauntlet, it's like cheating.

Each of the illusions that Strange had performed in actual combat just now was a masterpiece that a wizard would never be able to perform in his entire life.

And even this was easily resolved by Thanos using the power of cheating.

The wizards watching in the live broadcast room already understood.

This battle is by no means easy.

[Ronald: That’s so unfair. Thanos’s glove is like the Elder Wand, even better than the Elder Wand! 】

[Ronald: If you take off your gloves [Anton can beat him to a pulp immediately. 】

[Harry: That lunatic! Never willing to fight fair with others]

[Newt: I’m even a little lucky now that the God of Death in our world only made three Deathly Hallows. 】

[Newt: If these weird gems and gloves get into the wrong hands, I can’t imagine what our world will look like. 】

[Grindelwald: Unfortunately, I only found one holy weapon in the end, but so what, if these gems get into my hands, I will be much more powerful than Thanos. 】

As he spoke, the battle between Stark and Thanos continued.

Relying on the advantages of his armor, Stark constantly used nanomaterials to create weapons and roam around Thanos to harass him.

Explosions, flames, even electricity.

Thousands of firepower exploded on Thanos' body.

Even Thanos' body was completely covered in smoke.

Even wizards who have never seen Muggle technology were extremely surprised by the powerful fire calendar.

[ Flitwick: I have to admit, this Muggle named Stark has some abilities. 】

[Flitwick: Although he doesn't know any magic, he can also do things that magic can do, fly into the sky, and create explosions. 】

[ Snape: But I still find it more convenient to use a wand. 】

[Dumbledore: Don't underestimate Muggles, they may have powers that we didn't expect. 】

[Harry: Come on! Mr. Stark!]

【Harry: Don’t lose to him!】

As he spoke, the battle continued.

Thanos was obviously angered by Stark's continuous attacks.

He stretched out his hand and grabbed it, generating infinite suction from the void, directly grabbing Stark who was harassing him from a distance.

Stark immediately changed his shield and formed a shield in front of him.

Thanos punched out, shattering the shield.

Stark changed the material again, turned the remaining material into a dagger, and attacked Thanos.

But the dagger didn't even pierce Thanos' skin.

It was completely blocked by Thanos' body.

Thanos counterattacked, constantly attacking Stark's suit.

In the end, even the automatic repair function of the armor could not stop Thanos' attack speed.

Stark had completely lost the protection of his armor and was choked by Thanos.

Hold it tightly in your hands.

Thanos held Stark up high like a trophy.

"It's time to make a choice."

"Mage, do you want him or the gems?

Stark kept signaling with his eyes.

"Don't give it to him."

"Strange, protect the Time Stone.

Strange stepped forward, just about to get closer.

Thanos immediately threatened:

"Don't come near me!"

"As long as you dare to say a curse, I will strangle him to death."

With that said, Thanos added a bit of (bfbd) power, and Stark suddenly felt suffocated, and his face began to turn red from holding back.

In front of the camera, everyone's hearts suddenly lifted.

Not just because Stark, whom they just fell in love with, lost.

It's because this plan was originally to protect the Time Stone.

But now their hero Anton is faced with a dilemma.

That makes it even more difficult to decide.

Is it the life of Stark who fights side by side, or the ecology of the entire universe.

Even Dumbledore, who has always been known for his wisdom, found it difficult to make a decision.

At this moment, the screen paused again.

[The question and answer begins with multiple choice questions. 】

【Will Strange hand over the Time Stone?】

【A. Yes, B. No

[Q&A timer starts]

Hogwarts boys' dormitory, the sky will be bright.

The Gryffindor boy had a sleepless night, and there were many coffee cups scattered on the floor.

Seeing this fateful moment, the boys' hearts were in their throats.

What's more, there is such a choice.

Harry looked at Ronald, Ronald looked at Harry.

Both of them had no idea at this time.

How they hope now that Anton can activate the curse again and reverse time and space.

I don’t want Anton to do this cruel multiple-choice question either.

Behind them, Prefect Percy patted them on the shoulders.

"Harry, Ronald, what are you going to choose?"

Harry asked back:

"Senior Percy, what's your choice?"

Percy smiled openly.

"I choose to save that Stark."

