Hogwarts: Past Life Exposed, I Am The Supreme Wizard

Chapter 69: Time Variation Management Bureau? The Wizarding World Was Shocked

The arrows pierced the night sky, making a fierce sound of wind.

At this time, all alliance members never thought of an arrow.

The green arrow pierced Ultron's eyes from an extremely weird and tricky angle.

Arrows with green light were violent in Ultron's eyes.

Party Sol asked in surprise:

"What's this?"

That guy can repair his body by himself, and ordinary arrows can't cause any damage to it at all.

Strange smiled lightly.

"To deal with machines, naturally we have to use viruses."

Natasha breathed a sigh of relief and made a gesture of approval towards Strange.

"Thanks to you, Doctor, otherwise that guy wouldn't have let down his guard so easily."

Ultron was screaming in the distance.

Although the wound from the arrow could be healed quickly, Ultron unusually did not use any gems.

In his mind, a strange voice was sighing.

"Ah, what a great body, much stronger than my previous human body."

In Ultron's mind, a green head appeared.

"You, who are you?"

The green figure just sneered.

"For you, I am the end of you."

After saying that, the green monster stretched out countless tentacles. Extending towards the depths of Ultron's mind.

At this moment, Ultron in the sky was flashing with lightning, which was a sign that the machine was overloaded.

This made all the wizards in the live broadcast room confused.

No one could have imagined that countless monsters that could not be defeated by powerful magic were actually solved by a small arrow.

Ultron's sudden resurrection and sudden defeat left the wizards scratching their heads.

Overall it's a good thing.

[Ronald: I don’t quite understand. Is that Saint? Why can’t Ultron defend himself? 】

[Dumbledore: Muggles have powers beyond magic. Never underestimate them. 】

[Flitwick: It's amazing that such a powerful creature can be defeated by an arrow. 】

"One-four-seven" [Voldemort: No! No! It's all fake! It's all fake! ]

[Hermione: I guess that there is probably a very powerful computer virus attached to that arrow. Nothing can resist that kind of power. 】

[Ronald: Well, I don’t know much about Muggles. What kind of computer virus is that? 】

[Hermione: Alas, Ronald, you are so ignorant. Go through your Muggle studies and just understand computer viruses as diseases. 】

[Hermione: It's just that this disease is limited to machines. 】

【Ronald: Cool!!!】

As Ultron's body continued to twitch, everything that once belonged to Ultron in his mind was being formatted.

In the end, Ultron fell from the sky, his eyes were dull, and he had lost the ability to control his body.

Thor slowly raised himself up with his war hammer.

He said to the people around him:

"Hey, do we need to celebrate?"

The escort members came out from all directions.

Suddenly, they saw a figure, that was Leopard, who put all the gems on Ultron on himself.

Black Panther Star-Lord asked strangely:

"Cousin, what on earth are you doing?"

Golden Leopard said to several people.

"Sorry, this is what the Observers owe us. With these gems, we can repair our world."

“Countless lives could be saved.”

He said to several people in an extremely inflammatory tone.

"T'Challa, Thor, don't you want to save your world?"

"Captain Carter, your world can be repaired too."

"Doctor, you know better than anyone else what these gems can do?"

"Comrades, this is our only chance."

Everyone was speechless for a moment, Jin Bao's proposal was indeed tempting.

In the live broadcast room, the wizards were thinking a lot.

Although they don't know what everyone except Doctor Strange does.

But they quite understand that these people should all have the same past.

Their worlds were destroyed for various reasons.

But is the world repaired by the power of infinite gems really a normal world?

[Ronald: Suddenly, the atmosphere became so strange. 】

[Ronald: Everyone, do you think the Leopard’s proposal is really useful? 】

[ Harry: I don’t quite believe him. The battle had just ended, and he couldn't wait to grab the spoils. 】

[Hermione: I agree with Harry, this man is a careerist. 】

[Voldemort: Humph, the others were timid, but he was the only one who dared to do it when he just wanted to! 】

[Voldemort: This is the true nature of a hero. 】

[Grindelwald: No, no, no, this is not the nature of a hero. 】

[Dumbledore: I once had similar thoughts. I wanted to make my family live a better life and create a better world for them. But as a result, I lost the person who loved me.

