Hogwarts: Past Life Exposed, I Am The Supreme Wizard

Chapter 66: Zombie Wanda Fights Ultron Fiercely And Encounters Black Widow!

Ultron's mechanical words had just finished speaking.

Captain Carter in the distance immediately asked a few people to leave.

She is familiar with Ultron's character. If this monster suddenly attacks, it will definitely destroy the world.

And Strange's endless magic has completely attracted his attention.

I saw time and space shattering in the distance, and a portal opened from it.

That is the teleportation gate that the observers have prepared long ago, so that the guardians of the multiverse can evacuate at any time.

Seeing that the guardians were about to leave, Ultron used the power of its gems to break through the dragon flames with one punch.

When Ultron broke through the dragon flame, a strange feeling suddenly appeared on him.

Something's wrong, something's wrong!

His power, that unparalleled power, was dissipating.

He looked down and saw that the soul gem on his body had been worn by someone at some point.

In the distance, Black Panther Star-Lord proudly held up the gem and made a show-off gesture to him.

His gems were stolen and he was provoked.

Such a huge failure made Ultron angry.

Its eyes were red, and its whole body seemed to be angry. It was obvious that he wanted to push his power to the extreme.

In an instant, the starry sky burst into blood.

Seeing such a scene, the little wizards in the chat group couldn't help but feel worried.

[ Harry: Oh my God! That guy is really going to get angry! 】

[Snape: What a powerful force. I have never seen any Muggle creation possess such power?!]

[Hermione: Anton, be careful! You must hold on! 】

[Voldemort: Come on, Ultron's power is almost as powerful as the Death Curse, and looking at his speed, these people can't escape. 】

As soon as Voldemort finished speaking, a sudden change occurred on the screen.

Party Sol exclaimed:

"Wizard, that guy is angry! Let's leave quickly!"

But Strange took his time.

"It's okay, it's not the most critical moment."

As he spoke, he drew circles with his hands, and magic power naturally poured out from his hands.

A portal opened wide in the sky, as if the door to Otherworld had been opened.

Countless zombies poured down from the sky, like rain.

Ultron, who had just been furious, was also hit by the zombie rain, and his whole body was pressed firmly under the hill.

Thor exclaimed:

"Oh my god, wizard! How much else have you hidden?"

He glanced back toward the pile of hills.

"Wait, are those zombies?"

"none of your business."

Strange said calmly.

On the other side, Captain Carter hurriedly urged several people to evacuate.

"Come on, Mr. Strange, that thing won't stop him for long.

Strange snapped his fingers.

"That's not necessarily true. The important thing is not the group of zombies."

"It's what's behind the zombies.

"That thing has pretty good power."

In the live broadcast room, several guardians of the multiverse were seen victorious.

The wizards calmed down.

It seems that although this Ultron looks powerful, it has to struggle against Anton's various magics.

Many wizards started cheering because they had seen this battle scene before.

But now that I can see clearly, I realize that there is something else fishy.

What was released from the door Anton opened was not an ordinary dummy, but a real zombie.

It's just that these zombies seem to be completely unconscious.

I don’t know what kind of terrifying universe those zombie worlds are.

[In the chat group]

[Ronald: Well done, Anton fights like this!]

[Ronald: But using zombies to crush people does look a bit scary. 】

[ Harry: Come on Ronald, that was the moment. 】

[ Harry: If I face that terrifying robot, even if I have an atomic bomb at hand, I will use it. 】

[McGonagall: Hey, you two!]

[ McGonagall: I told you that was Anton, Anton is a mature mage, you guys. Little wizards who have no self-control should still imitate with caution. 】

[ Snape: It's a pity that I didn't see the spell-casting process, but the magic was used very delicately, and it was much cleaner than our process of refining the Inferi. ]

[Sirius: It seems that there is no evil or evil in a spell, it mainly depends on the person who uses it. 】

[Flitwick: Only wizards who can use it. After all, compared with Anton, there are too many wizards doing evil things under this banner. 】

[Flitwick: Only wizards with sufficient self-control will not be mentally affected by evil spells. 】

[Flitwick: By the way, what were the things that Anton just said could stop that guy? 】

As soon as Flitwick's words fell among the corpses, Ultron, who was out of breath, started to move.

Everything is so ironic. Just now he used a mountain to hold down a few people in the team, and now he is pressed down by a mountain of corpses that is translated as ten times larger than that mountain.

The sound of metal continued to stir all over his body, and Ultron squirmed hard under the group of corpses, trying to activate the gems on his body.