Harry nodded.

"Me too.

Surprisingly, no one in the entire college was in an uproar.

All Gryffindor wizards seem to be

It's like a consensus.

No one objected.

Ronald was a little confused, although he also chose to save Stark.

But he couldn't understand it at all.

Why all the Gryffindor wizards, at this critical time.

Actually chose the same option!

He asked several people.


"Friends, why do you want to save Mr. Stark?

"And you, Percy, you are the most considerate of the overall situation in the family, and you even deducted points from me before!"

Percy blushed and smiled awkwardly.

"The courage of Gryffindors lies in our courage to do the right thing."

"And true courage can be to charge forward on the battlefield."

“It can also be about having the courage to take responsibility for what you do.”

Ronald was stunned by these words.

Asked rhetorically:

"But, what about all the lives in the universe?"

"Isn't Anton a sinner for the ages?"

All the Gryffindor students shook their heads.

Percy said:

"No, the real sinner is Thanos who killed half of the people and forced Anton to make a dilemma."

"No matter which option Anton chooses, we feel he has a clear conscience.

Ronald sighed.

"Well, Percy, you really have the eloquence to get into the Ministry of Magic."

After saying that, he turned back to look at Harry.

And Harry entered his options on the screen early.

"Yes, Anton will hand over the gem for his friend's life."

Ronald was stunned again.


Harry said with an unprecedented serious tone:

"My father said it's only the bastards who make the most assholes."

"That's why you abandon your friends."

In Voldemort's castle, the Death Eaters' faces were ashen, not because they were worried about the unfamiliar universe.

It was because their master, Voldemort, failed to answer any of the questions correctly.

It seemed that the god who controlled the power of question and answer had not favored their Dark Lord at all.

Three questions, all answered wrong!

Almost made their Dark Lord angry to death!

Beside the screen, Voldemort stroked his chin and analyzed, if he had to make the decision.

He didn't want to choose either of these options.

He will definitely use the magic gem that controls time to travel back to before everything began, and then give the guy named Star-Lord two hard slaps.

But everything is not as expected, there is no such option.

So he could only find a true meaning from these two strange options.

There is nothing wrong with either of these two options.

Emotionally speaking, that Stark is Anton's comrade-in-arms.

Should save.

Rationally speaking, that gem determines the future of half of life.

It shouldn't be given.

The dilemma made Voldemort feel a little dizzy, and he couldn't help but look at Bellatrix next to him out of the corner of his eye.

"Bella, come here."

Bella hurriedly and obediently leaned against Voldemort,

Voldemort was tapping his wand back and forth on the screen.

While pretending to be casual, he asked:

"Bella, what do you think?"

Bella squirmed a little.

"I, I don't quite understand the thoughts of that city named Anton."

"Just say whatever you want and tell me what you think."

Bella was overjoyed to see that even though she answered two questions wrong, Voldemort still had full trust in her.

He quickly expressed his opinion.

"Great master! If it were me, I would definitely save the Muggle named Stark."

Voldemort was startled.

Who would have thought that Bellatrix is ​​actually a passionate person?

He asked a lot about the reason.

Bella immediately said excitedly:

"It would be interesting to think about sending half of the Muggles in the universe to hell!"

Hearing this, Voldemort was startled again.

This Bella! How come her ideas are always different from others!

Although he is loyal to himself, in terms of execution ability, he is better than ten people like Lucius.

But it is indeed crazy.

Her idea cannot be trusted.

Thinking of this, Voldemort immediately pressed his own option on the screen.

"I choose not to hand over the gems."

Bella was stunned, and the smile on her face disappeared immediately.

But thinking that he had provided advice to the Dark Lord, he still laughed.

At this time, Voldemort was also feeling proud.

This time, his troops took a dangerous route and did the opposite.

The reward for this question must be his!

In the corridor, Hermione frowned, feeling a little depressed.

This question is too difficult!

I just wanted to ask myself these two friends.

But before she could ask, Cassandra saw through her thoughts.

"I'm sorry, sister, I don't know how to make this choice.

Hermione couldn't help but sigh.

When she turned around, Luna was waving to her.

"Don't worry, Zhen."

"I already thought about what Anton would do.".

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