People who care about me. 】

[ Harry: Professor, I didn’t expect that. 】

[Dumbledore: Nothing good will ever come of relying on this kind of power. 】

[Grindelwald: You can’t say that, isn’t it better now? At least Ariana is back. 】

[Dumbledore: Thank you, Gellert, though. 】

[Grindelwald: If you really want to thank me, then quickly tell the Ministry of Magic that the food in Nurmengard is simply not for human consumption. 】

[Dumbledore: I've already sent the owl. 】

[Ronald: When the professor said this, I understood that that guy also looks like a conspirator. 】

[ Harry: Anton, you must not be deceived by this guy! 】

[Hermione: Don’t worry, even Ronald can see that there is no good outcome from this matter, and Anton can definitely tell that. 】

[Hermione: Trust him. 】

[ Snape: Miss Gran is right, even Ronald can understand this kind of thing. 】

Silence, long silence.

All the escorts were thinking that the Leopard's proposal was too tempting.

But is that tempting offer true?

The next second, Star-Lord suddenly spoke.

"Hand over the gems, Brother Wei."

As he spoke, he had already taken out the two guns in his hands.

The wizards cheered.

[Harry: This Star-Lord is much more normal!]

[ Snape: As I said, Mr. Weasley can see it, and Star-Lord must also be able to see it. 】

[Snape: One point for Gryffindor, because Mr. Weissley is clearly a bandit. 】

[Ronald: Thank you very much, Professor Snape, but it still feels a little weird. 】

[ Snape: Then deduct this point back. 】

【Ronald: Stop!!】

In the screen, the golden leopard has a majestic voice, and he only has the power of gems in his eyes.

"Sorry Star-Lord, I'm not your cousin."

After saying that, the golden leopard released a powerful ray, and the power of the infinite gems was driven again. The surrounding time and space seemed to be shattered, and waves of fluctuations were blasted by the power of the ray.

The guards resisted one after another. The spell previously released by Strange worked again, but the team members were still beaten back.

In the energy, Strange formed a shield with his hands, resisting the power of the Leopard.

When the Leopard is proud. Ultron, whose body was taken away from him on the ground, suddenly stood up and said to Golden Leopard:

"No, no, your armor is mine."

As he spoke, Ultron raised a hand, and six infinity stones flew towards him from the Leopard's body.

At the same time, the Golden Leopard also raised an arm, and the gem was pulled by the strength of the two in mid-air, glowing white.

This is a battle for gems, and neither of them gives in to each other.

The power of the gems continued to leak out in the air, and the powerful rays made the guards unable to open their eyes.

Seeing the scene of these two people fighting for the gems, the gang members had mixed feelings in their hearts.

There is no doubt that whichever of these two people gets these six gems will become the next Ultron or Thanos.

But the current escorts didn't have even a chance.

Faced with such a shocking change, the wizards expressed support to the guards on the screen.

[ Harry: Come on, Anton, don’t let those two careerists succeed. 】

[ Ronald: Please, Anton, don’t let them succeed. 】

[Ronald: I wish we could all be inside the screen now. 】

[Ronald: These two are such assholes. 】

[Voldemort: Hahahaha, this is human nature. 】

[Voldemort: pursuit of power, pursuit of immortality. 】

[ Voldemort: You always think that human nature is a very complicated thing, but in fact that is human nature. 】

[ Voldemort: It seems that no matter which one of these two wins, there will be a good show. 】

No wizard spoke, and all the wizards expressed silence regarding this farce.

Only Voldemort was quite proud.

He looked at the picture with interest, the two people fighting for it.

Suddenly, the scene switched to Strange.

In this powerful energy impact, Strange was protected by the Seraphim Shield and was not affected much.

Looking at the two dog-eating dogs in front of him, Strange's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Wait a minute, our goal is to let the gem leave the body."

After saying that, he flew forward and condensed dragon flames with his hands again, and a dragon's breath that was no less powerful than all the previous ones was sent towards the middle of the two of them.

For a moment, the wizards in the live broadcast room were stunned. None of them knew what Strange wanted.

[Voldemort: Him! It’s him again! What is he going to do? Is he going to steal the gem too? 】

[ Harry: What, what is this going to do? Is Anton going to destroy them both? 】

[Ronald: But, both of them have the ability to recover. 】

[Ronald: Professor Flitwick, can you see what Anton is going to do?]

[Flitwick: No, I don’t know. I don’t know what he is going to do now. 】

[Flitwick: Now, we can only give him our blessings. 】

The wizards were confused and watched Anton explode with power in the sky.

The red flames of the dragon's breath hit the two of them, and they were separated by a barrier created by the infinite gems.

But Strange still didn't stop, he increased his strength, and the force hit the barrier, causing slight cracks in the barrier.

At this time, the guards finally understood what Strange was going to do.

He wants to use his powerful magic to make the explosion bigger and attract the observers to repair the dimension.

In the sky, Strange increased the power of the dragon's breath over and over again until there was nothing left to add.