The next second. A bright light erupted from the group of corpses, and all the zombies above were reduced to ashes.

Ultron stood up from the group of corpses and patted himself with something stained on it.

At this time, the evacuation of the escorts was already halfway through, and only Strange was left standing next to the gate.

Ultron looked directly at Strange angrily, the red light in his eyes flashing continuously.

"I have never seen a human like you."

"Your magic is quite powerful."

"So I'm going to enjoy killing you."

After Ultron finished speaking, flames shot out from under his feet, and he wanted to recommend it to Strange, but Strange still stood calmly by the door.

"No, no, no, your opponent now is not me, but her."

Strange clicked behind Ultron.

Ultron replied with a sneer.

"It's a little trick, do you think I will be distracted by you?"

"I am a million times smarter than a human being, and your ridiculous magic is completely useless."

As soon as Ultron finished speaking, the red light behind him suddenly burst out.

He saw a scarlet zombie standing in front of him normally.

The zombie's hair is long red and its eyes are completely blood red.

It was as if she had crawled out of hell, and what was even weirder was that there were a lot of magic traces wrapped around her body.

The zombie was hanging in mid-air, and the power of magic was revealed in every gesture of his body.

That is extremely evil magic.

It seemed as if it was about to swallow up the world in front of it.

Ultron raised his head and was stunned for a moment.

He has never seen such a complex existence.

He is a zombie but possesses evil magic, but has no mind at all.

"What on earth is this?"

In the chat group, wizards are also speculating on the origin of that thing.

[Harry: That’s weird, how come zombies can still use magic?]

[Harry: Could it be that some wizard was made into a zombie? 】

[Ronald: Rather than saying that the wizard was made into a zombie, it is better to say that the wizard himself became a zombie. 】

[Ronald: But the pure dark power in that woman is so terrifying. 】

[Grindelwald: Damn it, that woman is definitely a powerful magician, but the virus in her body is even more powerful. 】

[Grindelwald: What a pity that an excellent mage fell like this. 】

[Grindelwald: And I couldn't learn those powerful magics, and those magics were wasted. 】

[Dumbledore: Gellert, you'd better watch your words and think about the consequences of pursuing power. 】

[Grindelwald: Just kidding, my old friend, I no longer pursue that kind of power. 】

[Grindelwald: However, if you have time, can you let me meet Anton? It’s just academic research, academic research. 】




[Dumbledore: Impossible. 】

[Grindelwald: Well, you are really stingy. 】

As soon as the screen turned, Ultron on the screen had begun to experience something.

At this time, all members of the escort team have been transferred to another universe.

In the portal, Captain Carter asked Strange strangely.

"Doctor, what kind of universe is that?"

"So many monsters, so many zombies."

"And that woman, is she Wangda?"

Strange nodded.

"It was a wonderful world until the virus destroyed it."

Captain Carter felt chilled and crossed himself.

"Well, I wish the people in that world good luck."

"But thank you, Dr. Strange, for keeping us out for a long time.

Facing Captain Carter's praise, Strange looked indifferent.

"It's just a little thing."

On the other side, Ultron used his system to analyze the woman's attributes.

"Oh, you're the Scarlet Witch."

"But you have a lot of viruses in your body."

"It is an extremely rare quantum virus. It is a pity that in all worlds, that kind of virus cannot survive at all.

Ultron looked to the other side, Strange had already left.

"Okay, it's time to send you on your way."

"I still have business to do."

Before he finished speaking, Yuda threw two scarlet magic wheels.

The two magic wheels hit Ultron like a meat grinder.

Ultron had no idea how to dodge and was sandwiched between two magic wheels.

For the first time, his vibranium armor began to emit sparks.

At this time, Wanda raised her hands and smashed them downwards.

A huge scarlet fist appeared out of thin air and punched Ultron on the ground.

The heavy punch made a huge hole in the asteroid.

In the live broadcast room, the wizard cheered.

[ Harry: Great! This time, Anton doesn’t need to take action, the witch is enough to take care of Ultron! 】

[Flitwick: Even after turning into a zombie, she can still fully perform such complex magic. 】

[ Flitwick: It's amazing how she does it, it's like muscle memory. 】

[ Snape: Be careful, that guy still has gems of no use. 】

As soon as he finished speaking, Ultron used his hands to spread the two magic wheels.

At this moment, his eyes had completely turned blood red.

"Alright alright."

"I admit that maybe there is a little bit of power in your universe."

