Hogwarts: Past Life Exposed, I Am The Supreme Wizard

Chapter 49: Battle Of Wakanda! This Battle! It’S Bound To Be Overwhelming!

Anton shook his head.

"I have forgotten some of the specific details."

"But I fought alongside them."

The wizards were speechless for a moment, although the Avengers didn't know the details.

But if you can fight side by side with Anton, no matter how hard you say it, it won't be any worse.

And there are people like Stark and Peter Parker.

This organization called the Avengers should still have some guarantees.

Something suddenly occurred to Flitwick's mind.

"Professor Dumbledore, if Newt was the spider boy in his previous life.

"Then are there people from us among these Avengers?"

Say this.

The professors were itching because Dumbledore's previous life, the Ancient One, had appeared before.

And Newt’s past life.

One of the two is a mentor and a professor.

The other is a young hero. After all, both of them are positive characters.

Even Snape, who had never smiled, was full of curiosity.

What was your previous life like?

As soon as he finished speaking, the picture on the screen changed.

An endless grassland appeared.

Underneath the grassland is a row of place names.


Seeing this strange place, the professors were a little strange.

Guarding the Time Stone is Anton and the three wizards of the Holy of Holies.

There is a lot of magic there, and the magic track is vast.

It doesn't feel like a claustrophobic place at all.

But this place called Wakanda is completely different, with this endless primitive grassland and a regional style that has no magic at all.

What are you doing again?

The professors' hearts, which had just sunk, became suspended again.

There was a loud noise on the screen, and Thanos' warship had arrived.

Just when it first arrived, the warship dropped bombs into the sky of Wakanda without hesitation!

The professors' hearts trembled.

But the bomb did not fall, and the barrier outside Wakanda caught him.

Outside these seemingly backward primitive grasslands, there is a "one, four, three" barrier that is guarding this place.

Flitwick wiped the sweat from his brow.

In the chat group, the wizards were having heated discussions.

[Ronald: Huh, I could see that I was sweating just now. Where did these Muggles learn the Iron Curse? 】

[Hermione: This is an area I don't understand, but their technology is much better than what we see now. 】

[Hermione: There are even some areas that are comparable to wizards' spells. 】

[Ronald: Merlin! Muggle magic comparable to wizards!]

[Ronald: If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would have thought it was Fred telling a joke. 】

[Dumbledore: Muggles have great potential. Mr. Stark is an example. The technology they have today can indeed do it. 】

[ Harry: Can they stop Thanos? 】

[ Flitwick: I hope so, otherwise my heart will stop. 】

[ Flitwick: When that bomb fell just now, my heart almost stopped. 】

[Grindelwald: Don’t make such a fuss. If someone doesn’t answer the question correctly even once, isn’t he living a good life? 】

[Voldemort: Stop arguing! Grindelwald, watch how Thanos crushes them! 】

[Grindelwald: Someone is very excited. 】

Just as he was talking, the battle on the screen had already begun.

Millions of magical beasts from foreign lands are constantly attacking the barrier, and every second and every moment seems to shake the world.

Outside the barrier, the monsters stretched out their fangs and opened their bloody mouths to bite the barrier.

Within the barrier, the king's soldiers were waiting in full formation.

They held spears and cloaks in their hands. Facing the harsh enemy, these soldiers had no fear on their faces.

[Voldemort: They want to use spears to deal with an army of millions of monsters?!]

[Voldemort: Even if you give each of them a wand, they can't do it! 】

[Grindelwald: Don’t worry, noseless, just take a look and talk. 】

[Flitwick: You know, if those Muggles can block Thanos' bombs, their abilities must be more than that. 】

[Voldemort: I doubt it. 】

In the middle of the square, a man with the appearance of a king raised his hands.

"Today, this is our last battle."

"For the fate of the universe, for Wakanda."

"Wakanda! Forever!"

After speaking, he led the crowd forward, and the phalanx took the initiative to charge towards the monsters outside the barrier.

The wizards somewhat admired this man's courage.

But taking the initiative would be a bit reckless.

The phalanx moved forward and came within ten meters of the alien beasts.

Black Panther gave an order, and countless warriors pointed their spears toward the front.

Then, countless light cannons suddenly burst out from the tip of the spear, launching a bombardment at the army of monsters outside.

The light cannon fired into the enemy formation, like Avada's Kedavra, wiping out all the monsters in the front row.

The first round of light cannon was just right, and the soldiers behind fired another heavy cannon.

Round after round, the bombardment was completely non-existent.

This modern attack made the professors' eyes wide open.

[ Voldemort:????, are their spears wands? Why can they still use magic! 】

[Voldemort: These Muggles have stolen the wisdom of wizards! They deserve to be killed!]