At this time, the observer suddenly took action, a golden light flashed across, and the world was filled with gold.

Golden light flashed, and the guards looked into the distance.

The sun rises in the sky.

It’s just that there is no more Strange..…………

Captain Carter wiped his tears and said to everyone.

"Dr. Strange, he sacrificed himself."

All the team members bowed their heads, they missed this powerful mage very much.

If Strange hadn't led the observers to break the rules, the fight between the two would have been enough to shatter the universe.

The team members moved towards Strange just now

Bowing where he stood, even the noisiest party thunder god fell silent again.

Captain Carter said in a solemn tone:

"To the greatest Doctor Strange, guardian of the multiverse."

In the live broadcast room, the corners of the wizard's eyes were sore.

【Flitwick: The real hero! The real Anton!】

[ Harry: I didn’t expect that he sacrificed himself in the end! Anton’s life was a great one! 】

[McGonagall: The wizard who dares to sacrifice himself has the supreme courage of Gryffindor! 】

[Dumbledore: How great, how brave, Anton. 】

[Ronald: It’s so touching. By the way, God of Stories will be aired next. I can’t wait. 】

[Snape: Lack of empathy, ten points deducted from Gryffindor. 】

【Ronald: No!!!】

The scene turned and returned to the barriers between diversity.

The observer stands behind Strange, who holds a barrier in his hand.

Within the barrier, Leopard and Ultron were still fighting fiercely, but this had no effect on the outside.

Strange suddenly spoke:

"Have you considered everything, including the failure of the infinite crusher and the betrayal of money?"

"And mine."

The observer added:

"Your sacrifice."


Strange turned around and sneered disdainfully.

"Having nostalgia for the world is called sacrifice, but my world has long since fallen apart."

The observer said calmly:

"Sacrifice is sacrifice, and it does not detract from his greatness."

Strange looked down at the barrier in his hand.

Observing, he continued:

"Someone has to watch them if the two people in this small space escape."

Strange said helplessly:

"Okay, I'll watch them. I have plenty of time anyway."

Observing and smiling, he said:

"Thank you, Doctor, the entire multiverse owes you a debt of gratitude.

"So I'm going to give you a small gift as compensation."

With that said, the observer opened a door, and outside the door was Strange's universe.

But that world was completely different from before.

The grass is green, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant.

On the lawn, the gardener was smiling and admiring the new buds.

When she saw the doctor, her eyes were filled with tears.

"Strange, are you back?"

Then, she galloped over and hugged Strange tightly into her arms.

"Great, great."

She said fifteen times in a row that were great.

The observer whispered:

"Stay with him well, hero."

Strange put away the small crystal ball and gave the observer a thumbs up.

"Thank you, I like this story."

At this moment, the observer said in Strange's ear again.

"I like it too, but all stories are arranged by the God of Stories."

The screen suddenly paused, and the wizards 3.7 burst into bursts of applause.

[Harry: Awesome! I like this ending!]

[Hermione: They two are so well matched, I mean, the two of us, no, the two of me in my previous life. 】

[Ronald: I also like it very much, but can I read the story of the God of Stories? 】

[Sirius: That is a god, Ronald, boy, you have to be careful. 】

[Sirius: Reading stories about gods will cost you a lot. 】

【 Ronald: It’s okay, I can’t wait any longer. 】

Ronald finished speaking. The screen appears again.

[The next thing to be exposed is that Anton’s second generation engineer

【God of Story】

[Protagonist: Anton (Loki from the Parallel Universe), Supporting Role: Luna Lovegood, Mysterious Guest]

Mysterious guest? Several people were curious after seeing this?

This kind of thing has never appeared in any previous exposures.

Before the curiosity of several people had passed, the scene had already begun.

It was an endless desert.

Loki gradually rose from the sand.

Several people wearing nomadic clothes approached him.

When he saw the mortals, Loki immediately had an idea. He stood on the high platform and introduced himself to them.

"I am Loki, the god of Asgard, and I come with a glorious mission."

Several nomads looked at the gods in front of them with interest.

Just when Loki was planning to make these people believers.

At this moment. Time and space suddenly opened a transparent barrier.

A soldier in modern military uniform walked out of the barrier.

Holding a transparent screen in hand.

"The fugitive Loki has affected the laws of time and space, and the time variant has been confirmed."

Loki looked at the strange soldier in front of him and was a little confused for a moment.

The soldier said it righteously.

"You have violated the sacred laws of the timeline."

"In the name of the Time Variation Administration, I will arrest you immediately."

The wizards were confused. .

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