Hogwarts: Past Life Exposed, I Am The Supreme Wizard

Chapter 51: The Supreme Mage’S Strength Returns! The Avengers Reverse Time!

[Sirius: Hey, what do these people do? 】

[Sirius: Hello, is anyone there? I am bored to death in prison. 】

【Harry: Are you Sirius?!】

[Sirius: Harry! It’s so nice to see you! 】

[Sirius: I saw the newspaper in prison, they left you to be raised by Muggles! It’s really unforgivable!]

[Sirius: If I hadn’t been caught and thrown into prison by those people, I should have raised you! 】

[Sirius: I'm so sorry, Harry, I, I was too reckless and too stupid. 】

[Sirius: James and Lily died, my mind was extremely impulsive and I did a lot of stupid things. 】

Seeing these lines of font, Harry was a little silent. This Sirius didn't look like a monster at all, but like a person who really cared about him.

Think again of the warning Anton said before.

He's obviously not that person.

[Harry: If it wasn’t you who betrayed my parents, then who? 】

[Voldemort: Hahahahaha, you didn’t know this all along? 】

[Sirius: Peter! Peter Pettigrew! Get out of here! 】

[Sirius: James trusts him so much that he chose him to be the secret keeper! 】

[Sirius: But he, he actually betrayed James! 】

Harry's heart suddenly felt angry. If this was true, this was Peter who had betrayed his friends and betrayed his friends.

Only then should be sanctioned.

But where is Peter?

While Harry was thinking, Ronald's pet Scabbers seemed extremely manic.

This little mouse is jumping around, as if he is going out to find something.

"Ronald, please quiet that rat of yours."

Ronald grabbed the mouse into his pocket and closed the pocket tightly.

[Harry: Where is Peter?]

[Sirius: I don’t know, Harry, that rat turned into a rat, probably in some sewer. 】

[Sirius: Okay, can you tell me what the screen is for? 】

Hearing this, Harry's heart completely died. There are hundreds of billions of rats in the world, and it would be completely impossible to find them one by one.

He looked at the screen dejectedly, and now he could only hope to answer the questions on the screen correctly.

Just when Harry was depressed, Anton suddenly reached out to Ronald.

"Can I see your rat?"

Ronald, who admired Anton extremely, immediately opened the bag, and Shi Banban handed it to Anton.

"Be careful, Anton, this little thing can bite."

Anton grabbed Banban in his hand. When the little mouse touched Anton, it started struggling crazily.

Ronald is a little strange.

"Anton, this mouse usually only sleeps, why is it so lively today?"

Anton asked rhetorically:

"Ronald, how long has this rat been in your house?"

"It has been Percy or Bill's pet for more than twenty years. My parents left it to me."

"How long can an average mouse live?"

Ronald was stunned.

"Five years, army?"

Anton asked again:

"Remember when we were in the car? You wanted to cast a spell and turn this rat yellow."

Ronald scratched his head shyly when he remembered that he had turned himself into a magic spell and exploded.

"My wand is also my brother's."

"It's really inconvenient to cast the transformation spell."

Anton shook his head.

"No, Ronald, it's not because of your spell. Your casting steps are actually correct."

When Anton said this, Ronald became even more confused.

"What's that for?"

"Because intelligent creatures cannot be transformed, and the same goes for Agmanis." 1

Ronald was stunned, and Harry's eyes seemed to light up.

"Wait, you mean?"

Anton grabbed the mouse and threw it to the ground. The powerful magic power knocked the mouse out of his human form.

It was a wretched, short, fat man. When it saw its prototype, it immediately knelt down in front of Anton.

Keep kowtowing.

"Lord Anton! Lord Anton!"

"Spare me! Spare me!"

Harry immediately understood what was happening and his eyes lit up instantly.

He whipped out his wand and pointed it at Pettigrew.

My heart was filled with surprise.

How did Anton do it?

Why did he deduce that Ronald's rat was Pettigrew from just a few words?!

It’s like having your eyes opened!


Peter Pettigrew kept kowtowing.

But Anton just raised his hand, and Peter flew out instantly and hit the wall.

Turned into ashes.

All in one moment.

Harry's eyes suddenly filled with tears.

Only Ronald looked at the two of them confused, not understanding what the two of them were doing?

But looking at Pettigrew's body, Ronald was a little scared.

"An, Anton"||?"

Anton casually sent Pettigrew's memory into their heads.

"See for yourselves."

Then, he sat back in front of the screen.

After a while, Harrow came over, his eyes full of admiration for Anton.