[Dumbledore: Although they are similar, what they emit is not magic power, but a pure energy wave. The source is the stone on their weapon. ]

[Dumbledore: Very good material and good creativity. 】

[Flitwick: Fortunately, the Muggles in this world are much stronger than those in our world, otherwise I really don’t know how they would deal with such opponents. 】

[ McGonagall: Phew, wish them good luck, at least for now, playing bravely. 】

[ Harry: By the way, where are the Avengers that Anton mentioned, is that them? 】

As soon as Harry finished speaking, the camera shifted from the soldiers who were constantly fighting to another position.

A man wearing a star-striped suit was holding two shields and was cutting melons and vegetables to kill monsters.

And beside him, ten men with iron hands were constantly volleying at the enemy troops coming by H.

The two cooperated tacitly and were skilled in marksmanship. They were obviously battle-hardened veterans.

Steve hammered his shield against the flesh and blood of the monsters around him.

While keeping an eye on Bucky.

Several monsters sneaked in from the side, Steve immediately warned.

"Bucky, please take care of the left side."

Several bullets were fired, and the monster's head was smashed into pieces.

Several more monsters approached, and Steve waved his shield and easily blocked the attacks.

Just when he was about to turn around and fight again, Bucky had already cleared away all the monsters around him.

With the cooperation of the two of them, no monster dared to approach within a hundred miles.

Although it was just two people, it still had the effect of an army.

The wizards had seen these two people from the images of Anton's explosion.

These two people should be members of the Avengers that Anton mentioned.

I couldn't help but praise the two's fighting abilities.

The camera turned and their names were revealed.

[Captain Badass: Steve Rogers]

【Winter Soldier: Bucky】

Seeing this name, Newt's eyes suddenly lit up.

She poked Rita, the Auror from the Bad Country next to her.

"Captain Mildew, Rita, are you one of them?"

Rita was a little dizzy, even though she was a well-established webmaster in China.

But I have never heard of Captain Mildew.

She studied Steve Rogers on the screen for a moment.

Although this man looks like a standard white man from the United States.

But she had no impression at all.

"Sorry, Newt, I guess this captain is unique to that world."

Newt couldn't help but feel a little regretful in his tone.

"When I see him, I always feel a little familiar."

Just as he was talking, Steve smashed another strange beast to death with his eyebrows.

Although the two of them did not fall behind in the battle, they were compared to the vast number of strange beasts.

Just a drop in the ocean.

Soon, the physical strength of the two gradually fell into a disadvantage.

More and more strange beasts rushed out like a tide.

Just as Bucky was about to reload, he was pinned down by a strange beast.

He blocked with his fist and knocked the alien beast to the side with one punch, but more and more alien beasts took this opportunity and came forward.

Bucky was gradually surrounded.

At this moment, the sky suddenly roared.

A figure jumped from the sky and landed on the battlefield.

It was a red and yellow giant armor, even a head taller than all the alien beasts.

Seeing this person arriving, Steve happily shouted:

"Dr. Banner!"

The mecha fired its heavy cannon, sweeping away all the alien beasts.

Dr. Banner, wearing Hulkbuster armor, is incomparable.

It seemed like it was about to tear a hole in the battlefield.

The two heavy cannons on both arms fired alternately, and the ten silos on the back rose to the sky in sequence.

The originally mighty beast tide was once again repulsed.

The three of them had a moment to chat.

Steve asked:

"Banner, how are they doing, doctor?"

Banner shook his head.

"A few hours ago, Strangebo was telling us to hold our ground.

"He said things would turn around."

Steve nodded.

"Bucky, let's protect this place."

"Don't let a monster in!"

After the two of them finished speaking, a new herd of beasts had already emerged.

Bursts of gunfire exploded among the beasts, but this time the beasts charged much faster than before.

Even bullet shooting can't slow down their speed.

【Chat group】

[ Harry: No, the number of those alien beasts is obviously much greater than them. 】

[Ronald: It’s like there’s no end to these things. 】

[ Voldemort: Compared to my army of Inferi, these Thanos' creations seem to be more creative. 】

[Voldemort: Interesting, I seem to be in need of this kind of magic. 】

The scene suddenly switches to the sky.

Thanos' battleships are constantly releasing alien beasts.

On the battlefield further away, Falcons and war machines were bombing below.

Heavy explosives exploded over the land again and again.

But it was completely unable to eliminate the number of these strange beasts.

There are still a steady stream of alien beasts emerging from Thanos' troopship.

Looking from the sky, apart from the black phalanx of Wakandan warriors, there were only a few people on the battlefield.

The hearts of the wizards were violent again.