"But for me, it's just a drop in the bucket."

The zombie-like Scarlet Witch let out a roar and launched two red impacts with both hands. Each impact was as powerful as an asteroid impact.

This is pure chaos magic no less than a gem.

Two terrifying chaos magic bombarded Ultron's body, just like waves hitting the beach. Ultron just endured all the impacts without dodging or dodging.

The earth under Ultron's feet is constantly tearing apart, and even the earth cannot withstand such a powerful impact.

The earth continues to seep out cracks and spread out, obviously showing signs of disintegration.

Ultron was still standing there, as if waiting for something.

With the impact of Scarlet Witch, she gradually became weak.

Ultron burst into a sneer.

His data collection has been completed, and this woman has lost her role.

"."Is that all you have?"

After saying that, the five gems on his body activated again, and a huge light curtain covered the entire planet.

The originally fragile surface of the earth was instantly blasted into nothingness by this light curtain.

Wanda and the entire planet were bombarded into pieces.

Seeing this, the wizards in the live broadcast room all felt chills in their hearts.

The Queen, who they had high hopes for, was actually instantly killed by Ultron with one move.

This is something that no wizard could have expected.

And Ultron's power to destroy planets also scares many wizards.

Compared with Thanos, Ultron is obviously more terrifying, more cruel, and more interested in killing.

A complete monster that wants to kill all life.

[Ronald: In one stroke? Just in one stroke, you killed the person and the planet together?!]

[Ronald: Merlin! Even the God of Death himself cannot have such power!]

[ Snape: That witch overestimated her own power and underestimated her opponent. 】

[Flitwick: No, no one can defeat such an opponent so easily. 】

[Flitwick: Fortunately, Anton also predicted that the witch would not last long. 】

Everyone traveled through time and space to the edge of the universe.

At this time, Gamora and Leopard were already waiting here.

I saw several people with healthy hair and no injuries. There was both surprise and a hint of joy in Gamora's eyes.

"Wow, you all survived."

"This is the only miracle I've seen this month."

Thor scratched his head:

"Why do you think we won't survive?"

Gamora said without thinking.

"An observer once said that the probability of surviving an encounter with Ultron is one in ten million."

"So I'm ready for you to sacrifice at any time."

"I really didn't expect you to survive."

Captain Carter gave Strange a friendly pat on the shoulder.

"Thanks to the wizard, his protective spell and portal held Ultron back."

Gamora's eyes lit up.

He said to Anton with admiration.

"Sure enough, wizards, the observers said that you are the most powerful here, and that's right."

Sol patted his chest unconvinced.

"Hey, I made a contribution too, I brought him here!"

But as soon as he finished speaking, everyone gathered around Stellan (Zhao De) Qi.

Thor could only shake his head helplessly.

Gamora took out the infinite crusher that she had prepared from the beginning.

Asked the Star-Lord next to him:

"Did you get the gem? Space Robbers."

Star-Lord twirled the orange gem in his hand gracefully.

"This kind of stuff is just child's play to me."

"It's easier than taking away a child's lollipop."

Gamora takes the gem from Star-Lord [puts it in the sun and examines it.

"Well, the color is right, the smell is right, and the taste is right."

"Pretty good job, guys."

Just when Gamora was about to send the gem into the infinite crusher.

A locomotive approached them with a heavy roar.

In an instant, the car knocked Gamora down, and the gem was snatched away by the driver in mid-air.

Everyone was shocked by this sudden and outrageous turn of events.

Even Strange was a little unresponsive for a moment.

The next second everyone took out their weapons, and in an instant twelve firearms were aimed at the driver who was stealing things.

The driver did not hesitate to take out two guns in his hands and pointed them at several people in turn.

The atmosphere was tense for a while.

Captain Carter quickly intervened and waved his hands.

"Hey! Hey! Don't shoot, don't shoot."

"She's Natasha Romanoff."

Star-Lord asked doubtfully:


Romanoff nodded.

"Perhaps you will be more familiar with my code name, Black Widow."

For a moment, the wizards in the live broadcast room were a little confused.

It stands to reason that Black Widow is not the mute person of the Avengers.

Why did he suddenly stand on the opposite side of several people, and was still robbing these heroes of their gems?

On the screen, Black Widow was driving a motorcycle, but she did not put down the two guns in her hands.

Captain Carter quickly dissuaded him:

"Natasha, we are from another universe, and we are here to deal with Ultron."

Black Widow still held her gun.

"I am the last human being in this universe."

"It's too difficult for me to believe you."

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