How is this a wizard? This is simply a detective!

Deduced Peter's identity using only magic!

Ronald looked in admiration and asked tentatively:

"Anton, no, Archmage Anton, how did you see it?

Anton pointed to Ronald's pocket.

"My magic is back a bit."

"As soon as I recovered, I heard the thing in your pocket cursing continuously.

Ronald was shocked at that time.

Isn't this Legilimency? Professor Snape's specialty!

Snape once said that he had been studying for six years in order to practice Legilimency.

Professor Snape's Legilimency also requires casting a spell. Even if it is a silent spell, it cannot be silent.

And Anton's Legilimency has simply reached its peak level.

Recalling the power of the supreme mage in Anton's previous life.

Ronald was a little distracted for a moment.

With Anton's current level, does he still need to go to school?!

Next to him, Harry told everyone in the chat group what happened.

Little Sirius, who was learning the live broadcast room function, was instantly shocked.

[Sirius: What?! That traitor was actually killed by a boy named Anton?!]

[Sirius: Great! Great! 】

[Sirius: Genius thought, heroic behavior!]

[Sirius: Mr. Anton, you are definitely worthy of being the Supreme Mage! 】

[Sirius: Thank you for avenging me. Although we have not met, I owe you a big favor. 】

[Sirius: I will repay you. 】

[McGonagall: Not even me, there are Death Eaters among my students!]

【McGonagall: What kind of dean am I being?】

[ McGonagall: Anton, thank you. 】

[ McGonagall: Your vision is greater than mine. 】

[ Pomona: Do we need to notify the Ministry of Magic? Even though it was a Death Eater who died. 】

[ Pomona: But. 】

[Dumbledore: No need, heroic deeds do not need to be judged by the Ministry of Magic. 】

[Dumbledore: Anyway, Pettigrew will eventually get kissed by the Dementor. This ending is just an early execution. 】

[Dumbledore: And Anton didn't use the Unforgivable Curse, did he?]

[ Voldemort: Idiot, Pettigrew. 】

[Voldemort: They are all useless. 】

Just as the wizards were congratulating themselves on Anton's move, the sound of the Q&A started was heard again in the live broadcast room.

[Q&A begins: What will be the end of Thanos? 】

[Can Thor’s ax kill Thanos? 】

[There are only two options for this question. 】

[Yes, or no. 】

This question undoubtedly dropped a bomb in the group.

It touches the hearts of all wizards.

You must know that in the fierce battle just now, Thanos has demonstrated the true power of the six infinity stones.

But the sudden blow from Thor, the God of Thunder, undoubtedly added an element of uncertainty to this battle.

What if Sol can win?

Inside the castle.

Voldemort was almost helpless. He failed to answer the questions correctly several times.

Countless opportunities slipped away from his hands, leaving him with only helplessness.

This time, he planned not to trust anyone.

He looked at the picture carefully. In the picture, Thor's storm ax had been chopped down.

The power of thunder in that blow was like destroying the world, and no force could stop it.

Not even Thanos.

Although it felt a little against his will, Voldemort chose it without hesitation.



In the prison of Azkaban, Sirius laughed heartily.

Ever since his best friend was killed by the Dark Lord.

This was the first time he laughed.

In the laughter, there is endless joy.

Many thanks to the mage named Anton.

What a great guy.

But now, this thing exposed in the previous life is obviously more important.

Sirius looked up and saw Thor's name below,


Sirius was startled, then laughed.

Thor, the God of Thunder, is actually his previous life!

What a humorous irony!

The dementors outside felt this extraordinary emotion of joy and wandered around the door.

But Sirius didn't care.

Since this Sol is himself, he must support him.

He clicked without hesitation.

The Great Hall of Hogwarts.

The professors were discussing what was on the screen.

Recalling Anton’s determined look before.

They all understand that this battle is destined to be won.

Look at the power of Thor's ax that can suppress all gems.

The eyes of these wizards became more determined.

Flitwick didn't hesitate to capture the words on the screen.

"Okay! Please Blake!"

"The fate of the entire universe rests in your hands."

Cassandra took pictures of the girls' corridor without hesitation.

Hermione asked doubtfully:

"Senior, but."

Cassandra said calmly:

"Nothing to worry about."

"If we can't win even with that axe, half of the planet's life will be consumed here."

In the lounge, all Gryffindor students gathered around Anton, eager to hear Anton's opinion.

Anton just glanced at the screen.

Just closed his eyes.