[Ronald: If only Anton were here, he could turn these monsters into powder with a single spell...1

[ Harry: It’s really scary. It feels like hundreds of people have to deal with hundreds of thousands of people! Each person has to deal with thousands of monsters! 】

[Flitwick: This is no longer a battle, this is a real war. 】

[McGonagall: They still haven't retreated a step, they are very, very brave. 】

[ Flitwick: But it is obvious that if Anton

If they don't come, they will soon be unable to hold on. 】

[Hermione: Indeed, their physical strength is declining. 】

On the screen, gaps had begun to appear in the originally impenetrable defense line.

More and more monsters are pouring into the battlefield, and then new monsters break in.

On the ground, Steve's hand waving the shield could already clearly feel the difficulty.

But he still waved the shield over and over again to help Bucky beside him block the attack.

A strange beast rushed from behind him.

Steve bent down and smashed the monster's head cleanly.

"I could fight you all day."

Before he finished speaking, four strange beasts surrounded him.

Bucky beside him had already started hitting people with his rifle because he disliked the bullets shooting too slowly.

Now, there is no support from Banner on the battlefield.

Banner, whose bullets were empty, could only fight hand-to-hand with the alien beasts.

More and more alien beasts took advantage of his lack of bullets.

Almost hundreds of alien beasts climbed onto his armor at the same time.

The heavy Hulkbuster armor was also dragged down by the alien beasts. Banner could only swing his body to try to get rid of these monsters.

The balance of the battlefield seems to be completely tilted towards Thanos.

[Voldemort: Hahaha, under the endless army of our Lord Thanos, no one can escape! 】

[Ronald: It’s over. Even the steel giant has been held back. It’s all over now. 】

[ Snape: Mr. Weasley, you are too pessimistic. Five points from Gryffindor. 】

[Ronald: Unless a savior comes from the sky, there is really no way. work

[McGonagall: Even so, we have to fight until the end. 】

[ McGonagall: Moreover, I believe Anton, there is absolutely no reason why he arranged this battle this way. 】

[ Flitwick: I believe in Anton too. 】

[Flitwick: Remember the battle with the dark wizard? At first we thought the dark wizard was going to win. 】

[ Flitwick: But Anton used his wits to deal with him. 】

The mood of the wizards gradually calmed down, although fighting was still taking place on the battlefield like a meat grinder.

But the wizards were not discouraged, but were waiting for someone.

As countless alien beasts eroded the armor, Banner was gradually out of breath.

He knelt down on one knee and let the beasts climb onto his body.

In the distance, a large number of alien beasts landed via troop transport ships.

The entire battlefield was like a killing spree of alien beasts.

Despite this, the Avengers who are holding on here still haven't retreated a step.

Bucky looked at the vast herd of beasts and whispered to Steve:

"Steve, we don't last more than half a minute."

"Go back to the castle! We will defend the castle."

Steve's face darkened, he knew that if he really defended the castle.

That is equivalent to committing suicide slowly.

But now the herd of beasts has become more and more numerous. If they don't retreat to the castle.

Just like Bucky said, he couldn't even last half a minute.

Steve gritted his teeth and planned to buy 5.0 bags.

But the moment he spoke, a dazzling beam of light erupted in the sky.

This beam penetrated the battlefield and burned a third of the alien beast army.

Three figures appeared in the beam of light.

"I am back again!"

A tough guy with short hair held a battle ax high. Beside him were a small tree man and a raccoon holding a heavy cannon.

The wizards recognized at a glance that this man was Thor, the God of Thunder, who had been looking for Strange before.

But now Sol has short hair and a weather-beaten appearance.

It seems that he has been through a lot.

He waved his hand, and the battle ax in his hand immediately transformed into a living electric current, constantly moving through the group of alien beasts.

The lightning swept across, and Zeng fell down without exception.

In an instant, he cleaned up a large number of strange beasts.

Seeing Thor's arrival, Banner in the armor shouted happily,

"Surrender! My brother Thor is here!"

The wizards were also refreshed by the power of thunder.

With the help of the God of Thunder, even a herd of hundreds of millions of beasts can be wiped out.

In the chat group, the wizards once again resumed their heated discussion.

[Ronald: Thor! So handsome! It’s a bit difficult to become a mage like Anton. I want to become a warrior like Thor in the future! 】

[Snape: The ideal is lofty, but the reality is cruel. 】

[Harry: It turns out that Anton had already known that Thor would come! That’s why he ordered to hold on! 】

[Flitwick: I’m quite relieved too, just look at the thunder and lightning on his sign! That power is more powerful than a fainted Southerner!]

[Newt: That little tree man is really cute. Is he the Bowtruckle when he grows up? I just don’t know what that raccoon is? Is it a new species? 】

While they were discussing, Thor held a battle ax and shouted angrily at the enemy.

"Who among you will die first?"

At this time, a name suddenly appeared at Sol's feet.

[Thor:Sirius Black]

The wizards were all startled!

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