Ronald was impatient and asked quickly:

"Anton, do you think this ax is successful enough?"

Anton didn't answer, carefully sifting through the meeting in his mind.

He once vaguely remembered that at a certain time in the future.

There is only one way to win.

And this way, it takes Tony Stirk.


Anton opens


Walking towards the screen, Ronald and Harry immediately followed him.

I saw Anton pressing the button he didn't know how to do.

For a moment, the two of them felt like they were struck by lightning.


"This, how could this attack fail?"

A large number of students around them also cried.

The failure of this final blow means that half of the Muggles in the universe will be turned into powder.

Moreover, if even Thor's invincible blow fails.

So what can be done to defeat him?

For a time, everyone was immersed in a sense of powerlessness.

It was the same feeling as when I encountered Dormammu, powerless.

The hot-blooded Gryffindor boys fell silent.

Just stare at the screen, hoping for some miracle.

On the screen, Thor holding the storm ax struck hard.

At this moment, Thor's power reached its peak, and the storm ax was like chopping melons and vegetables.

It penetrated Thanos' thick armor.

off screen.

The whole school burst into cheers.

Ronald and Harry jumped up and clapped.

"."Anton, you are so bad! I thought I lost! It made us both feel uncomfortable for a long time. "

Anton said calmly.

"It's not time yet."

The two immediately looked at the screen.

On the screen, Thor struggled to send the Storm Ax into Thanos' body.

Making Thanos scream.

But the next second, the dying Thanos suddenly said to Thor:

"What a shame, you should be beheaded."

Thor was stunned.

Thanos snapped his fingers.

Everything seems to be suspended.

Thor's eyes were full of astonishment, and this vast power even stained his gloves black.

He, what did he do.

He asked Thanos in shock:

"You, what did you do?"

Thanos said indifferently:

"My dream is complete."

With that said, he turned and left.

Everything around started to change.

Bucky, the Winter Soldier, turned into ashes.

Groot, the tree man, turned into ashes.

Wanda also turned into ashes.

At the same time, on the deserted star where Strange had fought.

Everything starts to change.

Drax, turned to ashes.

Spider-Man, who represented Newt's previous life, turned into ashes.

Finally, the camera focused on Anton.

Anton looked at everything turned into ashes in front of him, showing a look of relief.

Likewise, turned into ashes.

The wizards were all shocked!

【Hermione: Anton! No! Anton!】

【Harry:????How could this be!】

[Ronald: This is impossible! This is impossible!]

[McGonagall: I, I didn’t expect that Thanos really won! 】

[Luna: Wait, Anton has died thousands of times, he can always be resurrected! 】

[Hermione: Luna, it won’t work this time. He handed over the Time Stone, and that thing is in Thanos’s hands. 】

[Luna: No! I don’t accept this fact! 】

(Winning the King) [Voldemort: Hahahaha, although I am also dead, I am very happy to watch it. 】

[Dumbledore: Even I didn't think of that. 】

[Newt: I looked so young in that life, what a pity. 】

[Sirius: I, if I had known, I should have beheaded! Why not buy it! 】

The system's indifferent voice continued to play.

[Congratulations to Anton for the correct answer]

[Reward the complete memory of the Supreme Mage]

Anton's mind suddenly became clear.

So memories awakened in his mind of all the Sorcerer Supreme's abilities.

He once traveled the world and sealed Dormammu.

Find magic in a crazy multiverse.

Endless magic belongs to him.

All the spells were remembered by Anton.

He drew a circle against the window.

A scarlet cloak flew from the circle, draped over Anton's shoulders like a friend he hadn't seen for a long time.

Anton's strength returned to its peak at this time.

For a moment, the wizards in the entire lounge were silent, not daring to say a word.

Harry and Ronald's jaws dropped to the ground.

The Anton in front of them looked nothing like the wizard they saw on the train.

Powerful and domineering.

There is magic in everything he does.

Even more powerful than Anton who fought against Thanos alone.

Harry said tremblingly:


"What's wrong with you?"

Anton said calmly:

"Nothing, about Doctor Strange."

"I remembered it all."

In an instant, the eyes of several hard masters flashed again.

"Wait, you mean, it's not over yet?"

At this moment, a picture suddenly appeared on the screen.

The scene begins with a divorce five years later.

In the center of the picture is the Avengers identity that the wizards have become familiar with.

And it was Stark who took the lead.

He said resolutely to several people in the alliance:

"Friends, we only have one chance."

"This time, let me reverse time."

"Get back everything you lost!"

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